The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-08-26, Page 1THE G ?DERICH 1 aNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, AUG. 26.1965 •
anad!an Teenagers "Quiet"
'omment Visitin English Girls
Canada has .left the lasting The girls said they had noticed them seemed to feel that styles'
impression that it is a land of a decline in interest for girl here were far behind tI ose `in
"wide open spaces" and "quiet guides When they get into the England. -
teenagers?" according to four '''i(ldle teens. "A lot of them 'The type of clothe:' they are
English girl rangers visiting don't seem .to like the l;clea of «.e{acing her now went. out -1n
Goderich this week. • wearing a uniform any more, England a year ago," said
lir-trrenage---rangers„--ml etas the comment. tr.a-ran. "In fact so man . ..
in on Goderich on Tuesday, as - Out Of Date
Canadian 'clothes was .another sc em toa be behind over here,,
guests of the Huron Girl Guides
topic the girls touched on during She added: "As for the price
Association, during a six-week
international exchange trip. • ' their stop -over. Each one of of things they are fantastic over
The girls: Janet�3arkham, 17, IF-irs:,_ �---ru_urnms_7:
Yorkshire; Marian Iialklim, 17,,
6 Sussex;' e ane
J Humphrey, 17, /
Bent; and Margaret Macrae 16.
the Ontario Girl Guides As- RON., HAS ..'EM!.
Surrey, there here as guests of
.There are over 400,000 Believe is or not, Huron
more hens and chickens in has 2,000 horses but many
Huron County than in any- other counties have' more,
other county or district- in with Grey. County in the
Ontario. Iead, having 3,600 horses.
Authority for this is the • I Although Huron has 107, -
latest issue of Agricultural ; 400 head of cattle it is
Statistics for the Province i edged out of• the lead and
Said Marian: "It is the size of
the. place that amazed ' us wlfen
we first, arrived. Everything
seems so far away;" '
She added: "Also the teen-
agers over here seem so much
quieter and all they ask us abJut aic2:2-._.,of--s 7aaiasire .--... ...:_s_...s_sas has to take sedond place
So how about the beat groups? Huron County is listed in ' among cc,untiesinn"()ntario
"We don't get anywhere near the lead for hens and since Gi cy County is first
-as excited about them in Eng- chickens with a total of ' \vitlt 197,500 head of cattle.
land as they do over here. When 1,946,500. N •e x t •highest Huron stands 2ad in total
we left Merman's Hermits were • comes Perth County with area of all ,types of farms
the top group but who knows 1,511,100 hens and chickens. —765,135 acres. In first
who- it will be when we -get IIaliburinn is lowest with place is :Grey County ca;ith
hack," she said. only 9.500. - 899,673•«acres.
'fikere. The price of clothes is
right otit of this world as far as
we are Concerned."
One thing they aI1 missed was
coffee bars. "That's what they
could do with to liven the place
u. a bit ' said Marian. "What
you ca11 restaurant over here—
we would call them cafes back
Asked about the mods and
they 11 �nsiste. •
this was sornetliing that • had
been created by the British press
rather than the teenagers them-
selves. •
"This was blown up out of
all proportion," said Jane
"Everybody seems to think the
British teenagers are either
mods or rockers — most of us
are still quite normal." . •
Questioned on which they
would rather be—a mod or a
rockers-, Marian replied: "Of
course it is much nicer to be a'
..,. Af_tor all_theu tree is only
taken from the fact they wear l?rrrrYz-no�worr,-every-iEderrt
up-to-date clothes.".
Youth _..ou
..h Shared• Bed
} P
'Sexually, Assaulted
F ,
Dapper English -born lmmi- in which his family was staying.
I grant, Anthony Boswell, centered The police officer told Magist-
?, 1! i't "p1e f st` eerWleit Ile ' tree"."GIS'I'iti _1Ta.y, :``tha .:. Boswel°p
was formally charged with In- had worked in a variety of jobs
decently assaulting a 16 -year- during his two-year stay in
old Sarnia .boy. ' Goderi�ch, since emigrating from
Boswell, . a 25 -year-old con- England. Q
•struction w o r k e r, nervously ' "At present he is employed as
fingered the knot in his striped a construction worker but he
tie as details of the incident had also worked in a garage, a
were _related. in Huron County restaurant and a theatre," said
Magistrate'S„wcourt. Constable Bacon.
