HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-07-01, Page 12MRS. R. WILSON HANDS TROPHY TO SHELLY LINNER SCHOOL SONG WRITER, ANNE ALDIS, RECEIVES DIPLOMA - PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADUATION PORT ALBERT. — Mr. and by the United Church people usage, which was much appreci- Mrs. Ronnie Trimble and fam- and riei,4hbors presented them ated. Mr. Veldhuis closed the ily and Mrs. Ida Trimble of with an electric clock and a ; meetingowith the benediction. Guelph visited a couple of days' purse of money. Mr. and Mrs.' A dainty lunch was served by with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Draper Crawford'' are moving to Gode the hostess. last week. rich in July. Then a social Church Services Mrs. Frank Willis, who was evening and lunch was served Summer services for July at * a patient in Goderich hospital , by the ladies.. I Christ Anglican Church will be • .me time,.-has...rPtnrnefl Jai_' conducted by .the ROv_ her home; U.C.W. Meet 1 Brett of Merlin. Morning pray- Mr..an,d Mrs. Clarence Hoy, � The United Church Women , er will lie at'a 11.00 a.m., with Terry and Tim visited with met at the home of Mrs.'Led.nor holy communion on Sunday, Mrs. Earl Tesehke and family 1 for the monthly meeting with July 11. of •Desboro last Sunday. Elaine i eleven present The president Teschke is still in the Owen opened the meeting with the Sound hospital. I call to worship. stressing tho- Mr. and -Mrs. Elmer Gilders l ughts of peace and not of evil, and Mr. Coe of Detroit visited i followed with prayer. Scrip- ` with Mrs. Pave Martin and fam- ture was read by Mrs. E. Bogie. ily over the weekend. Rioll call was given and reports Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lindon , and three boys of Birmingham visited with Mrs. Dave Martin and family Thursday. Then • they spent the weekend at a cot- tage. Mr. Frank Dougherty is • a patient in Goderich hospital. He is wished a speedy recovery. Several neighbors attended the -trousseau tea on Saturday in honor of Miss. Arlene Schram, bride elect at the home of Mrs. Ivadell Schram, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Al Meader and two boys of Detroit were holi- daying with Mr. and .Mrs. Arch- ie Grenier the past two weeks. Mrs. Alice Trumbley return- ed to their cottage, last Friday, having been a patient in Clinton hospital. Mrs. Art Forster sold her property last wtieek. Reunion -• There was a family reunion at Mr. and ,Mrs. Ivan Grigg's of - London. Among those at- tending were: Mrs. Dave Mar - Un, Mr. an Cc Mrs. ord-Martin, Anna May, ,Jim and }?aul, Mr. and' Mrs. Earr Martin; " 11th. "and Mrs. Don Bowden, Larry and Randy, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bow- den and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ebner . Gliders„ and Mr. Coe. Honor Crawfords Friends"aiud neighbors on Fri- day night presented Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crawford with gifts, 1,f'uvn to i titure was , trdseitted were read and adopted. Seven sick and shut-in calls were re- ported. After a business period, the study book was read -.and discusses. Rev. and Mrs. Veld- huis sang ih them Dutch lang- BIRTHS ALLISON..—At Alexandra liosf pital, Goderich, on June 23, 1965, to Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Allison, Goderich, 'a daughter, Patricia Lynn. ROBINSON. -- At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on .June ._..27,,;1965., .to_Mr..and Mss, Guy L Robinson, Goderich, a datigh-1 ter, Shirley Ann. The secret ,of life, according to the Rev. G. Ronson of the University of Western Ontario. is to learn how to become soc- ially maladjusted." • As 'the 'guest speaker for the graduation exercises at Victor Lauriston Public School, the Rev. Rouson said the only peo- ple