HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-01-27, Page 5Montafly t - rde_ Assoc.A �aMee Meets' The Ggd,erae1t . and District was , presented ' with an Award Association fo:', thMentally lie of, Morita cpi tilleate toy the pre- taxded met Tue:clay, 3anuary sident, Mr. Wm. Cameron in 48 in Knox Chu eh Parlor, recognition and appreciation of R. C. Procter, his work in tlie. Association. Past preside ITT lit was' decided to. send n a delegate to the Residential Care Conference in Toronto,' 'ebru- ary, 11 and 12.., 'The Members of the associa- tion were gratified. to receive generous donation Iron the Guides and Brownies of B.1ein- pfalz, Germany. The money was raised by :carol singing to the Canadian's tie ..area. The annual meeting of the asloci iin, will: be held on TVs. day, March 3., .0 _. .1e. r 1-[OLESVILLE, —T.he annual( ,The T.C.W. repport given ,by Meeting --of the Ilolmesville iJn- Mrs. L. -Jervis showed their' n. t ited .Church was held last l'ucs- day evening, °January °18th, with a good attendance. Rev4. C. Park was chairman ortlue-and-and a peneil- the meeting with prayer. Jim I,,abb, secr°etary, .read the - minutes of the last annual meeting. 'l.'he. financial reports showed . net money raised 'to be $5,0,88. MAITRE D' FANCY QUALITY' PINK SALMON l's tin. 7 , COLGATE DENTAL CR FLUFFO (3c OFF DEAL) ° SHORTENING HEINZ KETcHuip KRAFT (6c OFF DEAL) Reg. Price tube $1.09 —•- SAVE 20c Mcfamily size tube 9 SPECIA'LI• 26 1.16 pkgs C Reg. Price btlGj29c SAVE 9c 2 11 -f1 -oz btls Reg. Price Jar 93c — SAVE AN EXTRA 4c PEANUT 'BUTTER 21/2 -16 lar . 9 c 0 SPECIAL! GRAND VALLEY BRAND, CHOICE QUALITY WHOLE,PEARS 28 -f1 -oz tins 9,c' CHEF BOY -AR -DEE - a BEEFARON 1 45'/z -oz tins° SPECIAL! 9c- Fresh -Fruits, and getables'� ,1 FLORIDA;, FRESH PICKED, STRINGLESS, No: " 1 GRADE Arriving Daily c FLORIDA TEMPLE, :FULL OF :JUICE; AREAL TREAT Florida, Fresh, Tritmneckliq. 1. Grad* '- CELERY HEARTS . Lich 25c Bradford, Yellow, "Cooking, Brushed and Polished ONIONS . No. 11 Grade 5 -Ib cello bag 2 5 c,, .0• LARGE SIZE 80's 4 Ontario' Grown, Red,',Del clow APPLES' Fancy Grade Well Rooted and Healthy, 3" Pott Philodendron Cordatuni 3 _for 1:00 3 -Ib cello bag 49c Get Guaranteed ZA.T In .The MEAT --Billy Super -Right 'SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY — CANADA'S FINEST RED .BRAND 'STEER BEEF SIIORT. or (ROSS CUT carningS to by $1,325. The total amount raised for the budget was $935.00. Of this.: amount' $000 was raised through n is-. sionary :.and°. -maintenance gty-.. ings and. $275'by, the..iJ C•W.. Two new elders were elected to -ofice, namely .Wm. Norman and Orville Blake. Francis'Can- telon and Doug Norman were N - GEORGE'S CHURCH January 30—Fourth Sunday after,Epiphany • 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Litany a1i Sermon °ir (Nursery •for Pre -School Children) .rc.:, Sunday School at 10 and 11:• 5:00 p.m. Evening Prayer Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Mr. B. Kempster, Organist and Choirmaster • THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA , North Street United Church SUNDAY, JANUARY 30th '_10:00 a.m. Junior to Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten Sunday School 11:00 a.m..Morning Worship "A lasting Value" • 7:30 p.m. -Annual Meeting of the Congregatipn The Rev. J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D. Minister Mr. Lance Reed, Organist and Choir Director Knox Presbyterian Chu 'ch THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister William Cameron, Director of Praise SUNDAY,. JANUARY 30th 10:00 ,a.m. Church School 10:10 a.n'i; Minister's Bible Class Christian Youth Service 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Sermon: '.'Called To Be,., . •" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7:30 p.m. "Young People's Socjety ENTER' TO, WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE • ine cwHua s.a.l.sr, +aW.rr, r191,10CY. n ENRIGHT PRESIDES eleete `' to the ]hoard -ef- Stew - Ken Harris w s named c a'rman • of the, stewards' f°4r: 4 4 the coining year and Doug' Nor- man, secretary. Mr. and Mi°s. Carmen Toab dt' mg-:-ai?lnttP L tr i missionary and maintenance treasurer. Two major ?ep.irs to e church this year were `the 'painting of the roof and the re- decorating of the Sunday schoolrooms. " A highlight' in th' ac- tivities of the U.C.., was +r a aptinb oof`a 10=year- aid`U1nnese girl, Mo Mui who liv d t I W es.in jIoag Kong,. The annual Sunda ' achool I eeting frllowed� resulting m t1 e election°. of the fallowing teachers and officer. Supertn- tendent,_Jim Lobb; assistant sup- erintendent.' Carman Tebbutt; secretary, i3arrie Walter; treas- urer, William Norman; pianist, Shirley Norman; assistants, Lu- cille Bond and Marilyn Tebbutt; missionary co-ordinator, Mrs. L. Jervis; 'temperance secretary, Lucille Bond; teacher of the beginners' class, Norma Wal- ters; assistant, Mrs. R. Potter; primary, Mrs. J. Lobb; assistant, Marilyn Tebbutt; juniors, Mrs. D. Norman; assistant, Mrs. R. Miller; intermediate, Mrs. E. Grigg; assistant, Mrs. M. Grigg; seniors, Mrs: WIn. Norman; as- sistant, Mrs. 11. Cudmore; Bible class, Irvine Tebbutt; assistant, Mrs. L. Bond. • Of the 10 provinces, Newfound= land has the most miles of sea coast, and Quebec ranjcs second. Only Alberta and Saskatchewan do not border on salt water, THE .UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA' Victoria Street United Church 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Commencing some.studies fromthe Book of St. Matthew. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship v " ristian 'Witnesses" 1:30 p.m. - Benmiller: Church and Sunday School REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist.'. td. r EXCELLNT - for BRA/SING FRESH SHANKLESS SUPER-RIGHT,4uAtrrX - = BE HEARTS . SX BRAND, ,,PUF10 ; PORK., - SAUSAGE . MEAT ROASi1 BURNS SI:ICED Ib 39c ,MOCK.. CHICKEN LOAF 0 ib 59 SEA SEALD ` lb 59c PERCH FILLETS' 1b.5c 6 ' BakeryProtI�Ct5 JANE PARKEfi •Reg. 49c .. WIVESAVE 13c Jane Parker • Reg. Price loaf 28c -"' 16 oxloavesd3� RAISIN BREAD 21 zl SAVE c acaroon g ,.kgs 49c, c .Jane Parker Vanilla 2 CUP CAKES MPA?JY 47D, �. PACIFIC 'MA C•O THE oaEArnnArmC , FOOD STORES pAg1.1 ' A&P MEANS,DEPEN ,giiY Your Dol/r Buys More at A&P Orange or Orange -Grapefruit TANG -.FLAVOURED CRYSTALS -2 pkg 4 7 300 Off Deal Reg.Price$1.03—SAVETR �c SURF DETERGENT . family size EXTRAN 4c Martin's 'Choice box � , Quality"' APPLE JUICE • 48 -fl -oz: tins too Facelle Royale X00 (White or Pinli),° Reg. p g k s Price 2 600 -- FACIAL TISSUE SAVE 4c pkg of 3s 31't Choice Quality A�P TOMATOES, , SPECIAL) of OES , 3 28 -fl -oz tins 89c Fanny Quality A&P APPLESAUCE -Colour-sand Pectin" Added IONA • PLUM JAM SPECIAL! 5 154I -oz tins 79c SPECIAL! 55.15-fl-pz tins 79, SPECIAL! ' 24.4 -oz jar 3 9c ,, An Prices In .this Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday January 29th, 1066. FIRST BAPTIST` CHURCH. (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Montreal Street Near The :Square 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School ' 11:00 a.m."— Morning Worship- :, - "The Cardinal Sin" 7:06 p.m. — Evening Service "Prayer No. '6" Monday, 7:30 p:m. — Young Peoples Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. — Mid -week Service Everyone Welcome Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 • FREE METHODIST a CHURCH" Corner 'Victoria and Park Streets 9:50 a.m.-Sunday School. ` 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Rev. R. L'. Goraot of Clarksburg, Ont., in charge Wed., T.30—p.m. - Prayer Meeting and Bible -Study 4 T H.E SALVATION ARMY eAP`TAIii and'. MRS. ROY WOMBOLD 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00.. a.m. Family Worship 7:00 p.m. Salvation Meeting EVERYONE WELCOME Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo- Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY,..JANUARY 36tk 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages.' 11:00 a.m. Morning Worhip. • , 7:30 p.m.