HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-02-10, Page 151,•• fet Lble ve kikeo heolf01 e 01 s .ANS ohs me .35 .86 $9. 28. 511 I' are as* re Itisurakk y Harold Smith, CFCO Farm Editor. lAre hesitate to continue harp-, g 9Uar9 subject time and me again, but 'viten it highhts tits nevi's over many ollths, we , difficult, to aye.. - - We iet4tof course to the hjeet that is most ,mentioned ese days in agtietiltural eir- e*-the white bean industry, 'd inor0 $001110117; the* Bean rowera.14arketing Board. 'We mit, that for. the first year of. tangling between the 'board, c, dealers, and the„ govern - eat, we .merely repotted the tuation with jittic comment. But, after this period of .time s clapscd, with.hOE situation._ erring to *Worsen rather Than prove, we can't help but, de - lop opinions, and, the longer u sit back and .watch this' real to all marketing plans in tad°developing, the more ustrated yOu feel. You will recall the ti*ouble • gar. over 'a year ago- when lc% Waterhouse and Co. at. e request of the Ontario Farm odUcts Marketing Board, coll- eted a survey of the Bean aril; and issued its now fain,; s report. This report called for the mplete severance of the aril from its wholly-owned bsidiary, Ontario. Bean Grow- ers Ltd,, stating that "it Was completely impractical for the Gi1owers Board 10 earry,otit its broadest useful function' in pro- nioting the marketing of beans inpanada avid abroad at a rea- sonable and stable price a$ long as it owns the Company." , The report showed that the board has subsidized the .voni- pany's. operations to. the tune uf $408,31$6. It also noted that This arrangement created, bitter, feelings with private dealers, to the detriment of ,the*industry.„ At the':"Ttfeent itent - annual meeting of growers,' °MOWS not the 'Bean Beard repeated the statement severaltines that the /Board' had With Most of the requirements of the Farm Product's 'Mark.'et in g Board, and that everything was now quiet, - - Talk of expansion hinted that such would be financed net by board help, but by growers' purchase of shares. Separation of the Boar and Company was being -achieved -they • said. Six weeks later a plan is announced to have growers vote on a pro- posal to finance the "expansion by borrowing trom the 1965 stabilization fund, and repay' it by an increased licence fee of four cents ft hundred. , Two members of the Farm Products Marketing Board, the group that administers market- ing plans, resigned in protest: Ontario's commodity - groups lost two top calif$re men, dedic- ated to ,the highest ideals and marketing principles when Al- den MacLean, and, Gordon Hill resigned. OntPirio's agriculture 'minister, Wm. Stewart, apparent ly rules the O.F.P.M.B. and pull- ed the strings on this occasion. It- would appear that the 0,F. , is only , a puppet 'c'd the government, rather than an in - ture, from the farmer's view- point. The greatest insult to the -in- , tegrity of agriculture is the Minister's alleged statement that the DeanBoard can .con - thine its .pollev,..since it was started _several years ago, while other boards will not be allow- ed to enter 'the field of private enterprise./,. '1.1fa mistakeW4 Made several years ago, why, compound the error today? 