HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-09-02, Page 6.,Gocietieli gignal-Staf: Thtlr-sdaYi Septelber 2nd, 1965 3, Real Estatp For Sqe -Articles' POI alier."--. , , KEN 'CitQFT' ,. . . TWO QI-Waters; also quantitY HOUSEHOLD artible s, + TV,1 II3 Victoria St., Goderich .of used.hnnber Plione 529- aerial, cOffee table, frig, stove. Real Estate General Insurance .7364, Duivannon. ' S4Xt beds,, fishing equipment, 2 h.p. Elgiiir outboard. Phone 9043,1160 Essex St. -Two-bedroom cot - 15 ACRES second cut alfalfa, after 5, 10A The Square. 33x tage overlooking harbor and lake, 1P06000 d 1.11 '' CORN and Damson plums. Reg. handle vvith easy monthly Riehl, SaItford Heights, Phone 7492. -33-34 A.rtleles-Foroeit standing. Phone Neal Lowey, 524-6381. THREE storm windows, 44 x. 6412, six panes. Phone 9146. 129 HineksSt. -34 , PUREBRED Shetland, sheep pup- pies; reasonable. Phone 482- 9972. 34x uNE 5 -horse Elgin out6oard ik ° motor in perfect running condi- -tion; also one 4 -string tenor banjo with case and instruction book. Call Auburn 526-7242. 35x SHORT of CASH GLADS and other cut flowers. 156 Eldon St., phone 9649. -340 NEW hearing aid,. six new bat- teries, no cord needed, wil sell at half price, Write Box 103, Signal -Star. 33-34 CUCUMBERS and sweet corn. Marcel Lassali,ne, phone 9888- -34 TWO space heaters, equipped with blowers, necessary pipes, etc., 200 -gal. fuel tank, all in A-1 condition. 524-9161. 34x 30-05 Remington semi-aetomatic rifle; 1, inch electric drill; quantity of plywood, odd. sizes; two -girls' wintee-eoa ' and 14; all-weather reversible coat, size 14; dresses, sizes 12 and 14. 93 East St., phone 6227. ,-34 USED chesterfield suites, two and three-piece suites, good condition. Priced to sell. Phone 524-7455. -34 SEABREEZE p.hono-jack record player, good condition, reason- able.' Phone 8528. -34 clothin_g, including coats and suits, sizes erg.liFTO condition, reasonable. . Phone 9208.$ ' 34x TWO snow suits, sizes one and two; baby's bunting bag; girl's white fur coat, size two; good condition. 524-8403. -34 WEEKEND SPECIALS AFTER VACATION? NEED CASH FOR payments. _ 217 Huron Rd.. - Two-bedroom white frame home. $1,000 down with easy monthly pay- ments. 210 Aguth St. - Two-bedroom wrtime hpuse. Full price $6,000.00, very easy monthly payments arranged on this horae. 171 East St. -A real buy for the handy man., We have mortgage money available for the purchase of this home, repayment at a very reason- able rate. Two, Miles North of Goderich- , three-bedroom home which could be purchased under BACK TO SCHOOL 5 Britannia Rd. West. ---Here is a luxurioustown home in an ° extremely desirable residen- tial section. This spacious, at- _ - condition. The kitchen is complete with built-in cup- boards, a large spacious liv- ing room with a brick fire- place. Upstairs is the master bedroom with 2 other bed- rooms plus a 3 -piece bath- room. The basement has a capacious storage room, with - a laundry room, and a furnace room. The grounds are de- lightfully landscaped, shrubs, small trees, flowers in profu- -SI t---manse-of smooth level green lawn. Must be seen to appreciate it. Get A Low Cost Loan At GODERICH COMMUNITY - CREDIT UNION -•39. -St:Day ici- St:, 1hone-524493-1- 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale 1954 half -ton pickup, good con- Albert St. -,--,64' x 132',' only - $800.00. dition. 150 Eldon St. ' 34x Cottages and lots at Bogie's, '53 CHEV in- A -f condition, or- Hunter's and Birch Beach. iginal mileage 44,000. Medium Commercial Property - Excel - 1 uP1ECE bedroom group in- size wood and coal stove, 4 lent for stare location. Also eludes double dresser, 4 -draw- i years old. Call 524-8890. have a building suitable for er chest, bookcase bed ,1 ____,_,,,,,,,_Ap*. _ smoath top mattressntiebTre— 3 41) 1 storage of approx.-5,000 squ. .-w— • spring, -pair- . boudoir lamps, 1960 MONARCH sedan, real' ft• headboard lamp, 2 foamepil- good. Apply French Drycleand ms o lows. Only $189.95. ers, 524-8452.. EVenings 524- 8718. -22tf t. 3. Real Estate For Sale ALEXANDERAND For Sale THREE-PIECE bedroom suite in- cludes triple dresser, 4 -draw- er chest, bookcase bed, Swed- 3.