perfectly adjusted to their environment were "all out in the cemetery.',' He Vld the audience of par- ents and graduates at Victoria School that. the business of growing -up boiled down to five. basic "wants" of the individual. They were, he said: To live. - To. feel you need somebody else. ',filo need a mate. Change, novelty, excitement. Something Bigger than -out selves: The' clergyman told the stud e.nts that -they shouliask them- selves if they were really happy inwhat they were doing. "If you don't feel happy at your age, it is probably because you have not gat enough to da," he sand. • He added: "When it is a ques- tion of getting fed up with doing nothing this is the time when you get into trouble. After a while some people explode and do something they shouldn't do." Practically People "Now that you have that piece of paperto prove you are prac ically people," said .KreV Rouson, "you are faced with this business of growing up." He "went on: "I don't think it really matters very much what you are going to do. It doesn't make very much difference as long as you are getting "some- thing ,out -of it and can contrib- ute •something to life." In conclusion he told the graduates of the importance yourself,"' he said. iChairmanfor the evening Of a sense ; of humor — "To laugh at people starting with was Mrs. H. -C. Carroll of the, Schilbe, Carl, Simpson, Char - Home and School Association, who sponsored .a banquet for the graduates and organized the program and provided the certificates. ` . . Ralph Smith,. public schools' principal, welcomed the stud- ents and guests and Jack{ Free- man brought the greeting from the public school board. Students Karen Scott and Terry Worsell introduced and thanked the guest speaker: Valedictory Anne Russell gave the Vale- dictory Address ., in which she said: "We are approaching the most radical change in our en- tire education. .We need to be prepared for any n:nergencies or new situations which may arise." S11 _ _ e ...'� l].e .,_ ..drop rni P..14:7;14'.W11-r.0±-1_._ d:-hQ f irrd _nu- ti�sefiil pTaee It us otomy the ignorant who despise education i•s -d i' .eu not only" o teach us how to make a living but how to live." AWARDS Proficiency Awards: Robert Park Memorial Medal for gen- eral proficiency, Anne Russell; Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. for general proficiency, David Royal; Women's Institute • for general proficiency, Shelly Lin- ner; Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E. for literature, Deborah Day; Goderich Home and School As- sociation for science,' Peter •Kalbfleisch. • Graduation Classes: (Mr. E. rawford3 "oliin Allen, Kim Ainslie, Fred Basler, Beverley Chapman, Toni Crawford, Syl- via Dierolf, Jackie Duckworth, Rolf Hagan, John Hamilton, David Haworth, Don Leitch, Ann MacDonald,Jim McAstock- er, Ken McCarthy, Cathy Mc- Ewen, Cherita McKnight, Laura Mero, Susan Miller, • Billy Moh rings -Vicki Needham,, Glenn Preston, Gary Reid, Joan Riess, Ann Russell, Scott Ryan, Paul lene Smith, Peggy Stoddart, Susan Stringer, Frederika ten Hoopen, Charles Thomson, Jan- ice Twaddle, Janet Wilkins. (Mrs: R. Shaddiek): •- Susan Adams, Mary Anstay, Heather Allen Deborah Baxter, George Bell, Susan Bellinger,. Michael Boyce, Carole Chambers, Susan Cook, Marie Cousins, Sherry Doak, Wayne Draper, Beverley Fortune, Horst Gottschalk, Pet er Herlufsen, Sharon Jewell, Edward Jones, .Selly' Linner, Lar=ry Littlechikl ,Bruce Mac- Phee, Jim Melick, Maureen Richards, Karen Scott, Sharer} Scott, Steven Smith, Mike Wil- son, Karl Teichert, Dad Shear - down. Moore): Anne Aldis, Elaine Berry, Wendy Chase, Cutt, Debbie Day, Eva Drerolf, ar yar S:Alirthe$er- I-ufsen; Peter'-K-atbfle s ;-Marg- aret McKee, Heiki Nanz, David Sheardown' John