The ce) Jktb! was told the in- s .,,The constable added that Bos-
cidefrt tool' }dace after Boswell well ' had been brought in for
invited this' ,youth, Gary Bucke, questioning regarding an in-
to spend the, night with him' at cident with a 10 -year-old boy
his apartment at 47 Elgin one year ago.
Avenue. Boswell was remanded in
Tall, slim -built Bunke, who custody until today, Thursday,
was charged jointly with the of- when pre -sentence reports will
fence, pleaded not guilty and be heard by the court.
had his trial adjourned until Told To ',Grow -Up"
September. 2.
Goderich Constable G e o r g e Magistrate Hays told a Gode-
Bacon, outlining details of the Itch mechanic to "grow -up"
had When he appeared in court last
case, said the two accused
gone to Boswcll's apartment h.ursday charged with making
ecireona---where at first they lay unnecessary noise,•
Elmer , J-ermyn, 45 Elgin' oCounty, are the field
, guilty down on. separate beds. SPRY AT 93, AS CHIPM IT told of frm the.
Avenuepleaded not uilttof agriculture.
"Shortly after midnight Bos the charge which involved Still "as spry as a • chip- rich agricultural area in Kent "Everything well asked' the boy to get into County buying land in Huron. Y rme is now available
bed with him," said Constable squealing tires at 2,15• a.m. on musk, Mrs. Ben .Allen, 22 to the farmer "in the way of
Bacon. "The boy tried to stall June 19. • `ictoria Street North, will "'fhc y carne over here and had
a loot: at what we have to offer help and education to give
but Boswell unzippered the The accused was found guilty - celebrate her 93rd birthday the advantage of being able, to
to .
of the offence -after extensive on Friday, September 3. and then they bought land them -
sleeping run a worthwhile farm.
sleeping bag in which the youth testimonybyselves•"
was lying and police constable She is busily engaged in "It must be raced though that
y persuaded him to John Ruston who had been on She
the house in sha;v;" The agricultural official went if the farmer is not prepared to
duty in the cruiser car at the, in 'preparation for a family ! on: "The' future for Huron
He added: "The boy said that time. His evidence was sub reunion arty on hrr hit th• ! County can only be described get up and go he will be. fared
p with the position where he will
Boswell frightened him but no sjaritiated by Constable Roy day. Among those expected las hr'i;-ht' as far as agriculture be joining the ranks of the lost
WINGHAM - Charges have
been laid against William West-
lake,. 20, of 4Vi11uwda1e, driver
of one of the cars involved in a
two -car crash Sunday near here
wh•��izi�d�;ti�,slita•ea,.. __l�y.:t<z
('pl. Jack McDowell, of the
Wing;hani detachment of the
provincial police, said Westlake
has been charged with danger-
ous driving and also careless
Huron County is k�ooming asi ,'�1ixe 1 grain -55 bushel an
an agricultural area with land acre.
values soaring by X100 an acre Hay cr_o" —two tans an arc.
'dw ng the past three years, it Beans and -corns •aic� rep(); fait
Was learned this week. 1 to he about two weeks l> iii?,
Agricultural representative, Year.
Doug Miles, spoke of the "vast Last year's final statistics
potential" of the county as a. %vert: Minter: wheat, 42 bushels;
farming area during an inter- gals, 61.9 bushels; barley, 48.4.,.
Ile will appear in magistrate's view. !bushels; mixed grain, 61.3
court in Wi gham, Wednesday, The department representa-; bushels; and hay crop, 2.5 ton ___
September 8. • tive shrugged -off the statistics! "As you can see from thea
that the county lost more than! figures the crops will he goo
Westlake was taken to Wing -700 farmers during the ten-year! but we are a long way , : r•onl
ham and District Hospital fol- perind up to 1961. I any type of record," said Mr.
lowing the accident, suffering a Miles. s
a dislocated knee, and latera• ' "Those \vere mainly omen who;
tions. Ilis condition is reported couldn't slake a living here be- Part -Time Farmer
as satisfactory. case they are not efficient'. .A census taken in 1961 sirosks
operators," he said. "There is ed there were 5.052 farms in
Killed in the crash were Miss
Margarettea E. MacDonald, 52;
Miss Florence Jean MacDonald,
57; Thomas MacDonald, 78, all
members of one family.
