HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-10-14, Page 2The Goderich Signal -Star Thursday, October 14th, 1965 • The retirement of George L. Ellis es publisher, after 20 years of service here marks' ks• the• end la. a'tl era f.ur Tile. Guderic:li, Signal -Star. it also marks the end of his 0\V11 sonar newspaper career \\'l►ic 11 "at yet vile. the pl'oviuees of back over 35 years ill Ontario and Quebec. A native of Mount Ontario, his ,first journalistie work was o11 The Varsity, undergraduate daily newspaper of The 1'itiversity of Toronto. Among other locations \\hic'11 followed were: Mac, Lean Publishing Company, Toronto; The Loudon .Advertiser: The Sudbury Daily Star and The Windsor .Daily. Star, lie is It Hast president of The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assoeiatiols and also of other provincial sectional groups. In Goderieh he vv'ill he vwell rerllernher- ell as a past president of the (ioderieli 1 1 )11s Club and irs Iliairulau of the first to\V'I1 Coiling t•oillnllttee. WeaversGu iId. Annual Meet The Eleventh Anni aL Confer- ence of the Ontario Hand -weav- ers and Spinners Will be held at the East Plaips United Church, Education -Ce u t r e, Plains Road East, Bu,lingtoni Friday, October 15th and • Satur- day, October 16th. One of ,the highlights of the conference will be the initiation of the first showing of the tra- velling ee1ibitio of Ontario: The special guest speaker will be Miss Mary Snyder, a well- known author and weaver from Pasedena, 'California. Members of the Bu,lr 1ington Wavers Guild are hosts of the conference, and it is to be as- sisted by the ladies group of East Plains Church. The registration has exceeded any conference held to date, and it is anticipated there will be 200 delegates ,representing thirty -three -municipalities in On- tario, as well as Hull, Quebec, Mancilona, Michigan and Cuya- hoga Falls, Ohio. on the editorial side and all departments of the paper. Many au _impetuous reporter, rills had the wind taken out of hrs sails by the gen- tle pressure 'from the guiding ,hand 'or lleorge Ellis. A newspaperman first, all,d foremost it1 all his dealings he will be most remem- bered by (aoclerieh residents as the figure who would somehow manage to cover the lop stories of the day by taking notes if only on tlte back of all: old cigarette pack- age. Bur like many men who have made it 10 the top in their profession he vas unstinting in his praise of the woman be- hind him. Not (anly l)ehilii hili 1ti t:11i ease, fur Gene Ellis worked side by side with iter husband over the years. lle _voul_d say t ilue and time again: "If I am�a little worried about a story, I find there is no fairer critic than Gene... . Ile played a key role in community lire using these editorial columns to give '-As t* neywspaper Ian,-w--itl1 a.-ioug....au!1 distinguished career- hint, he can a well-deserved prod, every now and again '- , -look back on what hits been a life of ser- to people who deserve it. Yet he tempered vice to the community at Targe. 'tlas AVlth the ever-eonstant desira,t-o bend ,.. Relnrnlbe1•ing ' the old adage: ' • \"oft over backwards to help people. can't please everyone'. -'- tlieI•e 15 no 11))1'x' '1'O be 11 newspaper editor 0011 be a - vulnerable position than that of a new.; lonely existeltee. Pressures come from all 1)ilpr'r publisher in a small WWII, a ' sides-tilitil one is not sure just what mo - No one eotild liawe better \weathered the live tht:,t't is behind the Person approaching _storm.tliilll George Ellis ---- a mail who put you. i•nitumllrlity first wild foremost in all his But despite all this George Ellis poss. ttealings. ',sed two thing, vvhieh came to his aid time II,\\ ell lived u1) to the motto\wlliclt itti,l time again. Ile hail an uncanny knack + ' ging,., l he. -..alti(•>,_-llii'tl. a a. ,tiwi1�"1')rnt°Iit�i7lrr'(1- lir �r.--`+'+-rnrn�tl=titre•t'--r�tilii•+��iii•T-=.--.gill,,orl�t��--�}t1.a];:,-1.1��-II.I•��J1 )l The Rev. J. Ure Stewart, a native of Saltford and Goderich resident for some years, will preach the Sunday school an- niversary services at the Knox United Church, Auburn, on Oc- tober 17, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. The Harmony Choir of Wingham will be providing. special music for the evening service. "The greatest po.s-sible"good 10 •the grea possible number..".- 110 hit; luanai4e 1 to liurb youthful ell.- tLI-ia--?1I while managing. to get the most ,I1 of .1:0 Staff who have worked with him boisterous sense of 1:1111. That' Signal -Stat' has, lost a good 1na11 111 (leut•ge Ellis as \well as a top-flight ed- itor who made his mark ill the field or ('i1nadlall journalism. A- QUESTION OF POLICY this.