HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-10-28, Page 12K.', gyp, _, .«.•-...
AUBURN.. --=°The liallkerbw n Taylor at the organ.
Club held its October meeting
at the hem? of Mrs. Elliott Lapp
with the president, Mrs. Ted
Hunking, in charge. The meet-
ing was opened' by the singing
of 0, Canada with Mrs. James
Jackson at the piano.
T ;,tie minutes were adopted as
read by Mrs. George Schneider.
A thank -you note was read from
the Salvation Army for the
quilt which the club had sent
them. The roll call was answer-
ed by the members telling about
a Hallowe'en trick they had
Mrs. Walter Cunningham gave
the financial statement. The
members decided to send a
Christmas gift tb their Korean
orphan. Plans were made for
the bake sale on October 30.
The draw prize, donated by
Mrs. Henry Hunking, was won
by Mrs. Leonard Archambault.
Plans were made for the next
meeting which will be • held at
the home of Mrs. Tom Cunning-
ham., Donations were. given for the
s ' C'arn e Gross' .and _ 11trs.' bakeless bake sale and Mr. Pak -
Teta- Gunntngham__..uuIl...'lie ..ln_('n"Fi cl�sed`�lh'E�t�irt?t;' ,
Anniversary Service
Knox Presbyterian Church,
Xuburn, observed its 125th an-
niversary with a special service
last Sunday afternoon. `Rev.
T. Owen Hughes of Watford
was the guest minister.
The service was led by the
pastor, Rev. Robert `U. MacLean
and the organist was Miss Marg-
aret Sanderson. The choir sang
the anthem, "I believe in thin'
acles" and a duet, "Jesus, Rose
of Sharon" was sung by Miss
Margaret Haines and Mr. Ed.
An arrangement of autumn
shaded chrysanthemums was
placed on the communion table
in memory of the late Mr. Edgar
The council of the Township uary 1 to September 30 (inclu- . The road accounts were pass-
of West Wawanosh met in reg- sive). Said expenditures amount- ed for payment on a motion by
War session on October 4 with ed to $33,753.53. Councillors Lyons aid Jefferson,
all members present and Reeve 13y -law No. 8, 4965, a- by-law General Account
i.orne Durnin presiding, for the purpose of levying and ' On. a motion by Council
The minutes of the regular collecting tax rates for the4own- Jefferson, seconded by. Council -
August meting, the regular ship in "1965, was read, and final- for Errington, the following gen-
Se,ptember meeting and two ly passed on a motion by Coun- eral account was ordered paid.:
special meetings gs'held'in Septem- cillors Lyons and Jefferson A. M. Harper, 1964 audit ac-
ber with regard to the 1965 tax Carried, count, $275.00,
rate, were all read and adopted The nomination and erection 'A special meeting of council
on a motion a.by Councillors 1 y -law for 1965„ by-law No, 9, was held an October 18, with
Lyons and Etringt-cn. was read and finally passed on the majority of Hite owners as -
Township assessor. J. 1`nnethia motion by Councillor Jeffer- sessed under- the proposed "Todd
Scott, was in attendance- and' pre- son and Smyth. Under this by- Drain," in attendance.
sented the 1965 assessment roll i law the unicipal nomination James A. Hewes of Listowel,
to council. An increase of, meeting was- set for Friday, Nov- Ontario Land Surveyor, was also
$3,500.00 in the Township As-; ember 26' and should polling be present at the 'meeting.
sessment is shown. required; an election will be held The report / of Mr. Howes,
A motion ' by Councillors i 6n Monday, December 6 from made ,on completion of- an ex -
Smyth and Errin ;tuft that coup- 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Polling amination and survey of the
cil accept the, assessment roll stations and officials were also area involved, was read by the
as compiled and that the Court named. clerk.
of Revision for same be held' GDCI Request After Mr. •4Iowes had satis-
Tuesday, November 9 - from A request from Goderich Dis- fa°ctorily answered all the own -
11:00 a.m. to 12 noc:n vas car -',trim Collegiate Institute Board ers' queries, • the adoption of
i•ied. was again put before council. the engineer's report was pro-
- - - I�xrad �� eed�#�cr;es�,�_�.p_.�4:q:he,�:,-cle�_�.•was<�s�-ed.- �:-to::p �erl.� :nn~�a; rmarti nn=.�hy-„aC.nu;,n�i�
• On a motion by Councillor, write to the board req.uesfing -Ior Smyth -seconded by Council --
Errington, seconded by Coun- more information on the pro- for Lyons. The motion was car-
eillor Smyth, the road superin-, posed addition and alterations ried.
