HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-03-17, Page 1THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURS.; MARCH 17, 1964 S1NGLE CQPIES 10 Striking members of Local 3054, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, assemble at their trailer headquarters which .is located near the Goderich Manu- facturing Company Limited plant, The plant is under 24-hour surveillance by the union. 'Signal -Star Photo !oflan1hri11!t $eaker4kimed For Gala Sports Night For Clubs Meet The fourthannual GaSa. Sports Night promises to be the most lavish"'Spectacular -yet provided .by l the Knights of Columbus tificle the Blue - water Shrine Club here. Co-chairman Lou Cundari, for the Knights and Shriner John Wilson have got togeth- er to produce what they •de: scribe as a_ "bonanza., event," Set for Friday, March 25, the big night will start with a: parade- hiehee ii1:._:fea:tur-e. _ the world renowned Shriners _---Mo,.taorcYeie Co'ips plus clowns, a German ..brass.: band, the• - Ernie Ponders 100 Replies color party' and hockey stars of tomorrow. To give the 'event a more "personal theme," the com- bined clubs are sponsoring a costumed skating party at the arena starting at .,, ...p,_rl.__. Every member of the pub- lic is invited to skate and there will be prizes awarded for" -the ten best- costumes., m - "We want to get as many people as possible out on the r ._ ice" `to-en)oy�"the tun- o£�':"thzs - event," said an organizer. • "We feel this will take the families back -to the. time. - when skating parties and _tar- e nivals were a highlightti the Social calendar;" he added. The main attraction of the evening will be "a •hockey game between the Goderich Squirts and their opposite numbers in Clinton. United Church Observer= Calls For Rape -Case Action The United Church Observ- er has called in an editorial for either stern action against the author of a book review- ing the trial of Steven Trus- cott or a prompt ingttiry into the investigation and trial of the 14 -year-old boy convicted of murder in 1959. The book, The Trial of Stev- en Truscott, is reviewed in The Observer by Patricia Clarke; who also interviewed the author, Isabel LeBourdais. Copies of the book have been mailed to every member of the House of Commons by Mrs. LeBourdais and her law- yer E. B. JolIiffe, with a de- mand investigation of the • trial. "We like to think that our courts are always just, if not' -infallible," the editorial "said. "We expect that publication of This- book will start. .things 'happening," Tl}e • Truscott boy was eon- ijicted of the June 9,'1959, sek- slaying of Lynne Harper, 12, at Clinton, Ont. He was sen- tenced to be hanged, but the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Miss Clarke says Mrs. Le- Bourdais is convinced, after six years of investigation, that Steven Truse tt was innocent and his trial was "one of the .most shocking miscarriages of justice in our history." .The -author -is quoted as say- ing of her book: "I° suppose you could say it has been a labor of -conscience. Weare responsible, you know, when things like this happens. We're all responsible." A strong appeal was made in the Cbmmons Thursday night far a ' royal commission. inquiry into the Truscott in- vestigation and trial. James Byrne (L—Kootenay East), in making -the appeal; said he. is willing'`'to' star his - -ter`-`e the --Commons.- on 3the inno: cence of the boy. Mr. Byrne said the circum- stances of the 1959 trial which was conducted in Goderich were bizarre and a book pub- lished over the weekend in- dicates the,case -was-;an out- standing eample of miscar- riage of justice. Life Sentence Truscott, now 21, is serving a life sentence in Collins Bay Penitentiary for the murder of..12,-y.ear old, Lyiine . Harper,, a fellow student at the RCAF Station, Clinton school. Lynne 'Harper, who was de- scribed by friends and rela- tives as a "very bright" Grade 7 pupil, "very populae" with her.schoolma es and apparent- ly older than er 12 yearswas found dead in -a five -acre wood lot bordering the country road 'leading to the station's mar- ried men's- quarters. Her body,fhad been partially overed-nth- branches—Her panties, •shorts, shoes and Ernie Vanderburgh, the 68 - year -old Clinton widnwer who ran want ads for a wife two weeks ago, received