HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-12-16, Page 9ANCE AN • lgo.-TheNVoiitareslii work in the Sy:ipport. �TriSsionst welgonte; and w.4tarot Mrs,. Society of KM% PresbY- The guest SPeaker of the af Fran Raithby, �owr go; I. Chitral held .its Christ MM. terno(i'nWas Rev. R. U. IVIaeLeari vener. Mr Alfred toUt at the home; Q Mr who Spo"e, on Advent, Mrs. Rob, son; literatiire asild nbrarY, .Mrs. frouston wItb 28 present. nrt J Phillips' played a piano. Allan .Leatherland; home hep, eieeting was in charge of slto, Mrs. Sanderson- thant:e4 erS, Miss Minnie Wagner, Mrs MX'S, Wilfred .San-. Mrs. Houston fcr her hospitality Roy Daer; Supply, Mra. Carl 11,, and the pianist was Mrs . and Anse who had assisted her..(4,ovieri stadent and press Mrs. liairres:4- The president during the year, ',yd. Davies; Ladies Aid president, the meeting: with th- The norrinatirr. committee' Mrs. Major Yonngblut; secretary- tos Glad 'Tidings. prayer *.!-rxrposed of Mrs. Wilfred San- treasurer, Mrs. Roy Daer. a hymn.. The devotional lersGri,, Mrs. 'Jack Hallam an0 The meeting was closed with ds taken by Mrs. . jacl- :Mrs. Alfred Rillinsln preiented he benedietfOn. Lunch *as. 31rs. Williams J. L. ai' '.he slate of officers for 1966 served by "Mrs. Alfred. Rollinson a solo. They are: Honorary • prFsl- and • Mrs. Warner Andrews, as; e annul:es were adopted as dnits, Mrs, John Houston; M'S sited by Miss Frances gouston. tr. Mrs. Alvin Leatherland. Edgar Lawsont! president. Mrs reports were accepted as Wilfred Sandergon; vice-presi befort' being sent on to the dent, Mrs. Wes pra.dnoc":.; s•Tre ytt..1,11 convener. Mrs. 'ary-treastrer, Mrs. .nenale. Id Haines gave the Yeay's Haines: pianist. Mlis:"D. Haines. V.C.W. Elects Officeri The animal meeting of the United Church Women of KnAx United Church was held in the chfi statement showing Glad Tidings, Mrs, John Hallam Sunday schoeJ room of th' reported as. also did the corre,s4- clinrch with 'Unit 'Three" pondence secretOry,iis Charge, aret jacksoni Reports we re Miss Margaret R Jaelcsen gave ceived .from, all 'committee on- te- call to worship and,. a hymn venerS hut the outstanding, ope was sung with Mrs. :William J. Craig at the piano, The Scrip- ture lesson was read by •Mrs. Oor on 1116Clinehey. Mss son ed J,n prayer. , The offering been sent Was received by 111rs, Elliott The question and answer per - Lapp and Mrs. Roy EasOin. • iod with the panel composed of The president, Mrs:Bert Craig, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, Mrs, zook charge of the business per, Kenneth McDougall; Mrs: Bert iod and opened with prayer. The Craig and Rev. Jihn Wheeler minutes were accepted as read provecluvery Interesting. It;show- by the secretary, Miss Elma ed that more Bible Stiidy was Kutch. Airs-Normian McDowell, wanted at !mit and general meet; treasurer, gave the financial ings. • sla,ement. During the year all units had Mrs. gordon MeClinchey, en- combined to lay new church vener of the, finance committen carpet and assisted in other pro- jects. wa ,S presented by the convener of slippirjOIVirs. Tom Lawlor. She reported that .02R pounds of bale valued at $1,903:35 had NO NOMA NtioOlinvheY, on.. vener a the nclninating