HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-12-30, Page 4PAin ixi' it 1te figure , les .new .c clndition, ,sem„ , Phare 44.9204. ?51 PAM adaltskiS',"'new; ,w'ai -log 11101V, �} e Q della 24"', new. Fh 52441081, ' - r -51 Sr. E ,,AND pony , mare, quiet, good with Children. Phone a 6 ,78. 51x T ACTOR, blade and disc, good condition. Phone 7237. -51 B30 -Y'S -Samson: ski--boota,- non! slip. biltrite soles, foam rubber • padded inner boots and tongue, size seven. Phone 5247881. -51 18 LITTLE pigs, eight weeks old. John Oskam, jr., R.R. 2, (i derich, phone 524-6475. -51 SWIVEL rocker vinyl covered • for easy cleaning. Sug. list $85.00. Special $44.95. KROEHLER 2 -pc., 4 -seater, 100% nylon covered chester- field. suite. Sug. list $279.00. Special $189.00. MAI,. 9144 MATHEW For One of the "Wartime" houses, near high , schQQl; 1 floor, two bedrooms, equipped with a gas furnace and wall-to-wall broad- loom in living room. .� The large Mallough property, overloking the harbor-- at a mush lower price..' A fine 2 -storey Ted brick; 4 - bedroom house. in ' excellent condition On Napien St., a very inter - Ming ' 2 -storey ,dwelling- . a charming old residence, MAI,COLM MATHERS Real Estate Broker 46 West St. Phone 9442. 5. To Rent NEW, Modern aPartnieht, our 10 the Estate M MARGARET OHAMBLRS. m,rl.. t!is to thank • o. i ror�s pips. batha ha�dwedfloor. Phone 7112. TWO-BEDROO, heted upper apartineit; available at once. 263 Cobourg St. .Phone, 8344, or phone 8170 after five. 48tf ?R,ON apartment `over Gar- lands Children's Wear Store, on Square, consisting of, two bedrooms, large livitn.l room, kiit- chen, and bathroom, Automatic gas heated, very reasonable rent. Phone 524-7775. -45tf 83 Victoria St., Goderich - Real Estate General Insurance FOR SALE 10 Homes2, 3 and 4 bedrooms. 5 Farms -100 acres to 305 acres. Lots -Cottages and Dake Front Property. DlateTh I!it; �. ac�eA .... s 1 P aR .t� ALB .T, Vsjtq in blue also al y � Huron, hlnw. friends who called or sent with Mr. alid Mrs - Roy Petrie All persons claiming against the in theJ hospital, Your kind:- Mrs. Gordon Coc�hfleld and faro= ' - Tis -and cards while a pats. t rthe- holiday were Mr and above Estate are required eto reciated. fly of Detroit and Mr. and!Mrs. ness was greatly appreciated. forward full particulars of their Jane Chambers. Michael De filing of Islingtgn, claims to the and/.signed on -51 or before the 15th day of Janu- Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 1906. after which date the CIIAMNEY.-Mrs. Robert Chem!.Elwin #'etrie were Mrs. Lewis assets• will be distributed. ney of Auburn wishes to and Della and Mr. and. M. DONNELLY & MURPHY, thank all those who remem- Elwin Lewis and children. 18 The Square, , . bered her with get -well mes- Mr. and Mrs.. Don Bowden, Goderich, Ontario! sages, cards and flowers while I - So!icitors for the Estate., . a patient in .Goderich hospital. Larry and 'Randy of Loudon; -50-51-1 Special thanks to lir. J, W. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knight; Bon- . Wallace; .the nurses° and stall nie and Ricky of Sarnia; Mr, and ALL PERSONS having rlai� rs: Robert--Hoy-and-,Debbie.:A:? against the Estate of QE -OR. GE of seconWest. - , 5Ix Goderich and Mr. Earl.Teschke VICTOR BLACK, Farmer, lateCOOK.-I' would like to thank from the Portadoc, which is in of the Township of Ashfield, in Goderich harbor were Sunday, my friends for the gifts and the County of Huron, who cards I received'while in hos- died on er about the 3rd , pita]. Special thanks to Dr. visitors. heat, one block from Square, are required to file the same , the girls in green. and faintly. af. Nile visited with NEWLY remodelled: one -bed-- roem apartment, self -contain :d, gas heated, suitable for couple, TV and FM aerial supplied. Phone 524 - 7540 evenings. -11tf DAVENPORT bed, '2-c. suite, coveed in easy clening sup- pred vinyl. Ideal for den or rec. room. Sug. list, $239.00. Only $149.00. 1 ONLY .coffee table with shelf. Kaylite resistent tops by Knechtel Kabinet Kreations. Sug. list $3495. Special $16.95. 