HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-10-14, Page 5kNh the said the 'sale ;siu 1 aces, 3 the , U4., are :reby s for .was Izette nber, said ice, is the. �tY of Pur, d tax s not lens tuber al Of - la of 20th, 6APINQN.--V,isitorS with and Mrs. Tom Park en hursdaY w.erg. Mr: and Mrs. eorge Lawlor, Auburn, and r, and Mrs. Charles Kinzel, WO. 10, and Mrs. Delmar 1Vlaize Scarboro spent t h .e baoksgiving holiday with Mr. d Nirs. Bert Maize. Igo Bob Mole and new daugh- r, Dianne Elizabeth, returned pore from Wingham hospital week ago Monday. lit and Mrs. Ormond Falls family of Markdale spent Callers: OA Sunday at the,R. J. the holidays with the ' MOWSDurnin to,p a were Mr. an Y. . Ernie Crawford and Miss Grace uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Paulson in Flint, Micb- <Crawford of Goderich and Mrs. igan. Edna Catherwood of Harrow was • a caller on Thanksgiving Day, Mr• and Mrs. Art Roulston and family g in Mr. Robert Brigham and son, Goderich withobserved Mr, andThanksgivinMrs. ar- Billy and Robert Smyth of Tor- net Diehl and family. onto spent the holiday weekend at the Brown Smyth home. Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Caster, Guests over the Thanksgiving who previously lived at the Nile,. Holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Dick are now settled in their , newly Park and family were Mr. and decorated home here. 'Mrs. Clifford Begley, Leaming- ton, and Mx. and Mrs. Jetry Ket- tie of Cottanm. _ and Marilyn spent Thanksgiving Mr. and'14Irs. Lloyd Hodges and with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park Mr.. and Mrs. Ken Hodges spent and family. .lo Me +n n loving meinery' Of Harold Thoinaa- i aitting, MOW passed ,away October 1.8: Like 444 -leaves „the years slip by, But loving memories never ,die. You live with us in Memory still, Not jut today, but always will. -Ever remembered by wife and family. 40x SQHNSTON.. ,•I wish to thank all thoSe who sent flowers and cards and who visited me dur- ing my stay in• hospital. Spec- -4a1 thanks to Rev, G. L. Royal, Dr. J. W. Wallace, the nurses and staff on first floor east. Perc Johnst^t -40 SYTA,-I wish to thank those who remembered. me with gifts and cards while I was a pat- ient in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. R. Moynahan, Dr, N. C. Jackson, royal Canadian Legion, Lad- ies' Legion Auxiliary, the nurses and staff. Adam Syta: 49x WESTON.-I would like to ex- press xpress my sincere thanks to friends -and neighbors for kind expressions of sympathy, cards and flowers in our great loss of a dear sister, Babe (Mrs. C. L. Guest), who passed away suddenly in Guelph. Nina and Ed. Weston. -40 wish,. ,our 14ehal�f of myself and •children; to ex* press, ,our deep and sincere] thanks to the many ftriends,, neighbors and relatives who extended gifts,oels and• other expressions of sympathy in the passing of a beloved husbani".and father, 1 would like to give special thanks to Dr, 3. W. Wallace, Mr. d. Stiles and Rev. 0. L, Roya . Dorothy Willis. 40 F. Engagements _ . The. engagement is announced of Catherine Helen Regan; daughter of Mie. Timothy. Regan Of London and the late Timothy Regan, to Charles Tennant Townsend, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Townsend pf a Gode- rich. The . wedding is to take place at 12 o'clock, Saturday, October 30, at St. Patrick's Ro- man Catholic Church, Dundas street, London. 40x LEMON Ladies' Auxiliary I WP'. maga sale; NlacZay H'axl, Qeto, 'ber 16, doors open at 1.30, VOX ick -up, call 9433 or, leave at egion Hall. 4940 Home and School skate .ex- ehange will be held Thursday dnd Friday, . October 21.22 at Victoria Public School At a•80 - 5,0Q pan. Skates to be taken to school, Wednesday, October 20. -40.41 Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Hlickins, Goderich, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Shirley Patricia, to Ronald Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith of Bayfield. Wedding will take place October 29. • -40 - Horne and School Association rummage sale will be held_Satur- day, October 23 at 1.30 n.m. pat *the Salvation Army Hall. Goderich Little Theatre will hold ari opeil meeting for ,the play, ".Come .Blow Your Horn," at the ,British -Mortgage and Trust building Monday, October 18; at 8:30. •' •40. Women's Hospital Auxiliary meeting cancelled due to the regional meeting in St. Marys,4 October 18. 