his 100th :application Wednesday. ,At his Albert street' home, Mr. Vanderburgh said he had set April „1st as the deadline, to make his choice: "I've had women down, for interviews each .day but so far I have not been able to He has been deluged with letters and phone calls from lonely women all over West- ern On:ario since he advertis- ed. "It is all getting a little too much for Me," • said the. former salesman. "I have set April 1st as the deadline and Fin going to stand by' it. "I. only hope it won't be an April Fool's decision I make," he added. Supporting these youngst- ers in providing top -class en- • tertainment will •be the mem- bers of the Goderich Figure Skating Club, who will give a display, and the Mocha Tem- ple Clown Unit. All,proceeds from the event will go directly to the Shrin- er's Hospital for crippled children in . All trealinent at these hos- pitals is free as the.financial backing is' raised by charity events across Canada,. similar to the Gala Sports Night. The hospitals look after any crippled children, - rtgardless of color, race or creed. An .all-out ‘effort is being made this year to reach the target oL$1,40b. A totatj of 16,500 children have been cured or materially aided lir the two Shriners' hospitals located in Winni- peg and Montreal. JOseph Connell, Secretary- General of the Kitchener - in invitation td speak at the annual inter - sci-vice club meeting tO be held at the Goderich Lions Club will act as hosts this year at the din- ner meeting which is e xpe dt ed to di -few a crowd in excess of 200. national President of the In- ternational - Y's Men's Clubs which exist in 48 countries. , An executive. member of the Kitchener Chamber of Commerce for the past 14 years, he is a„ past prsident the Ontario Teachers' _Feder - In .1937 ho was .honored by the. late King George VI for' work vvitn youth. and the 1. Connell enloys a wide repUtation as an afterAinner speaker. He has been the key- note speaker at .national and international conventions in 46 states in the United States ada. Good weather, conditions hive aided work- men invorved with :the construction of the. new -wing at the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, A spokesman iaid work was up to schedule for the project. Signal -Star Photo IHIorne And School Seen As ,Pace Maker Goderich Home and School 'Association maY have set" a trend for similar'associations across the province. , , , A recent program which. in- volved the prOdUction" of the controversial playl: "The Green " to the attention of' Ontario Ottawa .this week asking per - Mission from local president, Mrs. H; CaiToll, to suggest the tirogram at the. forthcoming provincial convention. , She wrote: t`I was interested to read in the Goderich nal-Sipr an item relating to ,, an interesting program pre- sented by your .association re- - • "Our Proaam Development Cdmmittee, with your approv- al atid. assistance, 'would like to suggest this program td other .Ontario associationS.- • "It is our view that plays .of this type on oftt4r-tom- inunicate a -message more for- cibly than a lecture and that such plays could be presented with the assistance a little Theatre workshop players as well as. "on an. amateur basis -with Little TAea_tre direction depending_ on, facilities avail- able. CommitteCwould be interest- - ed„ia,your...frank assessment of the piay itself in iLs value asS9eiatiiinin.relation to the work involved and anY advice or caution you might •pffer to other associations con- . templating such a Venture," wrote Mrs. Priddle. GoderiCh * Little- Theatre member, Mrs. Maurice Jen- ' kins, direeted "The Green Blackboard" when it \,yas pro- duced for the association. The play, which dealt with pressures of school‘ work on children, 1•eceived an enthus- iastic reception from members' of the association. •• Association program , chair- man, Mrs. .Bichard„, Cornish, and Mrs. Jack Wright were responsible for arranging the play's production. Local Students rn Honors Goderich studenes won top honors in, the recent Weslern Ontario-CcnserVattory of Music examinations which were held in co-operation with The Uni- versity of,Western Ontario. They were: Patricia burst, David Faulkner, Grade HI harinony, and James Frayne, Grade , II. David Faulkner also received first class hory