HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-1-7, Page 11 1 Subserthe for • Pb EXETER ANOMIE, only $1.froin now till.Tanuary ist 1833. Give it a trial,. VOL. IV. The Nidolsons ank. (Ohar bored. by Parliament, 188.5.) Paid up Capital... .... $2,000,000. Rest Fund... . 1,000,00'0', Head. office Al:entreat ' F. WOLFERSTAN TROM.A.S, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER, • • Money ad varand. to good Farmer's on their owu notes with one or more endorsers at, 7 or cent per annum. Exeter Branch. • Open every laWfal dal- from 3E0 a, m,to 3 p. m., Saturdays $.0 a.m. to 1 p. m A generalbanking business transacted. Four per eere6. par annum allowed for mon- ey on. Deposit Rooeidts. Sayings Dank at' per een t. • N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager. THE (gX.eictIC: AbrotaIe, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the OMee, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. ne the SA.NDERS' PU BLISH I ffr C OMPAN . TERMS OP SUBSCRI TIC/. One Dollar per annual if old Ativauce. $11...50 if not so paid. '‘ 1 • No psiper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.. Advertisements v,rithoub specific •direetione.-will be published till forbid. and charged acoordingly. Liberal disoountmade far trausoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description ot JOB • PRIATTeene turnedout in the lin est style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,poney ord- er, iise. for advertising, subsoriptions, etc. to be made:payable to Sanders & Sweet PROTRIETORS . Church Directory. TRIVITT , MEMORIAL Onnucn.--Rev. S. F Itobinsou, Beater. Sunday Services, 11 and. 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MsniOnisr Crutinon--Sames-st , RSV.A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, tu.3o XII. and -6.30 P. LIL a, b b a th. School, 2.30 p. m. Kant STREET -Rev. W. Hobo na,gli Pas- tor. SOn.ir..y Services, 11.00 a.m.. amt. 0:80 p.m. Sabbath SO.001. 2.30 p. m. ERESTE1X Cntnicit.-Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 1.1 a. m. aud 8.30 m. Sabbath Se ito ol, 9.46 a.m. ProfeSsianual Cards. H. KINSMA.N , L. D S, Fans On 8 Block two doors north of (hurling Stole, SLAIN ST US EX5TEII, extracts teeth without pain.. Away at klensall on 181. Friday; Ansa Oraig on. and and 4.th Tuesday; Zuriob on last"Thursday of each month. IL INGRAM, DEXTIST, Mentber Royal . College Dental Surgeons, 8tioces.or to It. L. Billings. Unice over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter., Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for he tpainless extraction ot teeth. .bine Gold Millings as required. VD. W. FARN0021.13, l'rovincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, yver Post ()thee, Main street, Exeter, One. .11111 111111 •11 Medical. T B WHITELY, M. D., 0. M.. PHYSICIAN fUl • and Surgeon. Moe and residence- Oorner Victoria and. Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. TNR.,T. A, ROLLINS. OFFICE-ALAIN ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and North. Streets, Exeter, Ontario. Dn. T. P. McLALIGFILIN, MEMBER OP the College of Physioians and SUrgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aceouch- our. Office, Dashwood, Unt. DVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterktiary College, Toronto, (Succesaor to Wm. Sweet, V. ) Over 18 years practice. Office -and. reaktence one block east 0/Ri0hard Pickarda store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, °AN, DT. A., AMOS. AL. Dt, C. Id, Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons,ge . Ontario; licentiate of the Royal Colleot Phyeiaians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the 2880187 of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Vellow of Trinity Alpdical Uollege, Toroirto. Office -Dr. '"owen s old stand. • Illt. J. H. McLELLAN, EYE& EAR SAIROEM Graduate NewYork