ealnnlit" tee presented the slate of of- 3cers.for the coming year, New units were drawn from:Abe mem- bership and tikirse-,-.49adas will be chosen .at the January meet- ing. Rev. John Wheeler closed with brayer. The IOW tffieers are: Past president, Mrs, Bert Craig.; presi dents: -Mrs. OliVer Anderm. Mrs. .Kenneth McDougall; first vice-president, Mrs. Stewart A ment; second vice-president, Mrs. Norman McClinchey; fecerding -secretary, Mrs. Robert Arthur; assistant secretaff Miss EIma Match; corresponding 'secretary Miss Margaret Jackson; treas- urer, Mrs. Norman McDowell: mission treasurer, Mrs, 'Norman MgDowal; pa 5 segretary, is Viola ThoMpson; literoture sec. Tasty, Ms, Charles Strauglion; kitchen committee, Mrs, Robert toner, Mrs, or Mrs WUuim Strouglian, Mrs. Keith, Mach* supplY eoramit- teo, irs Wifliani Empty, Mfrs 'Iuy Cunningham, Mrs. Willia7 '(AO, Airs. Roy Vasom, Miss ,garet laerscat. Nominating committee, Mrs. Ralph Winro, Mrs. Lawrenec Plaetzer. Mrs. Norman McClin- ehey; visiting convener, Mrs. Hatt Lapp; Anance, Mrs. Ernest Durnin; Chrigtian stewardship Ms. Sidney Lansing; Christian citizenship, Mrs. Orland Bere , reor,sentative to manse com- mittee, Mrs. Rlbert Turner: rep- resentative to Board of Stewards, THE .TIME: Christmas Eve THE PLACE: Gpderich THE SETTING:' The Lights Are,Otit All Over Town. ."; Over She Opens 'Her Gifts, The One She Will Cherish Most Will Be _ Box From The . . . IFTS ,114 5 0 13.59. to 15.00 to 9.0, 1- 17,0, 760 • • • . 0 - 6.50 • .. 3.50 igs .63 .. .39 .49 . • :. 1.09 .59 . . .79 . . .63 arogounms, verOotre.gtemtem-toomil.cr-Iti-tavankmemAtovarzkvarvigt.varemtv7,- .vatatamatc-katm-Pogrit-ward,rtrovkilogrewrivocAtro."01toioretotZetattptOlgttt.cmWvetarmerelOtto-#0,,tregVe'neacroorigkr...,v, Mrs, Arthur *salve; ninsie ,einn,:l(iwine, the xneeting an *lotion inittee. Mrs. Williont'J, Vraig ami .36704 held, Mr& James JackOn. ' : • The hoste$,,' Mil. awn. 4ss-,,, .....oristmas, c:onoot .-4.sisatiltl)t,ys.herOvreti4i4,.ate,:rw;t1VIerht .T.A11; prnzr , Th ' al Ch- tnut eon ert- ',0f, ts,s, 1st°. 0,410iiett waaltoid.' ,'.04:ti011 was ,e3preased to, Mr*. In the Auburn Community2l0M- toepl.raf4opt.;r110,Y,)!iectarrf6.0!:bekrio. ea oral Hall Avith,, a largevattend.', :v4:n'ingnWe4. §11171,43)vnilifigarrn tr The ',(;INattiht, tel'nNeethnt: of the. Craig, and the AIM*, was Ulaer AtittUbl Ni4ihtte Night % .171s 'held he direction of the musical in -at tha:11Prna of the` legler, Mrs't $tructor, Mrs. Phyllis '''Rodger. Wes, Braankk with the vice* The ppgrain -began with .th.e. President, .1144th Dere in ,Cliorge. , Thw°e°11coPnitiPet4rellintagtiirlogn carols aarnide The411PrilAtiel:14%wd, Ish'elitftel.;rethatle 'TiluAig.ecorttii: Santa's uopera was whyrigthltie, .seeretary,'.4,maCart... -liven by Grade One pupils, Plans Were made , for Achieve - Cathy Bere, Sylvia Rutkos,vicz, ment Pay when Marian HiCkaY rkbhy Powell, Douglas MeClin- will be the commentator for the ..hey and Eldon Chamney. - ! A club a*bbit. Bernice IVIeDoilgall ,ecitatian was given by David was;ttihisen to ,help set up the *Av.pupils in Grade 1. y e:`'hitArand Ruth Here , witr make A chorus was sung b the p9ster. A .can'ata. "Santa's I.'xner• i h. boocovers will be 'made rient" wa, done by 5',1_,1+-t1 tfa : Jo/ ilti P.,'I tit'.t The rills wc.re Santa, Mire!' i,::.;it 0...; r,,,:l!., ,ins!ructed h )w tf) j1.1(i LT(' a class ''',...n`a, and (;ail S'','T's. I.1 (1: ,:i' pyjai,w and sliitable mater- • • n' litirst, Sher' n f'A‘ns a ii ials, fir 111' ' Ill' IP!')"tilI vvas I ala'i- Plnri'.01 1,-;:li h•i 1,H .; closed .with'lilei=t:ree.