• Evangelistic, Service Tues. 8:00 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study° l ri. 8:00 p.m. — Young People's Service Each Sunday, 6.30 ,p.m. Hear Jack West over station St. Thomas CALVARY r BAPTIST --CHURCH . BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET <' •• SUNDAY, JANUARY 30th • SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Sunday School — Ride the Bus =- 524-7622 11:00 a.m. MORNING SERVICE 7:30 p.m. EVENING SERVICE Wed., 7:30 ' pari. -- Romans ver=se by verse Pastor: REV. T. LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A. • "A Warm Welcome to AN" 0 r world. :Missionary i.i:ry d 0 His Ol' o� -n l '4 inch v3ltl n � e iP). "i VO Flap �. �b r Xl ) Missionary `Society :net .in ;the Because of requests frc, t wo- church parlor, January 1.8tli :at nten all over tit church far, mow 480 imp with. 3p members pm—Bible study to„ be ineltxded ii Sent, the: s0.4etypro',ram0- a,.. da'a., -: Mrs. A, 'Enright,' the new pro your is made this year, to . frn- siclentt, presided and opened the elude Bible study and ldiscus,ion Meeting v,,it1. prayer. • ' on' each'•meetinlg',a ,• aenda" of ilia • During the business session 'the auxry: $104 was donated to the India. Tile Bible study theme. or�the' famine relief .fund and $60 to February. meetzna Is,`F�G'all4' for., the Imes oziars Tn 1 ?o'l iii'"hold `� �2ur ',-.,anti .:thii,�5, ill: ;1 - in l n�iia,, I<'tis�s Ida 'f>ilkttte. fly owe by a .symposia ,. a • ,silting of five`m;em'bers who will discuss ' "Ol ristian Witness by Limen." ._. d .... • The president elosed,the meet- ing with prayer and a social half hour followed. Mrs. Enright gave the report of the Huron Presbyterial annual meeting held in Clinton,, Janu- ary 11 s?t which six members were present. . Miss L. MacArthur, Welcome and welfare secretary, reported 06 calls made on skit a` id shut- ins, over the past month. A New Year's service of wor- shi13 was opened by; a reading of Psalm 8' by Miss 1'. -Matheson, followed with meditations by Senior .Citizens° Card Whiners The_Sen or Pitizens held their second meeting of the month, Mrs. J Pitblado and Mrs. A. H. January 19,_ • Erskine , -a' 4 A good crowd Was- present, The study theme for the year, and cards were played until "Mission: The Christian's Call- lunch time. • ing" was introduced -,by Miss L. The winners at "500" were. MacArthur. , Mrs.' Rita Orr and Mr. Arthur Using a chart, she outlined Knitting, and for euchre, Mrs,. the history of the ' people of Mamie Sutcliffe and Roy Cham - Israel, as given in the Old Testa- bers. « Crokinole winners were, mew: and -the story of the Early Mrs. James `Campbell 'and Mrs. Church as recorded in the New Chas. Young. Mrs. John- Mar... Testament. ' _. . wick .won the door prize. The emphasis,was that through Mrs. Elsie McKenzie'and Mrs. the,.ages, God has chosen- in- Chas. Whitely- were conveners dividuals and groups «to work for. the evezai? g.and a lunch was with Him, under the guidance enjoyed -.ball; The next meet- of the Holy Spirit, • for the sal- .ing will be February 2nd. GODER1CH MINOR:HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Ar.u.aI.Meeting and ELECTION Of OFFICERS. Sunday; January 30 ..ti All Interested In Minor. Hockey -Please Attend 1 MODERN STORE: WITH THE' STOCK 41 FS SMOKE �v SHOP For Your Shopping Convenience We Are OPEN 'TIL 11 PM. NITELY SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 8 NiGtLSON BLACK- MAGIC Box Chocolates CARLTON Greeting Cards. . Magazines . Rocket Books . Stationery Fresh films.. Model Craft Hobbies Paint By Number $ets Games Jigsaw Puzzles Childress Books Toys Billfold & Key Cases Nylons P.M. DO YoU_ NEED, THESE TCNITE ? • 'Cough Medicines • Aspirin • Kleenex Dristan • ' • Vicks' Medimist • Vjocks. Vaporub • Listerine • Lavoris •,• Exlax - • , Eno Fruit- Salts • Toothpaste •, Shaving Cream 40' Hair Cream • Shampoos, .. • Spray Deodorants P> . eM