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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-07-01, Page 7
I�' a • Let Us Help You PIan- a D. IA Memoriam B.AILK R.- ,- , 1Avhl,a, memory of a dear wife and mother,„, Ruby' ,Barker, who passed a13,',,ay, n:Jlane 2 , 1964... Just -when- Yava-1ife-.was-bright. est, Just when your years were best,. You were called -from this world of sorrow To a horne of eternal rest. —Ever renn.embered by • hus- band and family. 25x ,BRADLEY. In loving memory. of a dear father and .grand- father, Thomas Henry Brad- ley, who passed away eight years ago, July 1Oth 1957. his ,day is hese, with deep re - ret: It brings ba k.me__mbs s - we will never forget, You felt asleep, Dad, without goodbye, But memories of you will never . die. —Son Lloyd and family. • -26 MOHRING.—In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Paratrooper Harold S. Moh- ring, "Hooley." who was kill- ed June 27, 1944, somewhere in Normandy, France; also our dad, Rey Mohring, who died June 3rd 1939. • —Always remembered by Mom and family. 26x E. Cards of Thanks RAWFORD.- — "Thank you, friends and neighbors." These words are an outward expres- sion of our humble appreci- ation of your kind gesture upon our departure from the community. The evening of lune 25 in St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church will be one of our most cherished memories. Mrs. W. J. Crawford, Bert and Stella Crawford. -26 CUNDARL—A warm thank you is expressed by Mr. and Mrs. L. Cundari to friends , and relatives for gifts and 'best wishes on the occasion of their silver wedding anniver- sary. A special thank you to Marcel, Diane and Terry. -26 dosogiammommisilaies Neapolitan CAKES; This is like neapolitan ice cream. It consists of three colors and three layers of cake. In beweenthe layers there is a lemon filling and all pf this is topped with 'a butter cream icing. ' Try one of these cakes this • weekend. - ,PICNJC SUGGESTIONS HOT DOG and "HAMBURG ROLLS DA -T ; 1:11174SQUARES TARTS --COOKIES., CULBERT'S- BAKERY "The Home Of Tasty Pastry - Since 1877" E. 'Cards; of Yhanits ...s., h... air r ©Bi�C.:The family ofT the late a a Mrs. William Dobie sin. rely appreciated t h e ,thoughtfulness and sympathy extended 40 them..,by ---heir' relatives and her . many friends, and neighbors. They e,pecially thank Dr. A. Klah- sen and Rev, T. E. Kennedy. MacLEOD.--=May we take this - method-- of .. thanking' our ',neighbors and friends for their -kind expressions of sym- pathy in our bereavement. These expressions have been, I deeplyappreciated. • he fai ily of the late _ -:'- George Maeleodr, ' -2d MOORE.--t wish o to thank my relativesand friends for the lovely floVvers and cards sent to me while L was in ho`s- ppital. Special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace, the nurses and staff. Barbara Moore. 26x ORR.—I would like to thank the School Section of ,Taylor's Corner and my former pup- ils for the lovely parting gift, and evening. ' Reta E. Orr. • 26x ROBERTSON. — With deepest gratitude I extend this word of thanks to all for the many kindnesses shown to my wife during the illness which 'pre- ceded her death. I especial- ly wish 'to thank Dr. K. C. Lambert, the technicians, the nurses and staff of Alexandra Hospital. I am most grate- ful. J. Ernest Robertson 26 WILLIS. --- My sincere thanks for the treats, cards and vis- its during my stay in the hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace, nurses and staff. - Mrs. Mary Willi 26 •WILLIAMS.