Eye and Ear Hospital yes tested and glasses supplied. Office oor. • Maple and Talbot streets. DON, ONTARIO. !vam 11. OOLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- ' OR, Conveyaneer, Notary Public. ()thee- Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario., • money to Loan. IL DICKSON, BA.RRISTER, sOLICIToR .1.11, of Supremo Oourt, NotariPftblic, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, gm. Oxley to loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. VILLIOT az ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, arc. Money to loan tt per cent. B. V. Ilt.Liox. J. ELLIOT 41Luetionce3S. -Er BROWN,. Winchelima. Licensed Aunt- ioneer for the Counties of Perth. and Middlesex, also for the township Of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and terms reason *131 e. gaies arranged at Post office, Wineheisa A es Boteaies, late of Manitoba, "Aeons - ed Anctioneer, for the eounties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence; 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended. to at reasonable prices. ler HOLT, lthiva, Ontario. Licensed suet - V V • ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and. Larnbt on tend th e townships of Steph.en and Hay All sales promptly attended to, "Ll BOSSEATBERRY,Hinsall Ontario. Lie - .1l4" aimed AnctiOneer for the Cciunt,ys of • Huron and Perth. Charges moderato and satisfaction guaranteed. L}LARDY, ticonaed Auctionber for the . County of Riven. Sales CIO raleaud 011 reasonable terms. Farm and Va.= Stook a s peelalty. Full arrangements can be made at thia oilloe. EARMS FOR SA.LE', Weet half Of lot' 10,, Concession 8 111 the towaship of thiborrie.fri the cotint;y orHuron containing therein re ;scree more Or leas.; There is about Macros cleared and the bal- ance bush, being 111150 with black ash •sind , /seder, A. good wimbmill With D., good veil water and well suited for steel( raising. ,For further partiettlars apply to (4e0, H no t- pl.,. Margate wit or to job n Hunt, ,Jr. Exeter P, t EI , OUSEATO RENT, - A fine Brio tt o age au( • one lot of land, Situated cin Carling sereetcontaining there- in 8 coma) odious rooms in first-class order. Mere is a good well df water, (Astern, and a frame barn on the premises. Terms reason- able. Pox, farther partienlars apply to Geo liodgins or to this oflice.-239-2 m • nimmrommelM1.11.1mammumm......Mmomamanalit 111.7, ,,,,,,,,mm11.,111.11111. 111..11;117111,114,11.1. eeter tetee 0 ANOCtATE t' 4;ile 11111,1, ' 131114, 1.481 V.0-; 1.1<•,. 0 1:10(4' •10),1611:1.g. EXETEll 776-71-TArtio. rrimRspAy J.A.NUARY 7, 1892. f al1,1"aa?111.r rr0 PARALE,R$ Having all the neeessary machinery for cutting straw, orusldl'8 grain an threshing el over, Thugrespectfully to inform the farm- ers of this Vicinity that 1 arn prepared to do work in these branelies with satisfaetion and at reasonable rates. Far further par- tioulars wanly to WALT HIM.. Lot 8, Con, 2, Stephen TIE • 1110, NWIVELL (Stratford P. 0 ) has been appointed Local I nspecitor fer the Can - tom Company in the place of Mr. l'no Sook- man resigned. Parties having Canada, Company 'business to transact will find MR. NEWELL at HAW:HIST:TAWS HOTEL, • EXETER,. The first Thursday of each month, cods- mencing February 4th, 1891. - MY DAUGHTER'S LIFE Was saved by Hood's Sarseparillmseys Mr. B.S Jones of Alna, Mettle. had •seven running soreelii different, places:on her body, but on giving •tier Hood's Sarsaparilla there WAS marked iMprOVeincnt and now she is well, strong and healthy." Hood's Pills cure Constipation by re- storieg the peristeltie action' of the alimeutary canal. They are the best; family cathartie. . Whalen. The last fall of snow has made things lively- around here. -Albert Wilson was visiting -around here for a few days last week. -L. Pidd has take11 the contract for the erection of two bank barns next summer in