HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-06-10, Page 5Ins. 14 ars. r couple asse.ssio 24.9641 •304 a`r rQ t heat apo local " 524-814 .41E 1,64.414 1, for pI11 -22 ted TED tool A tenter tr se r for effect.' ations G recr know, wieft Ix is `enders'' 4 nt+ LIC,A.TI()NS, will bQ receiv- y Goderich Township School,, a Board for Caretaker at nesyifle_ rams ool, 9 consisting 1 class rooms, p1 '°` 4 •' w Duties to commence July 1965. Please state salami ected. For further particu- contact the undersigned. owest or any applicant not essarily accepted. Appiica- k butt on e an the hands of o before June 15th, (Signed) Jack Tebbutt, Chairman, R.R, . No. 2, Clinton, 4nt. 4-22-23 16. Public Notice • I WILL not 'be responsible for any 4lebt4: in&urred, by. -Marion Thorneloc from dais date ori. James --C. Thorneloe; td g • Wt7(e cc go eady em 5ua1 Nos »ed. Cajj tion, and pool required o Box •23.3 rain aat pply Bed .23 orto rz 10p; Ap1ll tatus, et, gnal-Stat -+6 '0 A BIC ODAY Lllt treal, I rested u Rawlei�l IEE Cool gue rtid ,GRAPH» tial. Ap Auctio ���--,.n- �_. ales._. ({TION SALE of house old cts„ in the town of Goderich, ner of Nelson and North et, residence ,of former Mrs. redith Graham, on SATURDAY, JUNE 12th at 1 p.m. hesterfield and chair; 2 Lazy chairs and matching stools; asional chairs; walnut tables; cttric lawPs; mirrors; rocking tee; c and table ecord and e 4 1 tree; us; 3 mantel clocks; maga- e rack;typewriter •table; i • idaire n A-1 condition; flat 4 -burner electric stove; dow screens; Connor washing chine; tool box; baby 'buggy; Vs bicycle; antiques, walnut commercial electric floor Usher; lawn chairs; garden Is; garden hose; , sealers; ded glass window crocks; ing equipment; .22 automatic e, .22 repeater, ,22single of gun, all like new; box as - ted ammunition; utility table; spool bed; dining -room airs; 2 metal beds; mattresses d springs; . studio couch; 2 is skis; books; 2 lawn mowers; ft. extension ladder; used ick; dog house; kitchen uten- s; electrical appliances; na. Other articles to num- ous to mention. TERMS—CASH. Mrs. W. A. Crawford, Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. ` Georbg o -Powell, -Clerk__ -22-2a Services ..Available__ STOM application of anhyd- us ammonia for field crops, lone 524-6309. -23-26 NTOURS is Canada's largest ' d most experienced operator escorted • and independent days -in. or ineraca. To e sure your holi�l be a ccess and for the ultimate in alue ana best in service go y SUNTOUR. SUNTOURS is ponsored by Canadian Pacific. o obtain your 1965 SUNTOUR grogram call, 524-8141, your •cal C.P.R. station. -23 t Churd rio Wethal terich, nd safari •2241 LICENSED AUC'iIONEER. race Rathwell, ca•paible of sell - g -at -al -1 •t•- -off autien sales. For information, phone Clinton, 482 - 3384. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Iodern equipment,all work uaranteed. W rite Louis Blake, 2, Brussels. • Phone BrusSels W 6, 10-34x DAILY- CAR RENTAL. -us- • rates. McGI :'S - Goderich. Phone 524 - 8391: Take Notice That: 1. The council of The Cor- poration of -the -Town of (lode - rich intends to construct as a 1D,ea1---ix x4 em at .,a� _saMt»ar, sewer en Bayfield Road fro the South. Trunk SeWer to point approximately 400 feet North of Bennett Street and intends to specially assess apart of the cost upon the land abut- ting directly on the Work and upon the following land that is immediately benefited by the work. (Properties on both sides of Bayfield Road within the length of the sewer.) .2. The estimated cost of the work is $7,350.00. of which $3,- 245.00 is to be paid by the Cor- poration. The estimated cost per foot frontage is $2.18. The special assessment is to be paid in 15 equal annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is $0.217 cents. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to the On- tario Municipal Board forts, approval of the undertaking of the work and any owner may within 21 days after the first publication of this notice file with the Board his objection to the work being undertaken. 