10o1c EXTRA discount on all lamps, hassocks and snack tray sets. SEE our selection of outstanding bargains before you buy. BLACKSTONE FURNITURE West StreetNINE pigs, eight weeks' -old. John Oskam, phone 524-7027. -51 ACCORDIONS and GUITARS, electric and regular, new and used. ,Room for one class of acordions and one class of gui- tars. 12 bass accd!o' sfor rent for trial period. "'ens taught at 196 Widder St., Goderich. Charles Pounder. -50-51 HOLSTEIN cows and heifers, springing. No down payment and three-year trms. Apply Stan Horsburgh, R.R. 1, Wingham, Phone Winham 357-2744.43-51x IRE Chief SafetyChimneys, •distributors, G•uy Ives & Son, phone 52464355. 44tf VACUUM Cleaner Sales and Service for all makes. Filter Queen sales, Zurich. . Phone 262-5350. -46tf ELECTROLUX (Canada) Limit- ed sales and service. Free de- livery. Alvin S. Riley, 153 LighthouseSt,3-6xtf HYGIENIC. supplies. (r tt b b e r goods)• mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ram- tlton, .Ont. To our many clients • and friends we wish the compliments of the season. Take advantage of the 1owinter prices now avilable for the purchase of SEVEN -ROOM brick house; da of December, 1985, oil y G. F. Mills, the nurses and - Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hodges rent reasonable. Available im= with full particulars with the Mrs. Oliver Cook. mediately. Apply H. 0. Jerry, uridersigned by the 8th day of 51x phone 524-9671 or 524-9300. January, 1966, as after that date • -47t1 the assets of the estate will be JOHNSTON.-We wish to thank distributed. all our friends and neighbors HAYS, PREST & HAYS, for their many acts of kind - Barristers, etc., ness at the time of our recent 33 Montreal St., sad bereavement. Also the Goderich, Ontario. nurses and staff of Alexandra -49-51 Hospital and Maitland Manor. ALL PERSONS having claims Special thanks to Dr. J. W against the. Estate of DAVID Wallace and Mr. Floyd Lodge A R C=HTB`L D BUCHANAN, of the Lodge funeral home. 6. Wanted To Rent - n Farmer, late f the Township of - The family of the late Colborne, in e County of Hu- Maggaret Johnston. ron, who died on or about the -51 8th day of ovember, 1965, LAMBERTZJS. - Mr. Herman are required to file the same Lambertus would like"to thank with full particulars with the the staff of Alexandra Hospital undersigned by the 8th day of for care and.�kindness 114 ��. January, 1966, as after that date while theirhe was a patient., the assets- of the estate will be Spec - SPACIOUS two -floor three-bed- room apartment, just off Square. Phone 524-6231. -47tf LARGE bed -sitting room, fridge and hot plate,' 54 Victoria St., North. -47tf 'BELL Telephone employ e'e wishes to . rent three or four- bedroom, house near public school. Write to Box 139, Sig- nal -Star. -51 6. Help 'Wanted Ulder HQrrrgs AN AGGRESSIVE real estate Joule for sale for only $1,000 company with over 40 agents re - down. ��, quires a salesman or saleslady HAROLD W. SHORE to act as agent in Goderich and Real Estate Broker vicinity. Experienced persons 38 Hamilton St. Dial 524-7272 would be preferred, but not es- sential as training will be given. Interested persons apply in writ - ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN Ing to Box 138, Signal -Star. -51-1 For Sale WANTED, stenographer for Three-bedroom, red brick, one- legal firm, must have shorthand. year-old house, good sized living Arrange for -interview by call - room and_dining room. Modern ing Tony- Bedard, 524-8346. . kitchen and bath. Hardwood -49tf flooring. Low 'taxes and low heating bills. Finished recrea- ion roam in basement. This house qualifies for V.L.A. Pre- sent owner leaving town. ' 'rwo-storey white brick close to Square. This house contains four good -size bedrooms, living room and den, dining room, large kitchen with good cup- boards. A real family home. Make us an offer on this one. 116 -Acre farm close to town and on the main highway. Good house, new . drilled well, • fair barn. Farm. presently set up for grass. A real good buy and a sound investment. For