Vance, Bill, White. ,(Mr. M. Vrooman): Luana Bentley, Steven Boyce, Terry Corbett, Donald Fisher, Donald Gavin, Ronald Glousher, John Harrison,,, Jeter -Johnson, Grant MacDougall, Sharon MacLeod,. Robert Marion, Carolyn Mc - ,Ewen, Carol filler, Patricia Moore, Elizabeth Nelson, Eliza- beth Parsons, Barry Pitblado, Christie Rompf, Sharon Shear - down, Mark Sully, Donna Su - plat, Bruce Utley, Raymond Volland, Mark Watters, Janice White, Terry Worsell, Stephen PERSONAL. Fred Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert, raced in the New Ybrk State Championship go-cart race on June 26 and 27, and brought home his 56th' tro- phy. He was competing in A Super Light. On July 18 he will be competing at Pennsyl- vania and in August at the Grand National in Wisconsin. PETER KALBFLEISCH RECEIVES AWARD FROM MRS. JUNE- DUCKWORTH Students Pass Music Examinations The following students were successful in the recent 'music examinations •LT• Western On- tario Conservatory of Music, London, field at St. Joseph's Convent, Goderich: First class honors, 80-100%; honors, 70-79%; pass, 60-70%. Grade 1, Pianoforte: -Wendy • maker,-"M`ary • 1lizabeiTi Stimson, first class honors. (Equal). Grade II Pianoforte: Debbie Saltar, honors. Grade IV Pianoforte: Sherry Moore, honors; Blake Jones, honors; Mary• Ann Tevlin, hon- ors; Martha. Eedy, honors; Ar- lene Cuthbert, honors. Grade V Pianoforte: Michael Walzak, honors; Patricia Wraith, honors; Lesley Blacker, honors; Mary Chisholm, honors; Bar- bara Hugill. honors. Grade VI Pianoforte: Janet estbrook, -honors; aye : ra. - ley, honors; James Prayne, hon- ors; Kathleen O'Brien, pass; Corinne Poulin, pass. . Grade VII Pianoforte: Betty Durst, 'honors; Lynda Reinhart, honors. Grade VIII Pianoforte: Did Faulkner, first class honors, Sharon Courtney, honors; De ise Dalton, 'pass; Patricia Fed!, pass; Jaret Jerry, pass. Grade IX Pianoforte: Patrieii Durst, honors. Theory Grade II: first el/Ss honors=3 vid Fa ' her--r-Dn ise Dalton, Kathleen O'Brien, Janet Jerry. Pass -Lynda Rein. hart. . Grade I: first class honors - Janet Westbrook, James Frayn Faye Bradley. - Sarnia - Petrolia - Wyoming - Forest - Grand Bend - Goderich G od ecide ges of ay 'ke he At t t the st we d in f -tree ibility ome 1 Presi d the .�a aid: "Mac nee-wa itabi he use ehean "This far as cerned, must fi ituatio in a ho Ile al cussed J wolf considc biem." Air ' suggest tre . g rc suggest x nen Kay Hz "This for ani \sant 1( all yot space,' The told th ations 1 bad to of lack It wt. ae ext( propert more al EFFECTIVE DIy. Ex. DIy. Ex. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. Only Hol. Hal. Hol. P.M. P.M. P,M. P.M. JUNE 28, 1965 READ UP Dly. Ex. DIy. Ex. Sun. Sun. Sun. Svc Hol. Hol Hol. Bol, A.M. P.M. P.M. Pht The season is over for—us as far as summer is concerned. For you there is still two months to wear your new hat. BUY NOW AND SAVE! REGULAR TO 4.95 •. 2EGULAR TO 10.00 1 REGULAR TO 16.95 Dampness caused by high hum- idity can damage your furniture„ books, workshop tools and other prized' possessions. An Electro- home'De-humidifier takes up to. 4,gallons of water out of the air daily. Protects your valuables from mildew, rust and rot -- .-ancL...adds ato.your comfort •.too. 9:05 9:50 10:02 10:20 6:50 11:00 7:25 3:05.12:05 3:50 12:50 . 4:02 1:02 4 :20 1:20 4:40 1:40 4:50 1:55 5:25 2:25 Lv. GODERICH GRAND BEND CA1VEP 1PP]RWASH FOREST WYOMING PEfTROIIA Arr. SARNIA Lv. 2:20 7:20 101 1:35 6:35 110 1:23 6:23 11:44 1:05 11:25 12:45 5:6:0845.. 9:50 12:35 6:35 9:25 -12:05 5:05 16.45 Hol. Schedule Operates Aug, (2) Sept. (6) Only. When Monday is a Hol. trip marked * Operates Monday an —not --Sunday. BUS INFORMATION Phone 337-3411 SARINIABUS DEPOT THE SQUARE (GODERICH) LIMITED Corner Victoria and Newgate Streets 5248581 .'HONE 344-4302