—I would like to thank all who helped in any 'way with the Minor Hockey 13anquet. Special thanks to the. Legion ladies for their help and the use of their facilities, Helen . Williams. F. Engagements The engagement is announc- ed of Dr. Mary Elizabeth May- nard ,Kirkland Lake, daughter` of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. W. May- nard, Yorkshire, England, ,,to Rev. Dr. Donald Alexander Mc, Kenzie, Kirkland Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie, Blyth. The wedding will take place, Monday, July 5, 1965, at Trinity United Church; Kirk- land Lake. 26x Mr. and Mrs. Norman ,Hamil- ton,gGoderich, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Norma Joan to Mr. Mich- ael Thomas McLenon, son of Mr. Thomas McLenon London, and Mrs. Eleanor McLenon, Goderich. The wedding will tapepllace�_July Z4 at _ 12,. noon, 71-1T-S't: Dyer's: --Rt ate•-'eatheile- Church, Goderich. 26x G. Coming Events (Goderich Art Mart, July 15, 16 and 17, Court House Park. Amateur artists are invited to enter their paintings. 26-27 St. George's Church Women's Guild meets Wednesday, July 7th, at 3 p.m. Collectors' meet- ing. -26 WE WILL CLEAN land er I7 )ne oil ll ae ' a les Your STATIONERY We have everything you will need in the way of wed- ding stationery. All embraced in one beautifully bound book are wedding invitations, reception cardS, response cards, thank you cards, shower cards, table napkins and matches. There are not just one or two styles to choose from but dozens, in various type faces and different styles. Come in and have a look at this book and pick out your wedding stationery. A KEEPSAKE FOR YOU With your "Forever Yours" invitations or announce- ments you will receive as a gift a keepsake copy of your own invitation or announcement processed in luxurious gold. This would be ideal to put in your wedding album or to %lime. - The 12 Goderich Signal -Star FRE E YOUR CANADIAN FLAG This Offer 1s • NOT Limited To Time BLUEWATER CLEANERS 38 WEST ST, 524-6231 Proctnotro s... (Continued from Page 1) Duncan, . AU' Adie o l Edward, Darbara Elliott, Bar- bara Ethic, Keith Evans, Pat Ferguson, Pam Tester, Jane Fisher, Joan Fisher, Keith Fish- er, George Gould, • Chris Gra- ha-000,1,, Ronald J1arder Anne Hartlacice Linda. Hodges (Math), Betty Irvin, • Joanne Kolkman, Brian. Lewis, Jacque- line Lewis. Brian Linfield, Shar- on Lockhart, Charles MacDoni aid, CoJin MacDon ld, ....John MacDonald;---Dyarican•--MaeRae; Robert McKee, Karen McKenzie, Karen •McLean (Moth), • Mary - Jayne McManus, Frank Melady, James Millar, Sharon Montgom- ery (Math), Roberta Prest, Doug- las Round. (Math), Ted Royal, Pat Ryan, Margaret Sanderson, Mary Sanderson (History), Jill Sheardown, Judy. Shore (Phys- ics), Sheilagh Slemin, Robert Smith, Sharen Stewardson, Nor- een Stewart, Robert Stoll, Jeff Sued, .Robin Sully, John ten Hoopen, Anne Thorneloe, Nor- ma Walter, Peter Walzak, Helen Wardrop, Carolyn Watters, Frank Wheeler, Carol Whitely (Physics), John 'Williams (Math), Robert Willis, Clem Wolterbeek (Physics, Ind. Arts), Robert Piowing... (Continued from page 1) as two- years ago, so that sod and stubble would be available where needed. Since then, work has been underway in planning special events, the farmstead improvement competition, wa- gon tours, parking and traffic, publicity and ' the county ex- hibit. From now on, there will be increasing acceleration in the work leading up to the big opening day. Approximately 500 acres have been reserved for plowing com- petitions,. parking and demon- 5-trations of various kinds. It is expected that about 600 plow- inen will take part and they will be • competing- -for - prizes having a total value of $15,000. Tente& - City will cover over 50 acres where over 300 exhibi- tors will be reserving space. Ad- vance reservations indicate that a record in both number of exhibitors and the total space occupied, may be set at this year's International. .Or, October 13 and 14, the Ontario Plowmen's Association in co-operation with the 'York County -Local, Committee, will be host to the Canadian Plow- ing Council in conducting the annual Canadian 'Championship contest. It is expected that eight Provinces will enter teams. When the Honorable Harry Hays officially opens the Inter- national Polwing Match on Oc- tober 13th,., alt things _point to _the„stait.:O .