Rent FULL-TIME waiter for cocktail lounge. Apply Bedford Hotel. -46tf We require additional Part -Time Female Help for afternoons, and Saturday mornings. Must be able to type and have knowledge of Accounting. distributed. • HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. -49-51 ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of GOFtDON ALLAN RUTLEDGE, Salesman, late of the town of iCoderich in the County ° bf Huron, who died on or about the 8th day of December, 1965, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 0th -day of January, 1966, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. HAYS,_ PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc.. 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. -49-51 One and two-bedroom apart- ments, heat, hot water, frig and -}k-ed 58' FORD consul, excellent sec- ond car. Phone 8444. -51 A Happy New Year to all. BItUNO LAPAINE • Phone 524 - 8957 J. I. RAPSON-8559. Salesmen for ALEXANDER ,& CHAPMAN Goderich Phone 524 - 9662 commumisemenummiummummli GET THE facts., Let us- show you how we have helped others to become financially independ- ent ndependent selling Rawleigh Products. Good district now open in Huron County. Write Rawleigh, Dept. L-216-911, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. • -51 NEWLY decorated upper two- MAN or woman to service cus- bedroom apartment, private tomers with Watkins Products in bath, laundry room, hot water the town of Goderich:- No in - supplied. Ideal -far quiet couple, 59 Kingston St. Phone 9370. '56 METEOR V-8, automatic, ra- uw,... "v '- - 50xtf 5249156. SMALL cottage, suitable for '57 FORD' fordor sedan, blue, couple or one person. Phone ,standard transmission, rebuilt 524-6518. 51x motor, new tires. Phone -5524 - 2 6351. FOOD selection of used cars in A-1 condition, fully reconditions _rade-ins ac- cepted and ' terms avail's -file. Rause Auto Electric, West41� 3. Real Estate For Sale IF YOU have property for sale; list with Frances Rae, 43 New- gate St., phone 9557, agent for S. E. Malins, R.R. 1, Goderich, phone 8040. For • Sale At Port Albert, approximately 10 acres, near lake, with good house -and barn. On Nelsbn St., two -apartment house, in ttp-top shape, three bedrooms down, one up, separ- ate ' entrance, closed -in sun - porches - $12,000.00.; In Dungannon, four�bedroom 00 white brick, $58 0 crown payment, or exchange for good bush lot. On Highway 8, near drive-in, two -apartment house in excel- lent condition. 59,000. Lot 52 x 107 on Lighthouse, one block from Square. Roomy two -apartment house in excellent condition on Bri- tannia Rd., W. THREE-BEDROOM house at 85 Trafalgar St., oil furnace, close to store, available mid-January. Phone 524-7530. 51-1x 'GIIRJILBEDROOM house on Eldon.St., available now, Phone 8650, - - -51-1 LOWER apartment, heated, one - bedroom, close to Square. • Phone 524-0845. .-51tf THREE-ROOM apartment with bath, heated. Phone 5247171. -51 tf FIVE -ROOM duplex with gas heating. Phone 524-7977. • -49tf LADY'S white gold watch lost. Finder please call 8834. Liberal reward. -51 SMALL female beagle, five months old, lost near Blake St. and Strang Ct.; tan and white foxhound with speckled legs lost in Goderich Township, near Rayfield. Finder please phone 9648. 51x ial thanks to Father R. Moyni- han, Dr. V. L. McGeough, an all those who sent cards and gifts or visited hiin. -51 ROBERTSON. -I would like to thank all those who sent me flowers, cards, letters and gifts while I was in the hospital' - Special thanks, •to Dr., V. L. McGeough, the nurses on second floor east and Mrs. Horn. Judy Robertson. 51x SMITH. -We wish to Wank the Goderich Fire Department for their efficient service and all our friends and neighbors who came to 'our aid° Tdiirirrg our recent fire. Smitty's `Welding. Saltford. Mr. an Mrs. Mervin Hodges on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodges and family visited on Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vanderburg1h of Goderich.' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Green, Miss Sally Johnston, Mr. and - George Bobislh and t,vi? boys' of Detroit visited with Mrs; Georges Rl 1 aChr as Day. • Vsitors far Christmas week- end with Mrs, Dave Martin and faintly were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grigg, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Martin, Mr, and' Mrs. Don Bowdon, Larry and Randy, Bob Bowden, Paul and Laverne all of London; Mrs. Young of Ripley, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Yotng and fam, ily. �. . d 'Mx and Mrs: mo i:- 'iger1 n family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray' Barker and family of Gofle- rich on Christmas Day. Mr. Wilmer Errington„ who teaches at Minnitaki, arrived at. Brampton by plane on Thursday and Mr. Harold Adams and child- ren met him and brought him home to spend Christmas with them. Mrs. Mary Errington of Goderich also visited with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Adams and family for Christmas. -51 WEAVER; --I `would like to ex- press my thanks to friends and neighbors for their cards, visits, gifts and offers of help while I was a patient in Gode- rich hospital and Since return- ing home. Special thanks to Dr.' G. I'. Mills, nurses . and nurses' aides, Rev. J. A. Veld huis and U.V.W. of Dungan- non United Church. , - Mrs. Glen Weav^-• 51x YOUNG. -T wish to take this means to thank Dr. N. C. MALE beagI lost December 181 Jackson, the nurses, the girls at St. Augustine, wearing Col= in green on first floor East,- the . W borneTownship tag. Finder oman's Institute, Re - please' ' phone 529-7113, Dungan -I bekah's, Senior Citizens and' non, Stuart Taylor- 51x Kinsmen, ' relatives and fri- ends for the lovely plants, GRAY Persian -kitten, four flowers. cards and treats sent white paws, wearing, white and me while in hospital. • It made yellow collar, .child's pet. Re- the time pass more pleasantly. ward. Phone 524-9971. 51x - Mrs. Charles E. Young. 51x GREETINGS May : the New Year bring every happiness to those It is our great privilege to serve. vestment necessary. Earn $75,00, per week and up. Full or part- time. Write to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal 15, Que- bec. -47-51 Order Shell furnace oil and sive oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for a11a,ShelJ Oil Co. products Phone 524 - 8386. -37tf ONE -BEDROOM apartment, fur- nished, all conveniences. Ridge- wood Park. Phone 524-8891. -49tf� PAIR of tractor chains to fit size 11.00 x 38 tires. Phone DODKIN.-In loving memory of John Buchanan, 524-6462. Mrs. Alice Dodkin, who passed • -45 away six years ago, December, GOOD home wantedfor male 25, 195. terrier pup. Phone 524-8310. Though you have gone, we feel yon near, 51x Loved one so sweet, so dear, BOARDER wanted, close to Safe. in His arms, peace you'll stores. Phone 5247439-, find, -51 Wait for us you left behind. -Sadly missed by husband John and family. -51 HOUSE, _,,two bedrooms, partly furnished. Ridegwood Par Phone 524-8891- -49tf TWO-BEDROOM heated apart- ment. hot and cold water, avail- able now. 57 Stanley St. Phone Sea forth 527-0753. 50-51x THREE-BEDROOM house, with hardwood floors, on Regent St., $63 monthly. Possession Janu- ary 15. Phone 7207. -50tf ONE -BEDROOM apartment, new, TV antenna, on the Square. Phone 524-7178. -46tf W. J. HUGHES Rear Estate Broker General Insurance 38 EAST STREET Phone 524.8100 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Salesman: L. H. Pentland 1-82 Cameron eat. 524-9007 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVIT*ib 11. Employment Wanted WILL do babysitting, in my own home, if preferred. Phone 524- 6312. -51 LOVELY five -room apartment on Court House Square. Hard- wood floors and furnace. Phone 524 - 9656. -45tf HEATED apartment, newly doe - orated, all conveniences. s. T. Ahl, 56 East Street, ph ne 8193. 29tf KENT HOUSE, furnished rooms with living roam, TV and kit- chen privileges, 510 weekly. Phone $433. -36tf MODERN self-containek heated apartment, suitable for couple only. Immediate possession, James Bisset, phone 524 - 9645. -30tf FOR snow removal with tractor -and blade phone Harold teddy, 524-7237. -51-1 ACE Radio TV Service. Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Gode- rich, Ont. Phone 524 - 7771. SHARPENING saws, kn'ves, scis- sors, etc. J.,„Adams, 44 elling- ton St. -39ff REMODELLING of any k' d, kit- chen cupboards, etc. For free estimates call Fred Basler, 7162. 42xtf DAILY CAR RENTAL. Reasonable rates. McGE`E'S -• Goderich. Phone 524 - 8391. We're Vi'`' , chiming * in with good -- wishes and grateful thanks to our kind and generous friends. OPEN'Later Than Usual ;On NEW , YEAR'S EVE • AND , ALL DAY NEW YEAR'S DAY IZZA, PATIO SERVICE ELECTRIC (GODERICH) LIMITED Corner Victoria ,.and Newgate Streets 5248; January meeting, St. George's Church Woman's Guild, will be held • in the Guild Room, Janu- ary 5, at 3:00 p.m. -51 A series of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, January 5th, 1966, at 2:00 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date or phone the Health Unit, Goderich, 524-7441,. between 9:00 also. - 5:00 -p.m. -51 JOHNSTON.-In loving rnemory of my dear father, James G. Johnston, who passed - away January 2, 1942. • -Ever remembered by his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy and fam- ily. 51x KERB. -In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Eva •Kerr, who passed away seven years ago, January 1. Loving memories never die, As years roll on -and days pass by; In our hearts a memory is kept Of the one we loved and will never forget. -Sadly missed by Henry and family 51x STIP BULLEN'S Cabinet Shop. custom furniture, kitchen cup• boards, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St. Phone 9631. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, all work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 442 W 6. - 36.49x KERR.-In loving memory of a dear mother, Eva Kerr, who passed away seven- years ago, January 1. It broke our hearts to lose you But you did not go alone; For part of us went with you The day God called you home.. -Sadly missed by son-in-law and daughter and grandchildren, Ross, Hilda and family. , FOR Sale or Rent -Two-storey, four bedroom home, 98 Light- house St Phone Roy Breckeri- • ridge, 524-9371 or 524-9264. ' - Harbourlite Inn ACCELERATING JACKPOT WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5 Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club We have an excellent selection of coats and suits 'that were purchased for fall and winter 1965-66. Come in early and be sure of best selection. 51x WHITrE - PATTERSON.-In lov- ing memory of our husbands, James White and Jack Patter- son, who passed. away five vears ago December 30th 1960. We know that they are happy, In our Saviour's home aboye. Growing' fairer as they linger In the sunshine of His love. -Sadly missed by their wives, Laura and Anna, and their' fam- -51 ASHFIELD. -=- A Candlelight service held on Christmas Eve in 'Ashfield Presbyterian Church was well attended. Barbara L. MacKenzie read the Scripture, and Jan and Betty Simpson .gave meditations. Nan- cy MacLennan was organist and Florence MacLennan the soloist. Others taking part were Jean Macdonald, Christine MacLen- nan, Margie Simpson, Jane Mon- crief, Donna Wylds and Janice Robb. r Personals Douglas Farrish is home from sailing- • • Among those visiting friends and relatives here on the holi- days were: Ray Mac -Kenzie of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacLean and -Duncan and Lexia of Collin; w rood; Miss Sharon West of London; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sawchuck of Toronto; Mr and )s. Don Compton of Wing- ; ham; Mr. and Mrs. George Lead- better and Barbara of Torot4to: Mr. and Mrs. Ian Morton of Pal- merston; Mr. and Mrs: David BunBuno of Toronto; Mr: and Mrs Steve Eliot, - Barbara and Bill, of Port Huron. For casual ° wear, curling or .for skiing. You'll never find a lower priced group of pants or • better quality either. This is quite a large group in a broken site and color range. Sizes range from 7 to 20.