- Real Estate For Sale ish walnut finish, Only $159,-' SMALL- house arid lot, $2,000. 139 Ca.yley St. Phone 524-9629' between 4 and 5 p.m, 34x NEARLY new 2 -bedroom house on No. 8 highway near Clinton. Phone 482-7509, Clinton': 34x 50. SEALY extra firm Golden Sleep Supreme mattress. Elegant cover. formerly used on Sea- . ly's nationally advertised S79.50 mattress plus our most costly deep quilting. Exclu- sive "Edge ,Guard" construc- tion prevents sagging edges, Duro Flange, keeps surface smooth, firm, trimly tailored. Only $49.50. Farms. Phone 524-7253 4: 4: APPROXIMATELY seven acres, 4: including good barn and hen- houSt, 380 -ft. frontage on Bay- field.Rd., _next to Conklin Lum- ber, , $7,000. Call Mrs. Georg't Fegan. 883i -34 -131-A-CKSTONE- -Ftrimtrrti _ West Street IF YOU have proPerty for's2fe, • SUNSHINE two -burner heavy- list witlf Frances Rae, 43 New - duty rangette; Beatty washer, gate St. 'phone- 9557, agent for S. E. Malins, Goderich, both in good condition, reason- able, Phone - --• Phalle' .8040. 10 PIGS, seven weeks old. Phone 524-9176. -34 PATTERSON'S Used Furniture, 97. St. Patrick St. Phone 7616. -34-35 OIL space heater, medium size. Apply Reid's Upholstery, 48 East St. -34-35 24 x 8 GLENDALE travel trail- er, fully equipped, electric brakes. good condition, $925. ' One mile south of Goderich, - Highway 21. 34x - For Sale Lot 52 x 107. on Lighthouse, one blocl•from Square,. Roomy two -apartment house in excellent condition on Bri- tannia Rd., W. In Saltford, one floor, $4,000. •Look You decoirate-pay no rent till November 1 for three -bed- rooms, living room, kitchen and den, north end. 'Wanted to buy -2 two-bed- room, one-flpor homes. For Sale Two New fomes Featuring: Red brick, four bed,reemS, large modern kitchen, modern bath, living room, dining room and family room. Good base - merit, good roof, low heating bills. The whole house in ex- cellent shape. We will consider your reasonable offer this mouth. , • - Three be -dr 6-0-n-a-OiT.6:SIOTCY frame; large living room with hardwood floors, modern kit- chen .and bath, oil forced .air heating, furnace only 3 years old. New aluminum storm windows. Price $6,500. Mortgage money available for farms, houses and com- mercial. • For Rent Three bedroom hduse, ready for occupancy. BRUNO LAPAINE Phone 524-8957 J. I. RAPSON-8559. Salesmen . for Goderich Phone 524-9662 MALCOLM MATHERS For Sale We have several Goderich properties for sale, including - The large Mallough property, overloking the harbor - at a much lower price. A fine 2 -storey Ted brick; 4 - bedroom 'house in excellent -- - • On Napier St., a very inter- esting 2 -storey dwelling - a charming old residence. A large property on Bayfield Rd. including,,a red brick storey and a half residence. A first class lot and small residence at rear, on Nelson St. w. MAL COLM MATH E RS Real Estete Broker 46 West St. Phone 9442. 5. To Rent 'KENT HOUSE, furnished' rooms with living roam, TV and kit- chen privileges, $10 weekly. Phone 8433. . •7436tf 0. To Ittent, 12. Tenders Wanted LARGE bed4itting frigi; TENDERS will be received Until hot plate. Mrs, K. Allin 54 noon, SepteMber 6, 1965, for Victorul Street. '33tf crushing and hauling about 12,- 000 yards of gravel Crushed to go through a three-quarter inC,h Sereen, township to supply gravel, contractor to strip pit if necessary and have contract templeted by October 15, 1965, or penalty of $50 a day until completed. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. - A cheque of $200 tp accompany tender. , Roy Tyndall, Road Superintendent • 33-34 ,.FURNISHED, heated. Upper apartMent. Front and back en trances, available September r9. Phone '5240510, •. 3Itt BRIGHT apartment on the Square, living room, dining room, kitchen and two bed- rooms, full bath and shower, rent reasonable. Phone 8517. 32tf - - APARTMENTS, furnished ° and unfurnished; central location. Phone 9421. 33tf BRAND n e w, three-bedroom apartment, electricallyTheated, available now. Phone 7898. 32tf TWO :BEDROOM upper apart- ment. Private bath, central foca- tion, laundry. Hot water sup- plied. $40. Phone 7415. 