'MAMMOTH BAKE SALE --- Saturday(, December . 4, . at St.,. George's Parish Hall, sponsored by the Margaret Seager Club. Tea will be served. -40 Goderich Women's Institute will hold a dessert card party, "500" and bridge, in the Legion Hall, October 20, at 1.30 p:m. _Admission 50c. -40 C.W.L. card party, "500" and euchre, Tuesday, October 19, 8.30 p.m., St. Peter's hall, An- glesea and North streets. Good prizes? Admission 50c. -_ .40x -- surer, 34.46 d_ n and er i4 Phone it. •40 Iarvey ;wart), the ar- Monica Octo• eandra ispitat '40 Cost of Course 10.00 (Plus Cost of Materials) - 5,00 Refund For 80°° Attendance The Following Courses Will Be Offered If There Are At Least Fifteen Candidates • Keep Fit Classes (LADIES) - the milk cheque wasn't big enough - the 411 calf was below par - the bull chased the hired man - the buyer didn't like the heifers - the steers didn't weigh enough Panic . . Plan Plan a breeding program for herd improvement, using the selected, young sires of A.I. proven sires and The October meeting of St. Peter's C.W.L. was held at . the home of Mrs.- Willirn Meyer, with the president in Charge. Mrs. 'Kay Simpson, •the secre- tary, read the minutes of the meeting, and Mrs. Ben Chisholm gave the treasurer's report. A letter -of thanks from Rev. Father Mooney, for thedonation to the Mission in Peru": s�read. The Ontario Hospital hes ask- ed the C.W.L. to fill somChrist- j mas stockings for some patients I who have no relatives -or friends. It was decided to do so. Donations were made to the Diocesan Scholarship Fund, the Sundale Manor, and the Vanier Institute for the family. The C.W.L. prize for the, high- est mark in Latin in grade 10 at GDCI will be presented by the edubatidn convener, Mrs. J. J. Murphy, at the commencement on October 15. A request that .the league b.uy emblems for the Girl Guide and Brownies of the parish was made by the leader. It was decided to leave the matter over until the next meeting and enquire about the cost. jA letter of. protest .was_sent to the CBC re skit on Pope Paul on the program "This Hour has 7 days" on October 3, the day prior to the Pope's visit to North America. Discussions about easier ways to collect league memberships and meeting newcomers to the parish was held. • The question of raising funds to meet current expenses came up and after many suggestions it was decided that a variety show be held. in "conjunction with next month's meeting in the church hall. Mrs. John Buchanan is to be convener and all members are requested to supe°ort the show. The meeting closed with pray- er, and It r etr-was served -by -the 'hostess and lunch committee. it and Fuels,. Shell 524. -37tf shop, i cloth- es, ). 43, 47 MM. Phone - Weekdays before 10:00 a.m. -- for Sunday service Phone Saturday 6-8 p.m. Listed In Your Local Directory Harbourlite Inn ACCELERATING .JACKPOT WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 Sponsored by A' Goderich Lions Club ALL .BRANDS nemory 'y; who 9, 1963. l Mem WITH PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE CARTON !ars; spared ars. ose you Here 1s 4v ne: e l,ne s done. ,vays re. Mait 40x meinor ho pass 963. by `,; En •:f^�+�:'�::'•�;.?'•?''v'>fr:::•`,'fr:r:::';::::+,r?.;.::.•,•.!..a.::r:r''y r.�;��':{,.%{f??9` • •:• 54.• r•p, f> •v: $% •s. •r. SHAMPOO HEAD and SHOULDERS, ,Reg. .89 .69 FOR DANDRUFF RESDAN, Reg. 1.30 .1.19 CREME . FORMUla - MISS CLAIROL, Reg. 1.89 1.63 ANACIN 100's, Reg. 1.29 1.09 EXLAX, Reg. .55 .47 FASTEETH, Reg. 1.23 1.09 Ertivii 1 EN r. ' FASHION QUICK, Reg. 2.00 ...... . 1.69 CLAIROL "CONDITION", Reg. 1.75 .. , . 