—HORNSWAGGLED. Yesterday my office manager The polio. of The Signal -Star, under address, \\•Merl earl be verified' In addition, Dear Horn: Many people who met my fiance -for the first time. its It,'\\' management, wilt !eluant 1)11Itatt- we cannot earn: ant• material with a ting- write to me know darned well After Mike left he said, "I didn't what they ought to do. They know you went in for knick- :;ed. Wt' int0nd to offer the et Ill ltlni_tw gt',tion of libel or 1' 11i(•11 ntit'_t be euttsill just need someone to tell them ;e•rvi0•e \without ;ti•wility. ., tlto do Vit._ _. fired p11, ! in had lash • •j Notify your children that they There can be no (Ionia that a news-1�have till noon next Monday to paper plays it vital rule in the life 'or ill,«�('• '►n The Signal -Stan staff,. intl'I1( decide what they'd like to take tiltslnunit\. In what other \wa1 call t11(, t`) earl's 011 With the service to the 00111- home. Let them know that on v,ibranev• ,,,d cuthlisi,tsitl of a town in, e'X_ mlutiny, which has beeomte part of one Tuesday ,the Salvation Arm'' or het itat0 over the many "t'ill's this has been the Goodwill Industries will be. press >d than t lart.,u� `h 1 he pat�e� ortri" over to haul out whatever they heal I , 1 'i it 1eittling Canadian w-ee y�„me\vspaper• don't take. And then stick ,by I•:,l,:in \week the editorial columns of Our intention is To provide a public- your word. .'1't.t;• S1'_i1t1-1i11• will excrt•ise'the privilege tion. of tvhit•h both the reader limo the mem. Dear Ann Landers: Last sum of ex1,n -sing t iitst1-netivt thoughts on the, hers Ill the staf I, can 1)t' proud. mer we encountered a depress- il:tlrpelt,ln 5 111 the town of (ioderieh and leading Canadian newspaper. collo: Ing situation among the metal lurgists employed by a large , rea comb', unities, - - . taint- -wrote : '-:--G;:_- people were to _-ill-Lige firm in Tennessee. It was the 'I'll • days illi' 1011g gone when a news- Ca nada on \\'hat appeared ill its news- same story the summer before Paper. ltlllsl confine its eolnnlents tJ the p6pel's, they would 1 hark 11 0 wet'\• dull, in Newark. The men' make +�L 11>atth ' (( good salaries but metallurgists r �,...lt_t_..Z.La 1( he ehtt .i. and tit v' )leer indee(1• are so scarce and the profession restries i:. criticisms to the seen deadly We have no intention of letting Gorier- so demandnig tira `-)lie-rrren-wnrk six and seven days a week, often sins. • i'•11 540111 a (lull, tll'y plitee. We intend to until 11:00 p.m • Not t), ;ily w)' will 1101 support 1110th''1'- t•;•1'I0.0t the life in this vital little town and The' wives are frustrated and 1,00t1 ;Ind the (hurelt --, there are no finer, still -1w int essemt•ial part of the town life lonely.. The children know their daddy only as a big person who walks in at odd hours, gulps his food, wallops them for' being noisy and then leaves. Is it any wonder that many kids today are so frightened and insecure that they fail in school, the i:, steal and breal, down emrtion• ally? What can a wile do to Maki her husband cut down his wortc- ing• hon and • i ay more atten- tion to his children':--INCL;JDE ME IN. . Dear Included: The father vl(ho Dear Ann Landers: We have a six -room house.' -Our children are !married and gone but we still don't have a guest room. Why? Because our home has dun in round been used as a p g g for all the junk our children "have no place for." Our oldest daughter was mar- ried 15' years ago. What could be a gueat rodm is loaded with paraphernalia , she left here. Every time I threaten to clear out the room she says, "Don't „you- ,..tiare throw. out ,any-thixlg. until I look it over." Last night- she and her hus- band were here for dinner.. I said, "Now is a good time to look over the odds and ends. so I can clear out that foom.'i Her our height. ' husband replied, "We don't Mike calls me his great big want" to clutter up our house beautiful doll and insists that with that junk." • I wear 3 -inch heels because he .Our house they can d'lutter thinks I look better in them. uj), but not their own." I need When we dance he rests his head someone who is smarter than I on my bosom and sighs, "Every - ani to tell me how to_ handle body should have it so good." 55 ' Yea+rs• Ayo--191,0 Ca ,nei agreed tQ look into Complaints about an unusually high slumber of drunks being seen in the town. It was point- ed out-° that they were chiefly men who were employed on the contruction work of the eleva- tors at the harbor. Detectives were reported to be still investigating the murder of Lizzie Anderson, whose body was found lying in the road with hi? tliraat ...eixt and -lief head battered. She was said to have been seen walking with a young man in the fair grounds shortly bfore her death. 