31tf 13. Auction Sales CLEARING Auction Sale of household effects for Mrs. Bea Ruddy (who is leaving for Eng-. land) at the former Singer Sew- ing Machine Bldg. at 18 the Square on LIGHT housekeePing rooms, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th one -room and two -room units, • at 1.30 p.m. furnished, rangette and fridge, General Electric 21" stove; some with hot and cold water. A.M.C. fridge with large freezer; Miss Mary B. Howell, 12 St. electric clock; electric fry pan; Vincent St. 524 8642. chrome table and four :chairs; -22tit POrtable Admiral TV; chester- field; 9 x 12 rug; transistor ra- dio; space -saver; lined drapes; •iarrip-s-Feetter--thestbedr-dressw ers; Hoover vacuum cleaner; Hoover floor polisher; washing machine; bedding; dishes, etc. 'TERMS -CASH. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer. -34 MODERN self-contained, heated apar-tment,,,AUi table -,f0,;,..Callia only. Immediate possession. James Bisset, phone 524 - 965. -30tf SELF-CONTAINED, one -bed 4i room apartment, partly furn- ished. Miss Mary B. Howell, 12 +. Vincent St., phone 524- 8 -16tf LOVELY five -room apartment on Court House Square. Hard- wood floors and furnace. Phone 524 - 9656. -45tf -NEWLY -renro elle , otrebed-,- room apartment, self-contain3d, gas heated, suitable for couple, TV and FM aerial supplied. Phone 524-7540 evenings -1rtf 1FOUR-ROOM ground floor heat - Three bedrooms with large ed apartment, gas dryer, self - clothes closets contained, $65 monthly. Phone Bright, spacious living, roams 8435. \- ' 34-5x Gleaming hardwood and vinyl floors •" Pretty Ceramic tiled bath- rooms American style kitchens with beautiful cupboards and lam- ica counter tops . THREE-BEDROOM upper apart - Full concrete basements • ment, recently' decorated, corn - Gas forced -air' furnaces and pletely..self-contained, low rent. hot water _P_hone_Clinton. 18219507 or Gode, rich 524-9953. -34tf T W 0 - BEDROOM apartment, above stores, near Square, gas heater provided, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. 524- 7956. -34-5 NEW, modern apartment, four moths phis bath, hardwood floors. Phone 7112. 32tf Laundry facilities All quality built homes and priced r,easonably at 1.112,750- • D.P. $1395 2$13,000 'D.P. $2500 Two -Bedroom Frame Bungalow Ideal for a' small family, this home has large living room, modern kitchen. two bedrooms and 'a thred-Piece bathroom. Price $5,500. Low down pay- ment. HEATED, upstairs _apartment, four rooms, freshly decorated, heavy-ehrtrwiring, suitable:4pr 'adults. 10 Britannia Rd., east, phone 524-6255. -34tf FOUR-BEDROOM red brick house on East St. W. Mclntee & Co., 524-7875. -34tf TWO or three-room apartment, heated, hot water supplied, near Square. 524-6551. 34-35x LOVELY upper two-bedroom Three -Bedroom Red Brick apartment, self-contained, heat - This compact home has large living room, renovated kitchen, new gas furnace and three bed- rooms. Only $8,000. Down payment $1,500. Summer Properties For Sale BLOND cocker spaniel, reason- Thriving flooring business, Cottage on Maitland River, NEWLY decorated, four -room _allle . Phone „.656.7 -34 ear-. rau4:141-,40 yeas in eight miles east of Goderich. apartment over Moss' barber location with fine reputation. Sleeps four. Good fishing, boat - Quality lines. Inventory cash, ing and swimming. Lot 150 -foot -34tf frontage Only $2,800 with SUMMER cottage at Port Albert, $800 down. • close to lake; also I3 -foot ply- Elegant three-bedroom' sum - wood. boat. Write' to Box 101, mer home on Lake Huron just Signal Star. 33-4x north or Bayfield. Completely TWO -bedroom house, full base. furnished, water, bathroom, ment, g a r a g e, oil furnace, showers. sandy beach. Lot 87 - aluminum siding. Inquire at 239 foot frontage by 400 -foot depth. Huron Rd. 32tf Price $12,500. • Good terms. 6. Wanted To Rent ed, $55. Phone 8942. -34-37; FAMILY of .four requires fur- nished- cottage --neXt 'summer, June 15 to September 15. Must be in town, Call Mr. Mulvaney, 9395. 