Service for Robert Smith.
no doubt that a good farmer who f Duron County as compared
keeps a-hreast of the times will Nvith 5,772 farms in 1951_ -
make a go .of it." , - - - ! ,"The part-time •farmer has
Mr. Miles said only reccntlyl become a big thing in the county
teams' Of agricultural officials now,". said Mr. Miles. "We fully
from surrounding counties had realize the importance of this
Sault Ste. Marie, will. be held toured Huron and had been type of farmer to the area.
Friday in Sault •Ste. Marie: amazed at the "tremendous
added: "Taking all things
potential" the have here into account prospects for Huron '
force 'was used to make him get Venn who had accompanied arc relatives from Net. g(�('s 700.
into bed with. Boswell."
"Sexual Acts" him' York, Indiana, Montreal a;.(1 "The small farmer who, makes "Success can only come from
As they lay in bed together (Continued on,page 5) Stratford. ` ! the 1no't of his land and the personal effort and nowhere is
Boswell removed Bucke's swim• !opportunities that exist is pot this more true than on the
i ► I truing to have any worries as far firm,' he said. I '
ming costume, in which he had Piper
IPI Tribute
been.sleepingsand the first of a as Itis pets :url future is con ,
series of sexual acts took p1aee., _ _ c'<'rned.
Constable Bacon said Bos• "Lt is not rc a11\ the amount PQj r Park
well and the youth "i.
Of land you have that coasts, t , j
Y participated / �� �� !Cosi- �®
in mutual 'acts." In later testi d d pit is the use that you put it to, $ ���
atony he told 'the court that a !lie said. l
• The projected total cost of
• .
deli of,ca . na_sta.d__ba, . " esiabo_RsaV t e r No Recordf cru Iol , 1
Seen � r or
.�.�-' tlth the Pontnt• Farm provincial �Cw cele; 0 7
-L.p c 1
used during the acts. the tune ``'�� park, on
," goes the proverb. But forming a band. "I tried to form M�'1i ]c's s' rd' }rr,-- "}t -that +iort,pt�tiolg. -tt et ll 1 trmatrd --� -
Bucke was 'then said to have to the members of the Goderich a hand in London hilt v, i' h 11119 ' some agricultural! `spol:c 5111011 ; in thr region o1 $500,000.. • ,' .
gone back,
to - the other bed Highland Pipe Band this has success. The npp,,rtunl, � c•a.,,, , 9id .been "over (tptintistic" will); Park superintendent, Cliff e"f a
where he slept until morning lost its meaning.• up in Godc rich sY, I r::(� (ri 11( r, recent reports ; ha' Ontario fae"d Bates, revealed this to members
when he returned to the trailer For Pipe Major Bali Millar. '•1 can
only say hew, �l.,d 1 a record crop yield folr this year. of the Goderich Rotary Club at
first of all, refuses to take • a am of the opportunity to find ' Moron Coun'y fares a good a luncheon n1( -i::'; held on
the enthusiasm I found here. A
pipe majer is only as good a
She added: '"Also they seem
to wash mare often."
Footnote—Rangers are the
senior •members of the Guiding
organization in Britain.
The Goderich Lawn .Bowling
Club's Merchants' and Manufac-
turers' Tournament was held
last Saturday at the local green.
There were 58 entries for the
tournament with participants
coming from such points as To-
ronto and Windsor as well as
many area towns.
of the Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association, upon his re-
tirement at the annual conven-
tion, will be presented with a
gavel and anvil made in Gode-
rich Township.
The first such presentation
was made last week at the
CWNA convention at Edmonton
to Ken Patrige, publisher of
the Camrose (Alberta) Canadian,
who retired as CWNA president.
A year from now a `similar
presentation will be made to
J. Louis McKehna, publisher of
the Sussex (N.B.) Kings County
Record, the newly, elected
CWNA president.