35 Years Ago -1930 The Goderich branch of the Bank of Montreal was reported to be undergoing extensive al- terations, with new fittings and a heating system. A memorial window was dedi- Honorable William 'Oayley, the present member for the United Counties, was a visitor In Goderieh. Our member has a pe uliar knack in rend- ering himelf agreeable when .__he.solicits favors. We under- stand there are some whimp- erings of an approaching election. The monthly meeting of the C.W.L. was held at St. Joseph's school, Kingsbridge, on October 4,. at 8:30 .p.m. ---- The" -The" League had as their guests, eleven visiting members from the Leagues of Lucknow and St: Augustine. There were nineteen Kingsbridge members 1 present. • work's, works and works and ' Father Caruana opened the spends lit time with his fam- meeting with a prayer. Mrs. ily ma in ' he is doing it for Donald Frayne read the min- them—but it isn't really true. utes of the September meeting. He does it because he'd rather! A thank -you note from Miss k than be with wife and cated in St. George's Church de- picting the baptism of Jesus. It was the gift of Miss Matilda Naftel, Halifax, in memory of her parents, who for many years ,had been members of St. Geo- rge's congregation. Population of Goderich show- ed an increase of. 211 bringing the total to 4,324. The Star announced that it had changed to a new form of type face, and had itlstalled a newer "ltnTJtyp 7 -machine in office. 15 Years Ago -1950 wor children. Making him feel guilty about it won't help. There is no cure, so cover Shirley Essery was read. Mrs. Eldon Austin gave the treas- urer's report. Father Caruana opened the for him, Mother, and do double, discussion for the October 10 duty. You belong to one of the Thanksgiving Super. This sup - largest sororities in the world per will mark the 60th annivers and 1 am certain •St. Peter has ary of the opening of St. Jos - special crow's for all of you. ('1)h's Chl'irch, Kingsbridge, and . ,r: will be held in the church base - Dear Ann Landers: I'm a girl inent at 4 p.m fl awi rl* ' half 5'9' tall and engaged to the hour service in the church. . most marvelous fellow in the The menu was decided and the world. He is 5'6" but 'I couldn't St. Augustine and Lucknow care less about the difie;.ellen in Leagues kindly agreed to pre- pare and serve the banquet. Mrs. Pete 11IcDonald, Mrs. Joe Mc- Millan and Mrs. Jim O'Donnell make up the Lucknow commi - tee. 1\lrs. I3i11 Kinahan, Mrs. Bill Redman and Mrs. Leonard Chisholm are on the St. Augus- tin(' committee. A midnight lunch of hot dogs, soft drinks, coffee and tea was planned for the Thanksgiving dance which will he held on knacks." What should I say to Friday, :n51 itut loll-. - - but we vwill lay construe.- 11 it has (kiuhle(1 in size. 1Iwt el•ttte15111 011 the doorstep of • every There have been allegations in the • p n(1 perhu.li we feel warrants it. past lewelletl agaill,t 11e\wspapers that they A 110vv.pailer's role is to be the chief have withheld stories on individuals be- 1wittehdog or ow c(ynununitj- and' alis one (.arse of certain political pressures. 'pattern we yviii he foreed to folloyv to the In no ease was this true, or will it be )•etch) of sinking our teeth into the flesh true in the future, of the Goderich Signal - of ff oenders. -Star. We have a duty to perform and we .The editorial e•,oluilins or a neivspliper intend to do it to the lies) of our ability. .t.uelay ye., as iniprirtalit_ a josh as ever iii-cend- to provide -Go-d r:n 11 with- ''itee(1 s;llIti(r eulIIllllts 111 the past. ...We -wilt'. litPlll;+1 'u -present \w 411 informed reasoned it p1'ogrt'sgtve newspaper which will be Coln- �'lllu it any topics of interest. 