34x WANTED to rent -a furnished apartment or small house, pre- ferably furnished. Call 9332, be- tween nine and five. 33-4 8. Help Wanted AUCTION SALE of, livestock, implements and some 'household effects will be held for Lawr- enbe Nesbit, lot 30, concession 3, East Wawanosh Township (11A miles north and 11/2 miles east ...Qt.:Auburn. or one block north and 5 miles West Ori3T3TtliY on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 • at 1.30 p.m. TERMS -CASH. Allan McIntyre, Auctioneer. -34-35 SANDY CONTRACTING LIMIT- ED, GODERICH require TRUCK DRIVERS for highway construction in Hu- ron and Bruce Counties. Must be experienced.., Good living accommodation supplied. Pre- vailing rates and bonus. SMALL house, gas heated.. 99 Wellesley St., phone 7519. 34x- BAYFIELD WOOLLEN • SHOP • • STOREWIDE • CLEARANCE Including Business Property MERCH4IDISE Includes Name Brands Such As.... Aljeari Woollens Dalkeith Sweaters Shamrock Cottons Hush Puppy Shoes Tic Toc Baby Wear 34x GLADIOLUS, garden flowers, tomatoes. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron St. Phone 8852. 33tf • VACUUM Cleaner Sales and Service for all makes. Filter Queen sales, Zurich. Phone -•262-53501 - • ' 46tf -FIRg thief Safety_ Chimneys, distrib'utors, G-uy Ives & Son, phone 524-6355. 44tf Fa.FICTRO'LUX (Canada) Lirnit- ed sales and service: Free de- livery. Alvin S. Riley, 153 Lighthouse St., phone 524 - 6514. -3-6xtf HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Si& samples 25c; 24 samples $100. Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham Mem- Ont. . 50 FT. bylO'ft., General mobile home, fully equipped, '20 and 10 gals. aquarittins, umbrella and table, Coletnan cainP SIOVO. and lantern, �.d& ttleYete; C inch Wheel, 4824478. 33-34 RED brick, two-storey home, Looking For, A Large Summer centrally loocated. Three bed- Home Or A Small Hotel? rooms, closed in sunporch, hard- Eight bedrooms and five other wood floors, . powder ,rem on roo,ms and snack bar at Port Guelph, Ont. Evenings p_31e4.as3e7. main floor, full basement, oil Albert, 12 miles north -Of Gode- furnace and two -car garage with rich: Only $12,000. Good storage space. Excellent repair. terms. PhOne 524-6257 or 524-8651. • -23tf shop. Apply Bedford Hotel. -34tf 14. Services Available ACE Radk Radio TV Service. Fran Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Gode- rich, Ont. Phone 524 - 7771. 16. Public Notice KOVACS' TV RadiorTV and Appliances Service 239 Lighthouse St. Phone 7632 • 29tf DAILY CAR RENTAL. Reasonable rates. McGeTiela. Goderich. Phone 524 - 8391. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, all work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R.. 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 442 W 6. ' 10-34x , I Apply at your NATIONAL EM- PLOYMENT sERyicE • • -34 HOUSEKEEPER wanted for wid- ower with modern farm home, all conveniences. No objection to one child. Write Box 11)5, Signal -Star. • 34-35x DRAFTSMAN $3120 - $4080 Salary Increases Semi-annual Department of National Defence Clinton, Ontario For full particulars as to duties, qualifications and application forms see posters in display at Post Offices and National Em- ployment Service Offices. Send applications to the Civil Service Commission, 388 Dundas Street, London, Ontario, before Sep- tember 10, 1965. SEVEN -ROOM insulated hotise, 'Quote Competition 65-T-684. three bedrooms, sitting room,"• -34 kitchen, bathroom, utility room, water pressure, all conveniences, gas heated, gas water heater, tile floors, venetian blinds, hea- vy wired, glassed -in front ver- andah. Rent $65.00 a month. Two miles north a Bayfield on the Blue Water Highway, next to Bayfield -Clinton golf course. Phone Mr. George Stevenson, 822-5585, 27 Menzie Ave., RUTH VAN 'DER MEER 55 Montreal St., Goderich Phone 324 - 7875 Agent for WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LTD. Walkerton 8 -room red brick home on two acre lot -in town. Can be pur- chased with less land. 3 -bedroom honie, electric heat- ing. Maple St. 7 -room home on large lot, close to the Square. Quiet district. 3 -bedroom modern home on fenced lot. Two bathrooms, gas furnace. 