HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-02-10, Page 16The 004ir4eb, 610411Star, Thglasday, February 1O, 1966 J . Breckenifidge lo ple Leaf Cho ter I DE TheanntiaP,hameeting at the Nage • • pter, .I.O.D,E. VMS- held at' C the' home of 'Mrs. dames Skea A. ' arper, the regent, I4eslded cter 'a short general - • meeting' preceding the annual. Mrs Frank Curry asked that 4 the Chapter sponsor the annual . Red Cross .Campaign in March and received the approval need- ed and many ;volunteers. The members were advised that items in -fairly good re- pair vere needed for the QA3- portunity Shop. The March meeting will be - held .a -t the home of Mrs. M. Mathers. Annual reports presented were as follows: secretary, Mrs. N. T. Ormandy; assistant secre- tary, ivirs. J."W:-Wallace; treas- urer, Mrs. J. W. Coates; assist ant treasurer, Mrs. Robert repart`of the Chapter subatitted during themeeting: "There are. 64 members and three life members enrolled. Four members nave taken their affirmation and four have re- signed. • There were ten.regular tme-titsgrlield -withoori- 'overage attendance df twenty-three. Nine meetings were held in . the homes of .cur members and one meeting held in our loeal,Leg- ion Hall. • • During the April meeting, two informative fi•lins about cancer were shown. The June meet- ing included a pot luck supper. The October meeting was brief, sever,T1 Ne v Canadians welre en tertalned following a citizenship cou:t. Entertainment was en- joyed and refreshments served. The Christmas meeting in De- cember took the form of a pot luck supper., carols and games. At the meetinge held in homes (*ail member contribtited a • Smith; educational secretary, Mrs. - M. McGill• Echoes secre.i Anto cover the cost ofall fee . tarY, Mrs.. F. Young; services. the lunch servedand the bal- t home and abroad Mrs. S. C:.ance w a- put into a special „, • fund 101111 1,3 ied to remember Anderson; standard beArer„ Mrs.! hospitalized members with a R. C. _ BradPard;. and Canadianization, Mrs. C.1 b0',1,'1. Cards are sent to ino,oher; on occasion of birth, Edward,. llion convener, ..rs.- L. ,k" tea corn . Rieck; Commonwealth relatiens.111''''''s Portunity Shop continues -to provide funds:for' the use of the Chapter. The' shop eper- ates under the direction of a committee ,set up at our annual meeting with a ,treasurer and secretary. The.'secretary sends ou duty -day$:---Most members work several half days each year in the shop which is open three half days each week. Markers are. appointed to sort and price goods. 'All merch, andise is' donated. , Ways and Means: A special project was held this summer in the. form of a Sidewalk Cafe. Coffee and dessert were -served at tables set on the Court House Square during the - merchants' "Sidewalk Sale" and the local Art Club "Art Mart." Press and Publicity: The Chap- ter has been before the public on many occasions through' the local newspaper. Accounts of our meetings received promin- 'nt space. Echoes' The Echoes secretary made the necessary contribu- tions to the JrAgazine. of refreshments Thf J. 51-7euch; Errpire and N sol-eted each year!Mew Separate School world all'airs, Mrs. G. L. Royal; 3ria cir-r;v: • •Prevett, Mrs. R. W. ,Hughes; Chapter functions. nembership convenerMrs. J. Individual reports heard at, T, ' 01 Coniniittee was active in notify' ing members of meetings and Lt special events. ' Citizenship: Tvve Coffee par- ' ties were held to welcome New , • Canadians during which there • , were entertainment and refresh- trifints World Affair4.--Several Chap- •• ter iv,ea.bers attended the r churcl3 service in memory of Bir 'Winston Churchill. The , • World Affairs secretary was in- • formed of current events of in- ' terest to members. e - New Course Set For. During' the. summer of 1966, prinelpals hotter preparation for the Ontario Department of cation will conduct a new course for cle.mentary school principals. The secondary school principals' course, which bas been offered for a number of years, will also be gifen, but in in,.slightly re'T Vied- form. • The elementary school piin- ciPals' course, leading to an ele- mentary school ptincipals' cer- tificate, is expected to 'increase the supply, �f qualifted principals and give added recognition to the irriportant role they play, zrhe- aecredited--course-vvill Representatives: Chapter r .preseotatives are on the film board and the Centennial corn- mrt-tee. - - Donations: Donations have been made to the following. funds: Commonwealth Relations Greek Orphan, Korean Pro- jects,- National Shipping Fund Peace Garden, Second War Mem- orial, Lucy MorrisottraProvincial Services, Special Representa- tives, Film Fund, . Canadian Scene, 'Democratic. Action, As- sociation for the Mentally lte- Telephone: The Telephone tarded, Centenary Fund. thniet.