(,la...'13(1-all •3s, 'lily Al:iehan aed D-;re-ii.:11'.' 1.-1 * e, the rucf by ,,hev bz ir., old ini,ii, telling soniething they had learn- -,.:., ,,.,..y phetz„r, the ii,:i, 'rl.,.!: ed from the club. . Arthur _and . Larry Clia.. 1-DraAge Loclqe Official -- - ., cii,Torner: Jane 1:;.1'1,,1ar . Men fiY.r> (Pf :he Anhtirn 1 .,•al ' . .• Jun:, lad.,,. e,ir, v.1,.* ' (Iran,e 1 dge No. 9'.2 t:, i4n • ari)Cd. hair. • Ai;tant- i• 'le,ir hal with brot.her oronge- ,„Ivo) wo7.0 i ,:_.r.:1 P. :'•1 ,i1FII pre:Wilt frt)111. 1:H21:1W', Lubbers and Paul C:i 1 1.ctli all 1)tin„em'n,,n. '/ iir.ihip. : , : • Shelley Grani(,r)1:1',:,,d 1,:. In! Ill -ether \Val er Sc -,'t of Bel- lee.i of Miss Physiolowy and sa`it'.2, erave had eliar- , .,,f the electi m 10, '"I'llin:!s 7.0.il 1. )1; bri• hof otlicer;, ter at the break of day. The. 1f11;k; officers etect.ed are: A skit, "Christina; C•)r ;oft:ley ' Wor,lit of el Master, G ,.) ,.d 0 ii wa , acted by GeorZe (7ollins and lar: deputy V. ur. Alas', r. Rob- erry Bern. A eliorns, I wan' ert Aric-,.tr.,e,g: chan!a:11, Wil - 1 Itippopotainus, for' Christmas fred Sanderson: recordin“, secre- *as sung by Joanne Ualcela.r•.,tary, Thomas Jolirrston. ti eas- Trudy Machan, Lvnn Turner and nrer, Everett Taylor: marshal), Wanda Platizer. The program Rudd Koov-ians: first levurer, el 'ad \Nith the chorie. Story rf Gordon -linne,,: sec..)nd lect- Lem; Ago. urer, jehn Armstrong: tyler,- The chairman, Mr. Crair!.. Harold Carter: committee, Tho- lianl-ed the children for th- mas Johns t on. Wilfred Sander - splendid program and in hiS re son, Gordon Chamney and ,John marl..7s stated that it looked as if Armstrong. ' 1 h i: a nCnauraoll cSaer'rovli c es Ln. vice of it might be the last concert .',u the central school is to be ready next_ fall. - -, this community is to be held 110 alsO. thanked- Mrs. 'RaIpl,;on Sunday evening, December Munro who had supplied frn'•!19th at 8 p.m. in 4.nox Presby - Mrs. McKinnon who was in the urian Church. This annual hospital. Santa arrived and gave I event is sponsore by- the branch 'lit gifts and candy to the child-ofthe Canadian. Bible Society. , ren. . . Special ntusi vill be supplied Guild Meets 'the annual meeting or st..b..7' each ch rch in the district.. Personals Mark's Anglican Guild was held r Mrs. eoe McKinnon, of the at thQ 'home of Mrs. Clifford:Nile, te cher at U.S•.S. No. 5, TIrown,..Goderich; The presi-lHullett, i a patient in Goderich dent, Mrs. Orval McPhee, open -hospital. . ed the meeting with Mrs. Thomas I Master I arr.' Daer' of Gode- Haggitt's birthday hymn, "Whilellrich visite last week With his ciliepherds watched their Flocks;Erandpa nts, Mr. and Mrs,,Roy by Night," with Mrs. Gordon R.IDaer. tt Taylor presiding at the piano. 1 Mrs. "aroline Flroadhagen Cele. Prayers were !led by the rec.! 