The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-08-26, Page 6The Q9deptoi. Sign,a1-Star
user -
son Mines Ltd. has dt.Icid• s':tntial.' Unconfirmed reports will not be accepted by tire'
ed got to ' exercise its option 'al e since placed the total''tshareholders.
to buy treasury stock of , the Irssi s et British Mortlake 'In . '1 he Ontario government fav
.J3ritish I or:tgage and Tr.us_l.. \' law 1.r at an lestimated ors_ the merger. Aktorney-(ener-
('onlpany. 'I'he way is now clear tllillien al - \VIsharj 'Is.Sued- a sta anions
for consideration', by share The 'merger ittzt'eenient. \which July 2 'saying the Ontario t-iov
holders of Victoria and Grey \\a-, o,ade July 27, requires ernment Welcomes tho aulall;a
'frust Company and BM & T, of raliticatlon hN a three-fourths illation "as being of benefa It
the merger of the two com- \ ate of the shares represented the public at large by establish
panics at shareholders' meet- at the Sept. 14 meeting of the ing a large financially sound
int s scheduled for Septelllber 14. `.h ll t°llt'1d('I'ti and at least 50 On arlo trust company
t'ndear the terms of the option, lett' r,lt of the issued capital It is possible- for 1leiiis'n tc
Denison could have invested ,ter'; In tach company. n'a e another offer for til ilia
$6,000,000 in iiihissued, treasury Favor Merger M'ol'l? a, e stock to be con•id •'ec'
stock at a price of $10 to $20 British M u r t c a g e directors at the shareholders' tueeito ' of
subtext share, suct to art audit. fa\er the !Merger. 'the letter to Sept. 1.1 but the conipa,ly h:1
of the books (if British Mort :hartholders s'ate'd: "Your di 'not *et i.ulicated it will do s.'
gage. The option was signed rectors e{1rnestI\ advise the 1It1\\evet•, '1'orclttn fina,l(•ia
on July 14 and expired at 5.00 ratification of this a.:reetiient. cirtic:. consider it quite 9's'ih:►
p.m., Friday. Of an authorized It is, in fact, the only alterna ' that Denison will conte un witr
capital of 1,000,000 shares. 296,- toe ex have, sc'\e for the o'is anotl €t offer of-- about ,S5 r
947 had been issued by Oct. :31, -lhtlity of penis 1n tat.ine. tip its (share for BMT stuck.
..,_i.. �. - _. �ig i- 1(n' r!1 1. he-'- meantime, --ter c'tt , A - '-a- 1-,•01.1 itt issue d- b.-laitish.
19C�, ac c;,t llut°; � f it The"- ciirtt= -rrt
patty's financial statement of . sura .; the e 111tlnuatlnn of oeu' 1 ..or' .. ,e. Friday, said a ln'o
that date. e•"Illllally and the complete pro .g1'a'.11 to, acgUtiItt-t shakehltilde1'.`
In a letter.\!hicit Iiritisll .\tort 1(111'n of our depositors rind in -.of b.,;h co npanies with tiu'i1 n1. ,. ro\'e'ru ks?
gale addressed to its share . \ (--oor', " pr- 9 'cd nevy partner vyill begit, 3.11;1 ' dome -tie market, con -11
• holders (1n :\t1'. 6, it \was antic' te,111s of the 1111'1•"1'1' call f(1' •1,0:'11, ••'..,: ' 'J''"! ''•'-,-•ort on of
pated that the option \\ould`'not an e\c'han:,e of six shares of - — — t'. r ;1:.'• i..i01 pro', •.t • n:'
be e\erciscd. The leiter said liroish l; rt'.l,'(` stool; f 1. tIle i,,11\11,. n:•0,_3'.l'.o1 -o: Caniola:-;
. -the a idit \\°old n„1. 11 . of ilv a‘ :11 n'nat"il (.'in• ^ y� 1c: A N EC 'N1, .;r .' i't1 1 i; p1 Juce'ci
KI'( oV J
alibi resvi\'ill'.' f„1' 11 lentlal 111 p.1ly and a Dill'-:.,,r,eie ex \!`:i:ir }', \\ '''
collo,. 1r,(1 i t tf,'\•el1) :1 Ilion eio 'i in the e'.1 of \ • ' ,l la 1'1 1"1' 'm; what are the five
11111t ho.,,. t11111 l' $10 II(1 :.11.1 t:
- i'\'. viol. 1'11 i
1 1111,1 1:11'\' A 1rurr:cane is a doughnut- ..,.+•, , t "ii".„. f••,.,,::,,•11,, rnr
share. and that ih, could be s,11a1es clo,e(1 1'l `.1:i t•o th,, like ring of tropical winds' ,. ; (•arida'.'
