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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-10-28, Page 3
a s�4e4 an( 145 ESSEX STREET" t. pegkc ` ONTARIO VMS WEEK The TAKE' SIX OF STRATFORD. 9 to midnight Coming Nov 6 Admission $1.00 per person LEE and DEE and the .Roulettes Catering to Weddings, .Luncheons, Banquets, For Rental Information DIAL 524-9371 or 524-9264 THEATRE GODERICH oN rHESQUARE LAST 3 DAYS SHENANDOAH 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY, 7:30 and 9.30 P.M. Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 1-2-3 0.4. %1/1::,.0%.4 f/%%f/7.027ffiY/Oti/fiGU/ri . orrAW.er/Ulf/r�//�//1f/llrrrt«�..r..r .srnvee e(ciU/AyeeG///!ilei MES. JV ARG.A.RIi, . tilz,v0tm z.LEDD:' • Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth 1.40 10, Y died in Alexandra Hospital. P Tuesday, aged 79 years. .A. reSi'' dent of R.R. 6, Goderickt, she had been ill for • one year. The body rested at Shies funeral home and services were conducted Thursday, at 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Roman' Catholic Church -with the It. Moynahan officiating. „Inter• intent followed in Colborne i cemetery. rhich Ig to fable tries CIL. gyral uses, SoMmea ANg'E s` �� ROSS HUNT�R?R�ouccloN DiCKINSOfl, �' ►e A,?T ._,.1.4A1' of LOve' ++M�olueE S , •r� � .r C H• M OL R`• T L .. E M A .special meeting of the local divisic.,n of the St. John Ainbul- aace Association was held at .lacKav hall en�`Thursday even- ing, October 14th at 8 p.m. I he chairman, Mr John Cory, 1)i\ isional Superintendent, open- , et tho meeting with the mern- h,rs reciting the St. John Prayer. Activities and future plans of 'he lr:cal brigade were discussed. 'The mewing was attended. by Lieutenant,. Colonel H. Lawler lh:7atin, •provincial supers len ent for the province of Ontario, e Ito presented John Cory and T'r,..‘ Harmon, divisional officer with their warrants of appoint- ment to the rang§ vhi :l't...they flaw hold, effective from April 1965. lle congratulated the Gode- rich Division for the large num her of hours of voluntary work which they have contributed to the St. John Association. The meeting was attended by Air Vice -Marshal J. A. Sully, chairman of the local division, Brigadidr G. MacLeod Ross, treasitrer, and Mr. L. B. Graham, secretary, and corps superintend- ent Norman Anderson of Srrat- ford. A luncheon was prepared and served by nursing members of the local division followed by a so.ci.al..gathering..at which Lieut- enant• Colonel Lawler Brown was. introduced to each of the local members. - I wish to thank my Goderich since we produce agricultural friends for - telling me of the products the processing should challenge' you _have generously be done "here. This is efficient extended in your October 21st and practical. however the New issue. Democratic Party will take steps .The New Democratic Party to see to it that these industries heartily agrees that the voters' will be located on the least decision should be based on is productive land so that our pro - sues even though.it doesn't seem duction from agriculture will be to 'be the most effective way to reduced as little as possible by win elections as evidenced by a buildings and black top. statement made by the editor As a matter of general policy of one of Huron's largest papers our party believes that people, after the 1962 election. Quote: should not he paid to do not.h "'Che New Democratic Party ing. Therefore steps will be should have,.. -.-received ....more, taken.. ta.. proviclp,. public works, votes on the basis of its plat- in recreation, education and cut form. It was the best platform, tural development that will take in fact it was the only platform care of unemployment. Reloca- offered." Yet this same editor tion and retraining of workers appeared on a Friday program will be provided where needed a couple of weeks later and because of automation. gave every indication that he The New Democratic Party voted Conservative. will provide funds for expan- • You ask particularly for a sion- and diversification in edu• :statement on the, issues irtelJu,r.ocation. There is no reason why ron County. This I will try to ,the first two years of university give but ask you to bear in couldn't be provided through 'call district high schools, i t our d b T also must it mind, that our policy a ly across Canada. them junior colleges if you'wish. apply This. in the end, would be much less costly than having hugehents educationalestablis m in a few large cities. In Huron our older citizens -Must—be piso.viderl....