The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-06-24, Page 2„The Stpalr.Star, 'hiws4ay• Jane 24th, 1965 it • • THE UNVEILING (.'ottlrty t'ul1Ill'il took I'ee•ess from its J*1,114, -411,..# lit le 'cer- emony at Iiuron Pioneer Mu eulil, the. un- veiling of a plaque 'on � 1 1 i t�'C new thele. The words thereon made known that -the buildiunghad bt:Nll clunated tt�\J VV J: II Neill, for many years and until recently • ,ei rater• of the museum. The present cur- ator, James Chisholm, aptly condensed the story of those years in a statement that the museum was "built by long hburs,an(1 hard ':work". Apart from what might he u considered his duties as erator, Mr. Neill Workingconstructed a great number of Working models of pioneer equipment and mach- inery, usually from materials --at' hand and without cost ext;ept his t„Atue. ry County c•ouneil, or at any rate the property eolllUlittee, evidently did not al- ways share his enthusiasm. At the cert'• nlorly on Wednesday of last week, he re- called that "the lot; house was a real fight. the lueunit(tive was another, and a railway w < �.. ,� _....-,.�►•1-••car•1�1--1•t�--•��.►�r--„�-i•t�•lrr�tt�--tt-1•r•--r�f�t��t-: '-==-7T ()-u the other hand, the eoul.lty- has under way, as urged 11v lir. Neill serif: time ago, a large ttc-u-'torey addition which will pro- vide roomfor exhibit; that could Il,,; heretofore be aee('pt('d, OF A PLAQUE. .Casual visitors watehing the unveiling -of the -;plaque, in..4 -have . wa;a'ltierte'd -why the officeby building was "donated" IT:. Neill. The facts -are that M. Neill, while curator, several times placed before suer - Asir property committees the need'for an eu,t-ral.n-00 -44.4. I olfter a...... {H: _ eqt , g l` Y%l �, 1 1 �at�e-fo•r lar �, parties of visitors. The proposal was al- ways turned down, .and finally Mr. Neill obtained permission to have it built at his OW1i . The present `chairman of the 'property commit tee, deputy reeve Elmer Hayter of: Stephen, who presided at 'the unveiling ceremony, said: "This kl,uilding was ask - for several times; there was considerable discussion, as to whether or not it would take away from the museum building. 1 am quite sure, as we see it 'here, today, it adds to the beauty of the museum.” .Visitors who witnessed the i eremony may still wonder why, if the addition is to the satisfaction of council, it allowed the bill to be paid by the plan who spelt so l itig- --•ni settnt-- de.,eribed as best in the province. Ofcuilrse, as the warden said,``ishe occ- asi(>11 afforded an opportunity for honor- ing Mr. Neill, whom he called "creator of the lull-etlnl." • WHAT'S THE REMEDY? ,'\ ening on the Square sa\v' 11O repel It .,4(11 ut the previous Sunday's rest- less demonstrations by a certain group _tit .tee11-:1 rfrs 'Namur had it that them: NV,(111d be. The l)ol',e(' - dispersed ieniau;traliull ,. u2.. u..1id.a.v-. e 1,:1, rletu,adly-wig-s,, ;1 cit-(• o -Much ado about nothing." We .do not think for a moments that teen-agers today are any w6rse or any better than they were. years ago. Today, it is the custori of youths t.> "t.';:1 racing around the Squat e Sunday evening its . ears in a devil -may- ----eare manner which due.s not contribute to good traffic conditions. But we can pro- duce evidence that youths did the same thing many decades ago'— only in buggies drawn by lively horses. Old tiles of The Huron Signal carry such stories. It sim- '-ply means that the youths want to let off s eana 1 it, - have to be checked now. and then, today just as they were check •ed back in the horse and buggy day:s.:, cipline of adults, even when the. former re- alize that the intentions of the latter are • well meaning. But among groups 'of youths are sometimes found one or two irrespon- sible ones: They=' sometimes influence their friends into doing things that the, latter would not ordinarily do. They become harmful, prodding leaders of-.unealled- 1, Be Careful : With _ the July 1st holiday coming up '1'}111r,t1<'ly and the furthcoulin/ st1111ruer hu:- int'iay week -ends there will llesahe usual rash of fatal I '('id('llts :-tcross ('anatlii. May you ,_exercise ; i1• ilnlr,ltllt of eitlll ion nre(_led t-� , 0011 I! 11/ casualty lists, 