-titeis and. at other! press and publicity, Mrs. S. II.' 1; he annual meeting were: , • Remington. Report of the nominating corn-• ! mittee, made 145- of Mrs. J. Skeocb, Mrs. W. McLaren and waS. presented . • and accepted. The offiters for 1966 are as • follows: Regent,' Mrs. R. Breck- enridge; first vice-regent, Mrs. B. AiriSlie; second vice-regent, Mrs. e Stringer; secretary, Mrs: N. T. Orrnandy; assistant secre- tary, Mrs. 11. Bettger; treasurer, Mrs G "Mathieson; -assistant •treasurer,- Mrs.' R. Smith; edu- cation secretary, Mrs. R. Hughes.; Echoes seciefary, Mrs. g. Had- den; -Services .,at home and abroad, Mrs. S Anderson; stan- dard bearer, Mrs. J. Skeoch; im- , migration and Canadianization, Flag: -The Flag was present at eight regular meetings and six special meetings. These in- C.1110,CLIte„..Lun eral p.arlor eeri o - t a ph, Memorial Church service 'dna two Ne.'.' Canadian partie' Education: The Chapter con- tinued to show a great deal of interest. in Education. A new -adopted: school in the Barbadoi was obtain ed.. Two:. trophies, ‘vere awarded to Grade 8 stu- dents for acadc mic work. Two bursaries were presented to graduating high schobl students. A 'donation was made . to the Goderich and' District Assocri- ation for the Mentally Retarded. Services at Home and Abroad: The Services at Home and • Mrs. G. L. Royal' convener, Abroad Committee was active. Mrs: C. Edward; Commonwealth Wool and flannelette were dis- • • relations, Mrs. J. Wallace; Em- tributed for making np. A pire and world affairs, Mrs. M. large nmunt -of clothing was McGill: public relations, Mrs. R. sent to the Indian. The Chap - Bradford;• membership, _Mrs. J. ter continued to sup,port, the . Remington. adopted 'Greek boy thrcrugh the The regent, -Mrs. A. -M. Harper, Foster Parents -Plan! Christmas - handed .the Meeting over to the t corsages ‘vere sent to elderly patients in local nursing homes and the hospital. Members as- • .Appreciation of the Chapter sisted with the cancer campaign, lo 'the hostess vias expressed by Red 'Cross campaign, and blood Mrs. 3. 13,..mington. The meet- clinic, March of Dimes campaign ing closed with the singing of • the Natio-nal Anthem and re- freshments were served by the tea committee. Annual Report Hospital. The followirfg is the 'annual l Opportunity Shop: The „Op- , •1 Opens At. Kingsbridge the greater responsibilities which they are assuming in the elementary schools of Ontario. The secondary school princip- alst course will protide a greater number of qualified persons available to all types of second- ary, sch00.14,_ including special vocational schools. . Both- courses yvill be of four week's duration, July 4 to July 29, inclusive. It is expeeted-that the two courses will be offered in three university centres. (Uni- versity of Western Ontario, Uni- -versityl °CM a terlosi-and.Queen's Principals THIS wEm('s SPECIAL V 1 raity)s In, keeping with the peOart. Meat's policy to integrate ele- mentary and secondaiv egtIca- tion, the courses will have joint sessions in suitable kapies, and. personnel will share joint , • • KINGSBRIDG;E.--A new four- School principal is Miss Bar- room separate school received its first OupiIs here last wk 'only days after constr*on finished. With the opening Of the•Ash- . field Township Roman'Catlialie-- combined separate' school, 75 years of 'Operations „in the two - room Kingsbridge separate schor..1, only _ several feet east of the new school, came to an end. • Although the official opening of the new school is not schedul- ed Until early in the spring, 96 pupils spent the morning trans- ferring their books and belong- ings into the school. The vestry Of nearby St. Jos- eph's Roman CatholicChurch had been usetgas‘..a third class- room since ,Septem,ber. The new school wA begun in Octo- berby--John Refflinghaus Con- struction Ow, Led., of Goderich: The eight -grade school ' will • serve five school areas in the township. Tenders will event- ually be called for the old building.:- bara Winters. Other teachers are Mrs. Wayne Horner . and' Mrs. Myra Athins., School board members - are, Frank -'Doherty, chairoan, John Hendiicks.