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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-12-30, Page 6
t 110 next `time H '.,.suggest,, .be needs another" ten; itic1s, punch hinm, right ,in the nose, The next 'thee' KAM tells me I'm an old fud� Izil take a strap to her—Its. -to =Ire=d-Mtalti - as he outweighs me by 10 pounds, and 1 deuldn't beat that sweet if she committed murder. But organization' will make it pos.' sible. THE QRCANIZATI.QN MAN; leggo and step shaking me. All mfr life I have admixed • tip : :., organize"`d people This doesn't gte4n response ike them, "` In fact, • myusual to this 'type is instant hatred, because they make me look so confused in comparison. You know the sort' -?of person 1 mean. The chap leering at you from the life insurance ads. Mortgage on house paid up; pen- sion all figured out, and a big, fat annuity when he retires at 60. And dies at sixty-one from sheer boredoM because there's nothing left to organize. Then there's the wife who runs her house like clockwork: i Everything on time. Not a dirty ash -tray. Not a half-hour in the day .of pure bumming. for any- body' -in the family. Surely it isn't her fault that"hei kids b`c Qome greasy beatniks the min- ute they leave home, and her husband goes the normal course, from ulcer to coronary to stroke. Niuth..as_LriPtest-organ izations, I've got to let admiration over- rule distaste. It's not easy, after a lifetime of comfortable chaos, but I've been driven to it. ' By my daughter: In a fit of teen- age blues theother day, she was sounding off on the futility of life. Naturally, 1 told her she was crazy, that life was 'a glor- ious adventure. * "Ii>ah? Some adventure! Same old thing, day after day, week • after week, year after year. Tell me, Dad, what do. you and Mom hare to look_ forward to?". C. Well, that struck home. It idn't •seem quite the moment t talk about the resurrection nd the life ever after. Or even about growing old gracefully. Or even about the sheer joy of ving the living room, papered. * * It was right there and then I decided she was right. I don't plunge ahead toward a goal. I merely go around in, ever -de- creasing circles: I don't seize life by the scruff of the neck and shake it. I merely beg it to OILE ■ When you turn 21 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you. must take out indi vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. NEWLY WED? The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums -direct, noti- , fy the Commission. NEW JOB? To-keep insured follow. the instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' tha(your present empiQer ' is required to give you_ on leaving. • Your ONTARKd lb HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan Ontario Hospital Services Commission Toronto 7. Ontario Anel this. is the reason I, who have never made a serious Ne Year's. resolution in my lif, have a list of them drawn up. No more of this tottering from crisis to crisis. No more of this being late and lazy, inconsistent and inefficient, unhealthy an urtwealthy. Resolved: that I'm going to stqp fighting with my wife. In 20 years, I haven't won a single battle. \Vhy spoil a record like this? Resolved: that I'm going to stop smoking, drinking and ogling. I think my lungs and liver are shdt by now, so the first two don't amount to much. But the third one is liable to give me 1 heart attack from sheer indignation that these shameless hussies are allowed to go around like that on the beach. It says here. * :i+ :k Resolved: that I'm going to stop pampering my kids. The Resolved: .that I'm - going to ake regular. exercises, some- ing more strenuous than. bend- ing my elbow, strikif9 a match, or taking a cap off a jar of jam, Resolved: that this column will, be written at ray" leisure, not to a• deadline which means sprinting through the snow to the mailbox at 9.59 p.m. In my slippers. • Resolved: that .I will make lesson plans like the other teach- ers; and not arrive daily, gaily, 1 and ask, "Well, where were we yesterday?" Resolved: that I will stop being nice to people just be- cause I like them, and will as- siduously court those who 'can do me some good. , ' * * run out of space. her resolutions, a d I fe ` the "` ': m ' ust scratch- ed the surface. By ' look for a more dynamic, disgus ng Bill