4. The Board may approve of the work being .undertaken, but before doing so it may ap- point a time and place when any objections to the work will be considered. . S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk. Goderich; Ontario. June 8th, 1965. FIRE extinguisher sales and re- charge servieb .on all typed.. e ctirguu:shers re•eharged satxie day received. Wla l an le tail agent -for C.O. Two and Pyrene extinguishers. 1f you need an extinguisher for the boat, ear, or home, for low- est prte s call or see 11. 0. Jerry Iitd., 34 Kir g., ton St., 524-9671. 19,21,23,25 la ar',i{`,;n. »Tia a n Kr,7117213, I). In Memoriam RUTL1 DGE.--In loving mem- ory of a dear father, James Wilmer Rutledge, .who passed* away June 16. 1962. If we had all th'e_ werlet too ,gi ry,�e „„ 'W'd give it, yes and more,' T o hear your voice, see' your smile, And greet you, at the door. But all . we can do, dear father, Is go and tend your grave; And leave behind tokens of love, To - the best father God ever made. —Ever remembered by daugh- ters, Donna and Beverly. -23 19. Lost And Found BROWN sweater, multi Italiarn knit, lost Saturday night on sidewalk between Oxford and Dings -tor:- Sts: - -Reward. -Phone 8850. -23 BLUE budgie bird lost Sunday, corner East and Victoria, Sts. Answers to , "Timmy." Phone 524-9014. -23 SOW wandered _ to premises of Russell Kernighan. Owner may have same - by-=pro-4ng ---ow • - ship and paying' expenses. 524- 9854. ' -23 C. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank, truck dealer for all Shell 011 Co. products. Phone 524 - 83 37t;f- SNELL.—In loving memory of a dear husband, father, and grandfather, John A. Snell, who passed away one year ago, June 12, 1964. We place the flowers on your grave, To thank you for the love you gave. Today, tomorrow, our whole life through, We will always- love and re- member you. —Lovingly remembered and sadly 'missed by his wife, Bar- bara and family. 23x E. Cards of Thanks AUSTIN.—I would like to thank my friends and relatives for cards, treats and visits while 1 was in .Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. R. Leitch, and the nurses and staff of First Floor East. Cyril Austin. Cards of Thanks, PARD.- I wish to • eXpre$s my Pen ,thanks- rto a *The. sent meflowers, ,.cards and td' at ho v itQ+d e- 1 my two weeks, in hospital. Special thaaiks to Dr. Voices • and Dr. Wallace, the nurses and their staff on second West and to Rev. Russell, Mrs. Thos. Park. -33 WIGGINS.--I wish to thank my friends for the beautiful flow- ers, cards, visits and treats, while a patient. In Goderich ,hospital Special thanks to Dr: J. R, Leitch, Rev. G. L. • Royal, 1VIrs. ' Hudson, the nurses and staff: . --Mrs- ...Jahies•:--Wiggirsr.. -23 WILKINS.—I would like to °take' t1ni5 opportunity to thank .all my friends who so kindly re- membered me in so man„ ways during my stay in Vic- toria Hospital. Special thanks to my relatives, Dr. J. R. Leitch, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton - Edward and staff of Edward Fuels. Vera Wilkins. -23 BAXTER.—We Would like to express our sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness - cxten'ded"--during- the -illness and passing of a dear"husband and father, for all the floral tributes, cards, loan of cars, alt -the -help in anyy. Spec= ial thanks torr. McGeough, Dr. Lambert; nurses and girls in green on first floor east and second floor west of Alex- andra Hospital, Rev. W. J. ten lloopen and . 1VIrs. ten Hoopen, Maitland Lodge, A,F. and AM, Royal Canadian °Leg- ton--a-nd----thee Lodge €u -neral home. The Baxter Family. -23 MUGFORD,--I would like to thank any friends and, rela- tives for cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was in hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace, the nurses and staff of Goderich General Hos- pital. - Wm. Mugford. 23 F. Engagements -. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stan- bary, Goderich, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Lois Noreen, to Mr. Jon C. Dannewald, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dannewald of Cal- gary. The wedding will take place on July 3, 1965, at 4 p.m. in Renfrew United Church, Cal- gary, Alberta. 