HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-11-04, Page 8Ooderleh Sigr441,1*.r, Thgrs$day, November. 4, 1,965 TCCATillilpued from 1!;(!age 1) knew we bad goLit. This has been a strange sitUation." Civil. Service Civil service—"Wp intend "'41 provide lull collective. barg6,14- ing on tithalf of the federal civil .service with arbitration binding' Jn all parties.'' Education Education- -"We intend to re- Callifig a -further election — "When he said he would force Another election in 1.8 months this was the most preposterJus, presumptuous, arrogant state - Ment ever made by a prime minister. "Ile denied sa-ing it, then the tape recording_ was preducecl store the 75 per cent grant for and, then he remembered he hail, N ocational. trening schools which forgotten. Thatstatement alone was brought out when we intro - is enough to hriirf; about changes ., . dueed,t,he progran. The pres':i: in the (nation." . ' goverriinentwill ply only 5). . • Pensions . per cent. This will effect four Pension Plan—'rhe pedsion i schools in this ,cou as:, will be raised immediately to , - Agriculture $100 and weintend to take-outA .4,,gricu iture - -- -We iniend t of the pension ..fund monies an! immediately bring about equal- amount to make sure our old i ily in fef.d prie", we will , ',`,4 per!pie are fairly treated. e ,, ..• amend the crop insurance ac' ' "We intend to allow all those! to covr more eirectively ctn.- ' ;;!!._,. 11:V'N.:' with a veteran's allowance tol;ain areas to which it does nal , *, ' collect full pension without it apply:, airectin4 their allowance. As far as the NDP pension! ! Machinery. ____ kz,,...-1 , ,., 4, _,. r ,..,E4, -,,, Only 500 medals in all will sillier and silver.. • . prorries °are concerned they; ,• . , be issued this year . . . 400.in Machinery sales tax Wi. promise anythim4 bc.,cause theybronze and nickel silver and 100 ., Drought about the expan•sion .or . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vincent — who were married'at St. Geo- know tlre„y will not have the re -'T . , , .' • • ' rge s Church, Goderich, recently. The 'picture Was not avail- in silver. Coin enthusiasts may ominion Road Machinery C in- ; Goderich, ,AA , pang 4\ tun m wcit in pow,r! able to- -r-u,..-with---the-'-wiiite-up-in- -last-meek'-se-editi•on---o-fethe- purchase the first of a 1/4planned illili4.44-414).- a-thrn'sr- ,! with. the • export- C.feiliti. N iyv . ,.si_i_tenal‘star. f,., Law ,,, seiii"" TrINCIETienrifthehtea'rive . we intend to twit) again by re medals at the exhibition direct- - .,The law --Under the Pearson government we have two flags,!, h - — ly or by mail order from the ' moving the 11 per cent sales tax ' • . .,ion machinery." ' , Numismatic Society, l3ox 28, . 1 Jamos Donnelly. was chairman Aim lint( n. . ,s: for you and me and one for, ifender Pork Roast wo ,.,, ions and V: laws, people li!:e Rivard. }4. orm guests, were Elston Cardiff,. _ 'they will cost $2.50 each fen i for the meeting. Other plat - "They said t h e y w a n t • the bronze. and nickel silver; ' -- - PC member for Iluren in th(, a majority to do unpopular last house, The Hon. C. S. Mae een. Season's Choice S8.50 for the pure silver. Members, of Huron County on the face off each ensuing an. Numismatic Society are holding nual issue. , • their heads just a little highe2 The upcoMing Coin'Exhibition these days . . and the reason in Clinton will feature as well - for their pride and excitement display competition classes, a,. is their plans for a club "first'' wards, prize exhibits and auc- to be initiated at the fourth an-. tion sates for. both the junior nual coin exhibition to be held and the more advanced collec- at the Elm Haven Motor Hotel, "tor— . *, • Clinton, on Sunday, November General chairman of, the ex - 14. hibition is. Jack C. Dietrich of On display and for sale at the KR. 3,'Clinton and display chair- man is Murray Craig, 103 Wal- ker street, Clinton. day -long coin -lover's event will •be a medal specially designed for the fluron:; County society. Bearing a map of the county with the towni-cf Clinton, Ex eter, Goderich, Seaforth and Wingham clearly marked, the medals be -issued in three different Metals—bronze, nickel things. I can't imagine wItaU The club, organized in 1961, they have in mind.. Even on this fm. hopes to issue a similar medal 'Naughton, minister of highways - Ontiirio, and Mayor Frank A well -cooked roast of pork string. Serve hot, with gravy. ' evbry year hereafter. Iinmedi- question of the bankruptcy fra-4aikom. is a welcome choice at any sea- Spiced red' crabapples or -cran- 'ate pans are •to •highlight some uds the prime minister said there! ! Commented candidate I3ob' son-, but.it is-especialfy popular berry sauce will add a special historical event of Huron County was no such report until he: McKinley: '"Goderich, as thenowthat cooler weather is with touch. Makes six to eight s c..al of_olir civas chosen t& stuffed loin__ roast has ings,,, • te as the plaee for Mr. Diefenbaker a festive air that lends itself to Apple Stuffing • EtRTHS to speak. He is interested in many occasions from Sunday , . Two tablespoons butter or GODDARD.