Smiley in '66: I'm or anized. ob.e. :Goods. , Meet -Rot: A meeting of the Past Noble Grand's Club of the Rebekah Lodge was held Tuesda De- cember 14 at the home do , Mrs. Harold Rivers. ' The president, Miss Edna Driver, was in charge with 20 members present. The secre- tary, Mrs. A. Fuller, gave the report. Following the opening Ode there was a short businesssee- sion. A new member, Mrs' J Moss, was welcomed to fellow- ship i'n the group. Mrs. N. Car- rothers, a P.N.G. formerly of Windsor Lodge, and now re- siding in Goderidh was a visitor. It was voted that flowers and cards be sent to sick)or $hut -in members at Christma,ime. Af' ter discussion it was decided that members have a "Sunshine Sis- ter" and the name be divulged at a banquet in the fall. At the conclusion of the meet- ing euchre was played, the win- ners, being Mrs. H. Morley and Mrs. A; Osbaldeston. A Christ- mas wroth was served by Mrs. C. Tweedie and her committee. A vote of thanks was extended to her as well as to the hostess for the use of her home. An eN- cha•glge oLChristmas gifts brou- ght the evening to a close. ROUND STEAK OR ROAST BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS OR ROASTS Ib.95c BEEF VEAL STEAKETTES Ib, 59c OR CUBE STEAKS , ..c Ib. BURNS (4 VARIETIES) ~ 59C LICED MEATS 16.as. . S Pk' SANDWICH , MEAT ROLLS 381:1' 69 . SUCOLM EMAN'S ME SAUSAGE Ib. 89cR BRITISH CO� BCHUNKS Ib 799 SALM Rick $. Eff)ME PECEMIER INCINSIVE • WHOLE Ol HALF • CENTRE' .u'T TOP VALU ASSORTED P YOUR HELP AND CO-OPERATION WILL BE NEEDED DURING OUR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM emolition of the chronic ward commenced on December 14th and by the end of the month demolition will begin on the old building that was erected over 100 years ago. During construction the .co-operation of the public will be needed. Provisions for adequate beds in the present wing have been made to ensure the hospital needs of the community during construction. Overcrowding will occur. This necessitates new visiting rules to ensure our high standard of nursing routine and patient care. _. Your hospital board on the recommendation of the medical staff is requesting the following: VISITING HOURS visiti g .,hours will be from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. continuously. ENTRANCE DOORS Entrance doors of necessity will be confined to the main entrance on Napier St. The Emergency Entrance will be open foir emer- gency only and for those patients who have been asked to go to the Emergency Room, by,,their doctor. PARKING Parking will be limited to Napier Street. The Emergency Entrance mush lie left open for emergency. cases. MATERNITY VISITING Visiting restricted for maternity patients to husband and mother only. a - NUMBER OF VISITORS VALU* 'Uk WEFTEf ED. .APPLE AMC 4 16 -OG. JARS TOP VALU EVAPORATED MILK .16.OZ. TINS TOP YALU TOP YALO LUNCH SACKS 3 o' �sZir Garbage BAGS 2 o k 25 69' TOP VALU •TOP VALU BLANCHE©1,6),:: SSPANISH tb-oe PEANUTS 2 39R ► EAHUTS 2 pk4, ,. JEILO ASSORTED INSTANT U.S. NO.. 1 Only two visitors to a patient at- one time. Suggestions To Good Hospital Visiting A.—Curtail visits to short periods. B.—Leave promptly when requested. . C.—Do not smoke in patient rooms. D.—Do not visit hospital if you have a cold or infection. The Htfoitat Board therefore respectfully requests your co- operation in these matters, for ttirough your observance of the hospital rules and regulations (wItich are intended only for the benefit and good of the patients in the hospital) the building program will be able to progress'and the work df the hospital staff will be made easier. DR. K. ' C. LAMBERT, M.D. President Medical Staff RED EMPEROR GR lbs.. JOHN A. SCHAEFER Chairman of Board, Alexandra Marine and General Hospital "Put Your Heart In Your Hospital" U.S. NO. 1' WHITE OR PINK U.S. NO. 1 (30's) RADISHES . GRAP�It1lTUS. NO. 1•SPANISH 0! 2 ... � U.S. NO. 1• SPANISH ONIONS Ford suNKIST oa NAVEL + ORAiGE lbs. ONTARIO GROWN, HOTHOUSE ESCAROLE LARGE BUNCH ONTARIO BROWN, HOTHOUSE ENDIVE LARGE 19BUNCH1 es CHASE & SANBORN INSTAIIT 'COFFEE 6 -oz. Jar c TOP VALU VW0II'E or PINK l., p c 6 -oz. TIN KLEENEX 'OP-UPi�S, COLOURS)OR7E6 CIAL iiSSiiE Pt3x33 . C 400 AMOUNT A.._ LbA,N 390 50 100 te 0 25' 0 300 400 5000 Above Pe ,A orempl - rom fields ihroug omeE But auirt. " Produi clay . b :4asohal