HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-01-27, Page 713. 64. 18- Attend Eighteen members were pre- , the .'sent at the first aceta g et Kingsbridge C.W,L• on January 17th, a meeting was held in Tb` g and rather the Church Vestry Caruana opened the gathering with a prayer. - P T "e secretary,Mrs. Rose Fray= � ne, read tetters of thanks from Mrs:==P'r.-0" n ore- for the= 'fruit- �V' Meeting by piembere.. . business e .F the 'new off t ore. n $ month, Mrs. Vivian toganovolun- 'teered to visit the Winghatn hos- Fatal. Mrs. Joe Courtney"will be in charge of collecting used post- Kiingsbridg.e 'CW basket she received while she was in the hospital, from Mrs. Redman ox the Ontario Hospital for the Christmas gifts for the patients, end i<rem the Madonna' House in Toronto for the used 'e1otltiilg. es T'r a urer, Mrs; Mary Austin, who was sick in the hospital fpr some- time. was -'welcomed back MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY Why not make someone in your family happy,, by dining out one of these evenings soon. Every- one in the f t ily.. likes to dine , out. Be popular, take them to dinner at.. thtClub, „Grill Reasonable Prices WE CAN LOOK AFTER �. TAKE-OUT ORDERS t • KINGSTON STREET. school children wore moved from' the pid school building to the new one. This move will take place by the end of January. - F'ather also said That a school reunion for the Alumni of , St. Joseph's would try to be arrang- ed before the old school is torn age stampe for the missions. down. Mary Clare read a sec - Mrs. Grace Austin -offered to tion from the C.W.L- handbiook collect the used Christmas cards giving theduties of the officers. - from -the ladies -for -the=O_ntori x -Father . trr aha-, 1osedthe e; Hospital, a Pother ; Caruana ek- meeting with a prayer and the pressed regret that there would women adjourned to the Priest's be no card party until after the Mouse where a lunch was served. + NILE ' "r had A. euchre party was and Mrs Alvin Kerr, e ha a h d held, at-S.S. Ile. 17,. West Wawa- scarlet fever. ziosh '' on Motida evening. ili -Mre- EarF- McNee 'of Delmore ,y g g� antd dau g hter Mrs. Walter 'Villala ,carers -were: Mrs. VWrlbdr,and children, Debbie, Bobbie, Brown and Willner Rutledge„ Kathie Verino><i Brian and Tran second high, Mrs, Ted Mills .and Ross Rutledge. Another euchre aro ._ty - wilk- be =hcldeFebruar - 7, l? , �?- • Mr and Mrs..Chas. McNee were recent'` yisiters in .13eJx13oi e SallyI� rr Daughter of Mr 25.00±CASH. P r •g• You may win $25.00 in cash and it is so easy. A.11 you have to deo is drop us a letter in the mail stating in approximately 25 words, what you 'think is the most effective way of advertising automobiles, Alfre .lies will be ke t confidential. The winner vwili be decided by our sales staff and announced in the paper if you wish. Please have all entries in by February 10. Address them to either H. L. Baird, President or . G. V. Munroe, Sales Manager. Entrants Must Be 18 Years Or Over BAIRD MOTORS (Goderich) 414 HURON ROAD L 524-8311 Siftos �vebi CO , t11 1y, 3* ', 27* 1 n • u Place f �t Rick :has been se red On 1.1 the second frame Skra�tf�Gd thelead again. `But' l$ s..ecen * 11ms-tern shot Viiia .from' the point which h . � ad brother t east all the m f:om Victoria, B,C', werere tPave $ mi t t, w Sunday nda visitors ;with. Mr. and 'fie 'bat le Lr only beginng, Mrs: .- Ross- McNeee- _ .far --th GoderrcheeSiftoseenetww: Mr: and Mrs. Ed..S,math; visit- ed with Mr-* and. Mrs, .Royc..lon. neil, of Clinton on Thursday evening. Friends and relatives. Of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCann,, held a social evening. in Carlow hall in honor of their.25tl1 wedding anniversary, Tuesday evening. U.C.W. Meet The" -`U L .W7' xeld•-their -meet ing-••-in the church basement. Devotional was in charge of Mrs. Chas McNee and Mrs. wit= bur Johnston. Mrs. C. McPhee was organist, • ' The roll call was answered by 15 members and there were one visitor and four children pre- sent.' c.. The • president, Mrs. Rutledge, presided for the business. - It was decided to have the annual May supper and a bazaar ,in August. The work commit- tee is°getting .quilting materials. Mrs, Chas. McNee read a poem and gave a commentary on the 23rd Psalm. At the close of the meeting a lunch was served by Mrs. Russell Brindley, Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge • and Mrs. Chas. Me. Nee. • LIBBY'S FANCY-7$AVE.'