HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-02-10, Page 12r
N .
The O'Ooderieh "Si a $tar, TiuMAO, FebrUary lis 1908
4 13U11N. Rev. R. U. Illae.
Lean led in a devotional period
and° presided for the „ annual.
meeting 'of Knox Presbyterian
Choreh when the reports' of the
Various organizations were re-
eeived .an"d ticce'ptod Iv 'the
Members of: the congregation,
• ,The secretary, 1.tr, Donald
Baines} read =the minutes and
the year's business :was review -
ti -
Cxifts' of choir books were -
ceived during the . year in mem-
ory of the late Mrs. J. C. Sto.tlz
and also a Book of Praise in
memory of the late Mrs. Herbert.
Govier by former neighbors.
'•--1_ ';he--W-:`M:S:-T;'eport -wa`s-'giv'err'
by the treasurer, Mrs, Donald
Haines and the S inday school
report was giver"by Mrs. Haines
for her daughter, Miss Marg-
aret Haines. The Ladies' Aid
report was, given by Mrs: Roy
Daer and the budget by Mrs.
. W.-Bradhock.
The manager's report was,
given by Mrs.. Bradziock and
the auditor's report was read
by Mrs. Ed. Davies. The C.G.I.T.
report was given by the leader,
Mrs. Bradnock.
The Clerk of Session, Mr.
Donald Haines, reviewed the
year's work"and the election of
officers took, place,.
The , session is composed of
Mr. John Houston, Mr. Alfred
Rollinson, Mr. Kenneth Scott,
Mr. William Wagner,. Mr. Ar-
thur Youngblut with Mr. Donald
Haines as clerk.
The .. trustees appointed were
Messrs. Arthur Youngblut, Ilars
vey . MBG ee and • Donald Haines.
The Board of Management—
Roy Deer, Wilfred Sanderson,
Gordon Dobie, William -Wagner,
Maj -or .Youngblut and Ed. Da-
Church organists, Miss Marg-
aret Sanderson, Miss Margaret
Haines; Cburoh secretary, bon-
clef Raines; Chuirch- tr
Mrs. Wes Bradnock; auditors,
Mrs. . Ed. *Davies,' ,Miss , Luella
:Wagner; . histo,riazt, Miss Franc
Houston; ushers, Gordon Dobie,
Goidon Deer, 'Kenneth Scott,
Major - Youngblut and Wilfred
Sanderson; ..Sunday school sec-
• retary -treasurer, Miss Margaret
°'• g • Haines.
Following a business discus-
sion Period the meeting was
closed with prayer and lunch
was served by ladies of the
congregation. '
Russel King
Funeral services were held
last Thursday for Russel King
who ,passed away suddenly on
Tuesday morning athis home in
the village..
He was in his 71st year and
• was 'the son of the late Albert
King and Annie Lawlor ancrwas
:born in th.s district.
He served in the 161st. bat-
talion overseas in World War I.
For many years he operated
the Auburn hotel and was, mail -
}an from the. C.P.R. to the post
. office. He was .predeceased by
his first wire, Anna Stewart over
20 years, ago.
Surviving are his wife, the for-
mer Madeline Youngblut; two
sons, Stewart of Toronto, Don -
old -of Stratnroy; :twp daughters,
Mrs. Harry (Margaret) Phalen,
Acton, and Mrs, Warren (Paul-
, ine) Mitchell of Sarnia. Also
five grandchildren and two
great-grandchildren and one
sister, Mrs. Albert (Mildred)
Killough of Springfield.
The funeral, held•at the J. K.
-Arthur--funeral—home,- was -i
charge of Rev. John Wheeler
with burial in Blyth Mausoleum
with final, burial in `Ball's ceme-
tery. Pallbearers were Messrs.
Bert Craig, Alvih Plunkett, Gor-
don ;Miller, Clifton McDonald,
William Moss and William Dodd.
• The members of the Blyth Leg-
ion held a service .on Wednes•
day evening.
'- Receive Seals
Junior congregation of, Knox
United Chttreh• were presented
with their seals It Sunday
_ Those :receiving were. Gold
(85%) Jayne Arthur; Arva
13a11, , /Darvk Ball, Daryl 'Ball,
Dana Bean:. Yvonne Bean, Steel.
ley Grange,' Ai144 Hildebrand,
Fay Hildebrand, John Koop
mans, .Lai°ry. , Plaetzer, Sherry
Plaetzer, Wanda Plaetzer, Marie
Plunkett, Lynn Turner; ,Glen
Wightman, Maryli.n Wightman;
Mur, ray Wightman, Raymond
Silver (70%)— Gary Ament,
Shirley Ament, Ricky Archain
hauit, Eldon Chamney, Douglas
Durnin, Keith Lapp, ' Nancy
Lapp, Betty Moss.