1.49 SANI-WHITE Shoe Polish, Reg. .49 . ' .41 NOXZEMA SPRAY DEODORANT, Reg. L25 .87 PLAYTEX mory o i -passe 1. id of one wa Ful ' an left i iy sister 39 memo Homey ber Liu :dwin B d awa r sorrow Dr tears )(red, years. ered b Heir fa11i .40 Amory o in, wh ear ago YOUR LIBRAL CANDIDATE • TEACHER Mait Edgar is a teacher. first teaching in Goderich Twp. Subsequently he taught in Mil- ton and at the Department of National Defence Public School at Station Clinton, where he was vice-principal. He has h;•.; Bachelor of Arts degree, and since 1962 has been on the staff of the Central. Huron Secondary, -School at 'Clin00t n. - us eve to hea r,1oreve et ever mbrance rue on, dea for you 1 boys. • FAMILY MAN ' Married to the former Mary Bowman, of Brussels, he live. in Clinton with his wife and five chldren, ng me 1cClinto 'tober 1 man an ,rod neve loyal an untie ye i' • alga, r 1141' ride, th 1 one yo and Pau • ' FARM BACKGROUND ,Mait Edgar was born and raised in Morris Twp. 36 year.: ago on a farm now operated by his brother. • THE COMMUNITY . ° He serves his community and his church. Mai/ Edgar is Wesle-'Wi1iis a member of Y United Church, Clinton; a for- mer Sunday School superin- tendent, and now an elder. • ATHLETE IMait Edgar is a keen ath- Iete, as a competitor; coach and . referee_ i.rz hockey and baseball. He has made a substantial con- tribution ontribution to juvenile sports pro- grams throughout Huron. • T,- • SERVICE Mait Edgar is interested an been • lC directed broad training towards service to individuals and the commun. ity. For, the past year he was Kinsman district governor of Ontario. f..�aa.:•�r?z>;s�c, err: s V �::::r,; ; ;:;� '•::�;::...` i}fi�: rr•'. 'r'•'•'v f :•'vfr�•:l r�%> fir. ry {r�.�^r�Vin, Jnr:v�,•.�trr:}• r r•r,: Sirfy.•}..}.,Y.,• i??1{: {{: {: • :.};.-�',. �':: Q r.{r : ..y ;; f� �. r}•'•. ;?�%' • ��j. yl. :.�r�Y��+'+/y�•,.{+,Y >r r: ;S:: r:::::} • ti, �:.;{?:� :: •:.??•:::: <r�'•�•!%i}�.': }'r}4vi�••rr}L+.:'ir�� rfl.8:ri{r.�,,n�:,•.}:r{ r;r,• l:• .r Jy '{ li rY+ y fi-•'irr r.rJrttirr ir?:f'r ' •:v?::r irl.•y:rrlfr5^•.{ fir.... RSrWee r+.tl.?lP.Nf.•.• s xrrs:•;r; COMPARE THE QVALIFICATIONS OF THE CANDIDATES BEFORE YOU VOTE Give Huron a Voice in a Majority Liberal. Government VOTE Nu►IT E D A R• LIBERAL ROOMS UBERAL'C.OMMITTEE • THE SQUARE - 'NEXT TO G. B. CLANCY, OPTOMETRIST PHONE 524-9242 Published by the Huron Liberal Association New Chevy Heavies up to 48,000 lbs. OVW up to 65,000 lbs. 8CW Now there's a great new line of Chevrolet trucks; the 70000 and 00000 Series. with DOW ratings' up'to 65,000 lbs! There's a new 92" conventional -cab that's best yet for working efficiency.. There are new high capacity frames and axles. There's new power, right up to the 687 on. in. Diesel and the 478 en. in. gas. And there's Chevrolet's famous dependability built right int New low-cost Torq-Flow 4 -cycle diesels for true -economy! Five great new 4 -cycle Chevrolet Dinah put the accent on savings as never before. Low first cost recovers your investment quickly; low running costs and low maintenance costs put new Chevrolet 4 -cycle Diesels in the profit picture for everything from medium -duty rotund -the -city work to long highway hams. New engines New. transmissions Chevy has a power plant to suit every job requirement in each weight class -18 onglnes,12 of them brand new for '86. There's new versatility,' new big -load capability with both gas and Diesel engines. And you can match powerful Chevrolet engines with the widest choice of transmissions ever -from 3 -speed Synchro-Mesh to 16 -speed), Spicer. automatics, too! T-166 E -Phone your Chevrolet Dealer about any type of truck you want. S to •` • 268 -count 'em 268 models! Here's what's new: bigger engines, more engines, bigger trucks, more trucks, high capacity frames ' • and axles, self-inijusting brakes on most light and medium duty models. And more! Check the long strong line of Chevrolet Workpower' Trucks for '86 noW! RUBBER GLOVES, Reg. 1.49 1.09 MINERAL Oil, 16 -oz., Reg. .79 - ,65 VICKS VAPORIJB, Reg..64 .53 DODDS KIDNEY FILLS, Reg. .79 .68 CLAIROL NICE 'N' EASY, Reg. 2.25 1.99 - GILLETTE • .99GILLETTE..... ...-- r SLIM TWIST RAZOR, Reg. 1.19 1.29 REG. 5 for .75 - GILLETTE SUPER STAINLESS BLADES .. ; 5 for .61 PREPARATION H SUPPOSITORIES, Reg. 1.19 1.32 BUCKLEYS COUGH MIXTURE, Reg. 1.09 VO -5 DERMA FRESH Hand Cream, Reg. 1.25 RIT FABRIC DYES, Reg. .3T.) BAYER ASPIRIN, Reg. .99 ..... SCORE HAIR DRESSING, Reg. 1.09 VO -5 811AMPOO, Reg. 1.19 - SITAVE HAIR CONDITIONER, Reg. .98 CREST TOOTHPASTE, Reg. £9 IACLEANS TOOTHPASTE, Reg. 1.39 RIGO PRETTY LIP SOOTHER, Reg. .20 . . JOHNSONS BABY OIL, Reg. .79 TOHNSONS BABY POWDER, .Reg. .75 , Your Authorized Chevrolet Truck Dealer In Goderich • BAIRD MOTORS (GODERICH) LIMITED 524-8311