—At Alexandra -Hos - what happens to Goderich and idinner to a. special party. Dad margarine; three tablespoons pital, Goelerich, on October 30, !what happens to Huron riding.; will appreciate it because eery - Ile cared enough to come." .ing is a pleasure. • chopped onion; two cups soft 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald bread crumbs; one large apple, Goddard, GQ,derich, a son. . ,Pork Loin. Roast With Apple coarsely shredded; one table- JAMIESON.—At Alexandra Hos• pital, Gederich, on November 1, 1965, to.Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson, Goderich, a son. TIGERT.—At Alexandra a1ospit- 11, Goderich, on Nev.etriber 2, 1965, to Mr: and Mrs. Edgar Tigert, Goderich, a son. YOUNG.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on October 30, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. William YneoluhngE.dGwoadrder.ich, a son, Ken - Stuffing ' • CREWE Two pork loin roasts (two and ' a half to three pounds each). • CREWE. — Ft/Lt. Gerry Mc- Apple stuffing. rICAY,-Mrs. Mc1Z53-7 and•thre-e-Tons— SF1Fet niatehingT5rk loins and of Toronto were weekend visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dren, nan and family. • Mrs. Chester Finnigan and Mrs. Tom Phillips attended a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. J. Hunter, in Zion Positive'handle lock keeps handle upright when de- sired. Large wrap-around vinyl bumper. Full 12" coverage. Brushes snap on and off. SAVE 15.00 REGULAR 39.9,5 24.95 SERVICE ELECTRIC (GODERICH) LTD have them boned, or buy a five - pound loin roast and have it boned' ana cut in two. Prepare Apple Stuffin cipe below). Pre..heat oven ¶o 325°. Spread stuffing between the two boned loins (fat sides out), on Saturday evening for Miss and then. tie together securely. Alice Anderson. • Rub surfaces with seasoned Hallowe'en parties were held flour made by blending together at the homes of Mr. and -Mrs. two tablespoons flour, half tea - Cor. Vjctoria and Newgate Sts. 5248581 Frank Argyle and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoak as well as at Crewe school CROP- REPORT, be filled. Corn harvesting of cab .and shelled corn is taking place at higher than, desired moisture level. Many of the farmers are occupied with fall plowing and . other odd jobs` in preparation for winter., spoon chopped parsley; half a teaspoon thyme or sage; one tea- spoon of salt; a few grains of Melt butter or margarine in a pan. Add chop -d onion and conk un,til jut tender but not brown. Add soft bread crurribs, shredded apple, chopped' pars- ley, thyme or sage, salt and pepper. Combine lightly but thoroughly. Ora $ ret : Department Of Vsteif6 Speaker' te Tro th,,,f0,,,,,Iroheiiwoa,,,thaiiicirui,euirteneA:tuen,,wg. ,fic4fria:_afr:,{:0„1:1,11,:sipwthe,revoisrioreenoaft tvafosax irhOri r:eefi displayed:o:nuelat t Issasaet• voodpeak hay,a 15;;;:,,,,e (, 244 t with a gooa attendance. bazaar an.f.1 , rRa'Sed Plea$,ure mvaelnucleeciinththee4rau:inafryor ftoht: Reports were approved as iead that $0 In Pc01:010 across Hu-. ado6no:s :Toorri,choanindes sp:ethoe, by Mrs. W. Re,nnett and Mrs., 11, roe count tronized the events, Webster, secretary-treastirer. Mrs. Labe of Myth, an aux. taipntedTQsidents, Monthly birthday parties we're Mary member, 4ave a talk on craft Made bY arranged and the Da,shwood her ,recent trip 'to Northern Ire- Shestated no, one can group took getober, bringing land, her.parente- homeland. entertainment and birthday cake In her travels there, she found by bead alone, to residents., Christmas' Fair'Gaelic still spoken in the- for residents' shopping was dis- The long coast line in County cussed and December 6 was de- Arrnaugh makes for one of the most beautiful drives in, the tided on as the date. We have all these varieties all year around, not just in October Jelly Filled -- Cream Filled Chocolate iced — Cinnamon and Raisin — Orange Twists — Lemon Filled — Strawberry Filled — Honey, Dips '— Cake Donuts HOMEMADE CANDY Humbugs — Horehound Butterscotch — Peanut Almond and CoconulAlusters — Maple and_ Chocolate Fudge Light, and Dark CHRISTMAS CAKE Christmas HORTBREAD and PARTY COOKIES pdmaste, Open *.litfly Until 10 p.m. your -Shoppitig COnvenienc' 91. VICTORIA_ ST.-. Non - FRESH BEEF HEARTS FOR STUFFING FRESH PORK HEARTS - FRESH PIG TAILS LEAN MEATY PORK HOCKS . SWIFTS RINDLESS SUGAR CURED EMPIRE "The Home Of Tasty Pastry Since 1877" LAST WEEK'S $50 WINNER — MR. KEN WEBER, STRANG COURT spoon of salt, a quarter teaspoon icaqh of pepper, dry mustard and paprika, and a few grains of thyme or sage. Place roast on rack 'an open pan. Bake in preheated _32 '51_r_autior_abatilL.454...min.0 es Per pound or until thermometer inserted in thickest part of the meat reaches 185°, (in about three and a half hours). !DO not add water and do not 'baste. Let roast stand about 10 min- utes, then carefully remove Goderich Highland Dancing & Piping' Association Will Hold Their SAVE 23c — DELMONTE -Prune Juice 3 ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c No Down Payment Win Be Considered SAVE 17c — 48-01. SCOTIAN GOLD, APPLE. JUICE• : 3 f°r 1 .00 f°r1. 7tICAZGARPoli DINNER, FANiY. t,• 6 for 89C for 1111111111111111 Lu A GIFT OF LOVE.c YOUR -'PORTRAIT SAVE 19c — 15 -OZ. SEASONED Wax or Green Bean 4 for 79c MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY STREET. In Favor of BAIRD MOTORS (Goderich))kid. They Must Clear $1.5',000 Worth of Used Cai Inventory By The End Of November FOltTItANSrORPATION Th TIIE ii0pqgiON Nbirt AMER 8 tALL-Gon RICI1 524.9361 --Pablished-tby The ,PLuron Pro'greseivo - Cpnscrvative- Associatioll