23x Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert of Goderich wish to announce the forthcoming- marriage of their daughter, Sylvia Olive, to Mr. Bruce Arthur Johnston, son of Mrs. Mildred -Johnston and the late Arthur Johnston of Sarnia. The marriage will take place at Forest United Church, Forest, on June 26 at 2.30 o'clock. Both are graduates of University of Western Ontario. 23x • Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee, R.R. 3, Auburn, wish, to an- nounce the engagement of their Donna Pearl daughter, Do a , to Mr. James Meredith .layden,__SQ.11 e f Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Hayden, R.R. 1, Port Albert. The wed- ding will take place Saturday, July .. 10, ..1965, in. Nile .United Church at 7.30 p.m. " -23 q. Coming Events Graduation dinner, • Juan 28, Victoria Public Scholl, ',,'guest speaker, Rev. George Rouson, _Chaplain_ of Westminster - Col- lege, University of Western On- tario. ntario. Awards will. be ,given out. Parents and friends are invited to attend at 7.45 p.m. • -23 Maple Leaf chapter, IODE luncheon, June -12, has • been cancelled. Meeting and pot luck supper, June 22, at 6.30 p.m., at the summer home 9f Mrs. Wallace: -23 G. Coming Events PHOTO SY HARDEN STVD1O * * The annual Goderich Gradu- ate Nurses' Dance will abe - held on Friday, June 25th at the Harbourlite .Inn, with dancing 9.30 p,ni. to 1 a.m, to music of Ron Brown and his orchestra. Admission $4.00 per couple. For reservations phone 524-791,3. -23-25 June 16: Ham and Salad,, Sup- per, Holmesville United. Church, auspices U.C.W. Adults $1.25, children -12 and under 50c. • :23 Watch »for sepecial events on Salvation Army ..Day, Friday, June 25. -23 The regular meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, IODE, will be held at the home of Mrs. W. G. MacEwan, Albert St., Monday afternoon, June 14, at 2.30 p.m. -23 Harbourlite Inn - ACCELERATING 4.ACKPOT WEDNESDAY, JUN 16 Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club • KINGSBRIDGE. — His Excel lency, G. Emmett Carter, Bishop of London made his first visit to l St. Joseph's parish since he be- came Bishop of the London Diocese more than, a year ago. Joseph's, • ` Stratford; Rev. J. Mooney, Sacred Heart, Wing - ham, Rev. R. Moynahan, St. Peter's, Goderich. The candidates were: Kevin Austin, Lynn Austin, Ralph On Friday evening he admin istered the sacrament of con= firmation to 74 children and three adults. The candidates! were from St. Augustine parish,' St. Mary's in Lucknow as well. asSt. Joseph's, Kingsbridge. Din"her was served in the rectory prior to the service and 1 included among the guests were: j -Bishop G. E. Carter; his secre- tary, Rev.. G.. Blonde; Rev. R.1 O'Laughlin, CSB. from .De- troit Rev. E Garvey, Toronip: Rev. G. Thompson, C.S.B., Windsor:. Ret ,...Moss, vice -rector- of Regina'-Mune}i Seminary, London; Rev. J. Har-' per, Regina Mundi Seminary, London; Rev. J. O'Rouke, St. Austin, Marie Boyle,_ Marius-. Beyerberger, Daniel Boel, Linda Boel, Richard Boel, Laurie Chis- holm, Michael Courtney, Ursula Courtney, Gary Cour t n e y, \layne Courtney, Brian Court- ney, Mark Chisholm, Denise Dalton, Ann Marie Dalton, Ken- neth. Doherty, Kathleen Doher- ty, Donna Foran, Janice Foran, Peter Frayne, Paul Frayne, Mar- garet Frayne, ' Joane Hickey, Kathleen Hogan; Antta- -togan, T,eona. Rogan, Janette' -Hogan; Paun, Hogan, John Mogan, James Hogan, Francis Hogan, Michael Hogan,- 4-leany --Hendricks;. Joha- nna Hendricks, Joseph Hend- ricks, Elizabeth Hendricks, Gen- evieve Kinahan, Gerald Knoop, DUNGANNON DUNGANNON-=Mr. and Mrs. H. Eugene Sanson, East Tawas, Miichigan, recently - spent ten 'days with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Blake and family here and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick, Wingham. Maria Knqop, Arnolda Millen- Mr. Jim .Blake. Don Mills and Miss Ute Germann of Niagara berg, Antoni Miltenberg, Bern -Falls were on holidays last week and Miltenberg, Donald Millen- at the former's home and 6n berg, Marianne O'Keefe, Joseph Saturday were guests at the O'Keefe, Nancy O'Keefe, Bern- j Oyen-Bell wedding in Ottawa. and O'Neill, Dennist O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake and Barbara spent the weekend in Mary Louise O'Neill; Maria Van ;'Ottawa touring the city and the Rooy, Bernadine Van Rooy, Leo Gatineau area with Mid and Mrs. Redmond, Herman Reigling, Kenneth Brown and family and Barbara Reigling, Wm. St, Marie, ! Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Switzer, and Deborah St. Marie, Glenn Tig- were guests at their respective ert, Bernadus Van Diepenbeek, homes. At .the C h a t e a u Johanna Von Diepenbeek, Peter' L a u r i e r a, surpi;ise meet - Van Diepenbeek, Frank Van ing took place when Mr. Diepenbeek, Henrietta Van Die- John Martin of Maple, form- penbeek, Elizabeth Van Diepen- »erly_ of Crewe and Paramount beek, Adrianus Van Diepenp;' re. M Van Diepetfi, Pamela •Wildgen, was on acognized twCecilo-day tourr. of thMartine Joanna -Wild gen, -Michael-Wild-, ottita_.I,eg ice_ Noal, pu}ii-Is._of_ gen, Casey Wildgen, Christine his Thornhill area ,school. Wildgen. • --The--three - adults- we,re:---41r-; _ --1-- RERSON.&.. Carmen Hamilton, Mrs.. K. (Nan-, Mr. and Mrs. William Hoek, cy) Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Stanley, Ferndale, Michigan, are -visiting (Elizabeth) Doherty. ' their . friend, Miss Mae. Davies. HEINZ STRAINED BABY BABY FOODS , FOODS TO ALL PURCHASERS -OF NEW OQR. USED CARS nted -.n 'aide :hanicaill irly god s`CC tan thl1i a Sib .2111 d • HOUGII.1 AVON? tails. 451.0511 llson, 1 ,ondol -22-23,11 D Init , )emand es, gnats ARD 0 IN - • barns ;es, Res ,itals, b tdoors Adcocal neitt rROL, ve, io 2 feral) rd motor sidesa' reap' 157afl r fiirth CE Radio TV Servic . Frank ilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Gode- ich, , Ont. Phone 524 - 7771. ID BULLEN'S Cabinet Shop, ustom furniture, ,kitchen cup- oards, furniture `repairs. 184 15, Notice To Creditors 3a THE ESTATE OF MARY ELIZABETH HAYS, DECEAS- ED, LATE OF THE TOWN - SI -LIP OF TUCKERSII'VIYT,tI, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their accounts to the undersigned on or before the 14th day 'of June, 1965, after Which date t1h - sets will be distributed. DONNEILLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, So!iritor for the Estate. -21-23 VALUE $500 OR MORE - From -Dunn 3 to August 15 An Opportunity To - RED BRAND 401 . wlf3�; � y'�• . WINNER. OF THE PAIR OF TIRES WAS MR. KEN MORRIS R.R. 4 GODERI.CH . . .IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE BENSON STURDY All persons having claims again= st the estate of GEORGE BEN- SON STURDY, late of 122 Yose- mite Way, Los Gatos, California, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of October, 1963, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Re- presentative ofthe said deceas- ed. on or before the 26th day of one, 1965, full particulars of their claims. Immediiately af- ter the said date the ,said Per- sonal Representative will dis- tribute the assets of the said de, ceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice, Dated at Goderich this 28th day of May, 1965. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Goclerieh,. Ontario, - Administrator. By Hays, Prest Hayss 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, 'Ontario, Their Solicitors herein. -22-24 ling garde 1231a 16, Public Notice NEED a Mortgage? First and second mortgage. arranged through Harold W. Shore, Morn 414 HURON ROAD gage Broker, Mal 524 - 7272. -5td," 60. CHEF/' STATION WAGON BROOKWOOD- ` Four door six -passenger Brookwood. Six -cylinder, standard• transmission, radio. Mechanically good. As is , .. ' $999.00 61 'FORD FAIRLANE 500 Four door sedan. V-8 automatic with radio and in very good condition. As is .. . TOP VALU 20 -OZ. CHORE PEAS 4f°-69 TOP VALU 20-0Z. CHOICE Cream Corn 4 TOCP VALU 20-0Z. CHOICE Wax Beans 1f0r3 MacLARENS PLAIN SLICED 24 -OZ: ILLS 3for99c WESTINGHOUSE -25-40-60-100 WATT '. ULB5 6for 99 MOTHER PARKERS INSTANT 6 -OZ. PILLSBURY CHOCOLATE FUDGE Cake Mix IGA IC1 C E, 1/2 Gallons y . 1 -LB. BAG CHASE & SANBORN OUR»» CLEARANCE 15 IN FULL SWING ...New Cars Coming In Every Day -SAVE! All Flavors -= Funny Face Pre -Sweetened. RINKS 10for99 524-8311 CALIFORNIA 48's HOSTESS ,100 s TEA .BAGS �. MORTONS BEEF:CHICKEN TURK i : t'OZEN Pot Pies FROZEN RED Raspberries 2 for ►:, 9c FROZEN 12 -OZ. Grapefruit 4or49 HOT HOUSE Cucumbers 1,for 35