this neighcor- hood. Staffa. La Grippe seemsto have struck Staffa and viciuity like' a whirlwind Scarcely a house with a victim and in some homes three or four. More favor- ably weather ishoped for. • A very interesting game of football was pla.yed hetleeee the Staera Stars aud a club from Tuckeesmith on New Years flay,at this place resulting in a victory for the Tackersmith boys by two goal's to one. Both clubs played well and seemed throughout to be even ly matched. The Stet% boys are an- xious to have another trial of skill at some future date. - es - • . Around About 1U.s. A very disastrous fire occurred here about 8 o'clock Saturday morning last week by whicn the contents of the stores occupied by John Beattie, dry goods and millinery, and that of Jack. son Bros, merchant tailors and gents' furnishings of Seaforth, were destroyed The amount of loss is not knOwn, but the building is fully covered by insur ance, • ',Fire broke out op Saturday night in iiaisgon and blacksmith shop situat- ed on. the west side of Mill street Lis towelewhich was totally destroyed, with moseofethe -contents; also a large dwell ing adjoining. Insurance on stock, $400 in Northern, and $250 in Perth Mutual. Calese of fire unknown. Fire Sunday morning did $1,000 dam age to Ross' baker.y carper of Horton and Thame,s streets,,London, the front and rear' portions of the, building being badly burned. The. family who lived on the premises had a narrow eseape with their lives. Stephen, The wife and family of Mr. William Walker, 2nd concession Stephen, have been stricken with scarlet levee for some time, but are DOW'steadily impro ving in health. -A number •of -young people gathered at the eesidents.of Mr. Sidney Davis on Tuesday afternoon to assist in cutting a quantity of wood, The weather was all that could be de- sired and the woods loudly eehoed the crack of the a s and the ring of the saw. Having labored earnestly dur- ing the titne alotted to work they were sueeeesful in cutting a large pile of wood and afterwards repaired to , the house to refresh their tired feelings with such delicaeies as had been pro, vided. The appetite of the inner man. having been .eatisfied ' emtesem.ents of another source were then sought after by the company aesembled. Continuing to enjoy themselves for several home lil thiesmanner and all being well Sa,t- isfied with the hospitable courtesy: in which they were welcomed and enter mined, seperated ler ' their several homes, feeling thee a heleday of labor and an evening of pleasure had, been well spout in benefiting' both parties concerned. -A be took place on the ,farm of Mr, William Rowteliffe on Tuesday whet) all parties busied them selves in tryieg to eut a quantity ' of wood. Succeeding' in their entlekyora, a quantity was cut which telleeted, greet credit on those • assembled and especittlie in the, short spaoo of timt. they seetipied, A • tea having been provided at the 1101.180 Wag healtily pertaken of after a day Of toil, The • evening eoneluded with merrhnetie in since siese, 1 Mr. Jedin Haus R rayed on ltdepday cliffereut forms and on seperating from the genial occupants of the home bade them adieu wed a happy New Year. Usborns. ELEcerrox.--The election here was confined to three wards -the Reeve, T. MeKae, Esq, an. : Kydd, Esq., Councind Wm oie for the North West' Ward, having been elected by atelamatiors In the South West Ward Mr. Jae. Halls the oldest member of the .couneil, was opposed by Mr, Richard • Hinter, but was returned by a vote of 97 to 56. In the South East VVard Mr. Jonathan Shier, the next olden member of the council, was opposed by Mr. W. Del bridge, but was elected, by a vote of 81 to GS. Iu the Ninth East Ward Mr. Cameron was oppoeed by Mr. James Ballantyne but the vote stood 79 to K- O lime all the old commit will warm their eld seats for another year. The treat