'orate,' her 8Ist birthday last Lot'. Rev G t.....Pak_enham_The week t thc home of her daugh- Scripture lesson was read by ! ter ..1rs. Roy Daer and Mr. Daer. Mrs, Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. Gor- IVR, J.oan Weir of London don R. Taylor read an article spera the weekend with Miss from the study book. - ' . Laura Phillips. A Christmas card from Miss The lucky vinner at the draw Shirley Brown, Great- \Vhale held' en Szititrday night ,at the River, with season's greetings Johnston Hardware, store was writfen in four languages was Mr. T;irrance Tabb.' Miss 'Mary paesed for the members to see.: I. Housti.,n made the draw. Mrs. Brown ' showed cDlored :. Guests with 211r. „nd Mrs! slides from Great Whale River:John Houston and ;family last showing Shirley's school, home,!Weck were Mr. W. E. Anderson, food supplies, and .the homes of !Brantford, and Mr. George Goet- the Eskimos and.Indians. .Zen of Wyandotte, Michigan. - The minutes: of the previous Mr. Ed. Davies has feturned meeting were adopted as read 1 home after surgery in Clinton by the 'secretary, Mrs... John, hospita.1. Daer. The financial statement! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby was given by the treasurer, M. of London and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon R.*Taylor. A discussion! Gordon R. .Taylor attended the followed on the purchase of altar: funeral of their uncle, Mr. Gor- hangings. Mrs Donald Cart.' don Rutledge, in Goderich last Wright's birthday hymn, "Unto, week. the Hills"'was sung and then the' The annual Vesper Candle- .. . election of officers was held, lighting service of the Auburn • The new officers are: pre- si- C.C.I.T. will be held next Sun - dent, MA. Orval McPhee; vice- day, December 19th at 2.30 p.m. president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt: in Knox Presbyterian Church. secretary, Mrs. John Daer; treas- Russel King .is improving in trer, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell; health in Westminster Hospital, nrPss reporter, Mrs. Ed., Davies; London ., ,ianist. Miss. Gordon R. Taylor; Albert Killough of Hamilton lssistant, Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon- visited last week with Mrs. Rus- iell; auditors, Mrs ,Thomas Hag- sel King and other relatives. itt, Mrs. t'd. Davies. The ex - ',,ve is to he the ,,,PERSONAL. Program committee. The hum) Miss Ftancis Papernick of Or hers decided to send $10.00 !!-. illia spent the past wee:: visiting t'ert George. The travellin- in Goderich with her mother. ;Trim was•pas,ed and ree,:iv-. Mrs. 1. Papernick. l'i,Vhile in 1 penny .for each letter iii "1'n • this area Frances visited her o you the Christ is born " '!lu grandparents and relatives in -cctor closed wiih prayer. t,1- Lucknow and Dungann -n. ,'-'en1,14Vintrittlf040,E04,4,731-P•Cgla441,V,Vg-ttfCt.Ctit'Veteileta=-EVC-P4-!,1474--tar,VgkiMTWC,4,11VM,W,CtgV" .;!C"Mk:';' ;UG 'RE .9212- ..,,v,,t,„„trol„,,rt,45.6.1xp,ittealpaavoizoksoltteamtiam000toaavatvw.tiviwammo.,2,,4244.2tiozzwozrara.-400)110401)aarablitt,i4iltrit4iNrizalateentai,;1041t*.t.Y4.2124,114111o0atekktItarpaairk:a=r,;.741',124.1taiSiSratritartilOrt*ItItVIWOrtian*W.MOritact-XV00474004.00044001.11*21)1 0..4**** 1.4 vait:*****1