5 -room -home on main street in . .Dungannon_. 6 -room stucco, good location, West end; gas furnace. FARMS 100 Acres, 94 workable, large house with bathroom and fur- nace. • L -barn, 1 mile from Blyth. 200 Acres, Ashfield Twp., 190 acres workable, 8 -room brick house, 2 barns, 2 drilled wells. SUMMER, PROPERTY . LAKE PROPERTY -Six mil; south of Goderich, approkim- _ately 14 acres with lake front - ((age, good sand sr beach... COME IN FOR IrOUlt tREE CATALOGUE HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker, 38 Hamiltpn Street, Goderich;i Ontario, Dial 5241272. W. J. HUGHES Real Estate Broker General Insuraricsi 38 EAST STREET Phone 524-8100 LIGIIT housekeeping room, ground floor, available now, ma, sonable. 195 Newgate St. 34x- 219 Maple St. three-bedroom, modern, $11,000. 134 Elgin Ave. West, 4 -bedroom, $8,000. 246 Hincks St., 3-bedroem, new, $21,^00. 163 Brodk St., 3 -bedroom, 2 - storey, $11,500. 206 Keays 2 -bedroom, one floor, $6,500. -Wed, dti- plex, $9,500. 124 Blake St., West, 3 -bedroom, modern, $14,000. 223 Huron Rd., 3 -bedroom, red brick, $18,500. 162 Mary St., 3-bedroonl, mod. ern, 414,000.. House in Dungannon, $3,800. 100 Acre farm- at Lucknaw, $15,000. 100 Acre farm at Ripley, $10,000. 4 Stores -in good locations, 3 'Cottages at Blue Water Beach. Farm Salesman: L. it Pentland Huron .Rd. -524. 9007 LISTING'S AND INQUIRItNViflD SS CLEAN, bright, self-contained apartment, ,close to Square. 524- 9163 or 524-9693, after 5. 33tf THREE -bedroom, solid brick residenoe, two bathrooms, excel- lent location in east end of town. Monthly rental $90; available September 1. Phone 524-6228. 33-4x UPPER four room apt., heated, unfurnished. Phone 7296 after five p.m. 30tf APARTMENT, five rooms, new- ly decorated.- TWO bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom. Over Garland's Children's Wear Store. The extremdly low rent is a bargain. =4-7775. • -27tf FEMALE help required by local office, part time, typing, book- keeping, etc, State qualifica- tions and experience. Reply to Box 106, Signal -Star. 34x SEMI -INVALID lady requires companion -housekeeper, live in or • out. Steady employment. Phone 8909. • 34x TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND • FOR TAXES 'llown of Goderich, County of Huron. To Wit: BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Mayor of the Town of Goderieh under his hand and the seal of the said Corporation bearing date the 16th day of August, 1965, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in 'the Town of Goderich will be held at the Municipal Offices, Goderich, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the 8th day of December, 1965, un- less the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the lists of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was, published in the Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of September, 1965, and that copies of the -said list may be had at my office. SID BULLEN'S Cabinet Shop, custom furniture, kitchen cup- boards, furniture repairs. 184 bons St. -Phone - 1). In Memoriam Goop,In loving memory of our Dad and Grandpa, Rob- ert C. Good, who pasS44 awry , two years ago, Augustinly Beautiful memories are4oven 1963. In gold, This is the picture we tenderly hold. Deep in our hearts, Dad., your memory is kept, To love and to cherish and neverforget. -Lovingly remembered brills daughter„Norma, Vic and grand- child -Fa .. _-34k intention of of the Municipality of the Town of Goderich to pur- chase lots at the adjourned tax sale if the price offered is not considered adequate. The adjourned sale, if neces- sary, will be held on December 15th, 1965, at the Municipal Of- fices, Goderich, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Treasurer's Office, this 20th Angust_19,05. S. II. BlakeTTFeisiiTer: 34-46 TOWN OF GODERICH SNOWPLOWING CONTRACT 1965-6 SEASON Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Septem- ber 15th, for snowplowing roads within the Town of - Goderich. .. Equipment Required -1 heavy truck not older than three years, a one way plow, a V -plow and a wing. Arrangements may be made to use plOws owned by the Town with just , the truck being sup- plied by. the contractor. pcF.,NSZD- AUCTIONEER:. - Bruce Teatfiwell, capable of sell- ing at all tvpes of auction sales For , information, ph -one Clinton, 482 - 3384. MARRIED man for beef -hog farm. Good wages'. Good hours. House provided. T. Edward Powell, R.R. 1, Wingham. Phone Wroxeter 547 W 2. " -34 WAITRESS wanted, full or part- time. Apply Bedford Hotel. 