lesson4aught by the election ie-e- Dou't count the votes till the close, of the poll, or in. other Words, Count net on your chickens befure they are hatched. We congratulate the three old heys on theie. election and on the expression of confideace registered in their favor ou Monday last. Usboree Council for a number of years has been a model of econorny and it was but right that they should, after men aging the financial affairs with such marked enceess, be sent back for ano- ther term. In this the electors have shown their gratitude for fatihful ear. vices performed. We have not a word of discouragement for the new aspir ants for the positions, far from it, they were all three worthy Men and *ill no doubt take another turn at the wheel later, hut the people generally reward faithful servants, and this they have done by returning the old council. 'We only wish we could offer our congratu lations to Exeter. Centralia. OBITUARY. --It beconies Our sad and painful duty to chronicle the sudden (teeth Of one of our oldest residents, Mr. W. T. Moffatt, who died yestAday (Wednesday)at the ad Yaliced age of 72 years and 9 months. Deceaseel .en - jived good health appareigle- n ,till Monday, when. he made his first com- plaint, which was pronounced by a physielan to be la grippe. His remains will interred in the St. Marys ceme. tery on Friday, Sth' inet. • ' • Mrs. debn Paisley, of Merton, is vis iting friends in this vioinity.-Mr. Wm Huxtable, of Mich., is at present visit icing his brother here. -Mr. Jas; Mc - Peak, of Bay City, Mich., forinerly of this place,•was visiting friends here. last week. -On New Year's day quite a shooting maten took place here be- tween two chosen sides. Owing to the strong wind, those . shooting for the first time, was not es good as if the day had tuened out calm, the highest score being four out of the possible 5 glass balls, which was made by D. Windsor, Thos. Boyle and Mike 'Boyle. WEnExezet PDI.I.8.-0U Wednesday December 30th Mr. W. C. Huston, of Centralia was married to Miss L. , B. Miller, of McGillivray: The cereMony was Performed by the Rev. E. Hunter', of Paikhill, at the residonce of the bride's father, James Miller, Esq. Mr. G Huston, of Grand Forks, Dakota, acted as best -Man and Mies Clara Mill- er, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid. After the ceremohy was performed a very enjoyable time was spent. 'The wedding. presents Were numerous, costly and 'beautiful. The eetv life partners, accompanied by a few friends, drove to Luenal and took the train for TOrtmto where they will spend their honeymoon. We extend our Well wishes to, the happy couple and hope their journey through life may be crowned with peace and, happiness. • Crediton... The snow that fell on Sunday and Monday last made things lively in our town. Mr. Chris Beaver and Wrp , Wintzel attended the ftmeral of David Grant, Seaforth, on Tuesday. 110 Mr. Hobbs our popular teacher fee the last two years has left Crediton and. will be missed by his many friends and has gone to reside in Paelthill.-Mr Kerr is improving under the treatment of Dr. stabeler and we hope to see him around doou again -Mr. Jos Edwards and son have returned home after a long visit with friends • in the North looking hale and hearty. -Mr. G. Huston from Grand Forks Disk. gave Mrs. R. Eseery his sister, a flying visit last week. -I -Chris Zwicker is home on a visa also. • Mr. Alcmze Hodgins who left here_ a week ago writes from Bay City report bW- inw times very quiet mid dull. hile looking for work throngh the eity he met Mr. Thomas Cave and -son, brother of Mrs. Adair of this villa"), They tree ted i with. groat kindness', He is much pleased with the city, likes it better then any place he hes yet seen. Aiso reports dull times in Flint, at which phew he arrived on New Year's day; rained all day. . . Mrs. rrhotrIaa Tiodgius, from. West Ilranda, gab., is visiting feiends ill the yillage, reports tunes and erpps ,seOod this' 80/180i1, MrS, 1,10dginS hag • been away for tenyears; thinks them are a ty IVr.0111 eetttry. 