£ar�,atlequaS:e- ly. The old age pension will be increased to $100 per month immediately with future in- creases provided for in relation to cost of living so that this pro- blem will .not be cheap political fodder for election campaigns of the future. Steps will be taken immedi- ately to provide universal medi cal care without any means test. Special, emphasis will be placed MU preventative medicine which Will eventually reduce costs._ Finally I have some sugges- tions which would go a long way in providing us with a strong majority government at all times and also eliminate corruption in high places. Space is not permitted here but I will gladly discuss this with you. Sincerely, CARL HEMTNGWAY. Y CARI-REiNER•PIERREOLAF•MIIKO TAKA • j' WILLIAM ACKHEIt ' ALAN SIMMONS aoaS enu7REINER • eased on s story RICHARD CAR, by Sere DYby T A K METRE Directed by NORMAN IEWISON' • Produced by ROSS HUNTER • A uruvEasu Aoss HOMER CHEROKEE inaaiar r rr:,rrrraiinmv/U/////Y/!///7/H/�iirr/�frdi/U/�icvrriaariiiviriiiU�/�/�rviri irr,.:.,:rrrirnriiiririir. /r7c n i remain open 'i ;) r use by persons a 11 The l.ai.e Iluron District Parks are now officially closed for the season. .c Facilities such as water, gar- bage collection, have been dis- • continued for the season. The will • ted s n1 camp tot picnic ag c p t Shows at 7:30 and 9.30 P,M. wishing to take advantage of the occasional -warm day, to have a piterte ,r MrdeTlir.e+13•e-btmli-t ma -g of fall colors 'of the hardwood trees. The warm wea- f ther of the past week will help to .provide this final forest glory. Every fall, a large number of persons visit the parks in this - !district to take in the breath- 1taking radiance of color. The deep reds, golds; orange and yellow, blend together .to provide one of the splendors of nt I nature, and Provide excellent material for the artist or camera fan. - ►. 1 es mo.) ahly Lib:era! .Candidate Mait Edgar the category of slow growth. I will champion this program for Huron and also the type, of legislation that will provide sub= sidies fpr transportation "similar to those provided in the grain trade—at least until a greater market is established in Huron. Huron, needs a voice in a major- ity Liberal Government to pro - Mote this type of legislation. Farm Policy Under the Liberal govern- ment there has been more done than ever before to expand pro- duction and to give the farmer secu•ritty. • .The._.Liherai- 'govern- ment is asking for a majority on November 8th, so that it can continue this program. 1, as your representative in this Liberal government would get on with the job of bringing this program to the farmers of Huron. Surely a representatives benefit to Huron riding. Ito the vocational training pro-. for this area cannot ignore prof I believe the first job of a;gram initiated by the former. grins to improve .the farmers'; member of parliament is to look', Conservative_ government, which grams needs of has proven so successful in re- f, e ,r' Y purchasing power. :after the individual , as a Liberal, will not ignore' all his constituents, no matter', training employees) for eindustry. al I tt.d an 1 V \v0 , n Go UI t -�� oro • lI elf Ili ' � 0 rr o] it1C gd 'r� eii ai h 'an d •hay t f ai w P and 5 a ., t of -and eed s •Fool .c the__. a lace for such conimissio`n to give .the- ;�- matter how---lar,-s�sinali'P - ' f manufacturing milk in a problem it maybe. Sometimes w Mld e t-aifly n ��w nrk zard e.r s o rol over rices — to v e may think that some pro that end if one were going to Herncont prices Ontario. Oit Huron in �►est e built e r b : . 11 t �.. bring the national coverage price Mems are small b.t, t y'Youeo le w:)uld be en- ngweight—q of from $3.75-$4.00 per _hundred- very large to the eft -tole in• I Youp p weight—quotas and export of volved.- Mr. Cardiff excelled in, couraged to •own their own tlieir r7p©duet, prampt and able action on these; uom�o byhavlimttpHt • A. Liberal representative for problems and I would endo, a -j p Hinton will not ignore policies to your to do the same for all con -,on , income tax. - The old • age t; -•r pension would be immediately I res gond to the generosity of this paper by expressing my heartfelt thanks. ENCOURAGING RESULTS — Adding up the recent results of my campaign, I ain tempted to say that te people of Huron have reached a period of search- ing reassessment. People have economic !expectations. They are optimistic that Canada will continue to grow and prosper under Liberal leadership. INTELLIGENT VOICE — A diligent representative cannot remain idle with,respect to the needs of the people, and as your representative, I will work for the type of dynamic progress Huron deserves. RAISING OUR SIGHTS L. (a) Industrial and harbor de- velopment --Huron, should and must play a vital role in the National prosperity brought about by the Liberal Govern meht. You people deserve it, Huron demands it. As