�the.....bigge.. atch ever held --due partly to its proximity to Metropolitan Tor- onto. Record attendance is an- ticipated, from every' province of Canada 'and from across the border. t G. Coming Events Enjoy yourself at the Srnory gasbord Garden Party at St George's Church, Thursday July 15th, commencing at 5.30 p.m. -.Sponsored by the after- noon, Church Women's Guild. A variety of ,salads, meats and delicious desserts. Sale of flowers and_ miscel les. Fish pond. Adults $1.50, children '75c. ` For tickets call 7616 or 7967. -26-27 . 1:,• BINGO Harbourlite Inn ACCELERATING JACKPOT WEDNESDAY, JULY 7 Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club SAVE -$15.25 ON A NEW SET OF 775X14 WHITE WALL DOMINION ROYAL LAREDO TIRES REG. 38.55 FOR A SET OF 4 No Trade -In Requited Installatimn Extra Fully Guaranteed $i• OO.00 "VACATION TIME IS HERE". Don't let your holidays be' spent changing tires. Now it the time to save your money as well as your time. Drop in this week and have a new set installed. BAIRD MOTORS (G°DFaICH) LTD. 414 HURON ROAD 524-8311 Worse1l ,,Jeaueit Worse1i.a Bryan Young.... .. _ Four-year Course Alice Allen, Harold, $.:41ton (Typatng), Linda laechler, John Bennett, Carole Brown (Science), Barry Buchanan, Sandra Camp- bell (Science), Fred" Gilbert, Marian Hickey,- Marg "Jewell Hans 'Kempf, :Gordon Leaven, Barbara Linklater, Mary _ Link- later, Sharon MacDonald, Barb - am Ellen •MacLeod (French), Carol Mellwain (History), John Manderson, Paul • Miller, Pat oi;.dahL lVlary-r'S'l lien ('yping), Douglas Overholt, Gary Robin- son, Ruth Schneider (Science), Paul Smith, Gary Squire (Math), Cynthia Wain (Typing), Doug Wilson (Typing). Huron -Brice C Officers The 4 . S aru� pec, a resent Awards' WINGHAM. — Allister Hugh- es of F.inloss, was re-elected president of Huron -Bruce Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion at the annual'meeting here Friday night. Guest speaker was Ronald K. McNeil of R.R. 2, Springfield, MPP (PC -Elgin) and deputy Conservative Whip. Other officers: vice!president, Dr. Ted Shaughnessy; secrefary, Mrs. Jack (Mary) Lloyd, and treasurer, Barry Wenger, 'all of Wingham. Area chairmen: Blyth, Wing - ham and East Wawanosh, De- Witt Miller of Wingham; Asha field, Huron and Ripley, Jack McLennan of R.R. 3, Goderich; Colborne and West Wawahosh, Jdhn Durnin of Auburn;, Bros- ) sols, Morris and Grey, George McCutcheon of Brussels; How - ick and Turnberry, Ed. Powell of Turnberry; Carrick and Mild- may, Rudy Seigneur of R.R. 2, Mildmay; Teeswater, Culross and Bruce, Bruce Keith of Cul- ross, and Lucknow and Kinloss, Harvey Webster of Lucknow. PERSONAL Miss Lyn Rae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rae, Newgate street, has successfully passed her first year in General Arts at Western University. Miss Judy Weber. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Weber, Strang Court, Ira's successfully completed her first year in Gen- eral Arts at Western University. LIONS EXECUTIVE MEETS First' meeting of the new Lions Club' executive has been set for Mond ay evening, July 5. A mid -sum= mer stag or beach party is be- ing planned for ,some date not yet determined in the summer months. No new project has been sel- ..e.CLWA)L,the*„.1-ibists Club. 414e to the fact that a mato y opiri= ion could not be reached on any one suggestion. As a re- sult, a new project committee' will "take the bull by the horns" next fall. GODERICH MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION THANKS To all those who contributed so generously and helped to make the father -son banquet suchan outstanding success. • W. J. Mills Motors Tuckey Beverages Andrew Dairy Gardiner:s Dairy Cult's Red and White O'Briens Meat Market Goderich Frosted Foods Remington's IGA Taylor's Blue Water Market A & P Store Sifto Salt Sheaffer Pen Bisset's Ice Cream Town of Goderich MacDonald Electric McArthur and Reilly Goderich Warehousing Royal Canadian ,. Legion. Royal Canadian Legion Auxiliary Goderich Electric Blue's Maple Leaf Market Skeoch Office Supplies Baird Motors Donors of Chairs and Tables Faithful Mothers C�liege Graduati�n Dinner Roses, Siberian iris, add tan.. dies formed' the decorations the- graduation- -dinner of --the Goderich Business College,. which was held. at The Little Bayii.