'Phis t'an I/0 Wt11, by" 1111„'1'vlllg the till'('(' (''s Ol' Safi' (lI'l�'ill'"', 11:11110'ly : (s'at'e: C011rtesy; (_0111- 111011 Sets, , .1>r ;,, yi(11 l:• ata Il((1'111i11 ,peed, Th, basic ,1 tn;ge,t' i; ill driving' at variance with existin7 traffic ,onditi(0 -. Impatience 'kills more auto travellers thiol is generally- 1)el0 ve(l. • .fir;,lt illy correct side w.vhen passing another vehicle. Never stop OV the pavetneiIt : push your ear over, on the shoulder of t road as quirkly•as possible. Do not pick up any hitch hikers. Sfart your trip back home EARLY: Those operating pleasure boats can soairo a long list of precautions -to take for Safe operation. They would be well advisers to read t booklet "Safety Afloat", is4slged by the Department of Transport, Ottawa, and available throughout the Province at many service stations and tourist inform- ation booths. happy- holiday; and take it easy! for actions, thus giving a grouts' of teen- agers an over -it'll publics image for bad whit'll they do not deserve. • The basis of the recent- trouble.is. San he what some teen-agers claim to he an tlnneessal' - stopping_ by pollee of ear's , driven by youths in order that the cars might be searehed. If the police are wrong in their tactics, then something should -be d011e t0 l•(T1'reCt the Situation. however, we believe that a satisfactory answer will be given Thy police authorities to the police -eoliimiSsiiii at -The iiext nieef"i ig orthe latter body. It might be well if 'a` press release were available of this explanation in order that the youth's cowl=d realize• that there are two sides to- every story. Thinking youths would` then be in a pos- ition' to get the proper perspective. But for thatj ve F:.sma11 xtii oxlty � , aantdiaeip- fined youths who -would ignore any ex- planation no matter what it might be, lna �b_e th}ere _should be some_ set-up where- by they would be obligated to take a year's compulsory service in the 'army — where .discipline is rigidly taught. We do think that -a small number of youths do feel an unexplainable strong need for something - and don't exactly know 'what it is' --•- w-hen all the time it is just some good -old-fashioned discipline. We Read That_. The Editw.. of The Cis. Ent-ei�p`rise. wrote as follows, editorially, on a matter wili(•11 massy weekly 'newspapers readily re(utrllize : "WE' GET the darndest re- quests. 'I1iel•e w1'a4 a letter in the mail the other day in whieli a lady in an Ontario city asked tis to send a certain copy- • of I'ht_' Enterprise. We Nvere alst5 asked to fiend a bill, and were assured that it yr'((uld• be paid. Since the paper sells for 10e, don't know why she didn't enclose a dime with the letter. Ii has been said that it. .costs 15e to send out an account, sc, We Nvotlltln t make-much-rnoney_oir1the dual. "PEOPLE JUST dont think in these matters. We had a telephone call, asking us to send the paper .for four weeks, and theii to hill the, firm. 'We explained that this ol.lid be nothing but a nuisance. \Ve wand have to address the paper for four «-ecks, ...slay postage; 'hen send 'a bill fort 4()e. C'hanees are t'11ey would send us -a cheque and it Ivould cost us 15c or 25e to cash it. ,We did ,this once before, and, as we said at the time,- we are still hold- illg the tfheque, wondering whether to pay the bank 25c exchange in order to get. Vic for ourselves." ! V li j ��ia T% A=nti,,:.. 1(l t t, . •,-X /, �ssages From THE GODERICH .MiNISTERIAII ASSOCIATION THE,, IOI,Y TRiNIT ,� -B Rev. A. Vold uis xi i e. Y Ia s int 4i Church, Dungannon It is true that the word Trin- ity is nowhere to be found in °the Bible. But it is even more true that the Bible teaches us that... _ Gad V Three in One and One in Three; Or to be more 'precise: God re- veals Himself as such in His Word, the Bible. It is in obed- ie ce to that Word that the Church confesses with the Apostles Creed, "I believe in God, the Father And in Jesus Christ, His Son And in the Holy Ghost." There are voices today which proclaim that this doctrine is quite unintelligible and irrelev- ant. As to the first, one is bound to agree. The Church father, Athanasius, who .com- posed a .rather elaborate Creed on this particular matter, did