HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-09-16, Page 12A Bayi'ielci artist is + etermin- . Hession may hold one in con, e4 to put the towh of Clinton junction with Expo 67 in Mon - 401 the map.b3 Organizing a pos- treal • ter competition at the Clinton "This is a. long time off," said Robby and Craft Exhibition. Miss Hession, "but if we keep, goi -aN,ve have been doing I (141see why we shouldn't." Works of artists from Gode- in-.C-nnada• ,wire -Have responded rich. and stir.raunding_ -.dish ict to her appeal for: "A Salute to will also be featured in the Clinton." Clinton sbow. On show will At her silage studio, Missbe the posters of prize winners Hession is' working with the over the past three years. conviction that Canada can be Miss Hession feels that artists unified the appreciation can. state their love of their owl of ted through art. community through their poster impressions. "We have had "P'eaple often get the wrong some outstanding entries from idea of posters," said Miss Iles- people who have amazed them- sion. "They often think it will selves by their own efforts,"' she represent drab commercialism. said. We have had some wonderfully So far Miss Hession has re- moving examples of the feel-' ceived 62 entries from across ings of amateur artists." 'Canada and with more on the She added: "People who are, way, she says: "I don't know almost illiterate still have the' where we are going to -put them capability of expressing them all but we will try and find the ,..c...n..,-•-V ..,-.. i;LiL�� �:;,ss,v�u-n:e::r- - -ar7avo?.:trxn;,7n,.„.ra:an�+cix..+��a^s Miss Hession started her pos- ter competition for the Bayfield; Fair in 1962 with only eight,TO Show Works posters in the show. "Once the word got around f Top Artists Miss Eileen iiession will be' showing works of talented art- ists from nearly every province among artists we were inun-,O dated with requests to show posters. Our only problem is Goderich has been placed on finding the space :to display ; the itinerary this year _of the them, she said. ' travelling art exhibit which is b:;x�• .�i . �f Expo 67 sp911,0, ed by the Art Institute of The poster compt'tition ;hay "Qiitario. ,:'4,- �'N` r -'-°° ;�° �. r _ AA /A� • .Izul Bennett, B.A., B.S.W.. !M1 $5 Hes *, been so successful that`��,1VIi55 - .,,� „_ E�s;,; Open,Ntely Until 10 p.m. for n your Shopping Convenience 9.1 VICTORIA ST. NORTH FaODIERICH. Ph Y9 Ahmeek IODE "'show the collection of valuable' paintings in the Victoria SchoolKiauditorium at 8 p.m. on Thurs- n 5 e n day, September 30. Makes Donation rovince-wide acclaim when' he nra. Last year Mr. Bennett won O 1 _ a • •1 Le , — _ _ _ - Ball ..‘,Pisited more than 50 towns and BONELESS FULL UN_� STEAK_ or ROUND STEAK GROUND ` SIRLOIN or T-BONE STEAK CLUB STEAK R7:1 -E=, 16 79c RUMP ROAST Father, died i he ma' to aft • SCHNEIDERS RING SCHN-EIDERS 5 VARIETES cities in Ontario and lectured, Murfey The Ahmeek Chapter, LO.D.E., to over 10,000 people. met at the home of Mrs. Calvin : Goderich Art Chub will act Gord Walters hurls strong Cutt, Park s'treet. Mrs. Gordon las hosts for the- art showing seven hitter as Firemen belt 15 .Henderson, lst vice-regent, pre which will include a collection hits to beat Kinsmen 6-3 in the sided. - third game of the Industrial art p of The flag was resented by of am original Canadian works { League finals. , . Mrs. R. Redmond and the •prayer i These paintings,' all painted Al MacDonald, with threefor of the Order repeated in unison.' within` the last twenty years, four and a run batted in, came The secretary's report was will range from landscapes toup with an outstanding one - given by 9lrs. H. Tichborne and abstracts. The collection has handed catch to rob Vanderburg the treasurer's report by Mrs.; been assembled especially for of a certain extra base hit in C. Gibbons. I this lecture ' tour. the seventh. Vic Whetstone Mrs. McKee gave the report; The pictures are large, bold, made a fine running catch of a of the presentation of trophies i imaginative, varied in technique, hard hit ball deep to the 'fence to Victoria and St. Mary's and emphasize qualities that in left. Whetstone also had two .make them suitable for study hits in four trips. purposes: Artists represented t Bill Fritzley smashed a long are: Alan,Coilier, Kazuo Naka- home run in the fourth' scoring mura, William Roberts, Harold Gord Walters who hit a triple Town, Tony Urquhart, William i previous. Walters p i t c h e d Winter, William Ronald, Ann !strong ball from the fifth on, Sav"_e and Frank Palmer. lallowin only two base runners The collection has been secur- for the last five innings. Ile ed from public galleries such as had most of the Kinsmen hit - It was decided to purchase The Art Gallery of Toronto, in- ters swinging at nothing but the the usual wreath to lay on the dustries such as Union Carbide vapour of his fast ball. cenotaph on Remembrance Day. and Imperial Oil, and the artists