your re- fill I w 'vc. at Ottawa, nntat r ese work for the expansion --of our present industry and the encour- agement of new industry for Huron. These will not only help to provide opportunities for our sons and daug,liters, but also provide .an adequate re-tf'rrrtor our educational.. investment • in them. • Industrial expansion in Iluron will help to create an environ- . Huron County , is one of the an ' all is basically that Y left . few agricultural county. If Huron County is to prosper farmers must receive a fair t;hare of the ag."matimra1-irietir e 0.10L -ix' production is urgently .needed to feed our population and pro- vide extra 'for export to give us -a favorable trade balance. There is a market for these pro- ducts if government will co- operate with farmers in allow ing this opportunity to be used. Our wheat board and white bean board have. proven this. A New Democratic Party will assist . throtigh legislation and financing to extend this to other products. . For example ° we would provide credit and legis lation for a white bean receiv- ing and processing plant at Hen - sail and for co-operative live- stock • processing plants across Ontario. • Also we feel that Government should finance the subsidization of agriculture ex- ports rather than expect farm- ers. arm•ers. to support this national asset alone. - Temporarily farm credit will have to continue by government assistance but in the not too distant future we feel farming should and could become pros- perous enough to make this un- necessary. Huron needs industry and IG DANCE Every Friday Nite Beginning November 5 to the modern and -ole time music of the intik McHALE'S NAVY CREW A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Plus A Featured -it WALT DISNEY'S THE TATTOOED 'POLIOE HORSE alan furan To t Cost INS Loans ed Cost To $3, RepaY R- R;, hows at 7:30 and 9:45 P.M. — Matinee Saturday at 2:30 P.M. ADULT STUD. CHILD. vening Prices A 75c- ' 50c 25c atinee Prices 50c ':§35c• 25c COUNTRY BOYS two miles' South of Goderich Drive -In Theatre, Fourth Conces- sion. Dance from nine to one: Admission 75c - Canada's civilian labor -force totalled 6,920,000 in 1964, so that about one-third of the pop- ulation are earners and taxpay- ers who pay the costs of govern- ment for themselves as well as for the remaining two-thirds of the people. PC Candidate Bob 'McKinley for de -pollution and antipollu- tion before a critical stage is reached. A Conservative governintiit will improve and expand our port ,facilities so, there will not be any hold up in delivering •products sold in Canad$ or a- broad, such as we have at the present time with the wheat sales. They will expand , and improve our ports for . grain storing- facilities to assure an adequate supply of feed grain to eastern farmers at all times. They will amend the Crop Insur- ance Act so it will cover crops for°eastern• Canadian. farmers, as well as the western farmers. This year's weather in Huron County has shown the need for such a pib ram. • . Money will be made available for agricultural schools similar I wish to take this opportUfl- ity to reply to the challenge issued in last week's editorial entitled "An election Chal- lenge." In a statement in that editorial it mentions that elec- tion promises will not be for candidate would be veryotten or efoolish to make personal_promises if he' has to depend on someone else to keep them for him. The only promise that a candidate can make is one that he knows he can fulfill personally. • I, as the candidate. chosen to represent,the . Progressive Con- servative Party can however pro- mise to use all the energy that has been used in our farming and business operations for get- ting the national parties to live up to their premises, especially in things that will be of much • _ set up a livestock'feed board to stituents, raised to $100.00 per month. In make sure feed grain supplies I believe that a member .o)t travelling about the riding I parliament, when he is not • re- quired to be at Ottawa, sh :u.