not presume to have "licked the problem," but chose for its title the words "Form of faith and confession." St. Paul, the great apologist (defender) of -the-.Gl stian--faith-spoke--of-ten- and in various ways of "the mystery of our religion." And theoet Gellert 'wrote words which all of us might well adapt when it comes to the mysteries of the faith, "When I this wonder contem- plate My ,spirit doth in reverence wait: It worships 'as it vjews this height— The love of God ,is,iiinite." This is confession, this 1S -Wor- ship, because of, and In re- sponse to, the mystery. Even such, a simple (?) matter as the Love of God must forever re, main a. mystel;y to us "I -know: ndt, why:Cod's-wonder- . bus brace To in 1e hath made knwr},. :Nor why unworthy --,Christ in ' love Redeemed me for His own.‘ I know not how this saving faith To me He did impart, 'Nor how believing. in His Word Wrought peace • within my heart. But I know Whom I have b lieved." The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is unintelligible. But at the same time: a God ex- plained and understood is no God. Many a time I do not understand myself; how shall I understand Him? Yet,1 believe, simply "Because the Bible tells -lane---so-'------I•rls-1•ike-�a--t�read of gold through the Book, and I cannot get away from it. Each time I witness Baptism I hear the solomn words, "In the Name of the Father and the Son and the . Holy Spirit." And each Sunday I pronoulce, pr hear the words of the Benediction, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." Unintellig- a ANN. LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I am 42 years o , preplan an. cou • n be. -happier.- -. -Please- tell me- why gs wy our friends and relatives are doing their best to make me feel like an object of pity. Our oldest daughter is 21. When I confided that I was ex- pecting - a baby she gasped, "I hope the change of life is play- ing tricks and you're not really pregnant. I woudn't know what -to- tell 13cly friends." My mother, Who is 64, said, "What happened? Did you drink too much at one of those -country- .czlub---dancesV's- amazed that she would make such a crude remark. - • One friend groaned, "What a rotten break at your age!" When I said we were thrilled she look- ed at me as if I was crazy and replied, "Well, I certainly ad- mire your courage for putting on such a good act." . What shall I say to these needle artists?—BEWILDERED AND -TONGUE-TIED. Dear B. and T.: I don't see why you have to say anything more than "hello" and "good bye" to these clods. And the er you can—..space these words, the better. - * Dear Ann Landers: Summer is here and '1•' am hating.it. The' reason—our swimming poolis attracting folks we haven't seen since last summer, when we put in the 'Pool. What can we do about the clods who appear in bathing -suits as if we invited them? Their youngsters walk into our home ana use our bathroom and telephone. They open the refrigerator - and help them- selves to cold drinks and snacks, Once upon a time only the wealthy had pools. These peo- ple also had servants and all the trimmings. But things are different today. We are people of modest means, and we can't furnish maid service and re- freshments to the entire neigh- borhood Furthermore we built the pool for our own en- joyment; and not as an accom- modation for everyone who feels like coming over. Is there a solution to this problem?-- STYMIED Dear Sty: Yes. But i1• takes nerve. 'hell the free -loaders that the pool has become a problem because too many people are showing up uninvited. Sample: "From now on we are going to ask only a limited number of guests at any one time.. We'II be ca l lirg- you -some *Dear Ann Landers: 1 am writing about a friend who has been like a sister to me. We grew up-` together arid I've always done -things •for her that she couldn't do for herself. The woman is not handicapped, she is last incompetent and unimaginative. I'm an excellent cook. My friend can't boil an egg. For years I have done the cooking when.. ale „has i dinner mart les. - Whenever, a guest cone. established 4'ry I rib rte 'ignat-tar 118th Year of 1848 Publication --Q-- The County Town Newspaper of Huron —Q— Published at Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by Signal -Star Publishing Limited GEO. L. ELLIS, President R. G. SHRIEK, Vice -President and Publisher and Advtg. Mgr, S. F. �U1., . Plant Supt. Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A., C.C.N.R., and A.B.C. OSubscription Rates --- y4 a year. To U.S.A., $5 (In Advance) ti •� i Authorized as Second . Class Mail, Post Q �t ce DDept,... . +� •ti .� .� -._ ..... _ Ottawa , nd for Payment -of, Postage in Cash: o ( ABC • ments on the delicious chicken ible perhaps, but by no means irrelevant. It. _i , of tho..utmost importance indeed that we know that we are saved by, grave, that we are :the children of God by .,faith, and that we may enjoy his fellowship, care aPcLi kotect 04 r9m..daY4Q _d , Indeed, . our salvation isi.in- tirnatety bound up with. this God, Who ' has revealed Hfncl- self as Father, Son, and- Holy Spirit; This is more than' mere doctrine: it is Gospel: Good News! '`For God (the Father) so loved the w9rld, that He gave His only begotten ---SON, that whoever believes (through the Holy Spirit) in Aim, should not perish, but have everlast- ing life." Apart from this God there is neither salvation, com- fort nor hope, for it is He alone Who dwells in the high and Holy place and with those who are of a humble and contrite heart; Lord Qf heaven and earth, yet He is not far from each of us. Look 'to Him all the ends of the earth and be saved. - et--a-1-i-the---people praise Him: Glory 'be to the Father, and to - the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever, shall be, world without end. Amen. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir: . - This is an open letter to a .small -group -of -narrow-minded people in this fair village of Dungannon. - Recently a girls' softball team was, organized and- two -mothers with eleven small children be- tween them are endeavoring to coach and manage these girls. As a means of raising money these same girls took part of their free school ..time to print `f•aflle tickets for a lawn chair or e me -in-you -mou . e - sert;- shh` replie , s° 'hank: you. " Not once has' she given me credit for anything. I made her living room drap- eries last fall and it was a big job. When her cousin raved about the draperies, in my pre- sence, she said, "Yes, they are lovely, aren't they?" . Wouldn't you think she'd be ashamed ;d--lie--yetrr-'views —SECRET HELPER. - Dear. Secret: 1 feel,,sorry for a person who will take credit for something she doesn't de- serve. She certainly can't en- joy it much. If you've been. close friends for many years she must have some redeeming qualities. So dwell on those and overlook her pathetic in- adequacies. • s * - Arin Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of The Goderich Signal -Star, en- closing a stamped, self-address- ed envelope. While attempting to sell -these tickets the above mentioned 'People simply told them we have enough chairs. I think that is a poor example of in- terest shown towards keeping these teens off the streets and giving them something to do. These same people are the ones • who sit back on their ex- eess_chairs an r ;teenage boys roaring around on their motorcycles. Yet do they try to support any cause teens might undertake? i„do.ibt-filar any' ortl`ie abs people will read this as they probably are too cheap to ' pur- chase a paper; If anyone wishes my name please contact the editor. FUMING.' Miss-.horinda Harrison spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I:. Harrison. Miss Harrison is employed ,at the head office of F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd., Weston. She has. been attending " Goderich Business d enm lain of the 55 Vears Agro,,-,,••• 11''910 • periment with putting oil on the streets: to lay the dust. Cost of the oilwas to be 31/2 cents per gallon delivered at Gode- rich in 7,000 gallon tank cars. John McPhail, son: of Donald McPhail. night watchman at the Rig Mxi, was drowned in Gode rich Harbor. It was believed he fell off the railing Qf the steamer, -A. D. Hayward. , The .steamer Greyhound ar- rived at G derte it about 800 .,.e...i - 9 .._>1...�.r v..