Red Seals (60%) — Douglas
Chamney, Larry Chamney, Lor-
raine °Chamney; Paul Chamney,
Billy Millian and Sylvia Rut-
C.G.I.T. Group
"Called to be obedient" was
the theme of - the study last
week when the Auburn C.G.I.T.
group met in Knox Presbyterial,
Church with the president,
Betty Moss, in charge. , The
meeting was opened by singing
a hymn with Gail Miller at the
piano. . The Scripture lesson
was read by Duane Kirkcannell.
The offering was received by
Shelley Grange and dedicated.
The -' minutes were adopted
as read by the secretary, Ruth
Bere. The roll call was. answer
ed- by namingtheir ' favorite
Jane Doran took -the Bible
quiz .on the children of the
Bible. Mrs. Bradnock led in
the study period and .the chap-
ter, on The Moment of Decision
was studied and tooithe girls
back to the days of the early
bristianYin the time of Caes-
ar. Charades •were played by
the four groups and Judy Ar-
thur was ..the pianist for • the
cldsing hymn, followed by Taps.
• • Personals
Mr. and , Mrs. Oscar . Ament
quietly celebrated their 49th
wedding anniversary at the
hoiue of their son, Mr: Stewart
Ament, Mrs. Ament and family,
R.R. 1, Auburn, recently with a
family dinner. "Miss 'Irene A-
ment- of Goderich is reported"
to be improved in health.
Mrs. Earl Wightman of Luck -
now visited last Friday. ,with
her friend, Mrs. Charles Strau-
Mr.. Murray "aas wan one
of the four students at: Waterloo
University who were awarded
the J. P. Foundation
Scholarship 'for high standing
in the chemistry class, -
lass,.,,.• Mr. and_ Mrs, lild,Payies visit-
ed . with Mrr and Mrs James
H'embly last Thursday 'at At.
Mist Jean' 1ioulston and Miss
Jean Jamieson of Toronte spent
ti,io weekend, with Mr. and Mrs.
John Hbuston. Mriss Mary Hous-
ton, Miss Frances Houston and
Miss Olive Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haniilton
re exitly•Axistte the}ir sari I1![r
John fiarnilton at Waterloo -01k
versity and on their return were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Humphreys at Dublin,
iVir. and . Mrs. Robert Turner
and family have /earned of the
death of Ms another, Mrs.; Re-
becca Turner of Clinton.
Guests last Friday with Mk',
and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips were
Mr. Rayitond Redmond of
Gcderich and his nephew, Mr.
Joe Bell and Mrs. Bell of Clares-
ho)m R Alberta.
Miss Margaret R. Jackson,
Miss. Sber*n Collins and Mr.
George .Collins visited, last- Sat»
urday in ' London.:. with Mr, ° and
Mrs. Sherry., Wilson,
Mr. . Harry Armstrong ' has
learned, of the sudden death. of
his sister, :l Mrs. Louise .Smith of
North Pay, who was killed while
calking rgn: �tl y. stye
carne. ' over the curb and
struck her.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Plowright
of Lucknow .;visited on Sunday
with Miss Laura Phillips.
DONNYI1IiOOK.--Phe Febru-
ary m°eeting of the U.C.W. was
held on Tuesday afternoon at
1 he home of Mrs. Sam Thomp-
son with a good attendance.
Mrs Tom Armstrong • had
charge., of the 'business. Mrs.
John Hildebrand gave the call
to worship and led in prayer.
Mrs. Hildebrand read 'the
King James version of Psalm
119 and Mrs. Edward Robinson
read the revised version. Mrs.
Hildebrand led' in prayer. Mrs.
Robinson " had charge of the
study book and Mrs. Hilde-
brand charge of the study guide,
followed by ca" discussion period.
Jane Thompson received the
offering. Mrs. Morley Johnston
gave a reading, • "The need of
Ilk world today." Mgrs. Robin-
son thanked the hostess and her
Mrs. Hildebrand closed the
meeting with prayer. Lunch
was served -by the'hostess `
siste`d by Mrs. Margaret, Leddy.
• Mrs. William" Hardy invited
the ladies" to her` home for. the
March meeting.
MVIrI James Robinson of Wat-
erloo University spent the ,week-
eekend• with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Robinson and fam.
Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Mrs
Wesley 'Jefferson, Brian and.
Gerald visited Friday ,with Mr.
,Henry McClinchey of Auburn.
Mr. Bert Thompson of Bel -
grave visited Sunday with. his
nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Thompson and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Gus Devereaux
visited over the weekend"with
relatives in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson
and family of Brucefield and
Mr. and "Mrs. 'George Webster
and family of St. Helens visit-
ed oriSundays with Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Chamney and family.
Mrs. Wesley Jefferson, Deb-
bie, Brian. and Doreen called
on her grandparents, Mr., and
Mrs. Willows Mountain and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
Josiing and family all of Lon-
desboro on Saturday..
Visi Shut-in's
In .meetings held at the home
Yof Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnstone,
Mts. '" E _,B .'ler, ecr~etary-
treasurer, retorted ` 156 visits
to shutlins for the first quarter;
another cash donation to Mrs.