'Unless this whole )1.ipSs. is. (vial/ 'cleaned: up, it .will infect all of Ontario's mar- keting plans. Personally, we can never Support a irtarketing plan embracing these *withered and (inestimable Praptlees:,-7'' We say Hurrah for men ..with the iritegrity,, the fortitude, and, the* convidion displayed. by Al- den -MacLean and 'Gordon Hill. May their resignations, not be ii vain! LODE Offers $200 Award Mrs; W. R Morrison, president of the Provincial Chapter of On- tariO, has announcea that the 19th zonsecutive 'Short Story Competition will be held. Oneaward of $200 is offered. The competition is open tio writers, citizens of CanadA, resi- dent in Ontario. Closing date of contest is April 30, 1966. Dr. G. E. Reaman, Waterloo, Ontario,' .Professor of English Literature, Author and Lectur- er, is the'judge for 1966. Contestants must obtain print- ed -conditions .before submitting manuscripts. These may be secui.c by Vatting to: Provincial Chapter of Ontario, I.O.IXE„ • iit4overning lodyiegis- .168 Jackson$treet, West, la ing for the good of airicul- Hamilton, Vinfirio. - PRICES 'E-FEll. LUSIVE 'E THE HT TO JUMIT ITITIES youRa' Atwee-nao mow EN,IOY BONG(4,4/ IT CAA, • �4 mica •-yeRcise AND s711r484e• FOR 4I4. ,A4eS. WO" /7"./ $1/05S CAN .ALWAY:nere Re.A,Ara AT Me ALLEYS AA" i(ERY tartri, C057.- MO 2.411.S FREOAMO 77/ERE 15" lige4L6V SOAVOge WS-PAerier leVe M46614 DIMES FEATUR EVENT -DIRECTORY. for your entertainment pleasure in TORONTO The, ,captains,J.canitassers -and those who -,..Wilt be - • • .,„ helped by the money you, gave in„ the recent March of Dimes canvass offer their"iincere.thanks, • The results from a • monetary Point of view wre very gratifyingIf you could but' see the results of your money, you would find it welt worth the dollar or dime you gave. VERNA WORTHY AND THE. MARCH OF DIMES COMMITTEE Gairditeetot Ellen Nelson is-Presdate.4- - a gift by Bob flaya on behalf of the oast „ of "Come Blow Your. Horn" after the show ended here recently. Signal -Star Photo Rev -lack West of the "New Life • Crusades" was the featured speaker at the Friday night - Youth „Rally, in Bethel. Tabernacle. Elgin at Waterloo. streets in GoderiCh. ' , • The Evangelist spoke on "Youth Aflame" and related in- teresting incidents from his crusades conducted in Los An, geles and in the San Francisco area last month. • 'hie 'Ladics'"Trio of thElst: ern Pentecostal Bible College in Peterborough, Ont.„....a 1 s 0 sang • as well as the King's Messengers 1VItde Trio. Rev. Jack West has resided in Godeilili for some time, but his Evangelistic Crusades have . taken lilm from coast to coast, both. in Canada and in the U.S.A. His next scheduled.Cru- sade is to begin in Prichard, Alabama on February 6th, and continue through February 20. Other 'Crusades this year are scheduled for Chicago, Illinois, Flint, Michigan .and Winnipeg, Manitoba, The Easter' Newj.ife Crusade will be conducted in Toronto, with the dramatized Easter Message expected. to at. tract a capacity audience in the Evangel' Temple, with seating for nO0. The peak attendance last year in the Evangelist's schedule was at Altoona, Pennsylvania where. 4100 persons heard Mr.. West speik.- He is currently heard' as well -over CHLO St -Thomas, every Siiida fiifnit 530 p.m. Mr. 'Paul Hutchins of ,Gode- rich iethe newly. elected youth leader at 'Bethel Church. Visit- ing delegations from the area attended Friday . night The Evangelist as well as speaking painted an oil scene in the ser- vice entitled'"Galileeat.Sunset," which was °awarded . to the in- dividual bringing the most vis- itors to the service. . • Rev. Robert Clark is pastor of Bethel Chu*. Jack Wright, Goderich Little Theatre's man tropair he receiVed for being in eharge of behind the scenes, admires the miniature the lighting for "Come Blow Your Horn." • Signal -Star Photo St. George's Churchwomen's' Guild Plans -High Tea Celebrations Here lans. were made for the an- A decision was made to share cost of replenishitg skiver etc for table setting with Evening Guild.. Mrs. Bowra, Mrs. Pat- terson and Mrs. Hill were .named as the committee. Members were asked to make pyjamas for Children's Aid. Mrs. H. Tichborne told of her •recent trip td Florida, es- pecially limning the Christmas decorations, the nearly -perfect weather ,all during the,ir stay ancLsome ot.the _Maw:Inas for which Fort Lauderdale is noted and other •Places of entertain- ment._ She was thanked by Mrs. George Mumhy. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Lyle Bannister, Mrs. M. Martin and Mrst-G. Mumiby. nual higll tea, at the February meeting (if St. George's 'Church- womans 'Guild. . Mrs. D. J. Patterson, Mrs, Reg. Bridle and -.Mrs. Chas, yid-' ean will be conveners for the tea which -wilt be served -buffet - style. Candy and cookie table will be in charge of Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. N. ugill and Mrs. T. Elliott, While , Mrs. L. Ban- nister and Mrs. M.- Martin will look after_ tables and serving. Collectors are 'asked to meet Friday, March 18th. Mrs. Frank Bowra presided at •the meeting. Mrs. ri. Wilson was pianist and Mrs. Rose Hill read the Scripture. The secre- tary's report was read by Mrs. H. Dodd who also read a short article on holly,. • Mrs. F. ',B. Riley; in the .ab- sence of Mrs. A. Palmer, re- ported on notes etc. to 'Sick and shut-ins. Phone for, FREE Home Appointment Service to all makes of Hearing -Aids: tiR. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE Car, Truck or Fleet— Before September 1st May Be Obtained By Contacting Reg Bell At 524-7464 5-6-7 A total of 25 town pioperties are liable to be sold for tax arrears during 1966. The property list is at , pre- sent being considerecl by the town finance committee before a final recommendation is made to council. , A warrant for, a tax sale can be 'issued °on any property in which any part of outstanding taxes have been in .arrears, for three years. DAY OR NIGHT , W • Agent for. 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING Low Rates TO Those Who Qualify We an produce a policy for any licensed driver. Annual, Half -Yearly or Monthly. Pilmiums. a• 46 West St. Dial 524-9442' 1. • OYAL ALEXANDER IIEATRE EBRUARY 1 to FEBRUARY 12 EAHOUSE OF THE UGUST MOON 0-111-0 RT GALLERY F_ TORONTO • „•• EBRUARY 12 to MARCH 20 ONDRIAN— Nkire than 120 paintings, drawings and watee colors by the 20th century Dutch artist iPiet Mondrian.. NWERSITY • AT:RE ONTH OF FEBRUARY HE AGONY & THE ECSTASY •REST THEATRE EBRUARY 2 to FEBRUARY 19 HE PHYSICISTS -• or economy and friendly ser - Lee plan to stay at Toronto's LORD SIMCOE.. HOTEL conveniently located in the heart of downtown (at tit. subway) , - singles from 6.50 uP, doubles from 10.50 up • free overnight parking • •e/i/rE IN MS brim itillgiS /all Cif foreiTENE#17 • Comet Cyclone GT onvertible Get w a y• from the ordinary . . . in a Comet. • •New, excitingly -styled Comet. Mbre luxury inside. Longer. Wider, Roomier. The smoothest riding Cornet eVer. Melie power - under the hood. Spirited 200 SIX. Bold V -8's up to 335 horsepower. Let Cornet breathe new sparkle into your life. Escape. Now. Tonight. Test drive the excitingCoMeti:Meteor, Mercury, Anglia, Corutina at your Mercury dealer HURON AUTOMOTIVE:at SUPPLY 263 .Huron Road Phone 5246271 ' Here is a real buy. Priced misch below the market value, this owner is sacrificing this home for a quick saleas he has been transferred. It has a pleasant living room with angel stone fireplace, large kitchen with dinette, three bedrooms, 4.piece bathroom, full base- ment and gas forced air heating. Located ot) Blako St. near public school. • DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $2,500 ONE MORTGAGE FOR, THE BALANCE Exclusively Listea By: e/ord REAL ESTATE BROKER 38 Hamilton Street. Dial 524.7272