__. pope aboard and took a large number of Goderich peo- ple out on a moonlight crttisle. The cruise was • sponspred ° by The • Goderich Musical Society,. who sold 1,200 tickets. 35 Years •Ago -1930 Mary Parsons, daughter of Mr. and IVirs. ' G. L. Parsons, graduated frbni McGill Univers- ity and was appointed instructor in physical training at Alma College, St. Thomas. Victoria Home and School Club met with Mrs. C Robert- son as chairman. Masters Jack Cutt and Harold Young answer- ed all questions put to them. Misses Catherine Burton and Irene Bowman and Masters Har- old Young and Jack Cutt pre- sented a musical selectioo. Mas- ters John and Nelson Carrick gave a duet. Mrs. J. McNevin and Tom McDermott wen first prize at a mixed lawn bowling tourna- ment here, Mrs. Chas. Black and Robt. Johnston placed sec- ond. en or $ 15 Years Ago -1950 Rev. L. H. Turner of Victoria Street United Church preached his farewell sermon before leav- ing for his new charge at New- castle, Ontario. Arnold Wettlaufer and his Personal , - --Recent. visitors at., -the- home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McGuire this past week were Mr. and Mrs. W. Preston, St. Thomas, and Mr. and 'Mrs. J. D. Clifford, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs: Stuart H. Henry, son David and, -daughter Gail, o VITicouver,-are visiting rs. Stuart M. Henry .and Mrs. A. J. Cooper. College during the past year. ADDITIONAL °LETTERS • TO THE EDITOR ON PAGE SEVEN FOR THE BAR -B -C) — LEAN MEATY PARE RIBS Ib.43c • LEAN PEAMEAL BASK BACON; lb. in' nesse E CT AT S P.H(.14...E...._ .. YeajiA GodeiJick "The -Wincatdine Arms" (hotel, "near the wharf of =Godenuch," was opened by H. iMar+iton. it advertised good accommodation foe travellers-,. tstabling, etc; Also that; The palaket, Mary Ann., (wall leave 'Gbderieh,• (wind ,and weather ,petnniii1ta'ntg) regularly twice a week fbr the Kincardine Set- - V1e ntt,,-_.-For-treight-or'-tpns,'_ sage apply to Capt. Rowan at the Kincardine Arris. Fr son, Robert, five, lost their lives when their "amphibious plane sank of Goderich harbor after a bumpy landing. Mrs. Wett- laufer was rescued by "Skip" MacDonald. R. W. Bell was appointed governor of Huron County Jail, succeeding the late J. B. Rey- nolds. - Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron, confirmed 26 candid- ates at Christ Anglican Church, Port Albert. 10- ¥e r1; y sc~ i9S s 1ps G.exatitxs were app, - ac Wayne Stewart, Ronald M Peter ]Lierman, Marilyn Andrew Straughan tivas pointed a temporary poli ce for the summer •Iltprtths rtell. - .. , Gary Munday, nine, ss Mr. and Mrs. John Monday!; feted a broken 'right leg mishap at the _Kinsmen Playground,• One Year Ago._..1964 Armed with a list of tioners, ratepayers conviu;. Town Council not to extend further the trailer caro Harbor Park. More than 1,300 attend` two-day Open House DRMCO. St. Paul's Anglican Ch Dungannon, was preparing observe' its 100111 annive on June 28. Lightning struck the e,',,,' of the residence of Mrs, Gower on -the V.L.A. subdi a mile east of. Goderich, age amounted to $300. D I. D. A. DRUG - STORES "OLD TYME" VALUES SALJune 21 to 26 Real Old Time Value and Saving!. I.D.A. BRAND TOILET TISSUE At the 2 for 29c regular price 8 rolls would be 1.16. ,Get them for half that = SAVE 58c • BUY -4 ROLLS GET 4 FREE 8 ROLLS 58c BELIEVE IT OR NOT! 100 A.S.A. 5 grain Acetylsalicylic Acid Stock. Up Now and Save ONLY 14C I.D.A. BRAND ENGLISH STYLE HEALTH SALTS 1 -pound tin — Regular 79c SPECIAL -6 9c I.D.A. BRAND HEAVY GRADE MINERAL OIL 16. -oz. Bottle - Regular 690 SPECIAL - '5 3c HIGH QUALITY SACCHARIN 4 GRAIN — I.D.A. SPECIAL 100 13c TABLETS Drop into your I.D.A. Drug S1 ore today; see the many more Specials on Aispiay REGULAR 29c — 400's 2.ply, SNOW WHITE -FACIAL TISSU4, 2 for 49c SPECIAL — 36";x 60" Heavyweight Terrycloth BEACH TOWEL 1.88 .REGULAR 1.25 BAN DEODORANT 99c REGULAR 35c EACH --I.D.A. BRAND NYLON BRISTLE TOOTH BRUSH 3 for 89c SPECIAL MARATHON GOLF BALLS - - .. , , - 2 for 88c SPECIAL — MADE.. IN CANADA "VICEROY" • BATHING CAP 66c REGULAR 51c • MODES'S 12's 37c , • WE DELIVER EMERSON'S DRUG STORE CORNER WEST STREET & SQUARE 524.9211 145. Danai Ca E) ALIF W doz( s uper HOI (R0! EXGEt: MEAT) SUPER Jane P, Rhuba Fancy DEL A White COTI ANN r