►id, on Saturday even- ing. The entertainers for the even - Ing we Maa and Earl lie even- 11.1g who Been associated with. CKNX Radio since 1'942. They have made many record- ings for RCA Victor. They have also appeared) in ,many places in both USA and Canada on tours, and have guested fre- quently on the CBC network. They sang a diversified selec- tion of songs accompanied by the guitar and autoharp. After Earl Heywood did 'a number of mystifying tricks, which includ- ed magic'' with doves, ropes, etc., Martha and Earl sang two, Lawn- Bowling Tourney. Held Twenty four rinks competed in the open mixed tournament held at Goderich Lawn Bowl- ing Club on Thursday, June 24. The results were: 1st, Earl Al- lison and Mrs. A. Scott, Gode- rich; 2nd Dr. H. Hall and Mrs. F4 F. Sale, Goderich; 3rd, Neil Pell and Mrs. E. Closel Sea - forth; 4th, Mr. Arnold Fisher and Mrs. R. W. Bell, Goderich; 5th, Harry Wor-sell and Mrs. J. McLeod, Goderich. very due hymns,; `Hew .Great, Thou Art!and The Circuit ' `ypewr4ulg awards : for. 'fie: year were presented .;by the, Principal, Mrs. F. M, Weaver, with the compliment of rte iiusiness Educators' Association; of Canada. Nirs, bar ` e}' , PearSon won the Lielel Medal: Awar'.d ` -u . on a 10-mforinute75 teswordstper W iiimintwote errors. This is the second gold ' medal award that has been earned at the l*odericll Business College, Awards for 60.69 words per minute were won by, Teresa J. Cundari, Mary Alice Babb, and Berva Allin... Awards for 50-59 words per minute were won by.. Lepy Westerhout, Bette McCon- nell,' Heather Winter, Dianna Healy, Neil J'osling, June Gov- ier, Donna Fritzlcy, Carol. Ad - kin, Gayle Collins, Marilyn Hen- derson, Heather Mowat, Patricia Stowe, Gregory McDonald, Lyn- da' Croft, Marlene White and Emilie Wilcox. As soon as the examination results for June are received from the Association, diplomas will be issued by The. Business Educators' Association of Can- ada to graduates. Gifts were presented to the teachers of the' school and 'to those who assisted, in appreci- ation of their excellgnt work. . The Heywoods led in a sing- song accompaniedbyb the gui- tar, which formed a happy: eon- clusion to a pleasantand enjoy- able evening. • • • CAMPBELL'S U MM ER SPECIALS ALL BRANDS CIGARETTES WITH PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE 3.10 CARTON PEPTO BESMAL DODD'S. KIDNEY PILLS -PHILLIPS - LIQUID Milk of Magnesia . REG: 1.391,49 EXTRACT OF 75t--6 , Nivea Cream TUBE . REG. 79c lac REG. 1.25 1.09 47C REG.79c C FASHION QUICK HOME PERM NOXZEMA - Instant Lather REG. 1.25 79c Facelle MAN SIZE REG. 35c 2 FOR 59c Johnsons Baby Oil REG. 79c 69c DESERT FLOWER - REG. 2 FOR 1.25 -Beodorant--.� -.2-F-c 1-:o REG. 2.50 1.77 Lavoris 16 -oz. Decanter FASTEETH ODO-RO-NO ROLL-ON DEODORANT MacLEANS • • TOOTH PASTE COPPERTONE Sun Tan Lotion Coppertone Q.T. KOTEX Bayer Aspirin 100 DETTOL - Disinfectant 6-12 INSECT Repellant Spray ALBERTO VO -5 SHAMPOO . SUDDEN-• f AUTY - HAIR � SPRAY Fancy Bathing Caps 1,98 to 5.98 REG. -1.25 REG, 1,25 REG. 1.09 REG. 1.09 99c 1.13 89c 97c REG. 1:75,149 REG. 1.85 1.599 REG. 51c 42c 's REG. 99c REG. 75c REG 1 30 lt7s),',57 R F G 1 10 8 9, REG 139.99$: HAVE A WEEKEND TREAT WITH LAURA SECORD SUMMERTIME ASSORTMENT AND THE NEW TANGY FRUIT SLICES wrs We Deliver — Dial 7532 CAMPBELL'S 168.TFHE SQUARE