Len Willis and Harry Kerr Fifty dollars was' donated by themselves. The value of the each had two, hits in four trips, the Chapter toward the •pur- collection runs to many thous- for (Kinsmen. John Gower had chase of a new ambulance for St. ands of dollars .y two runs batted in and lost his hn Ambulance.. Mr. Bennett will lecture on first game. Dave Gower had an It was decided to have the these paintings and illustrate outstanding night, making six, his points by means of slides of put-outs in left field and a fine other works of art by the same running catch deep to left cen- artists. He has requested that tre on a hard hit ball by Fritz - local artists bring their own ley. . . paintings to'the meeting and he Larry Aldham made three fine will be pleased to meet this put-outs in centre, thea in the group at the end of the public ninth, with the score three all, lecture and give a criticism of Vic Whetstone lined a single to te. w.rks. centre. Aldharn fielded the ball The Art Institute of Ontario on the run, ma. e a per ect row has a program of fifty travelling to third. to cut down the runner. exhibitions. These ' shows had and. Kerr let the ball get away over three hundred and fifty in- from hint allowing' two runs to dividual bookings last yearand scoKe.' Walters set Kinsmen were viewed.by more than three down in order in the ninth to hundred thousand people. \vin. This exhibition program and Fourth Game Mr. Bennett's lecture tours are, Kinsmen the winners. Led by the result of grants being secur- shortstop Len Willis, who had PERSONAL ed by the Art Institute from the 'wo hits in four trips—a double Province of Ontario Council for 1 and a single and a deep hit to Wayne Feagan returned this the Arts and the Canada Coun-' centre in the first inning that week to the University of West- cil• '_drove in a run, and a double in ern Ontario, London, where he The meeting is open to all the fifth that scored two. Then in will take his final year in Hon- members of the public interested; the seventh hit a line 'drive to ors English and Latin. in art. It is hoped that High ' centre that gave Len his fourth School students will be able tot "un hatted in. - 41111111111attend. I Harry Kerr hit a homer.in the schools. Mrs. - C. Cutt read a letter of thanks from the War Memorial Hospital fox the receipt of 11 quilts which she had - donated 'from the Chapter. Mrs. M. Everett 'reported visit - Ing -The - ek-" i iso slta1 presenting flowers, October and November meet- - ings on the first Monday of the month, instead of the regular date, Mrs. Henderson read a notice from the National Chapter. Re- commendations are to be voted an at the next meeting. Discussion followed re the - annual Variety sa e an ative date was set. Conveners were appointed far the various tables and Mrs. C. Gibbons . is to be in charge of arrangements. Mrs. -M. Everett thanked the hostess for her hospitality. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Cutt and' Mrs. G. Stokes. fourth. Larry Aldham made three outstanding catches in centre, and showed lots of hus- tle in•baekibg up his outfielders and infielders. Jerry' Riehl made two outstanding catches. 'Firemen, led by the flashy Paul Henderson, who had four hits in four at bats, and scored two runs, with three singles and a double. Bill Fritzley hit a long home run deep to right in the eighth to drive in three runs. . This brought Manager Bill Kirkey to the mound and he brought in his ace right hander, John Gower to relieve;, Ken Dunn. Gower -promptfy..�set the side down as -he retired the next five batters. Al MacDonald had three walks for the night. Bud Wil- liamson- was two for four, a booriiing triple in, the -eighth- Bill Fritzley had four runs bat- ted in. Player Award Len Willis received a very handsome silver tray as he was voted by coaches and players the league's most valuable play- er. The' tray was the Mogan Award, presented by league pre- sident Tom Campion. Standings Standings in the best of seven are: Kinsmen—won three, lost one; Firemen—won one, lost three. rolls SASE OF 48 ROLLS 5.29 CHRISTIES DR. BALLARDS CHAMPION ODA 5 31e Pks= 1.00 Y_LOISLS .113Atki CLARKS 10 -oz. TINS TOMATO CLARKS 48 -oz. TINS TOMATO One Loaf Of • Aunt Marys Bread WITH THE PURCHASE OF 4 - LOAVES at Reg. Price WITH THE PURCHASE OF 8 -oz. JAR RED & WHITE Instant Coffee at Reg. •Price STOKELY HONEY POD 15 -oz. These marshmallow rolls con- sist of a chocolate cake wrap- ped around a mouth-watering marshmallow filling. Fruit Filled= COFFEE CAKES HOME MADE 'READS WHOLE. WHOLE W1- EAT CRACKED WHEAT WHITE REG. 3.95 211495 Christmas ueen washes artd dries your clothes in rust -proof, chip -proof STAINLESS STEED guarmnreeed for d ::►ifeiime 100% LL FABRIC WASHER Speed Queers now offers a third agitator speed so feathery gentle that the sheerest delicates can be laundered with total safety. ` Stop in for a demon- stration. 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