The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-11-04, Page 14THAT COLLEGE BD ICATIQN SztV 'of. full sex 'we velure
, It's not until you get, a son or marriage,
.daughter oil to calege that you Both explain kindly to the old
learn what a simple, unsophisti- folks not only that all's wron?
ated, reactionary,, narrow -mind- in the world, but also that God
ed, old-fashioned peasant you is no longer in His heaven. Ir
really are. �act,.He isn't anywhere. He's just
He, or she, will meke it all '"anthropomorphic projection
of the need for a father image.'
quite clear to your on that first w :u
weekend home from the hal-'
Both point out that the capi
lowed halls of learning. tahstic system is driving us int('
a neurotic pursuit of the materi-
Every fall, the blood pressure alistic, that thedollaris essen-
of countless fathers skyrockets,,, Tally an evil thing. And both
the tender' hearts of h3rdes of pocket, without comment, the
loving mothers shatter, when the ''xtra 10 bucks you slip them on
freshman student, beloved and departure.
cherished these 18 years, waltzes,' '
in with a bag of dirty laundry. Our kid has discovered a new
and a swollen ego. system, . in which you can get
w _l___ _n t....r hours loo.. a+
We've had quite a fall of it, night. -This is done by sleeping
in out neighborhood. With a all day, which he did •bn the
sigh of relief, we shipped our weekend. He assured us that he
gawk of a boy off to one uni- had worked oust a„ rigid work
.... . ,,.: ,..ariti..§s.14, ..ofW.crst esi ig: which begins at,'
the people` next door sent thTr.,.daily. But a few minutes later,
darling daughter to another. he let it slip out that he scarcely
} ; ever ate breakfast at the dining -1
Both were "home last weekend.: hall, because he slept in.
And both sets of parents spent'
the entire visit alternating wikhThe girl next door nearly fin -
fury at the kids and shame at ,tshed off her father. He gave
their own ignorance. I her a blank cheque, the dope.
* * to pay her first term's fees and
There's no question about it. residence dues, hoping he could
A college education is a won- scrape up the second term when
derful .thing. In a matter of 'it arrived: With admirable sang -
three or four weeks, smalltown froid, she,„i'i,lled in the cheque
kids who barely staggered for the whole year's fees.. Next`
through high school, and barely
`knew enough to change their
socks or blow their noses, are
transformed into pipe -smoking
playboys or dashing, desirable
-women of the world. Imagine
what a whole year will do.
a: * *
The boys nonchalantly toss
--off a remark or two. about; .beer in on a sit-in or a lie -down or
parties, the girls light up a fag some other form of civiCadisturb=
right there, while father's frown ance, so he can be arrested.
deepens and mother's jaw falls, * :
wider and wider. The girl next door is disgust -
y; ed that -her mother can't read
The boys, with a solid basis Chaucer in the original and be
of three weeks'` lectures in poli- lieves the story about Adam and
tical science, curtly enlighten Eve. Her mom was weeping
}heir dads on the asinine polit* when she left. With rage.
Ica' ideas the latter have cher *
ished for 20 years. Oh, well, 1 guess it's all worth
* * ! it. Our grocery bill has drop -
The girls, secure in their' ped by $12 a week since Hugh
three weeks of psychology, put left. ' And we'll have the Iasi
their, mothers into shock with laugh next spring, when exams
casual comments on the neck: start.
A •
Goderich elan, who has de,
4icated most of his life to "keep-
ing things running," is deter-
mined his experience will keep
him in the lead of the competi-
•ive service station field.
John Prouse,-the lessee of the
new streamlined'. Supertest ser-
vice station, start6d tinkering
with,;'engines and things" when
he was an eight-year-old boy on
hip father's farm here.
'•i just enjoyed repairing the
equipment," said Mr. Prouse
Si'1 have been doing this type
If work all my life." .
Ev"n when he joined he army
rr:►r a five-yearr stint of active
duty in Europe during the Sec-
lnd World War, Mr. Prouse
couldn't get away from it.
Wounded In War
Ile erved - with REME, main-
taining transport and tank trans-
ports as they .rumbled through
France after the invasion. It
was far from the calm sedate life
day he received a call from his
banker. He had to sell his last
bonds to meet the overdraft.
Young..Hugh is letting his hair
grow long, has taken 'a lead role
in the college, revue, plays flam-
enco records at ear-splitting vol-
ume and .is just busting to get
of Working on his father's frrn
—he managed to get hintselt
wounded_ during the campaign.
..After he came back from the
war Mr. Prouse decided that this
was his life's wdrk and went
back into the service station
business. He took over his first
service station 18 months ago
and three months ago moved
into the new Supertest station,
which is on tpe site of a former
service station. •
A qualified class A mechanic
he employs an apprentice mech-
anic and part time help at the
new service station.
"We can handle repairs oil
any type of car" here," said Mr.
Prouse. "We Pare not restricted
to working on any one particu-
lar type of vehicle."
Mr. Prouse says he .has been
delighted by the response of his
former customers from his pre-
vious service station on Huron
Tremendous .Boost -
"This has been~ a tremendous
boost for Me here," he said.
"From the £list moment I open-
ed my doors my old customers
have been coming .bath to me.
,t must say 1 appreciate this very
notch, not just from the financial
angle but as a sign of good
Born and raised in Goderich
Township, Mr. Prouse discover-
ed his bride-to-be when he*was
over in Scotland and married
ever there- They have two sons
aged three and five years.
The Prouse family- is well
known in Goderich circles.
Ch.arles Prouse, 3
father ran a farm re for many
years. Tri fact .at the.age of 89,
Charles Prouse is still highly
rated -as a trap shooter. -
"We have been here as
family for, quite a ntimher of
years," said Mr. Prouse. "We
life Goderich and Goderich has
been good to us as well."
He added: "I intend to give
my customers he best service
possible here. We have many
of our old customers coming
down to see us already. In our
new location we are hoping t.)
see some new" •1?ltces as well."
The new service station will
P'rouse's be open front 8 a.m. to 10 mgt.
each day with the exception, of
Lot Of Work
"We divide the shifts between
us," said Mr.Q Prouse. "$t.ttt no
matter which way you .do it it
still means a lot of work., But
still I ,should be used to that
after. all these years."
He added: "I fully, realized
just what work lvould ` mean
when I decided to go into the
business fqr myself 18 months
ago. Still this is my .life's work
and I feel it is' worthwhile by
being able to provide a service
for the community."
Best Wishes
For Success
Prouse Supertest has surely enhanced the main
entrance corner of our town.
Prouse Supertest is a bright new 'spot and we
were gratified to have been chosen as the Ele
trice! Contractor. '
. John Prouse
36 North St. poderich Dial 524-7394.
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