4tendent was instructed to apply' for which approval of Council is Following• adoption of the re -
for the interim subsidy covering required before debentures can port on the "Todd Drain,” tend -
expenditures on roads from Jan- 1 e• issued covering the cost. I ers ,for the removal of snow for
the 1965-66 season' were open
ed and considered.
On a !notion by Councillors
Smyth and Jefferson, the tend -
MacDonald at.
was accepted.
Mr. MacDonald
township plow
supply his own
The Clerk was instructed to
write W. H. Venn, the Depart-
ment of Highways' District Mun-
icipal Engineer, regarding the
Minimum -Wage Act as it affects
the township road employees.
Prospects Seen Good
For Local- Hunting,.
"Gerry" 'Harris
indicated that hu
in lower Bruce
good this fall.
Officer G. R.! eess being somewhat above av
of Paisley has erage. Duck hunters are pre-
nting prospects) sently experiencing somewhat.
� below average success, however,
County appear
this is expected to improve dur-
The European l ing late October or early Novenit
hare populations are strong with
best hunting in Kincardine, Hu-
ror't and Bruce Townships, while
best success for varying hare
(snowshoe rabbits) could be ex-
pected in Arran,'Amabel, Elders-
ber as the "Northern" birds
migrate through.
Several flacks of geese have
been reported feeding- in Bruce
and Kincardine Townships with
every indication that they ' will
he and Brant Townships. ,remain in the area .for some
Conservation Officer Harris l time. Sportsmen are reminded
when taking advantage of the
hunting opportunities in Bruce
County that it is only courtesy
to respect private property and
ask permission of the land own-
er before hunting. The land
owner may even be of benefit
in advising the sportsman where
the best ,areas for game are on
his property.
goes on to report that the cot-
tontail rabbit, the most sought
after game animal in Ontario is
increasing particularly. 'in Kin-
cardine and Bruce - Townships
with• reports of animals `as far
north as Saugeen and Arran
Grouse populations -are on an
upward trend with hunting suc-
E'r of N o: man
$7.00 per hour
Motion, carried.
is td mount the
on his truck and
Y •� �L
Scripture was read by. Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt. Prayers were
taken by Mr, G. E. Pakenhafn.
A missionary theme was given
by Mrs.. Orval McPhee. A read-
ing utas given by. Mrs. Thomas
Johnston. Mr. Pakenham
tin ed hi�s udy,on the Apostles
Creed. Mrs. George Schneider
gave a reading.
Mrs. Daer thanked all who
had helped with her meeting
and turned it over to the pre-
sident, Mrs, Orval McPhee. The
minutes were approved as read
by the secretary, Mrs. Daer.
The financial statement was giv-
en by the treasurer, Mrs. Gordon
An invitation to attend the
U.C.W. Thankoffering at Knox
United Church was accepted for
October 28. The roll call was
answered by each quoting a
verse or thought on Thanksgiv-
ing. The travelling apron was
passed and each placed a penny
for St. Luke,. the evangelist.
charge of the program and the
lunch committee will be Mrs.
Joe Hunking, Mrs. Ted Hunting,
Mrs. William Hunking and Mrs.
Jame: Jackson.
A program of contests was in
charge of Mrs. James Jackson
and Mrs. Guy Cunningham. Mrs.
Jackson gave a Thanksgiving
message and closed with prayer.
Mrs. Cunningham closed,the pro-
gram by giving a reading. Lunch
was served by Mrs. Lapp, Mrs.
Carmen Gross, Mrs. Arie Duizer,
Mrs. George Schneider and Mrs.
Lorne Hunking.
Anglian Guild
The Anglican Guild of St.
Mark's Church held its meeting
in the church with Mrs. John
Daer in charge and Mrs. Gordon
Lawson J'y his 'wife, ,Mrs, Law*
son. The an.n:versary offering
was received by the ushers, Mr.
Gorden Dobie* and Mr, Kenneth
Rev. Hughes spoke on ' the
text—The Way of the Wayfarer
—relating his message to life
as a .a pathless wilderness and
stated that today - many do not
know who and what to. believe,
and are asking—Where is the
In answer to this question,
Mr. Hughes closed his message
with the word that Jesus gaye
his disciples --"I -Ann The Way."
C.G.I.T. Plans Party
The Auburn C.G.I.T. met in
the Sunday school room of the
Knox Presbyterian Church with
the new president, Betty Moss
in charge. She gave the call to
worship followed by the hymn
with Gail Miller at the piano.
The Scripture lesson was read
by Shelley Grange.