no i•ea:r,naht i asstlral;ce that '!'„roto Sine', 1.',,'hnn e at }1:n:1:n,; around up to 125 1 :\1S\V1•;ItS: 5. Wheat is the
Renison v',ould exorcise its op .-1:,'2:1 hid, :old 1 50 a-.',•0 _ -A1 miles an hour or more. ht l iii; ,c.�,t, then iron ore, lumber,
tion. Clearly a !Imre definite 'his toi3O 11 -iii -di •11'1I''" t':e. :Tins counter-clockwi e in the coal and p:'g:;y'-,back shilppin;.
aimmediate soiuti'.1n \\as .1,:111• weird !vivo :1 \-n'',I,' of ti.: 1 th.:•n lfemir,lhel•e, clock: 3 bi•ore than tvco-thudst; h;'n
,l itt il•ed." :It1pr,,\i' i',,,, c' ^1 On i', .,':,\,' wise in ,the' Southern. At the t „:',t i. ex:'.:uded, about 93 per
'111e letter r,.ven'ttl that the 'h,• P•o11,i''i, v shares t,•ntt,•,1 on centre of t!t:' dol..:'11-1.a1 1s ai,,.lt of Canu:lo's a!*rvcultural
company had lost S1,050 .000 in' ilio ,o-, - t i:r' c �1t,1't'r 11':1i•'.:%1 at fli'iel-11 111: 1c \\ i(1:' holo of calm I product.on lis con• 1t,rn d withinsic eta of ti 1isi c \cc,';1 a l:' 1, 1'd ` 4 ,,` to air pre l .
ire. This hole 't11� country:. 1: No, We ha\•e
Corp.Ltd..1`, hl('11 \1'as plact't' 11' lie a 1';:”"'lei•(1 (' �'1,j�n11' 1: is the 1lcious "eye" of the hut'-• pot -. (lone so :',T'.c:' 1,110 1770?
r'c•,i\ er,:hton June 17 niter,'" 1' ' Seri \'itt„I is and c''-ey' i 1 1111. lnuncdiate:,; around w, hen 13nitish law left 's\:,th the
(ttf: 111 ill” on , :.1 c„ '1',1 Ti,; he:,,l t,f1 is the eye are dense cumulus c,obonies here •all money collect-
'' 11e- !otter said the c .1111a'1„ !, 111 H. 01 1.i1 t1 •:l',. .`,:',''s !11 clouds to\\ert11 . 10 h:it,ht.; of ! ed - t'lurou.gtl customs duties on
. ttt•,t1 .1
lo•lttno_ itt_ �,ta
tieeic .,,l 1 e :i'1 . nI„•1tt,1 t••, 111:,~ t,'t1l thirty: thousand feet. Stir-`ianpor,.ed goods, . 4. About 90
i,111 '.seciatr rl i' 11:'. tic ti._>, 1'-_-_iilTion-anrf'it- \ill'have '-'fa c'r winds- stiek---up m-olsture-i n•er,eon,t;-r-elma'l0,do1'.ls--91oduze.d.
panics. It do ser;heti the lo::, h''"l?r'l--mrf�°r c- `'1"''',..11+r'1µ- frbm ti-w....'a lly.. iro� seas, by m
theral ,plants ussnn steam
the -e invt<ttnent; °t• -sob fa :n codel'; '11 to Nin �,t, as they near the day s�totnt fend diesel generation, fueled
11 the directors of 111'' :\;•.;‘ centre of th douz,hnut, they by natural gas, petroleum or
companies can c• itttr'1l t n :t :h. -,:lira/ u,r,\arl1,:; with turbulent coal. 2. La ,l year (Y:tawa's
• ' . shales to ratify the n':1 o,•nt enr:, _y. \Vhen they cool -off ,'ci-Oltu:' from the carate tax was
it i; „ I,• e','d itt ru, 1' r will, in thr' wall of clouds, they re- $c:0 million, only one and one -
h" atlpr,owed. .11 16 'V caoloo it 1e Ise a -deluge -of torrential na'•f per cent- of • total gavern
1 ;. c .t't•ei\ a111(' that the merger rain. =gent revenues.
,,,. '
t. se of liquid egg by the bak- , breaking plants to the bakeries
Ing industry its increasing rapid. where it is tlsz'd within 24 hour;:s.
ty, reports I '. A. Fletcher, spec- the liquid form elimiinates
-al projects officer for the Foul- „'
try Products. llivisi.lm, Canada
Department of Agriculture.