ors, for Grade histqry. Receiving honor grades were:, Marvin Mills, Betsy Jerry, piarioforte; Sharon Courtney, Janet Westbrook. Betty Thirst, Jean McDonald, Grade II .theory. Abolition Of Commission Asked By Local Businessman Goderich businessman Ray Robinson has proposed the abolition of tpe town's indua- trial coniliPion and suggest- ed local merchants take the lead in this field. Mr. Robinson made these suggestions at a meeting of the Goderich Businessmen's 'Association lield Wednesday. afternoon He urged association Mem- bers to form an organization . to be known ,es the Goderich Developinent Association to. eee, "shape the tOWn's future in four ways:" • To plan and develop tourist resources. • Industrial development. • Services and Retail. • Peblic relations and ad - "I feel that anything short selfish efforts would reflect the apathy and immobilitY of businessmen ,to give progres- sive leadership," he told the "We, as businessmen, can play a more effective role in community planning and de- velopment as air Very Way of life is dependent on it," he added. On forming the association, businessmen should request town council to abolish the present Tndustrial Commis- sion. "Since our Industrial Corn - mission, council and PUC are so interrelated, so preoceupied. in administrating town affairs, it is only, a fair appraisal, .from past -experienc and ob- servation, to say we cannot .expect any more. from them," said Mr. Robinson. Hospital Board Set For Drive The executive corrimittee of the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Building Fund have been preparing the necessary material to get ready for the launching of the campaign to raise the addition to ,the hospital. "It is hoped that this ma- terial will be ready by the end of the month," commented shOrtly before press time. The Committee plans to hold, meetings with. local organiz- Any organization that wish- es to have the compaign ex- plained to their group please get in touch with Mr.'George Parsons, chairman of the fund raising coMmittee (telephone 524-7367) or Mr. Elliott at fund headquarters, telephone 5247641. lie suggested that council should make a 4yearly 'grant fo the neW association equal to one mill for , a five-year period, aria to lea,Se the town's information :booth for $1' a year for the same period. Mr. Robinson said that membership .Of the new associ- ation would be $.50 per year "or the amount needed to ecival the town grant." The association, he added, would then hire a full-time business manager and' secre- tary with offices in the inform- ation boeh, whose" resPons- ibility wotild be to co -Ordinate and implement the work. , "Up to now the business- men's associatien has not tak- en any interest in the town's progress," said Mr. Robinson. All , they have done up to now is meet once a year fo Christmas athertising," he ad- ded Mr. Robinson accused the present Industrial Commission of being "totally inneffective because It is too interwoven with town council affairs. "A recent commission" meet- ing had to be cancelled hc,- cause only two members show- - "If we Had the possibility of a new industry itt the off- ing, as I believe we had, then Ie'would expeet the commis- sion members to be fighting to get into the meetings," he Siffos Lose - Opener Goderich Sittos fought back from a two goal deficit three times to tie it up hut they finally went down to de- feat 9-6 in their opening game played in Kitchener Tuesday Rick Duckworth was sensa- tional in the nets..aseh.e-faced 48 shots. The goals that were' scored eame after be had made two, three and in on* case four consecutive saves. • " Offensively' Goderieh scor- ed enough goals to win a normal hockey game. They threw 43 'shots at the Kit- chener netminder and in many cases were? just out - Defensively Goderich show - Subtle Intimidation Alleged By Union. Officials of the strikebound Goderich Manufacturing Com- pany have been accused of negotiating through the press rather than at the bargaining table. Tom Harkness of London, organizer of the United Bro, therhood of Carpenters and Joiner§ ol America made the accuSation Wednesday as the strike entered. its seconthweek, "The union is concerned" abaut the attitude shown by the company in ettempting to negotiate a cOntract through the medium of the