1)letely in tune with the future growth 1 h all 'new bob,' w4 kilt,\\' we Of \vhiel► (;ioderieh \viii nut 1)0 deprived.1 to make mistakes when the full The news eulinrins of this ptlblica- 1,t'cll .withheld from us. The boll will not contain biased reports to til;' r will be ever -open to letters a(lwillltage of certain individuals., The,,.. homii,(r (,f the eontnittnit}- \wh) will rctict•l only what is happening in tho either d --;14_2'1'1'('-. of agrees with our Views town 1)11(1 must 1)t' consi(I(t'ed for vwhat ,in any -til).;,el broached• th4\ are r',pollsil►le, tactual `recounts. The (tnl. stipulation for letters to the Our policy ran hest, l)r ,ti111111ed 111) by: editor. ,15 ;ill 1niblieittions foliavv, i; 111111 "If it is good for Goderich and Huron. they should be signed and also earrY an ('ounty, we will support it. October 6 at 9.30 p.m. clads -who pop off- -tl(. _church basen_lent,,_ STATUESQUE. - Dear Statuesque: Silence is often more devastating than any - MI's. JoeCourtney motioned that the meeting be adjourned after which the meeting was eros n e One Year '4° ,1964 Goderich's official ee ,sus was reported ; A ted to stand 4 resi dents—an i e . ail Of two over the previous r, Mrs. Ben lieman was named president of the first Horne and School ,.Association to be formed in Colborne Township. Nearly 60 persons attended, the first meeting. The Goderich volunteer `fire- men - asked ----town -council- to change their system of remuner- ation from an annual grant t 1 an hourly wage. An " area training "school held An, Saturday, October2, Hanover for all Guides 11is .irouia Area, -A total of j Guiders ,from, Owen Sound Clinton 'and Goderich atten this semi-annual trainipg to Discussions were held on new program being introdu for all groups of BroymI; Guides and Rangers with new age ,groi}ps taken into ea sidera;ti t.... - .They are, Br seven years to ten years; Guiti ten years to 14 years, and Ranlg. ers, 14 years to 18 years. Mayor Mathieson gave a state- ment to The -Signal -Star --on -the-- reason . for his shock resigna- tion. He said he had resigned because he was opposed to im- posing an additional $2,000 un- necessar' expenditure on local_ taxpayers. The Knox Presbyterian Church congregation endorsed a recommendation to go ahead with plans to build a riew church. The objective for the fund rais- ing committee was set at $100,000. roderich public school teach- ers entered •a formal request for an annual increment of $200 for each member of the staff. 10 Years Ago -1955 The Goderich Dodgers. white- washed the Sudbury Garson Cofriblwe -18-0 take•the--DASA. intermediate ladies' softball championship. Team members were: Joanne Castle, Audrey Mc- Cabe, Margaret Emerson, Julia Freeth, Muriel Hartlin, Adeline Riehl, Pearl Emmerton, Audrey Harrison, Kay Sharp, Dorothy McCabe, Kay MacKinnon, Pearl MacAdam. It was announced that Gode- rich residents would be asked to vote on whether or not the town should provide $125,000 ,for a new extension to the Alexandra Hospital. , A major paving project was approved for Huron road with the town's share of "the cost estimated at Iess than $2,500. thing you might say. A clod ed \with 0 prayer and lunch was like your office manager should serve(i• be givep the fish eye and left standin there—with his foot in his foolish mouth.- '~'r' °a , Personal r 1* Ann Landers will be glad to1 Mr. and Mrs. John Picot and help you with your problems. t son, Kevin, Burlington, and Mr. Send them to her in care of The and Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe and Goderich Signal -Star, enclosing Karen. Wingham, spent the holi- a stamped, self-addressed en- day weekend -with Mrs. Mamie velope. Sutcliffe. Aegean Vinyl Corlon has a rich, textured • surface that'silong• wearing :. an easy' to clean! Its light, neutral colorings go with most any decorating scheme. Aegean's nubbly surface is practical, too. -Mem hide,,scuff-- marks and subfloor imperfections. VINYL CORLON by ( mstrong Free Estimates WE INSTALL F R E ESILVER DOLLARS ■ t. PRYDE & SON — Memorials — Finest Stone and Experienced Workmanship DISTRICT Frank Milvvain REPRESENTATIVE 524-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. -= 524-9465 5Otf MODEL 44'D41 MODEL 72D41 A fully automatic, but budget priced dryer, a A fully automatic dryer with extra feature wonderful buy for, busy -housewives, even with- such as automatic shut off and fluff contra out the beaufiiful,Free- Ele-cific Btanketl. Alries_clothesjust like outdoors. PEAMEAL — SAVE 30c LB, A luxury -dryer with automatic -high speed syS- tem, fluff control, de -wrinklier, dry control, full . washload capacity. 118th Year of r Publication —0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron !!--0— Published at Goderieh, Ontario every Thursday morning by Signal -Star Publishing Limited ROBERT G. - SHRIER President and Publisher M. E. C. COWLEY Managing Editor Member of C.W.h►.A., O.W.N.A., C.C.N.R., and A.B.C. 0.4 .,•P' ®Subscription Rates --- $4 ' year. to U.5.A., $5 (In Advent, Authorized as Seeond C1asg ]v all Fast Offled ]7elit.. Ottawa and for Payment of Postage in Cash. FEATURING _ Home._, Dressed. Inspected 5Z48551.