HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-07-01, Page 3'mile lea led; :out, t 041 all al 144 lad; lied. the co4,• . sesso ull lting 4 andC Uk !SO .ng ped uer ;late 1 park •f Souk 'rope, Of Bo street !lied hh Holm 1s toil 1 Net 55 Puhli to pat t God if A6 dent on the )larslup Toad d injured crashed to Bal 'iloria r BaBi Thr at tilt al, " S4 .- an 30C Hod. Show ringing lerich1 of N beig at tht 38 stn. ebu. derit6' attend geld of cam, Goderich recreation director Wayne Horner, has accused the x•ovincial ggvernmextt of set. _,u : txdtcul9W,.re lation nt? P- €� s .overning public swinxxning ads. 4 Mr, Horner was the most out- poken of numerous recreation facials in Western Ontario who- , pegly, ,cxitici zed th enew cregul- tions. He Said' they were iml possible--to....carrybut: "What are they going to do, lose down a 5100,000 facility ecause of _ someone behind a esk?" he asked. "I' doubt The government announced ast week a minimum age' limit .f 17 has been set for lifeguards nd all lifeguards will be re- ufred to hold either the Royal fesaving Society bronze Med- Ilion, the YMCA senior life - aver award or the Red Cross leader safety patrol award. Tn • addition, at least one life- guard will be req reel for every o! bbijlers- -or fraction of 100 1—using a public pool.. "I think .Fight this thing right to the' limit," said 111r. Horner. "These kids are very qualified." He said all nine lifeguards at Gode�cit pe0l-arcta.--in--his'-opih •ion, qualified, but • that one or two May be under the 17 -year age • limit. • • Reg. Salter, manager of the W allaceburg pool, which meets the new .regulations, suggested the legislation should not have been passed until after the sum- mer. He said many centres will find it hard to adjust their pro- grams at .this late date. But medical officers of health will r instructor is 15 years old, l •e- creation direeter ,f. on r .. Low, - Said' fl'Of $15 a week you cane get older leaders.". Stratford, Strathroy'and $t. Marys lifeguards meet" the age requirements. - However, at Woodstock, at. least seven attendants are un, der—the--11-year—limit: Ballantyne, recreation director, said ,that in the past 16 -year- olds or over have been hired: Three guards are under age. at the Maude Wilson Memorial pool. at Ingersoll. Doug Fraser,. Chatham's as- sistant recreation- director, said all hiring for the city's public swimming pools has been com- pleted, and the recreation de, partment will be put on a spot. if the age limit rule is strictly' enforced this year, He would pot say how many of the city's lifeguards and instructors .are under 17.' He said it is difficult enough to find' lifeguards. Older boys have entered college and need jobs that pay higher wages. He said an accepted qualifica- tion for the job is the Red Cross patrol leader award, which is available to • 16 -year- olds. until the standards can be met, h !net, M 'At 'Brantford, recreation dire. ector Ron Denaldso wild the regulations seem unrealistic in "cold, hard print," ' iut some conditions will prnbIbly ac- company t1�in. _ I w nict, .aid.;.a.•. - if 'they went into eict� today they would close every public pool in the province," he said. "Our legislators aren't, that stupid, I don't think." Nearly 10 lifeguards at the Brantford municipal pool are under the new age limit, but Mr. Donaldson said they' will not be dismissed. "They are under contract." He said the standards, espec- ially referring to the age limit, could double the recreation bud- get since few persons in their late teens will accept the $20 -a - week lifeguard salary. John Campbell, assistant man- ager of the Kitchener pool, said only two lifeguards there are under age, but will be 17 'short- ly and .will be kept on staff. He saw no way of meeting the legislation ' requiring one lifeguard for every 100 bathers. The Kitichener pool during busy weekend,-, often has as many as 3,500 swimmers, which would require 35 lifeguards, he said. At. St Marys Cadzow, Park beginners' pool, one part-time Everything he touches turns to Big Investment More than $20,000,000 has been invested in Ontario's pro- vincial ,parks since 1954. EXCITEMENT SCAN CONNERY as AGENT 007 in IAN FLEMING'S ADULT'ENTERTAINMENT GERT FROBE as Goldfinger HONOR BLACKMAN as Pussy Galore Also Starring SHIRLEY EATON Color Cartoon SPECIAL ADMISSION $1.00 per adult hildren under 12 FREE TENTS — TRAILERS Rate By Day, Week or Season COIN OPERATED LAUNDRY Booth and ',Picnic Facilities FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT A. GARON, Clinton 482-9216 BAYFIELD 804 Roses _stole the limelight at the Goderich • Horticultural Society flower show which was held in North Street United Church on Saturdayy.. Left to right, viewing,. the ex- hibits are, Mrs. W. McKellar, Mrs. Bob Smith and Mrs. John Morris. ENGINEER WILL ATTEND County Engineer James Brit- Reeve Cook of Blyth in the .half of the count of nell will represenfr'Huron at die'chair. A recorded vote was the associations