'rho folloWing tette. night MdititOba. • 011 Te etlay afternoon one of thote happy eyeuts which brightens a home took phitie at the residenete of Mr Fred Waltz, it being the marriage of his eldest da“ghter, Catherine, to Mr. john Heist. ate ceremony .was performed by the Ito 6. Mr. Braural, to the pine ence of Miro ber of the bride's and groem'e most ietithate friends and Johu Mee leek aoted as b i. ma4 and Carrie ete, sieter the bride, ;ts bridesro :ie.. The bride -same the 1e3Cep- eett of a e Tether of etlsely 'aled...ensefel presents. We extend our, best t'ttiSlies to the nae'ely weddee couple,' ' The co',..teete4adarethe ,aueplees of the Fore,S, „ere held 0 t 'Fridley night last rees iitrgoly attended and Was a, succesgs,?ke every pertieukte. Mr. Wesley Kerr, whohai nis hand so badlv 1 14 seine thee ego, is gettinS along ite:ely, • ; A great number in our town are complaheeg- of Le Grippe. Z Abrahani .Ruby, operator, of Elkto Mich., f.?teee.rly of 1.1111, vicin ity, and wl has beeeeibeeut eels agate in our mid e duriug Garisfinas and New Year while here hereports of' ha.ving a ver enjoyable time among his man frieeds.-eir. Ernest Keshtimier, of DI kotasiS at present, viiiiling friends an .relatiVee ite this locality, ile has be,e absent ;or about seven years and du lug- that eeeeeed of time he has bee very euecessful at ferMing. He wi returu .ze; the, spring - Mr. Allan Han acher retell:yeti home from Berlin las Thursday. Ho is accompanied with hi family.-Abrithean Derstien after al abseueeol six years in the ' Iambi; woods in...Washington Territory an Dakota ;`et L.Crife'd. 1101.118 kat week . -Mt Samuel Bos LS, of London was the gees of D. Steinbach New -i7eill'S Day.---Mis Edith SteeSibach. after spendiug. th Xmas holSays at home, returned t Toroutolwbere she will continue he studiesladhe Toronto Conservatory o Musle,Jeliti Kibler has returned t Hamiltde. to eesume his studies in the Hamilton busies college. Success to you Johisa--M a Ed. Apple has moved into the 'honse opposite Mrs. Geo. Hess and Mr. \I'm. eh:Nevin moves into the house re,‘Cm'''st-lvacated by Mr Apple. - the parent:a u'oe.2eMaster ffora.cif Har - At.„ Mr Aeleoes ,e, of Michigan is . under d v loft for Goderich Saturday where be will tau-m(1.04o High School.- We wish Horace every success in his education- al wellare.--Mies Elizabeth Zimmerman has returned home from Sehringeville where she. has been work -hie. for the past year -Mr. Will Kalpbtleiseh, of Ottawa returned homeliest Saiurday.-- Miss Maggie Rupp is visiting at home. Mr. Noa,h Gieg,er after ,spending sever- al several weeks visiting in this viein- ity returned to Mich last Itednesdays- Mrs. Alex Bossenbe.rry has moved iuto the house eecetitly vacated by Ano Diet -Mr. Wm Snell retetrned home from Stratford last Saturday where. he has been attending the business col- lege. -Mr, Wm. Hess has been 'employ- ee in Mr. J. 0 Stoneneau's jewellery shop. in Heusall. Billy will be missed in town. -Last Saturday and Sunday we lied quite a fall of snow and the merry jingle of sleigh. bells can be heard quite frequently. Snow is ,'hat every one is looking for and the sleigh ing put the i.411age in stilling appear. ance.-New Years Day pest off very quietly, a great many of our villd'igers visited the neighboring towns: Servi • ees wee461d in she Evangelical and Luthereakhurchte the m, ht before New Yea.i.Last Monday being elect, on day eVery on0. was on the'alert and he village, was, soots crowded with rate payers. At 9 Alock a. m. the poll was paned and the,clerk Mr. S. J. Latta ook the ehaii. The election seemed to be one oiseseeat interest, the poll elosed t 5 o'clock p in and the in evening the Town Hall was 'crowded with people awaitingethe result of the election. Af- ter the 'result was heard the crowd was called to order and Mr. Wm. Cold: yell was chosen as chairman after vhich the nominated candidate addees- ed the rneetinq. Following. is the m- ule of the electiont--Reeve, F. Hess, 54; Geo Eweee,A39. 