33 FOUR -ROOM apartment, self- containel second floor;Ieated, furnished, aVairable-ifilltediat-- ely. 127 Bruce St., E. 5244210. 29tf APARTMENTS. Apply Bedford Hotel. • -15tf HEATED apartment, newly de - orated, all conveniences. Mrs. T. Ahl, 56 East Street, phone 8193. 29tf MODERN, one -bedroom apart- ment, unfurnished, separate en- trance, heated, hot water sup- plied,, centrally loeated. Imme- diate possession. Phone Tony Bedard, 8346 between 9 and 5 or 9195 after 6 p.m. 30tf THREE-ROOM aparttnent, with bath. Phone 524.'7171. a MALE HELP WANTED Permlnent Employment FOREMAN for a processing plant; age 30 to 48, preferably married; house available. TRUCK DRIVER 25 years or over 3 PLANT LABORERS MASONRY repairs, chimneys and rePointing, plastering, stone- work, fireplaces, leaks in roofs. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire. Phone 527-1332 Box ° 335, Sea - forth. Ot-2.4x 15. Notice To Creditors APARTMENTS available; im- mediate employment; usual benefits. Apply Finnie Distributing Ltd. Phone 284-2080 St. Marys, Ontario r' ALL PERSONS having claims against the' estate of ELMER DOUGLAS WEAVER, manager, late of the Town of 03-oderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 13th day of August, 1965, are required to file the same with full partial- lars with the undersigned by the 18th day of September, 1965, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, "Ontario this 20th day of August, 1965. HAYS, PREST & HAYS Barristers, Etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. 33-4 WAITRESS, over 20, wanted. Excellent wages. Apply Gode- rich -30-tf 9. Agents Wanted FREE COOKBOOK Get yeur Rawleigh .Cookbook now and information how to make money selling Rawleigh Products, full or part time. Write Ratvleigh, Dept. 1 -216 -FC, 4(105 Richelieu St., St. Iienry, Montreal. -34 33-5 POPP.-In loving memory of. a dear father, Otto Popp, who passed 'away September 1, 1964. Farewell dear father, thy work is o'er, Thy willing hands will toil no more; A 'loving father, kind and true, No one on earth we'll- find like you. -Ever remembered by the family. 34x irmugtiral Meet Set For Lions The Goderich Lions a launches its meetings for 1965-06 season on Thum! September 9, at, 6.30 pan, Harbourlite Inn, under the sidency of Maurice Jenk14 Special guest will be Dis Governor-Keith-Coolt-ofto wood, Ontario. He will be senting numerous old Mon awards on the occasion. ‘. Chairmen and co-chairmeR4 brackets) of the various lees have:been • named 'for forthcoming year as follows:4 tendance,'Gord. McManns Sproule); ways and means Lumby (Bud Mathiesqn); A gram, Bob Smith (Pat Osbonl boys and girls, Guy Emersog (Harold Baird); finance, Georg Parsons (Bill Huff); inembet, ship, Ebb Ross (Howie Kuenzie Young Canada, Tint Eill (Bruce Holmes„ secretary); Ekl ter seals, Harold Bettger Corless); retarded children 1g Sth-a-eleic-(CIVrTFOR6r); letin, Peter MacEwan (Fred k ter); • community bettertficA Andy Boutilier (Ken Lambert), education, Ray Hughes (Caytt Hill); health and welfare, B4 Aldis (Jack Leitch); school boy patrol, Ernie Crawford eki Remington); convention and dui visitation, Jim Kinkead (Clat Edward);* sickness and flower Leo Walzak (Arnold McConne pulty.,..:..G.e.orge_Ellis-41 -- Howlett). The new Deputy District Got ernor is Tom MacMillan 1115 eter and the new zone chairee is Wm. B. Conron of Wing* THOMPSON.-In loving memory of Charles Thompson, who passed away September 4, 1962. The blow was great, the, shock severe, thought -the -end -was near. And only those who have lost • can tell A The pain of parting without fare- well. More each day we miss you, father, Friends may think the .wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts con. cealed. -Ever remembered by son .