donotpaythe n orcement been appointed and subsequent - Canadian. Good Roads conven- called for, and resulted 25-14, expense," pointeuld be u in council. a e ty died. Of 12 western coun- tion in Saskatoon next Septem- the clerk announced, against It is further Pointed by county council. We ties, Perth has a have reached the moment of appointed, three ber, but he will have no corn- the- clause Though members members of council receive h10 truth, and the time fort' ills- have advertised and e,glr. re= pony from county council. • Atrhad indicated that they favor- cents per mile for travel in lieu cusThehas actuallymain. Bruce has taken no ac-, the June session, council adopt -ed the engineer attending the of "'tie passed by. tion. present arrangement of re is no longer a quos• ; Answering an enquiry' by de ed a roads committee recom- conver4tion their action left lOc for the first 100 miles eight s y putt' 'reeve Squire. Goderich tion whether it is the right wa mendation that Mr, Britnell be � him at home until, a new re= for the, next 400, and four for You i jug yourselves to be McNair said there are count de - authorized +� attend. commendation was brought in lawabidin c the remainder. g citizens and it is on the closing clay, ' your legal responsibility to a ties in which a man is appoint - Air fares will be paid at the I ed who holds another office Council adopted a report economy rate, point an inspector to protect' " > from the warden's andthe workmen within your coup-! but he must be qualified, some person- The clerk -treasurer presented able, and do the job." In some nel committee that "in future, a financial report of tile' ty Or you may declare your members of the count council enol account for first gen-1- places, the inspector is paid er the quarter " •Iona per diem basis, elsewhere ofyear. Expenditure of noted a great many of our books' For full time. Salaries run to $151,196.34, including • some ;•were on. the shelves in ' our, $6,000 and occasionally' more. "book figures" such as $12,500' own library! ...We realize we' "I do not'tltink in the county for hos •• Signal -Star photo CONVENTION m You -- ve- • 0U" Hernativ., selves' 'Oil Y *At are' notM '. really, as a lthv-abiding, bodv, law aiding." ;citizens, aid Iyill: coot ad with the, comply' .with the law; . 'oh can say to your clerk - you. will take no action in the matter, or you 'niay table •the motion, but it .all covers up the same than .._--"Fro u: `civil"" h ervat � nt that may 'seem a ..'little burnt, - oir even out of line.but the legis- lators are the body that decides,' and you cannot say no at this stage. The matter of the pro- per way :of ,.enforcing the Aft' is • no longer 'a subject of dis- cussion; it has been decided by the Legislature." - btxt to go ahead pol.ntmerzt of an inspector;' Huron ,County Council was4o1d on June 16th by- J: McNair, engineer and chief .ower of the -Ontario- bOr ep r"lnjei is ,construction safety branch, He had been here before, to point out that the appointment. •of an, inspector is mandatory. under the construction Safety Act, but eouncil took no action. This time, it was referred to the warden's and personnel committee for a report at Sep- tember session. "This mater," said Mr. Me - Nair, "was considered ' by a royal commission_ ,on industrial,. safety, and the Legislature pass- ed the 4.ct in 1962. This was drawn to your attention at that time, and it was pointed out that enforcement should be by inspectors appointed by muni - Serious Weakness - To Reeve Clarence Boyle, of Exeter, Mr. McNair ,said ,the job of inspector was not neces- sarily full-time. He added that vacancies still existing, of which • Huron is one, repfesent "a ser- ious weakness" to the system. He explained that coni&rrtion cipaliities, in the, first lace bywork by a farmer and his farm P help does not come within the the �c . unty, with opportunity scope of the Act. • for 1 municipalities to with- Up to Kay, 18 counties had draw ` and appoint, their own. not fulfilled their obligations. Our officers have explained and Twelve had taken no tried to convince the county action; positivep- in five, local municipal "The decision has been re- hies had withdrawn; in the council this was a good thing her case an inspector had affirmed that e f Earlier, it had struck out a recommendation from the same committee that the engineer and roads committee chairman attend, the warden being nam- ed as alternative. Reeve Grant Stirling,-- Go.derich Township, is road--comrhittee chairman. - That discussion took place in of • the whole,- with committee 1. Y who are appointed to executive positions on arty of the'various associations be paid regular travelling expenses, while at- lending these meetin s on bei ' p a grant reserve, must carry sufficient stock, to ! of Huron at present this would g would have substantially ex- meet the demands of the various; involve a full-time operation,'. ceeded revenue but for trans- I outlets, but we are studying ;the chief officer said. ' fer of $20,000 from -the reserve the possibility .of having in cir-fed if Reeve M. Oesch, Zurich, ask- ; fund. This produced a nomin- 1 eulation more of these books Approval al surplus of $1,925.59. County , without necessarily increasing I departmental was necessary. "No, sir." re - :rates brought in $111,876, in , the cost to the agencies con- plied Mr. McNair;',.