-41-rs. Mark Dalton and John Howard. Donald _Frayne is secretary - treasurer. • Kingsbrid-ge is on Highway 21 north of Goderich. incoming regent, Mrs. R. Breck- enridge, and ti fe Sc. John Ambulance. -A wreath was placed at' the ceno- taph on 'Remembrance* Day. Books were sent to the Ontario FARMERS' CURLING Farmers' League Curling re- ults: Feagan 7, Ribey 6; Rivett 8, Foster 4; R. Baer 8, F. Baer 6; Durst 15, Lobb 1; -Hawkins 8, Eedy 7. , Durst is leading with twO wins and a plus of seven. Beta Sigma Phi Diplomacy may -be set back five years between the 'United States and Russia- -when- ke- - qapades-- comedian -Tel. -Ty --Head- gives -his portrayal of the "Mad Russian" yvben the Exciting World of Ice Capades opons March .8th at- the Gardens, London, His only excuse is that he's an Englishman, wliots skated all over the world. Enjoyment of travelling the 36 cities in the United States, Canada and -Australia with Ice CaPiades-is shared with his wife, Ice Capades star, Gisela Head, and their three-year-old daughter, Synrnove. 1961-- FORD • 6 -CYLINDER 2 -DOOR $133300 This economical car has been fully reconditioned and is sale priced for 1 week only.- Come in today-- and -test- drive -this bargain packed auto,- _ •McGEES—GODERICH • 524-8391 Com Collettors Considers Love' Beta Theta Chapter met, - To Show Film the home of Mrs. John Hopkin- son for the January 25 meeting. Mr. Ron Nelsonwas guest s.pea'Ker on the tepi-c "Interpre- tation of Love," the cultural program for the evening. Sorority members: agreed to usher for the performances of the- play "Come, Blow --Your Horn," on requestof the God, - rich Little TheatM. Lunch- w'aS--•served, preceded .by the recitinP-of the closing ritual. . • • Ninety-five per„, cent of '01- tario's homes have television. •Power consumed by these sets is sufficient for the total needs of Oshawa, London and Fort William :combined: • A film of Interest to the gen- eral public is scheduled for the regular” meeting of the. Huron County Numismatic Club to .1A held -in -St. JpSeph's:Parish Hall, Clinton,. on Thitrsday, February 10th. • • :the film entitled "Money in Your Pocket," deajs with the making of paper money. A special invitation' is ex- tended to the public_ to-bepre- sent at this meeting of the club. There is no admission charge •or collection taken. . The regular meetings of the club are hey.' . on the second Thursday of each -month, and all: are weleome, "I like this armchair banking" Banking by mail saves'time, travel and pat*- , ing problems for customers of a chartered bank. It's one of many ways your local branch helps make modern banking so simple, so convenient. From your own arm: chair, you command nearly the full range of bank services. You can send deposits, make -withdrawals, transfer fund § . or handle: almost any other banking busi- ness, including some types of 1�ans. Special mailing form & are available. ,There •are no extra bank charges. At home or away, you can count on prompt,loersbnal attention to all your banking needs. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Through 5,650 bran,ches,"all across Canada, the chartered hanks bring full -range bariking within the reach of everyone. • , E.. Tuesday, March '8 to Sunday, March 13 • —EvENINGS-- Statiirday 9:00 p.m. Sunday •6:00 p.m. Sat. s—uni.dapy.m__.Tdp4nd p. .in. '---TICKET PRICES - 2.00 2.50 -- 3.00 — 3.5 Children (12 yrs. and under) HALF pfflog Tues. Wed. — Thurs. Sat 5 p.m. Only All Seats Reserved TICKETS ON SALE AT Campbell's — The Square (Plus Handling Oharge) (4 .• 51 • • - Metromedia aresonts THE EXCITING WORLP OF ICE CAPADES • GARDENS TREASURE ISLAND •• SHOPPING CENTRE • LONDON, ONT. ' 11111.111111111111111MOMIIIMMINIIIIII SCHAEFER'S EEE 1-3thANNUAL - Just Arrived .... The New 1966 Spring Range Of Draperies During the next 10,days orders placed for ditapcs will he Cus- tom -To Hared to yoUr window's and -installed at NO EXTRA CHARGE. • Drapesnuist be $2.50 per yart1 or over, All length AO not less than 2 yards long. Drapes"may be 4Iiied or unlined. This Offer Ends on aturday, Feb. 19 IF FER COMPLETEeWINDOW SERVICE ••• • 142 THE SQUARE LADIES WEAR LIMITED. • i,• 524-7232 f 14, • ••••• ••• •