-Don;-. -and- ---dau-ghters; Steep and Leone Fitzgerald. -34 E. Cards of Thanks ADAMS. -I wish to thank' my friends and neighbors' fo'r re- membering me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient 'In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Special thanks to -Dr. K. C. Lambert and the hospital staff. Jimmy Adams. 34x BERE.-For thejaeautiful flow- ers, words of sympathy, and deeds of kindneSs,. we, the Lowest 'or any tender not family of the late George Or - necessarily accepted. S. H. BLAKE, Town lerk, 57 West Street, . Goderich, Ontario. • -34-5 111111111611311.1111111MINMINUOINIIIIIIIIIIMMIMI 17. Business Notice BRECKOW'S Medical Massage, - 6T.2he1., rmo-Therapy-and Ultra Vio- let._ Angleeez S • tones house524-7617; office,' '524- 8 -34,39. 19. Lost And Found land Bere, express our ,Sin- cere gratitude .to relatives, friends, and neighbors. -34 DICKSON.-We would like to thank our friends and^ neigh- bors for their help when our barn burned down. last Friday night. Special thanks to the Lucknow Fire Brigade. • Diane and Art Dickson. Committee Plans Outdoor Gymn An outdoor gymnasium is be constructed at the Judill Gooderham Memorial Plal, ground out of funds providedby Toronto financier H. W. Knight The gymnatium, with a fin space of 120 153T 60 feet, sol be located' on the east side ol the pool. Work will start on this pre ject and relining the wading pool when the playground ea. son ends. Total cost of bob -projects has been estimated al $5,000.. The. large pool was re paired at a cost of $1,0,000 -earl . - The town. recreation commii tee has agreed to extend tlie season for the pool and wading pool for one week after Labor Day.. The pools will be open on! part- time basis, 4 p.m. to 1 p.m. daily, —ind Saturday and Sunday, .1 .p.m. to 6 p.m., fo the week following Labor Day "Then of course it .will de pend on weather conditions as to how much longer the 'season will be extended," said Ton Clerk' Sherman Blake, LADY'S bifocal 'glasses, blue frames, lost August 22. Finder please phone 8344 or 8170. -34 1 e2 -YEAR -011 Hereford heif- er strayed-Trom the property of James Donnelly on the Cut Line 'of Goderich Township. Tinder phone Ford Little, 524-7182. -34 IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE BAXTER, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, CONTRACTOR. All 'per86118 Clairding against the above estate are required to. forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of Septem- ber, 1965, .after 'which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & 'MURPHY 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. . , 33-5 viminiame' 11. Employment "Wanted A TILLING and discing gardens, landscaping, levelling top soil, cleaning up yards, odd jobs. Phone 7237, Hatold Leddy., -34V BLACK wallet lost last week, containing personal papers. Write Box 107, Signal -Star or phone 529-7537, Dungannon. -34 ALL persns 'having claims against the Estate of JAMES HOWARD McNEE, Drug Clerk, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 19th day of July, 1965,, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the llth day September, 1965, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this llth day of August, 1965. - HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc. _ aaMontreal. Goderich, Ontario. , A 32-4 • 1111110110111111111111111111111111•1111111113111111111 16. Public -Notice A. Births HILLS.-At.Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on August 31, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hills, a son. A NOTICE TO- PARENTS All Ashfield 'Township public schools will remain in session until two p.m. on TueSday, Sep- tember 7. C. Briefs Exchange Post re -sale shop, East St. Nearly new used cloth- ing, miscellaneous articles. -34,39 The School Board. -34 Order Shell .furnace oil and stove 011 from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 524 - 8386. -37tf 11111111111111111111111111111111111 D. In Memoriam • • loving memory, of a dear wife and mother, Grace Clark, who passed away Sep- tember '5, 1962. Her loving face I hope to see again, Though the days- have passed away; Sleep on, dear wife, and take your rest , They miss you most Who loved you best. -Ever remembered by hus- band, children and grandchild- ren. 34x WANT ADS SELL .f.A$T. GOOD. -In loving memory of a dear husband, Robert C. Good, who passed away August 31, 1963. I had a husband I was proud to HARRISON.