`we check the three months. cerned." , qualifications;• and if an ap-, Reeve Ernest Talbot ..of Stan- Mrs. Clements, county lib-; pointee is not qualified we br; ley Township presented the re-; rarian, reported thatthe United 'tng it to your attention .•' Mr., port of the library co -opera- i Church . camp north of Gode Berry asked 'if it would not he. five board. ;rich, has,, requested and will' j better to review this before "On inspecting the library , be supplied with books this !the appolitment, meat, and- '41 r. es shelves, the report' stated, "we summer.. I Nair said that upon • request i the county would be given ad- vice. 'Some counties combine the duties with those of a per - soon in the. engineer's ,depart - Roller Skating and Danc,ng to the "VELVETONES".. at the Wingham Arena Roller Skating from 8 to 10 p.m. , 'Dancing from 10 to 12 midnight .�'-AttrFt�rs�si �K"60c Skate Rental Extra ESSEX STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO ,. Dancing For The Young Crowd -- -_ - TH:tS"-WEER'"OIr''Y•, SATURDAY, JULY 3rd Dancing 9 p.m. to Midnight Admission $1.00 per person The following is a list of the activities and the ti mes they will - on a FREE CHOICE basis for all children registered in the programme. in the event of inclement weather for varied activities ) be offered. These activities are, available (All children should report 'to the arena It is suggested that children 8 and under devote the majority of their time- to the craft programme, softball and games. Children over 8 should spend the major portion of time in the football, soccer, track, lacrosse, badmin- ton, basketball, and tennis activities. , Due to pool renovations the swimming program will not start until Monday, July 12. Now Playing -- July 1 to 7 — Adult Entertainment Catering to Weddings, Luncheons, Banquets Etc. - Phorie 524-9371 or 524-9264 IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty - ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDER'S ?PFN DAILY 7 a.m. to, 10 p.m. Rn.an Fr::.'ay and Saturday • Until 12 Midnight GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE CAMPUS ACTIVITY TIME DAY PLACE Tennis • - 9:00 - 4:00 M.T.W.T.F. — Goderich Collegiate - Football g Campus b 9:00 - 12:00 . M.W.F. Goderich Collegiate Campus Soccer - 9:00 - 12:00 T.T. — Goderich Collegiate Campus•-- Softball - i:00 - 4:00 M.T.W.T.F. — Goderich Collegiate Campus �...�; 9:00 - 4:00 M.T.W.T.F: -=- Goderich Collegiate Campus GODERICH ARENA Badminton 9:00 - 4:00 M.T.W.T.F. - - Lacrosse � Arena , 9:00 - 12:00' M.T.W.T.F. — Arena GimesArena . ....•. ._T . 1:00- 4:00 M.T.W.T.F. • ._. _ ___.__ JUDITH GOODERHAM POOL - .a Basketball 9:00 - 4:00 SWIMMING LESSONS ,. • . 9:00 3:00 Crafts and NaStudy ture .. 9:00 - 14:00 00 ADULT SWIMMING 7:00 - 9:00 ' PEN SWIMMING 1:00 - 9:00 1:00 - 9:00 3:00 - 5:00 7:00 - -9:00 M.T.W.T.F. — M.T.W.T.F. — Saturday — MYT.W.T,F. — - T.T. — Saturday — Sunday" — M.T.W.T.F. — M.W.F. ' — N.B.• There is a 10c -charge for open swimming for children and 25c for adults. Color 1. Admission: Adult. ,$.L.00.,_,.S.tudents 60c, Children Under 12, ,35c The year's outstanding James Bond stgry. Two shows nightly at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Starring Sean,Connery, Gert•Frobe and Shirley Eaton THURS., FRI., SAT. — JULY 8-9-10 Walt Disney's Special Drama Fantasy "The Three Lives of Thomasina" - In Color In which a girl and her cat shape a family romance Patrick McGoohan, Susan Hampshire and Karen Dotrice"• Coming: "The Pleasure Seekers" Ann •Margaret Adult Entertainment ° - SUNSET DRIVE-IN' THEATRE• Highway No. 8 — A mile and a quarter east of Goderich PDX OFFICE OPENS AT 8 O'CLOCK Now Playing -- THURS., FRI., SAT-- JULY 1-2-3 • "Country Music' Holiday" and "The Slave" MON.; TUES., WED. — JULY 5-6-7 Adult Entertainment George Manaris and Janette .Comer Take us to the South Pole for a sprightly comedy "Quick, Before It Melts" Color Plus a 3 Stooge Comedy and other shorts THURS., FRI., SAT. — JULY 8-9-10 Cindy Carol and James Darren "Gidget Goes To Rome" Plus Edrhund Purdom in "Fury Of The - Pagans" Both Pictures In Technicolor Perhaps we sometaime:, forget that July 1st commemorate Confederation. Each year we mark the birthday of our nation. Through the 98 years Canada has seen stormy seas The adoption of a Canadian flag waq' a milestone in our history and while we may not agree even yet with the choice we should fls it proudly as Canadians. • For -the 98th time we wish each and ex t'.atadian A happy' birthday. Coming: "North To Alaska" John Wayne 26-27 Adult 'ntertainment SHOPPE