HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-11-04, Page 15air we :la. 524.785 us t y t v r Reid Green president of thitas Dystr+nPh ' Aaa0e1; u0 Canada, haa. anilonnced, Ac_ will condget its air, p$t1 •0T1�1 fund raising drive' week of NQvemntber' y�g , campaign will consist amPaign Dote manly of house-to-house c masses acreaa' the countryby MDAC chapter members, fi fighters, .num�'Qus be service clubs and Other igroupa who rily sst� o o custom, hpp rt the voluntary ealth urganizatia . n NoW in its; twelfth year, pngrc►%ul ations i 1�d est Wjshes oTo PROUSE SUPERIfS.T On The Occasion Of Their Official Opening • • • PLUMBING and HEATING n This Modern Station By WORSELL BROS. Plumbing ands Heating THE SQUARE' .ST ISHES: to PROUSE SUPERTES We are pleased ,to be a supplier for Prouse Supertest and we 'take this opportunity to congratulate them on .this, their official opening: VISIT PROUSE'S During GRAND OPENING Thurs., Fri., Sat. IDEAL , UPPLY CO. LTD.,. 145 HURON ROAD 524-8389 ounc Muscular Dystrophy A.sseeigtiorz is .second only to the heart and cancer associations hi the size of its rase arch ,program. It has spent more than $3,000 0. basic ' 00 an medical research in an ef, fort to find a cure for MD.: -„a disease that atro ie of the voluntary muscles a e calfs Until the 'recent g breakthrou h in molecular le c uta r biology and in the understanding de rstanding p�, the hum genetic mechapan wz gress had been slow in the, ,attack up. on muscular dystro dystrophy. Now there is a good chance that the cause of the disease may be pin- pointed within the next three or four years. The probable approach to a treatment or cure will be an - attempt to rectify chemically -the undesirable effects of genetic anomalies. Dr. Green said that MDAC hopes to raise more than $600,- 000 this year, which amouni he sa.•s is the minimum required to keep the research programs .going at its present pace. XUBG, U•R ,- tY" is trent Loi -� feSbQro and the three ehurei e ill tate village were present. at the annual fall Thankofferingp ',..f the' ,' �'ln`ited; -Church Women of Knlnx United Church, The guests were welcomed by the president, Mrs. ?pert ' Craig and Mrs. William Straughan and ushered d by Miss. Elm Mu cil. Y Members Of unit twowere in charge of the program ii'nd the service was led by Mrs. John Iildehrand. Mrs. Norman Wightman, church organist, pre- sided at the organ, The Scripture lesson waa read by Mrs. R. -Koopman • Mrs. Robert Arthur led in the Thanks- giving prayer. Mrs., Emmerson Rodger sang the solo, "Others." The offering was received by Mrs, Kenneth McDougall and Mrs. Guy Cunningham. The guest speaker of the even- ing was Rev. William Craven of Goderich. Hq . was: introduced by Mrs: John Sprung. Mr. Cra- ., • • • Best Wishes to PROUSE SUPERTES • • • Fill -- Excavation and DemolitioWQf Old Station by BENSON FEAGAN R. R. T GODERICH 524 7427 vs i "Mkt- slow," � - I tide f� tz e� zt �. � � � _ , dux s,. �� slow ," • Spoke, of al work i' �� ap xk zl': the afar northWhere {lie •served ids. 0uu for seyeral; 'years, Bert Craig thanked Mr. Craven fox his reessi lge and wweleemed all the ,guests. Mzs, gnunerson Rodger er sang a solo while Mrs. Arthur Csrange operated 'the projector- .showing slides. .Ret. J. Wheeler closed the meeting with prayer: The mi.misart of unit, two served lunch. Thanks for the invitation was expressed by Mrs. Wilfred San :dersan of Knox .; Presbyterian W.M.S ., Mrs. Orval • McPhee of St. Mark's ,Anglican Guild, Mrs, Bert Doran for the Baptist lad- ies, and also from 'the Londes- bora ladles. 25th Anniversary-' Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McDou- gall were surprised last week when 25 of their neighbors and friends gathered at their home on Maitland Crescent on the occasion of their 25th wed - '`ding anniversary. .. , 'Mrs.- Wes Bradnock Was chair- "tr ra n-- f o r- -th a- p r o g r gan with a sing -song, led by Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor with Mrs. Robert J. Phillips at the piano. Miss Margaret R. Jackson gave two readings and Mrs. Oliver An- derson conducted contests. Winners of the music contest were Mrs. Harry Arthur and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. Mr. Ralph Munro and Mrs. Orland' Bere were contest judges. Wil- liam L. Craig' vas the first prize winner. Mr. Craig spoke a 'few words to -the bride and groom -(1 25 years and, on behalf of those present, wished ,them the best in the years to come. .Silver gifts and silver dollars were presented by Mrs. Harry Arthur and Mrs. Orland Bere. Mr. and Mrs. McDougall thanked their friends and lunch was serv- ed by neighbors. ,. --Receives -Diploma Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig attended the , Medway School; London, commencement Iast Fri- day evening where their grand- daughter, --Carolyn Craig, Ilder- ton, received her diploma in special commercial. Her sister Vera was the recipient of four proficiency awards. They are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig of Ilderton. Following the pro- gram, Mr. and Mrs. Craig held open . house at their . home in Ilderton where they entertained friends and relatives. Attending from this area were: Mr. and Mrs. Maitland ' n Alien; gr. and errs, William, S.'