Although the sale of, liquid
egg dates back only two years,
several, milllion pounds were • -
sold in 1963 to bakeries, mainly
in the Toronto and Montreal.
Rushed ditrectly from egg
None from the immediate
Goderich area are listed as
prize winners among, the C.N.E.
Handicraft and Homecraft ex-
hibitors. Closest area winger was
Mrs. Gordon. Bridge, R.R. 4, Kin-
"ardine, who won the Toronto
Star Weekly $25 special award
for her quilt.
freezing aniii ,if course, the
related 'necessity of (.efll'~a.Ft>4illg"
SQUIe outer advantagesa no
storage problems and the lise e
cheaper containers, either dt,s-
posable„ones or ones which can
be sterilized and re -used.
(Frozen' eggs are stored and
shipped hi 38 -pound pails which
” ' fused again
cannot nt�rmlall y be.
for this Intr,p0s0).
;Liquid +egg, like the frozen
product, is ,available as whole
egg, whites,. or yours to meet
the various needs of the baking
Two interesting proposals are
noted by Mr. Fletcher:
In ontaxio, alk ogg, 'breakb g.
plant operator PaseS. o cam,
aut tests with al1lk tank •trt}ek
for delivery of the liquid pro-
ducti to 'bakeries.
In . Quenec, a large bakiry
has plans to establish i�s c vn
laying flocks and brea its.$ awn
eggs as needed.
A thQugh.'tlie output of
egg (10,2 mill ou 'pound=
year) :presently d.o pint@s.
of the livid produet by a
margin, lir. Fletcher be
that thie increasing .uge ,pt r'
latter will likely -Is -es -nit -la
plants becoming iuvphrti
1. 1).t t and a? .s pay anis
�a England?
'1.'1 he, r=tate tax pIovid;_?"\liatt-
111cr-oolion of federal govern -1
Pocket -Style
Recommended as a handy re-
ference for settling arguments,
or simply as interesting read-
-ing for those mho want to knoa\v
more' about Canada. the Can-
adian pocket • encyclopedia,,
Quick Conadian Facts, is out this
week in. its 21st annual edition.'
-It -is- r-pu-bliratio - i n wia'i-eh- a -Il '--_
reader is certain to find some"
unusual and interesting inform-
ation. For instance, we hear a;:
great deal about the number,
of- Ta"nadtills, wW6 1a-ve
grated to the United States, but
`few proTiably realize that in
population b\ birthplace the
lar;-('st t;roup in this country
after those -who were horn here
or. in Br:`ain are the American-,.,
born. Or., in the business field,',.
most people probably think that
manlltact'trine profits run to
20 or 20 -per cent, while the in-
dustry a•tlt'llly averages only
5.4 cent`, per dollar of sales..
Or, •tmo'1ii t h ' cities many
a auld f1t 41,,.t3}1t ;.,arc; c that Mnn
treat or 'Toro; to is the fastest-
gro-.virt ', but that honor is held
by ('al;r''u'y. . now over 310;000.
an incl•^'isc 01 more than .100
per cent t-iree 1951.
The neve' edition of this 152 -
page, 60"'nt paperback concise-
ly covers. Canada's economy and
government geography and his-
is tory, porolatien and noted per-'
sons, trade arcs industry, com-,
Intrce and finance. The annual:
is distributed through book u=
stores. and leading newsstands,
and is publish -,1. by Quick Can- `
adia t Facts Limited, 217 Bay
street, Toronto1.
—UTifi i�l079—,_.
=earTr£F%� )x
it>5 JF''"/.nh.<433 iSryWia 1,-.) 3.%
These are continental style pants in a wash-
able flannel blend. Shades of green, black t
and grey. Sizes 8-16. BACK -TO -SCHOOL
Good quality for the price, long sleeve, cot-
ton shirts, 'Sixes 8-16. Reg. 2.98.
What could be more ideal for your
boy. Guaranteed for one whole year. PAIR
Buy several.
SI ES 8-16 79c SIZES 8-479c
This is the new Wineberry and Blue. Long
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Guaranteed washable and avi
Available in either charcoal or brown
shades and at this special price you
should buy two.
..®__Chooaem.from.,,the...ngwe i!Cross Your...,.H,e rt"_styJ.e,_ which are
available in all sizes.
A good looking laminated cotton jacket that is • ideal for
back to school.
Youth pants in black only. Never need pressing.
Sizes 14, 16, 18.
Choose from pullovers, cardigans in many styles and colors
for the new school year.
Men's WORK PANTS 3.49