The minutes were approved.
as read by the secretary, Ruth
Bere. Mariah Youngblut gave
the financial statement. ',Rail;
Befe 'c Tfetl"tTie rolr -The -offer=
ing was received -by Donna
Baechler and dedicated:
Miss Jane Doran conducted a
Bible quiz and drill on where
bees and honey are found in the
Bible. Mrs. Bradnock introduc-
ed 'the new study book.
Final plans were made for
Hallowe'en party next Tuesday
night when each girl will in-
vite a friend. Tyyo new girls
were welcomed -into the group
by the leader. They were Donna
Baechler and Linda Sproul.
4-H Nightie Nights
The fourth meeting of the
Auburn "Nightie Nights" 4-H
Club was held with the presi-
dent, Laura Daer in charge. The
minutes were adopted as read
by the secretary, Mrs. Donald
;? Mrs. Frank Raithby. demon-
strated how to• cut a true bibs
and how ,it should be joined.
She also made folded bias bind-
ing in preparation to apply it
to a garment.
Mrs. Wes -Bradnocc Cemon-
strated the making of piping,
using bias and showed where
and how to apply it for a decor
ation or trim. Some of the
members continued to cut out
their sleeping garments while
others did their sample s for
their record books.
The roll call was answered
by each showing a sample of
her garment and telling one
seam she would use en her
sleenii.n't garment. The meeting
closed with the, 4-H Creed.
Attend Meeting
Members of the Knox U.C.W.
attending - the Holmesville sec-
tional meeting were: Mrs. Bert
Craig, Mrs. J. R. Wheeler, Mrs.
William Straughan, Mrs. George
Hallam, Mrs. William J. Craig,
Mrs. Robert 'Turner, Mrs. Lawr-
e "fie Plaetzer, Mrs. Roy Easom,
Mrs. Norman Wight -man, -
Mrs. Robert Arthur, Miss Marg-
aret R. Jackson and Mrs. Arthur
grange and Mrs. Fred Wagner.
Layrhan's Sunday
Layman's Sunday was observ-
ed at Knox United Church when
Mr. Sam Scott was the guest
speaker. The service of song
was led by the Young People's
choir who also ,sang' an anthem.
The organist was Mr's, , Norman
Wightman and the piatist was
Miss Nancy Aide :..:. , T Others
taking Part .in a servidt were
Gary Walden, illiaYn Stiles.
nrtd Martie Kodpu1 n
Miss K. M. Govier and Miss
Jean McLennan, both 4f Toronto,
were guests last week of Miss
Margaret R. Jackson.
Mrs. M nnier Riddell of Gode-
rich visited last Thursday with
Mrs. Edgar Lawson and - M1�'
Oliver Anderson.
Ed. Davies atte.ded the horse-
shoe pitching competition at
New Dundee and won first place
in the. B class; Mr. Court Kerr
of Berimiller placed fourth in
the A class.
Recent guests with Mr:. and
Mrs. John Houston ,.and family
were Rev. D. Glen Campbell and
Mrs. Campbell of Hamilton; Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Anderson of
Brantford; Miss Mildred Scott,
Mitchell; Miss Marian Dunrensen
and Basal Turner of Dutton; Rev.
John. C. Thompson of London;
-Mrs: addel°l-isE1ah e -Wad
dell and__ -Miss J. arvey—of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamil-
ton and family visited on Sun-
day with Mr and Mrs, Ben
Mass Marilyn Daer of Lo
spent the weekend at.lum4
her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs.
Daer and Mr. Gordon Dien,
Mass • Irene A.ment is Qui
hospital and recti era
P P ting at
home of Mr. and Mrs. Stew
Arnent and family.
' Mr. and Mrs. Harold j,
a Goderich spent Sunday lin
Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Allen.
Miss Janne t bobie of T,
onto spent. the weekend with,
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Gor4
Dobie and Ross.
Robert J. Phillips was at,
forth last week assisting
cousin, Mr. Lorne McDonald`,
his shoe store. ,
Russel King is home afters
eras weeks in Westminster g
pital, London. .
Raymond Redmond of; Goy
rich called on friends in
village and at Westfield
Mrs, Beverley. French of
trait visited with her sister,Ii
Thomas. Haggitt, Mr. 13agg.'
and family a few days last wee
---- Mr: •and
Mss:--TQm.fi. r,
Exeter visited last week wr
Mrs. Mary Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dodd le
on Thursday -for their wint;
home in Florida.
Hamilton. Mrs. Mary Johnston visited
Miss Ruth Schneider of Kit- Goderich last week for' a fe
diener visited over the week-
end with her parents, Mr. • and
Mrs. George Schneider and and family.
da has t'
the nage(
annual to
:ta .use
,gad, av
e•Te costs
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OCTOBER 30, 1066
Published by:``the i Mitt% Liberal Assaciali