�i can see that this is a necessity, keep in constant toroth with all especially where one person is the people of the riding -and be living alone. • Many of the ex ready to discuss problems or penses are the same for one ideas that may he prose*tial person as for two but there is only half tlie ipco:ne provided for consideration and be inter A Conservative • government ested in finding out what the people .at home 'Think before making any major decisions at Ottawa. I will endeavor to stick to the Policies mentioned in 'the ..Pro- gressive Conservative platform that would be of interest and 'would affect the people of our riding as requested in the editor- ial. As Goderich is an industrial town and is dependent upon the sale of manufactured products it is essential that a vigorous trade policy should be carried on, such as was established under the former Conservative govern- ment a• ' is still showing its affects or, fur economy. Huron County and Canada cannot continue their econornic growth without foreign trade Our trade balance is becoming more unfavorable every - year 'and efforts must -be made to correct this 'situation. This will be done under .a Conservative government. A Conservative - govern men' will establish more recreational parks and conservation methods to expand our tourist indugtrc and will put into effect a nation- al policy that will preserve Mir water resources for Canaaa's needs and will take mea:,urns ment kittractive to our scientfic, ! are available in public storage technical and managerial per -I where and when they are need- sonnel. It will also provide an I ed. incentive for other personnel to remain in this riding. We need these payrolls. These coupled with a flourishing tour- ist industry should unclog the arteries of commerce. The federal department of industry has a program which provides cash grants for indus- tries locating in designated areas. The icriteria for the"'de- signation of areas take into ac- count not only conditions of high unemployment and slow growth, but also -consider the degree of under -employment as measured by low non-farm fam- ily, income. - More than 250 firms indicated their intention to establish facil- ities in designated areas and to invest over $560 million! Grant- ed Huron does not have the re- quired number of unemployed. but it certainly does come under As your representative in Hu- ron. I will not ignol•e a 'crop nsurance program and will make it available to the farmers of Huron, especially this year, For all these. reasons, I ask for your support. - Yours respectfully, MAIT EDGAR. Goderich WJ Hold Card Party Ladies of the Goderich Wo- men's 'Institute entertained at a dessert card party on Wednes- day afternoon, October 20. Greeting guests as they ar- rived at the Green Room of the Legion Hall, were Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson, president of the or- ganization, and M,rs. J. Cook. Following the luncheon, the ladies participated in games of bridge and "500” organized by Mrs. D. Riehl and Mrs. C. Moore. Winners were as follows: bridge, Mrs. W. Rathburn and Mr& L Papernick; "500," Mrs. C. Moore and Mrs. J. Sherwood. Ladies in charge of the lunch- eon were: Mesdames A. Strau- ghan, D. McMillan, R. Wilson, R. Bannister, J. Vickers, H. Larder, J. Ryan, E. Johnston, G. Inglis, B. Mills, R. Hoy and P. Blundell. i rY FRIDAY, OCTOBER-29,�REPOSSESSIONS JUNKERS,— ETC. l OLDER CARS -- DECENT TRANSPORTATION AIN OR SHINE —FINANCE MAN IN aTtENDANCE'.— Under The Canopy At I111ain Garage The all -Canadian IAC Group of Companies is looking for .Y - YOUNG MEN TO TRAIN FOR A REWARDING CAREER IN BUSINESS will exempt the 11% sales tax on building materials and pro- 'uction machinery and will make up the difference • from increased production and' kates which will provide -more jobs and income'" • ' r'y to our citizens. A Conservative. government believes that lower taxes will stimulate the economy, increase production and total tax reven- ues similar to what is working in the United States. A Conservative government will bring, a reduction in pre- sent high interest rates on con- sumer credit through a consum- ers loan act similar' to that be- ing offered to the Canadian farmers. University students would be given more financial aid to en- courage them to attain higher • education. Education should be available -to anyone With the qualifications to attain it, re- gardless of financial status These are only some of the - things mentioned in the Con servative platform and w',uld all be of benefit to the residents of Huron County. If elected kg the memb• • r ' parliament for -Iluron on 'silt - ember 8. I will endeavor 11r, i'ti fill the' needs of the resin?, f `hr, relnc'itu� nc? a:'el pro, _. . . �� uphold L.ii nn'ti h.,:,i. i.,:� of hr,nor in (),rrt;i•a l'hai lir !'lr dill has attained ane! `1,•:e1 '.„t' so many years RED. GABLE • Ago 21 to 36 • Junior matriculation minimum • Previous experience not required, as com- prehensive and continuing training is provided • Salary and employee benefits are excellent If you have an aptitude for rapid advancement In administr'ition, finance or Sales, reply in writing today, or phone for an interview. INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED Write Box 65, Goderich or Phone 5248357 For Appointment. FRIDAY NITE Special Hallowe'en Entertainment WAYNE JESSOP and his COUNTRY *BOYS everyone Welcome 24.1931