1St Deputy, J, elalbfleiSch,IY!'41einatiou, '2nd Dep ty, Jno.,Snell, 365; 'M. Geiger 310. ouncilloks, • R. Megurdie, 295;. W. 11 8 8 Smith, 231; 11...Turnbull, 325;Juo.Voel- ker, 295. John Voelker receireci the casting- yote. flensall. 1, , Mr, Thos. Gilgan who has been in Gilby, Dakota, the past eight months returned here on Saturday, andit ap- pears to bogreatly • pletteed. -with the country --Mr. Chesiley \. 3.. has pur- Chaied`the practieeeof 'Dit 4Fiezgerald tll and become il, residebt‘ofee, ,e' villegee, He comes well reenintheil ecl.-Wrn. Hoggarth, of CrOniarti, Ow has spent the summer in Manitobe has returned -Mr. Jas. Jarrett, of Hine Green, has purchase,c1 a lot in our Male burg and hitends ereetinw a handsome residence in the speing. b'We woleorno new reel - den t e. --The anneal school rneetinw for this section was held in the sehool 'blouse on Wednesday last week on which 06, easion there was a very good: attend- ance of the ratepayers. Mr. J. II, Beek as appeinted chahanati, , and ' J. T. great many ehangee in our village toe8 were reappointed to till thepttiee of tht• retiringtrustees, namely: Mr. Johu Mceertbur eaukea 1151 place. of Mr R CarliSle, and Alt'. James Bouthorn place of Mr. IV= Elder so that the Board is now compeeed of Mr. G. Petty/ Jr., for the village school, tie.; remain. mg trustee,John MacArthur and James Southern. We have, no doubt but that the present Board will look welt after 61.0 Spent eiby /.St, CDC at the residence of Mr. It't Hughes; 01.1 Friday evening, last wee,k. The whota family haying' el)Itgrogatex., .arouild the paternal hearth and invited a number of 1elative8 and . guesiet amused themselves iu Nettle and glee 811(1 11) talking oyer the geedsold. .times they had had together. .A.bbta eleven o'cloels8 sUmptinnts repaet was pa1. taken of and when all had gretided theii hearts desire, sill -ging and other enjoyments was again indulged iti fur several hours, when-, after wishing the host and hostees a happy new year and hoping that they would liye to enjoy in a u y saeh festive get t h ase, bade them adieu, eaah seperating for' their ee vtrnt i 110m e annual meeting of the flensall Dominion Agricultural Soeiety will be held on Friday. the '8th of J;enttary, 111 MeIntyre's li tIl for the appointment of directors arid agleam fur the year 1892. -Mr. and M18. G. Murray, of &Huey Iowa, arrived here a few days ago on a visit. and intone" re• mining about a monde -Boys remem- ber the girls are on the alert. this is leap year.-Coesideleible, buetle was caused here ou Monday last owing to r, being election day, and we are mach. pleased to see our popular townsmau, Mr, Geo. McEwen, elected as reeve for the tewnship of Hay for the present year, Energy and enterprise will tell. Miss Bell, daughter tff Wm. Bell, Esq., left last week for Minneapolis, where she intends remaining on a short vas cation. -Snow has again made its are pearance, but scareely enongh. to make good sleightng. Miss Ben.tie Hodgins hae agaiu returned to London.. Mr. John Dick has been here renewing ac- qaintances for some time. Our public school re -opened on Monday after be ing closed during the 01»•istmas hen, days. -A number•of uur citizens were in Exeter on Monday using their fran- chise. • Yriunicipai Elections. The big contest in the municipal none was fonglit put quietly on ,leion- day with a good deal of determination. From early morn until the hone for clotsing, the poll had arriyed each cam peigner continued to ask the different electors to semport him in. the affray. The snow