- wish, to thank everyone who visited me and sent flowers, cards and giftS while I was a patient in Gode- rich hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. R. Leitch, Dr. J. W. Wallace, the nurses and staff. Mrs. Gordon Harrison. -34 HICKS. -My sincere thanks to all my friends, neighbors and relatives for remembering me with fipwers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Gode- rich and London hospitals. Special thanks to' Dr. N: C. Jackson, the nurses and staff of Alexandra Hotpital, the dottors and nursing staff of Eighth Floor West, Victoria Hospital.' Mrs. Maiarice Hicks. -34 JENKINS.-I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their cards, gifts, flowers and visits while I was •a 'patient in Victoria Hospital and also for the help I re- ceived since I came home. Special'thanks to Dr. J. R. Leitch, Dt. McAninch, nurses and staff on 8th Floor West at Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Helen Jenkins. 34x McGILL.-I am sincerely grate- ful to friends and neighbors for their many kind acts of sympathy luring my, sad ber- eavement. My appreciation cannot be adequately express- ed.. Mary McGill. 34x How much 1 miss him will never be' known° No leinger here my life to share, But in my heart he's always there. Treasure him, Lord, in Your garde p of rest, For here on earth he Was one of the best. -Lovingly remembered by wife Myrtle. 34x WEIR. -In ever loving memory of a dear husband and father, Fred- Gr Weir, lost on the "SS. Athenia" September 3, 1939. —Ever, remembered by wife and son, nev. W. and Mrs. Weir, "tn life loved and honored, In death reirierabeted." F. Engagements 34,t Mr. and Mrs. Ray • Cooke, Goderich, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Gail, to Mr. Grant Mur- ray Curran, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Curran, Dungannon. The marriage will take place at Victoria Street United 'Church on October 9, 1965, at three o'clock. 34x G. Coming Events Madame Maria de 'Kurthy of Toronto plans to hold ballet and tap classes in Goderich com- mencing Septelnber 10. Interest- ed parties eall 524-8825. Plemo regtster-at 33 Britannia -Rd. W. on Wednesday, September 8. -34 The Maple Leaf . Chapter, IODE, will meet at the home of Mrs. A. M. Harper, Tuesday, September 7, at 8.15 p.m. -34 BINGO Harbourli °ACCELERATING POT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Sponsored by Galeria Liens Club. „; Legion Holds Annual Service George Chambers, past pres dent of the Royal Canadian Le gion, Branch 109, laid the wreall at the annual dedication service held in Maitland cemetery So day. A total of 75 legion inembe Which included representatives of the Ladies' Auxiliary, were in attendance for the service which was held at the Veteran? plot. - Zone Commanders Eric John. stone and Evelyn Carroll'attend, ed the ceremony with Air Vice. Marshal J. A. Sully-, The Rev G. L. Royal was in charge of the service and gave the address, Harness Race Meet Monday scheduled for Monday, Septem poTsthetimiaestJshes larin.30ps,mr.ace ber 6, at Agricultural Park of the season in Goderich is filled and there will be tea dashes in all. Bill Knell is to be announcer. There will be a wagering. lrinfgivevents nhave ben w ts starting gate used and ato ha :ngdr_iciunl_dat_ueraatil oacri aet inon a new surface given the track sis in The theb:s,tode:ich_ .Tfiroobting and s. s -ape Me. Year Town Council Seeks New Truck New Truck Tenders will be called for the purchase of a new half ton truck for the town. Salary Raise Wilfred MacDonald's contract for caretaking duties at til° town clump has been increased to $850 per annum, plus excitt.., sive salvage rights, effeetive from August•27. *MO • roprrt", Itrw tP; v.0,40 vita