H. F. Carroll, in ,'aid of .the
girls' work shop, and the:reguu
lar .monthly parcels sent to°Eng-
Two meetings. were 'held •at
the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. D.
During their fifteen years of
work, the members made , two
donations to missionary -effort
connected with° ,the Salvation
Army: Members took part in
devotions and social activities
and .lunch' was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce Kinkead are shown , ollowing their
recent wedding . in the East Chapel of Timothy Eaton Memorial
Oliuroli, Toronto. The -bride is the former Carel Margaret
Kreutzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles Kreutzer. The groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kinkead.
Women's Hospital Auxiliary
Elects Slate Of Officers. for 19G6.
The Women's Hospital -Auxil-
iary held their annual meeting,
January 24th, at the nurses'
Residence.. Mrs. F. Curry, out-
going president, presided.
During the course of the year
a °wax -bath was installed in the
therapy room, and _a defibrillator
purchased for 'cardiac 'arrest, It
was repprted. °
-Vfagazines--were4iven to`the
nurses, for use in the reside -1M
and gifts given to hospital pat-
ients at Christmas, .
The fund rais.iirg projects-sttch
as the Penny Fair, sale of cal-
endars, coke machine and .gift
case were=again lucrative. Mrs.
Worsell, gift case convener, pre-
sented a cbecque 'for. $4Q0 to the
auxiliary general fund.
Representatives were present
at two district conferences dur-
ing the year, also at the annual
convention ' of .. Tioapital Auxil-
iaries of Ontario. ,
Mrs. C. Cat. sewing convener,.
estimated about 350 hours work
were done..by various • groups
during the year. 1
Mrs. L. Fulford presented the l
new slate of officers for 1966
as follows: Past president, Mrs.
F. Curry; president, Miss Re
Ladder; first vice-president, Mrs.
H. Rivers; ,secosld-vice-president,
Mrs. D. E. Sienna; . acting secre-
tart', Mrs. N. C. Jackson; treas-
urer, -Mrs: 777—CU—try; assigraft
-treasurer, Mrs. M. McGill; press
secretary, Mrs. N. C. Jackson;
sewing co ener, Mrs. C, Cutt;
gift case er, Mrs. C. Wor-
sell; historian, Mrs. G. MaoEwan.
$60,000 FOR ROMA
A by-law to provide $60,000
for expenditures on" roads and
streets du •ring 1966 received its
third reading at last Thursday's
meeting,,pf council.
Of this total. $25,000 _,is sche-
duled for construction with the
remaining $35,000 for mainten-
ance •
Go ahead ... let yourself go ... let fashion go to your
head this season.
You con escape the drudgery of winter by purchasing~ ,
your' new, spring hat now.
Galt away from it 'all ..., come in and try on some of our
new collection. You'll like what you se.J'
6.98 UP
0.1GENE GA Row
• Mr. Bugene Garrow, recently
joined the staff of Gerry's_
pllanees-as ies-ropresontatti
Mr. Cxarrow is well experience
ed in the ;field of retail sales of
household appliances,
Mr. Amoroso stated, ,`Gerry's
Appliances is the 'Store.
That' Service, Built' and in an
effort to keep up with the ser-
vice demands and keep service
personalized, prompt and e11e,
rent,. it is r ecessalry fir'' me to
.direct my -effort more toward
the service end of the business.""
Mr.. Amoroso further stated
that Gene has been given" full
authority to • give the best deals
possible on their many lines
of appliances.. -
Mr. Garrow is from Clinton
'and was formerly with Scruton
Firestone and . more • recently
with the Firestone store of
Stratford. Advt.
Attends SCGI,ervice
On Sunday, January 30th,
Knox C,G.I T. members attended
a Christian' Youth Services to
celebrate. Christian Youth Week.
The Young People's Society took
part in the Service at Knox
Presbyterian Church.
- Among_theSe _.:.a+ttending:the.
service were the "Brot`Vniea,
Guides, Cubs and Scouts all be-
longing to Knox Presbyterian
On February 1 the C.G.T.T,
group held a sleigh party.
ItO ODISC MODEL 5OOX.M manual advance
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eluding 500 watt lamp, fan cooling, three .position switch,
3" 1/3.5 coated anastigmat lens, adjustable levelling loot,
retractable carrying _ handle. Attractive medium, alive
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carry -8 wide; 10%" long, 5%" high... . weigh just
'over 5 lbs.! Complete with 1 ROfl'0I »So slide l up Ocie 'r
and 8 ft. power cord.
A han
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hard ai
On All Materials Over 2.49 Yd.
Now is the'- time to order your new". drapes for spring
from the large assortment of materials and patterns
at Salter Home Furnishing. All'drape's are custom made
locally to the exact requirements .of your windows• •
We will bring samples to your Thome algid in 'your
wuidows to assure a 'perfect fit All drapes will be in
stied upon completion. at no extra charge.. This offer
expires Saturday, February 19th. ,
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