whiCh fell on Sunday was of great service in aiding the men in bringing. voters to the polls, but by 110 means was it an easy task, and the merry jingle of the sleigh bells aided Materially in keeping the electors ha good humor while goingto and from the pells. As the ure. of the after- uoon passed away, the smile which brightened the countepanees of the an- xious nominees began to slowly We away-, and their faces NVOTO a haggard appearance. Precisely at live o'clock the several divisions were closed tied the counting hewer), and with all haste • the returning officers and scrutineers began to'count the vote, but it 'pro- ceeded •slowly. After each division had announced the result, the news was hastily carried to the Town Hall wheee the final returns were Made and the s tate of the poll stood. them-, e -1 2 3 4 Total Reeve .1, Rollins 50 62 25 57, 203. e Bawden 39 20 76 75 215 Majority for Bawden 12 Dep : R{ SpaCktuan 54 54 42 77 227, Bissett 42 29.53 55 179. • Majority for Spackman 48 f Christie 78 75 25 81 259 'Carling 82 72 25 87 266 Coun's ' (Ross 38 40 83 75 231 Dickson 38 23 66 59 186 11.wasa great surprise when it be came known that Dr: Rollins had been defeated by William Bawden, and also that the "old war horse," W. G. Bissett had been beaten by Hugh Spackman, for Deputy Reeve. Why these Changes have taken place is not known, but it sh is own plainly that the majority were foe it. The old eonneillors were re ele- cted with Me. T. ttt,,B. Carling heading the poll with his colleague , mr. Christie -closely after him, and the third man my, oljte. A. Rose .following with, a fair majority. The defeat of Mr L. It DiekSon is believed to have beets caused by hie non-appearance, being absent from town owing to the illness of his father. But it is believed with the old councillors in good working-, Order, antieleputy metre Spackman fill. ing his cfeee „lho is by no means a stranger at the board, the affairs of our village will be well eared for,and the Reeve from the North will be care fully watched in his many lt nunderta- ings. „ Communication. To the Editor of Exeter Arevooe.m. Dram have, been informed thee ate -the Annual SC11001 Meeting' hold laet week I was re.elected, for our village, auditor of school accounts, and after toy appeinttineht d. eortaift nosh Suggested that the School ituditolei should be pald for their sorylees. hereby state,that as, the amount of tak- er ilesurred in the said audit ie only - mere trifle, 11110 1111S lwa s been per - 'formed gratuitously, I shall certaiiily not accept any remunevation for11 slight services rendered in this 001111CZ- tit/ R. Tilos GaEoeoft, V". , beard it talked over by some Oftha ladies'of Sodom a short time ago, f.e reference to the usefuluess of the, liter- ary society organized thereeteat they thong lit it did inoee harm thee , goad, from the, circumstance! of smile thought less remarks rnaile by smile of the speakers on a certain accession, am not aware that the rules of the, `seeiety" conlpel8 any member to use expreesione detrimental to the feelingof 011 13 5011, 1u all soeieties histiturtione it; fee Teentlyliiippene teat rernarke ars leatle through thoughtlessnOs or 11118 utele:e.- standieg or some other causeelett may capee some neember unpleasail tuess, b ret is tide 1.1. sufficent reason, that the inttli- tution-shoulcl be abolished in couse- .quence, if so, theri would not -today be a singe, eeifte school (Sunclaer �rdttee;; class meeting, Orally other organize : - then, the family circle would not (15431 [solation would be the rule. Seriptaire says, '0:fences must come.' If we cure our back at the Best approeli 'tthe. eneinet, I fear we'll make poor suldiere of the cross. Be sine the enterprise you. engage in is right aud your iiiten- tious rig -lit. No matter what incithiiit- al etre Umstances may occur overcome them as best you can