( Craig, 'Cliutop;. Mr,' and Itiirs. { f rt�x}f�WersselU,(r�� and Terry of od4r�4e ;Mrs, i a... Wilkin an �? � � d �. y. son Robert of • oderiehx and gr. an'd , Ray Macllrnurray of Flint Michigan. . �C.G.1.'li"{ Pony Ghosts, tramps, rzurses heb os and clowns attended the annual C..I.T. ; Hallowe'en party in Inox Presbyterian Church last week, All members with their guests joined in the grand march while the judges, 'Mrs.. Ben Hamilton and Mrs, Harry Arthur decided on the winners. ' The fancy dress prize went to Sheron Collins; comic dress prize went to Yvonne Girvin and the prize for the most original co - tame was -awarded to Linda Sproul. • A program of games was in charge . of Diane' Kirkconnelj, Brenda Ball, Wendy Schneider and Linda - Baeehler. Lunch, cookies and .'cider, were served by Jane Doran, Judy Arthur. and Mrs. „Wes Bradnock. Bake Sale The= Walker.burn. Club ladies home-made baking in the Oi•pge Hall last Saturday and the sell- ing was brisk and well attended. The guests were welcomed by the club' preside:4 , Mrs. Ted flunking. She stated that the proceeds from this sale would help support the Kprean adopted child who is about nine years old now. ' Mrs. George Schneider and Mrs. James Jackspn were in charge of the bread and buns; Mrs. Nellie McDougall, the Christmas cakes; Mrs. Leonard Archambault, assisted by Mrs. Guy- Cunningham, candy, muf- fins, squares and fruit loaves; Mrs. Lorne Hunking and Mrs. Roy Daer were in charge of the cakes and pies. The treasurer, Mrs. Walter;;, Cunningham, "was at the cash •table. Nightie Nights The fifth °fife e -ting -of-the-Au burn Nightie Nights 4-H Club was held with Marian, Hickey acting as president. The roll call was answered by each tell- ing how they could improve their record books. ,The leader, Mrs. Bradnock, spoke on the use of facings and how to cut them out. The mem- bers 'were shown how to apply facings on a garment and how to top stitch. All girls practised how to slip stitch and"•sortie cut out their sleeping garments. The meeting was closed by repeating the Creed. GRATULA TiONS We Were Proud To Have Been The General Contractor We were indeed pleased to have been chosen as the • General - Contractor for this new Supertest station. We enjoyed our stay in 'Goderich and we thank the citizens for their hospitality. Best wishes for success to John B. Prouse, in this hi$. new and modern station. TIMPS CONSTR CTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR 20 Pine St., Chatham Baptist Wining ci Vile annual Meeting, of the Auburn D tpti�st Church waa held last Friday evening 'nd,'star.ted with a dinner .ser red,�h.t 7 p..zn• The business pexiod,was. npeuM e /] by''(Sc 'i��yptt r+ an4d p!]ray+■/, .by the 'new pastor, eF , Paul coon, whQ gave a short address on "early evangelism." A good hn- aneia1� ,�.ear was reported and,all Y p .4i and .. the officers were reelected for another year: p Personals Iter. and Mrs. --Bert Mann of' St. Catharines visited last week with 1\fr. and Mrs. Bert Craig. 14Irs, Tom Adams of Londes- boro is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunningham this week. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDeugal'I and family were: Mrs. John Vincent, Gocierieh; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mcfougall and family of Galt: Mrs. Nellie McDougall, R.R. 1, Auburn, and Mrs. Ethel Mc- Dougall, Seaforth. • Mr. and Mrs. Colhi---Young of Toronto visited with Mr. and J 1Virs. 4011n Ibusto . and family, recently, Mr. and Itirs. Roy FarrWw Mit boll, visited last Friday wfth anMrs• 'out -Johnston'. lVfr, And Mrs„ John Robinson (uee'E.11a* May ItObina00 cif Fort Crolit visited last Saturday with, Mr. and Mr,S., Robert". Phillips, Len Arc e ha.m►l;.azxlt was cine. of :25 farmers fzsn : Miro; County. who enjoyed a two-day bits trip to Toronto sponsored by Can- ada Packers. ° They had' ton of plants and lectures and de- monstrations on meat cutting. Tliey also went on a tour of the Shur -Gain. experimental farm at Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phil- lips, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas John- lton, Miss Laura Philips, :Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mrs. -Wes Bradnock attended the funeral at Lucknow last Thursday of their cousin, Mrs: -Durnin Phil- lips. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies visit- ed last week with Mrs ,and .Mrs. James Hembly at their new opo Ott Atwood. Mr, and .Pira. /Orr and family' of. " rrzl, la tt into, the M Lart , ho .e 2aa urday, Mr Turner has secured emPio rnenit 'at. the Dominion oad shop in Gbderieh, Mr, and Mrs, Arne.s4lousher and family movedad into the Vi 1 .l 1 e their aSt. week to tut iz` new :hoz'n p 'chased' from Mr„ ..and , George, faggitt NM. Victor Yo:. i gInt is re. covering /rim surgery in ' 10- toria i 'ospt,t }, London, Misses Lottieiaend Laur ,Jack- on- of Goderich. visited Ian Sats urday with their cousin, Miss Margaret R. Jackson. .Marry Goodwin at Atwood vis- ited on Saturday with his freind William Stiles Mr. and Mrs. Barry ' B,rown and family of Part Albert visited withr..and Mrs. Ross Andrews and family on Saturday evening. Ed. Davies and Court Kerr attended the horseshoe pitching competition at Wellesley last week and bpth got in the prize money. n Area-,,Crea:m:.„..sr Press dor New Price' Boostl CLINTON. -' Huron County cream producers association has decided to press for an increase in the pride paid by processors for butterfat to equal the milk price increase being sought by area concentrated milk produc- ers. Ray Houston of R.R. 2, Brus- sels, county association presi- dent, said . the increase sought would amount to about 20c more than the 65e to" 6,7c price now paid for a pound of butterfat. - Several locals of the Ontario concentrated milk producers' association have voted in favor of boycott action to gain $4 per hundredwetght for their pro- duct. Mr. Houston said the cream producers' association, in addi. tion to seeking the increase to. meet mounting farm costs, wants to prevent cream producers from switching to .milk production and flooding the market with skim milk powder. Mr. Houston said -the county association fears that if con- centrated milk producers. gain their increases, cream producers will switch products anti flood the market with skim milk pro- ducts. - Only an equal increase to cream producers would pre vent this, he said. A resolution recommendipg the prig z erg at the association's annual meet- ing here Wednesday night. It will be sent to the zone meeting of Huron and Perth counties next Wednesday and forwarded to • the provincial marketing board meeting in Toronto, Nov- ember 16 . Mr. Houston said while farm operation costs have soared in, recent years, farmers have been getting less and less of the can•' surer dollar. T-te said that dur- ing a period in 1951.cream pro- ducers received 82e per pound of butterfat, nearly 20c more than they are receiving now:` Association members also vot- ed to ask the provincial board to press for legislation guaran- teeing payment for their pro- duct from manufacturers at time of shipment. Gerald Carey, of R.R. 1, Crom- arty, a zone director, said the recent Blackwood Creamery bankruptcy cost producers only one montbsjn payments, but the Loss could have amounted to thousands of dollars. At ,present no, guarantee of payment is made to producers for cream shipped to factories. Mr. Houston was .re-elected president. Roy Williamson, of R.R. 1, Walton, was elected vice- president, and Mrs. Florence EI- liott of Clinton, was appointed secretary -treasurer. Social Insuraflce. Warning , ReIeasecLBy Commission.._ The Unemployment Insurance Commission said this week that the current registration for the Canadian Pension Plan is ap- parently leading many Canad- ians ,s'ho already have a Social Insurance Number to apply for a second one. The -Commission' emphasized that the one number provides identity for both Can- ada Pension Plan and unemploy- ment insurance purposes and that the individual must not have more than one number. Those who apply more than once may be building up future •CSil.l.riLxe-3eiZ71e'ih t.ilTJ eT'P C's'-tsir-e--4 gard to . payments from either or both plans. They may find• that they have created more than one "account" for their con- tributions and thus have trouble obtaining their full entitlement whrri .e -time comes to obtain benefits. The U.I.C. noted that every. effort is made to avoid assigning more than one number to an in- dividual. However, when the poi titulars "gi ven on one applic- ation are not identical to those given on an earlier application, a second number will be is- sued. For the individual who al- ready has moire than one Social Insurance Number, the Commis- sion says the solution is simple. He should report the problem to the -nearest UIC office, bring- ing with him, or mailing, all the Social Insurance Number cards in ,his possession. The Commis- sion will cancel the later num ber or numbers and supply a new Social ,insurance Number ae card-: if the . original one has, been misplaced. While h is an offence for' a person' to knowingly apply for more than one number, it 'is recognized that' most, m iple applications are made inadvert- ently. The Commission stressed that its immediate interest is to have' those wh.o c>tribute to either the Canada Pension Plan or unemployment insurance to del sd under one—and only one —Social Insurance N'uniber. UH.1 PPLI.ES u For John [',rouse Supertest From JOHN JEFFEf'y & SON Congratulations to "‘PROUSE SUPERTEST and BEST WISHES Foii Continued