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` D GA JNQNT 1-0 !!.linen,»
non W.L.°ladies, their husbands
Ar friends'enjoy'yd; ,a .banquet .
Carlow fol.lb w;ed by progressive
euchre. Tiger' Dunlop, W'omen's
fristfitute ladies: cafe,
congregations) ''turkey sup..
per was. held Friday 'eveni ngW
h 11.
�. ..rr ha t .: .
by h e St, l'alltil s
The Ladie's' Guild ,and mem
hers of the eogregati:on `'liter
pared and served the meal.
After, the supper a _program
was enjoyed with • Rev. Jay as
chair nan, ",
Gary Caesar made the opening
speaeh, Joanne Mole and Billy
Mole gave recitations. Solos
were sung ° by I'at Pyrah and.
Mary Jay. Valerie, Vickie and
Steve ;ark sang "Away In a
The highlight. of the evening
was a play "The Meaning of
Christmas," staged by 11 mem-
bers, of the recently formed jun-
ior auxiliary. Peggy Young had
the closing recitation:
At the conclusion of the even-
ing Linda Young and Mrs. Paul
Caesar gave all the children pre-
sent their treat.
Success 'Story
The luck of the Irish seemed
to be prevalent in the Bill Park.
home recently. Vicki was first
1 . a coloringcontest' asp r ore'd •
.':''the Signal -Star, o . a
ft3' .....__. Tit days The e� Christmas e ,
d �' � � eti�g of ,the
later Bill ' iifo�rrued be. ' vv.as; `:Holrnesville U.O-W, Was held
a lucky winner ` tf :a' draw at the {with. ,Mars, L. . Jervis and' Mrs. E.
!Nile store and Mrs,/Earls was the rrigg, in charge,' , ..
sup* recipient of ,a tut'�k y WQn The e meditation'
at the Luc ,, , . uP, ni#g' m dit tion was
1�0� L gtpn bingo„ given by Mrs, Drigg followed by
Personals „f, by the singin of "d' come ail
Mrs. 4arl Yule and, Mrs..: Grace `ye Faithful," The Scripture
Black are patients in G&lerich from St, Linke was `take ; Mrs -
hospital and Mrs. f rvey ,Cut* L. Bond~,and commented on by
bort is a patient' in London. Mrs; D D. Girwddon. Mrs. Ebner
Mr. J ave--.Biardy-.o , .Ritchene -atter .loll"-111..prayer - .
called; ono, Mr% and .Mrs. Gordon q Two Christmas poems were
Schultz" and girls Wednesday of road{ by Mrs. G. Ginn and a
last week. Christmas story was read by Mrs.
Mrs. Rita Yule of Chesley stay- L, Jervis. Mrs:.L. Bona gob -
ed at the Earl Yule home..over 'ducted the business. It was de -
the weekend, cided to give $35.00 to the M,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Park have and M. fund of the church and
visited at Nile with Mr. and i4irs, 125.00 to "Over and Above"
Bill Wiggins and more recently gifts-
they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. Park conducted the
George Lawlor in Auburn. election of officers for 1966
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ashton visit• which are as follows: past presi-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park
and family and Nos: Ashton at-
tended .the 'Anglican congrega-
tional supper.
McARTHUR.--At Owen Sound
General Hospital, on December_
11, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald McArthur, Owen Sound, a
son, John Donald. -
MARSMAN. -- At St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, on Decem-
ber 15, 1965, to Mr. -and Mrs.
Arnold Marsinan, London, a
daughter, Kathleen Elizabeth.
dent, M14as. L. Bond; president,
Mrs. E. Grigg; vice-president,
Mrs. D. Gliddan; treasurer, Mrs.
L. Jervis; recording secretary,
Mrs. R, Miller; ebiresponding
secretary, Mrs. F. McCullough;
press secretary, Mrs. L. Bond;
pianist, Mrs. J.Lobb; assistant,
Mrs. W. Yeo; finance chairman,
Mrs. H. Williams; program com-
mittee, Mrs. L. Bond, Mrs. H.
Cudm•ore, Mrs. J. Lobb, Mrs. C.
Tebbutt; social committee, Mrs.
W. Norman, Mrs. D. Gliddon,
Mrs. H. Yeo, Mrs. Jack Tebbutt;
supply and welfare committee,
rs. Muriel 'Grigg, yrs,, .Bender. ,abip. and ieerutorkg, Teb,
hat; 'eitizc bip; and`sold 1 .
Om, Mrs. %l'R ,CUdrnoxe, \liters -
tam and eammUnioatiou
L,,,R/SooynMa dt auditors, Mrs,
ftel,. Mrs. lta R
Oftatesses fort the afferaaoo#
were Mrs. S. Faiq .ar; .Mrs.
Jer is1 Mrs, iggtns..:
. �Gn.'r:��•wa�--;hamfr`o..,�.�
Toronto on a three-week vat-
Mrs: Jim Cruickshank is hong
from Victoria Hospital, Jiondon,
Mrs» F. + "a atelen, ,Mrs,` . Hoard; `
flower committee,; Mrs.
Mrs. L Te h ,tt, Mrs. X otter,
Mrs, X Yeo; buyingeaminUte,e,.
Mrs, :G'r. Ginn Ws. $R `Wilier',
Mrs, 0. Blake,• 4'utnrnunitr friend-
ship and visiting, :Mrs. B. Walter,
Mrs.- St -Farquhar; nominating:
counmattee, 'Mrs, G. Ginn, iVx'j s,:
R. Miller and Mrs, I. Teb ;
reprOsen tiVe to manse Eem-
ml,ttee; Mrs,. B.. Walter; co-oper-
ation in Christian missionary ed-
ucation, Mrs. J. Lobb; •steward -
ASHFIELD —Mrs. prank Ham-
ilton is home after being in hos-
pital far over a week. Visiting
with her were Mr. and .Mrs. J.
P: Smuck and children of Lon-
'Explorers Graduate
Eleven members of the Explor-
ers' 'group graduated at a meet-
ing where the members of the
W.M.S. were guests.
Mrs. Henry MacKenzie, leader,
was in charge assisted by Mrs.
Warren Wylds. Miss Sadie John-
son, president of. the W.M.S. pre-
sented stars to the graduates
and to the juniors, assisted by
Mrs.' D. R. MacKenzie.
Mrs. Jim West, leader of the
C.G.I.T.D spoke briefly to the
graduating girls` of the work of • .�
that group. Catiols were sung
at intervals. The leaders and
older girls served lunch at tine
close of the meeting.
Guests of ''irdon Finlayson
recently were Mr. and Mrs..Wra.
Rogerson and Mr. and Mrs. Part/
Emberlin, all of Toronto.
AUBURN.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam J. Craig and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Worsell attended the
golden wedding anniversary of
their freinds, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Graviston at Tavistock recently.
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