„24c- L111BY'S" DEEP BROWN -SAV -E 11c 15-0F. min Tins TOMATO JUICE. • • 348oz 99¢: BEANSar � 6 LIBBY'S FANCY -SAVE 20c EAM CORN • • Y ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN.' 26 - 29 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT -TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 430 SIZE° 88's SCJ IKIST DOZ. ,CANADA'S • • •, . • ...•4 LIBBY'S FANCY -SAVE 27c 15 -oz. ',,1-:.TOMATOCATSUP5�' Btls. 88 88° LIBBY'S FANCY . MIXED VEGETABLES FANCY PEAS'.. TOMATO SOUP',. YORK PEANUT BUTTER TOP VALU-ASSORTED CANNED DRINKS . SAVE., • a15c SAVE ,,20c • • r • • r. • • 0 • SAVE • • : •a :.,20k • SAVE 0 18c , • • • ) TATLvAliiiRPOSE FLOUR TOP VALU INSTANT COFFEE . SHIRLEY' GAY - CHERRY PIE . OYENP i • • SAVE 1Qc • • • • 24 -OZ. SAVE 22c SAVE 10c 5 GHT-4. 15 -oz% 88 Tins vi_01 • Tins.. 88 4 -oz. Tu1mblers 88 10-ozins.. R8. 12 T FAMILY SIZE 1 • White Sliced • Sandwich White • 60% .Whole Wheat WESTINGHOUSE WHITE EYE-SAVING=SAVE 48c tI.GHT BULBS . TOP' VALU=--ASSORTED WRAPPED CANDY 40.60.100MATT ' FINEST PERSONALLY. SELECTED' RE'E `RAND BEEF. BLADE OR SHORT RIB • • • 0 • • 5 -Ib. 8.8Bags 6 -oz. Jar79, PIE 49 5 24ave-oz.s 8E ¢ Lo 4 r Bulbs 8 .d3 Pkgs.'$1d O Ib. SAVE 25c L • CONT ALL STEAKS- AT -95c Li. 1 Personal income taxes repre- sent less` than 20 per cent of the total of all taxes paid .in a year by Canadians. A a result ' of their tthae cetwo Victory , veer Strattfoxd,;� evee,. Tasty Wednesday night the Siftos moved into .a second place tie with the Braves: The $raves, who were shoot. eix-of their regular •players put up a good, battle+agaiast a Gode- rich team who Teemed. to 'lack the drive they have shown all year. times dnn.�?nl � e, Per ame vbehind h _.�i t e ge alie who leads. :the feague.. u ;i' 11er reason ► . the Br rued 'pinynf neveralbei. . Tilias wound up thin scaring in Pixie, Dov° Johnstooe, tend.groa the s�eeond period, Goder eh had Cell Y .played' beth several good Chances on ' melt h ley aver �'fhe M1 pat 'WO but the pc1ek wouldn't' bounce ._ the rigbt way. F4xit snoi+ed '' ►is :.;accord oa The game see-sawed'`back and of 'the night at U)-.5tr to ,e4! , forth in the final Srtame without Gode iieh';s lead fourtgoals, eitl ertza rgetting-.a .Charm Waterloo *eieeed the lead to maAround er:itehhe goeit aghgtoadmnireuatike tow9 o ean bre. .tmfelo4u .. when a Stratford goal was dis- frame: allowed. The puck had been bat- Goderieh rebounded icy sear - ted down into the net by a high ing two goals in, eigit oeoonds. Mick. the fust coming at 19:28 from om, Goderh played five minutes the stick of 13'ab Caster. Thin, of good hockey froze' !here • on eight second later, Bill Wilki4e a3:i1kai tooscared an .a Bass ,far ms a pndasstat from 11 CasteBillr WandinsoRide andok ea: n victory left -Goderiele �u scored on a beautiful secondThia effort. It eppeared that Bill had a tie for second and sent 4 • been estopped before getting his crowd of 608 home very ihappi. shot away but somehow roan- Defeat Greys aged to get behind the defence On Sunday the Siftos travel - to score the winning goal. led to Owen Sound .where they Siskins Stomped handily defeated the Owen On Friday Tright, while Strut- Sound Greys: ford squeaked out afour=three Dennis Wi11,1anison scared win over Owen Sound 'Greys.' three goals and had one assist Goderich s o u •n d 1 y defeated whale en route to the seven -- Waterloo Siskins, seven -three. three victory. - 'Before. the ' crowd had" got Dale Rahn opened the Scor - settled in their seats Dennis ing at 5:11 of the first On to Williamson put-Goderich ahead play front. Horner 'and William - at the 17 second. mark. Rahn son. 