and 'march ou. I saw ttn account, in print 'a sh )r,-; time ago recording a racket among' e branchof the Sitivation array wiie pistols were'used and Rome wounded, would it be eharitable to ,conclein the whole army for the actions of emit: o± its metn bees, I also read -of a diegracef row in a church of high standiug whem any breakage article in the 'budding - was demolished and the 'police called •' in to restore order. Would it les' wise to eondem all religious bodies, because Satan, ever on the watch to cause . coed, found an opening tp • insert the, thin edge of the wedge, and thereenft, asualbiorivnt. the Scott Act ,campai,gri 11 was gala common to hear from the - pulpit exhortations for all christaies te vote for the Act, that thoS0 w he were oppoSed 80 the ACt were fond of a' CirOr theniSeiveS, would it he - wisf5. to can - (10151111 all minuters because of tee say- ings of a few and should not chreseam . . charity be eittindedteethetecfeW:e' • rementher once at e christmas tees entertainment a certain person ;took offenee .(though. lin magin ary) et sense- . thing which ended. in a putealistie ea-, counter. Would it be wise to condeina all such entertainMentS and say they were more productive of harm time wood. We might as welletty that au • education is wrong, because it add& facilities to evil disposed nersons . te perpetrate wrong doing. Debating Societies, in the line of us fulness, I think, is just as worthy patronage as any of the ibetitutie mentioned above,or any other. Evt, balance,d questions are discussede alyzed, good and bad properties expo ed to view, adding epportunities thought and resereh, embracing -erv- opportunity to procure inforrnati n rel- ative to the subject, - The a.ndie ce itt turn are benefitted by the thou ht and research of the speakers .e1,t4thtekey stone to intellectuaertr'easoning ;the speakers must coniine themselves strictly to the subjects and every ut- terance made must be for the gain.. or loss of the side uttering them. Because if it is not an argument calculated to benefit their side it is eitherCe weak- ness to their side or,a direct point in'. favor of the other, herice the tnecessity of discrimation. re the two questions discussed this winter, vize Bonueinge • and the Poor House, the speakers and hearers sa,w things ia a .different light than before. Persons ssho thoug,te they knew all abontthe poor house question of the dayefottnd but thattthe poor house in their 11=411111d.= 15-55 a(7 different from the poor houses in epee- ation in thiscometry as the east is from he •west ' The great lack of ttinte1iey2t. ual advancement in thie.dolmery is on ng to too muck memorizingand tOo ittle Jaime made theught, and research 7 man who is a good thinker; may,pos illy not be a fluent speaker hen,se at ublie meetings he must take a back eat -and give place to a ,better:t,spk ea - 3r but not so -,good a thinker. The aim being, generellye with ths tient speakers is to give,a brilliant peech, length, not depth, being t:he tiotto. Now Debating Soceetiee' melte- ,ates, both the thinking and Speak acuities, enhancing our powers of epee entrating thought. I think 11. 18 a great mistake if the eople of Sodom allow thie eociety 1. o down in consequencen of- ay ult.; leasantness thee nliiy have -haptiened- We niust remember we fire, I011.0 of us erfect, and 'bible to trie and 'should e as somewhat with one another,' The odomites houIcl staed togethi3r, mity. 'Unity is ,strength. 1 am not a prophet, Mir the soh 0 rophet, hut 1 feel that if this pbts,t,tift , ociety falls, it will drag -With it 00181- odornito institutions or gro.i. tiy noralize them. ' A 1 ft r ns 11- Ignorance, ie,Satan's strong 1301(1 shall Aran the .0'th:seem:is. good hearted ti ted philittaliropitePeople elSodene, .etat,s their' Steps in intelleetueteedvanceiriefIe ahd allow Satan to tekii.'poS•tttireeeion. •