Tommy Lee, who owns. a
summer home in Goderich Town-
ship and who is Public Relations
Supervisor of The Eoyal Trust
Cofnpany, Montreal, made the
presentation at Edmonton. He
will be continuing to do so down
through the years to come' as
After three games and 36 each CWNA president retires.
ends, Mr. and Mrs. George Marr Tommy Lee got- the idea for
of Dorchester emerged overall such a presentation during an
winners. There were seven other dual holidays at his log cabin
three game winners but Mr. and summer home on the Bayfield
Mrs. Marr had the,highest plus. Road. One day he dropped into
Three game winners , were the George Salkeld farm, R.R. 2,
Mr. and Mrs. George Marr, Dor- Goderich, and saw the latter's
chester; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greg, son, Joe Salkeld, at work on
Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. -Bob Doig, his hobby -_--woodworking. He
-Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mc- asked Joe to mike him a gavel
Laren, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. and anvil and,,Joe' did such. a
Omer Hazelgrove, Winghanri; good ,lob of it that then and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, Aylmer; •there, he was given a verbal
Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacDonald, contract to make 'one every
Lucknow, and Dr. H. Hall and year for the presentation for
rs, �. 1VCacAYl ti �£ ti "rs o
c �_�.�.��..•-, ,.�
rich. The gavel for presentaiionl
In ' the picture Walter West- this . year was made of native
brook,, chairman of the Mer- cherry but the ones to be made
chants' a n d Manufacturers' in succeeding years are to be
Tournament Committee con- different each year—each of
gratulates Geerge Marr on his them to be of distinctive Cana.
winning tient held at the dian wood.
local club" last Saturday. Centre Joe's father, George Salkeld,
Is Mrs. Mar' preparing to pick made a lathe for Joe when the
out her prize from the many latter was only ten years old.
seen on displajr. Prizes were As a result, Joe took up wood,
donated by local merchants and working at an early age. He
mantrfaetuat`er . _a ..- a irSt_.)I l sstQcking..darners: and
'Signal -Star Photo (Continued'on page 5)
penny for - his services, and
secondly, gives himself thc,right
to call the tune: the material he 11<; t:, tt;,; nahrrc of a record." I
On Sunday evening band with," he added.
He went on: "At one time it' it was anticipated that part;
members and friends decided 1looked pretty black as far as revenue from campers would
that the time had corns to make The band is at present giving some of the crops were viol cover the cost of maintenance.
a s{ yes c i' Sunday cerned. But the improved So far this year 44,214 visitors
weather over 19' past three have visited the park in a total
weeks has made all the differ 'of 11,260 vehicles.
ence." - • The ,present 110 car:,•' -sites
•1Itt on -crop est in tc��.r :.-.--. IL - r ' ho .oxtrnded.jt .arc -_�_
Winter wheat ----45 bushels an ,additional 100 'campsites, which ° '
acre. , are nearing 'completion. More
Oats -60 bushels an acre. than 5.000 campers have used
Barley -50 bushels an acre. ,.the park facilities, this year.
crop" yield," he said, .'blit \, ci Tueczday this �'.'ee•k. • -
not anticipate anything in 111,• The Department of 1 ands and
Forests official " told Rotaria"ns
sure that the pipe major did > un a� (� (nen c �n
receive some return for his benefit
(in the -Square for t 1(
services over the past'four b•
enefit(,f tourist.; and residents
d'urin,, the summer months.
They presented Pipe Major
Millar with a set of new bag-
pipes to "show apprecia-
tion for outstanding leadership."
Jock' Pirie, who made • the
presentation, commented: •`1
think the town should he: very
proud of this hand as we are
very proud of this outstanding
piper who had made this all
possible." "
Ile added: "All of us in our i
spare time do certain things'
but many of us get paid for it.
Bill Millar would" never take a
cent for ;his services With the
- "We felt by presenting _these
bagpipes it would be some mea-
sure of appreciation for what
he has done."
Mr. Millar has been playins
the pipes since he was a seven-
year-old boy in his •native Ire-
land. -
"I was taught by a Scotsman
—one of the greatest players in
the world," said Mr. Millar. `'1
have always loved the pipes so
I ani only too glad to help young
people learn to play."
Under the leadership of the
pipe major the Goderich high-
land Pipe Band has been going
from strength to strength in
national and international cots
Competition Award
Last year the hand won
awards in every COM petit i'nr
they entered in B group classi-
fica'tion. Because of their otit-
"stirnding hievement -.# hiq-oar
they have been pushed up to A
"Now we are really tip against
the top bands," said Mr. Milln'r.
"and we are finding the com-
petition really tough."
He added: "We jive -a very
young'hancl and the�'r' cperieitrr
they gain in the next two years,
will be invaluable to them, The
better the competition the more
we are going to improve when
we enter competition."
Mr. -Miltar came to Gode ri h
---7- hr -rami
crs and their
parents are ve15,
to have