press ra- ther than at the bargaining table where they rightfully belong,' said Mr. Harkness. "Eaelf time. they have some- thing to say "they ignore us and go to tbe-newspapers,",, ed _up weak. Five crr six times he added.. - , three on one break. In their k -action. whiela en - the Greenshares enjoyed a ewn end they did not show volves 95 employe-eentembers enywhere . near their usual of thp union was called after Puck clearing capabilities. At seven months of union -men - agement «negotiatione ended allowed to roam almost it , in deadlocke ' .will in th6 Siftos end. Only three -members of Lo - Perhaps it was the ' first- cal 3054 voted against strike game jitters that showed in aetion 'at the plant when a this opener. Goderict • played . secret ballot was held. nothing like the team th.e . Mr. Harkness also alleged local fa.ns are used to Watch- ' Wednesday that the :Manage- . At home the _ Siftos will , merit was ,:us'ing '':a." sgbtle form- of intimidation against, undoubtedly s.ettle down in union members. , their familiar surroundings. He said: "In this. last corre If Duckworth is as great_ine pany statement, they point '-the' rest. of the Seri6S, the ,, Out that they have Provided 20 years arid many IrL the • 0Penbeige Periedexii, ,,f--„stsniffrrsjr:,,..-=' ` ee-n---113-1-7.-Lese. ti e.(21,, ii lip ... iiisi_.,ha,d:wee:staabrelislaifedthlconvgiepw7ito4da,st el.ener scpred at 11 seconds en., seaaads _ .this is- -galling -more •than- in, - one minute.. and_ t i.ng. criticized company. secretary Kitchener' went twct ' np Earl Elliott for announeipg a early in the see,ond and th.en .,, 'the -"score again. Kitchener- " came back quickly -with three more while Ged rich tallied orice Co leave them twO down at f3-4 at the end of the snond period. , In the third Goderich had again tied it ,up before the period was five minutes- old. but this was all they'had left and the 'Shirts added thr:‘e- more .before the game ended. 'Final score" 'Shirts 9, Gode, rich 6. Smola led Kitchener as he, played a strong game and popped four goals.. Goderich counters eame frian Rice with three, Williamson, Wilkinson and Parsons with one each. .513n." • • Red Crost SiAk $2,300 Target Cr. Jim, Peters, Red Cross rith, has set the kcal target at ft2,390. The week-long campaign will ..be launChed on March 21st but ilnal figures will not be yeleased for at least twe cess7u1 drive this year," said ""We have recPiv- alree.ciy, which is a good proposed 10 cents increase at the plant. "In reference to this ten, centi offet, we .can only say that this was never mentioned at the bargainang table. "The first time we heard of this is when it was brought to our atention the news- paper," he added. Receiving Support Local 3054 picketers at the plant have -received-a-sigra-riFe* from members of the Inter- national Pernical Workers. Union who, are employed at the Sifto Salt Mine. "They have stood picket duty for our men," said Mr - 'Harkness, "and we Understand we are to receive similar sup- port from members of the International Association Of Road Machinery Cerenpany.,!' The striking union has made , _ arrangements to- liold a smor- 'month. "We feel this will give t• hem some encouragement,' said Mr. Harkness. Picket line,- at the three' entrances eo the plant have not been crossed with the ex- ception of four engineers who were given passes by the un- ion as .they supply heat to the adjoining Alexandra Mar- ine sand G-eneral_Hospital.. The union is asking for: reduced to 44 hoUrs with * • A-15 centS an. hour in- . ,etease • Union security proviiion. . in agreement. lege to pay the Tull cost of the '‘eiverall life insurance pro - ,gram and hospitaliption, "This Will aniount to a 40 the next two years," said Mr. Harkness. , •The top hourly rate for un- me,rbcrs is now 31.48. Siftos` .Gaine To Be Televised I he thiA ean-it of the Jun - "13" pla!-ofT seriesL be- tween G9de7ieh Siftos -and Kitchener GreenShirts will be Nision Clu.wwl 13 Starting at - Captain Roy Wornbold of the Salvation Army and Rev. J. Donald MecDonald of North Street United Church' hand 'but Bibles front the Gideon Society to grade nye students at Vicferia Street SchoOL This was the first lime the Goderich Mini- sterial Association had been represented at the annual presentation. Signal -Star PhOtO