'After Owen Sound had tied and Parsons packed up assists. the game, 21 seconds later The Siftos, playing --at a fast Goderieh went ahead two -one pace, kept plugging away. Then on a goal by Bob Caster ae13:24. at 4:58 Caster, his first of two, Dennis Williamson scored the' scored on a pass from William- only three goals'bf the second son. . t frame to pick up. his hat -trick. • John Pirie with his first goal These .goals came within a span of the season seared nt 10:22,, of ten mina es. This came -,on -*a' shot from-4h•--Goder-ieh outscored --0 w ea. point. The puckwas only a few Sound two -one, in the final inches off the ice and Boname: to i-ouaid out the scoring. Gagne in 'the nets for the Sis- Bob Caster and Dale Rahn kins•failed to see it, both picked up their second The sturdy Goderieh defence goal of the night in this frame. of Deer, Horner, Wilson and SLAP -SHOTS: Gotierieh fired Pirie kept Waterloo off the '62 shots -at Owen Sound's Rick score sheet until 1.7:49. This Duffet. finished the scoring for the Dennis Wi 1' arson 'has -79 first frame. points now `to lead the league., Dennis Williamson scored the My guess is he will come close only goal of the middle stanza. to one , hundred points. This Den„•made no mistake after tak- would cap & terrific punu� ing a pin -point pass froth Rahn career. �' from behind the net. ,Goderich has a record of five Zb Rick Duckworth played out- wins and ane loss under new standing hockey in the nets .in coach, Wayne Hamer. this frame. Rick, has to be one ,Goderich will be seeking their t, of the big reasons for, the first :wits hof, the season ••ever Sifto's 'excellent- showing this Kitchener 'G-eenshirtstomorrow year. In 28 games. this season night. It was fat from ,being a rough contest as only eight pe4aities were handed out;, Goderieh was unable to score against Stratford while having a man advantage for sax minutes. They' did get several good chances .9n net only to hue Lome Deer turn them away from his doorstep. Stratford came up with--bh•, finst goal at 1:22 of the opening frame. Duckworth seemed to be caught cut of position -on a two on one break and Stratford had • no trouble putting it into the net. • At 13:42 ;Parsons clicked on a pass from Williamson and Caster sand • shot the puck ,through a maze of players -to- tie the game for Goderich. _ The Goderich defence seemed porous in the ' first frame and Duckworth had to came up with some dazzling saves, • . At the seven minute mark of CAMPBELL'S Ot SpotiSpecials ALL BRANDS CIGAit-ETTES W1TH PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE 3-.25 CARTON INCLUDES 3b/0 'PROVINCIAL SALES TAX REG.1.25- • DRISTAN TABLETS ........ 99 REG. 1.09 ,, ,, BUCKLEYS COUGH MIXTURE .. .89 REG. 1.09 JACK & JILL COUGH SYRUP 89' REG. .64 VICK'S -VAPORUB 52 REG. 1.39 "'" VICKS MEDIMIST ROOM SPRAY .1.19 REG. .39 CHILDREN'S -ASPIRIN 32 REG. .99 - 100's BAYER . ASPIRIN :76 REG. -4.49. One, A -Day Multiple Vitamins 3 19 REG. 1.49 LISTERINE, REG. 1.29 L-AVORIS .99 REG..79• DODDS KIDNEY PILLS .68 REG. 1.25 BAYER NOSE' • SPRAY REG. 2.25 CLAIROL NICE 'N' EASY _ . 7- , 1.89 MENTHOLATUM' ... REG. 2.19 DEEP HEAT RUB' 1.89 REG: .49- 4 OZ. & 8 OZ. ° CURITY BABY BOTTLES' -' .3.9 YARDLEY •-- REG. 1.50 ROLL ON DEODORANT 2 for 1,50 109 109. REG. 1.75 * SAVE .40 b ua YARDLEY SOAP - 1.35 REG. 1.00 LINT, PIC -UP REFILLS .88 REG..98 - CRAZY FOAM 6 . .79 REG. 1.79 - WITH BATTERIES EVEREADY FLASHLIGHT ,, . 139 REG. 1.25 'SUAVE HAIR SETTING JELL .9J - REG. 1.19 . ' PBPSODENT 3TOOTHPASTE .99 REG. .89 BURMA SHAVE BOMB , ' , .69 REG. 1.45 . NOXZEMA , ' - 1,19 FOR CHAPPED LIPS REG. -.43 LYPSYL .39 MENNEN -- REG..97 SPEED 'STICK DEODORANT . . .87 NO BEARD - REG. .59 STAINLESS BLADES .39. We Deliver - Dial 7532 AMPBELL'S 168 THE, SQUARE SED LAUNDRY UI PMENT CLEARANCE WHILE THEY, LAST MATCHED WASHER' DRYER PAIR.S Starting 1:70.00 For..., YEAR OLD - MATCHED.,PAIRS • FRIGIDAIRE 2 -SPEED IMPERIAL MODEL With 4 -Year Warranty On Mechanism .354 Only3.54;oo For Both W. UNMATCHED f WASHERS DRYERS As Lew As 145.00 . m USED Wringer Washers 20.00 -With Long Skirt And Pump "From 35.00: For Both From GERRY'S APPLIANCE5 "The Store That Service Built" THE SQUARE 524.8434