The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-06-03, Page 74 • A OFFERING TO THE FARMER... Comparative Pricing* On _BAG - BULK CUSTOM MIXED FERTILIZERS ALWAYS IN STOCK HERBICIDES PESTICIDES GRASS & GRAIN SEEDS FENCING MATERIALS & TWINE H.ARRlS.TON FE-RTILJ�ERfr PHONE 482-8133 CLINTON .41 AUMONTS DUICKS VAUXHALLS — GMC. TR UCKS 1t' __YOUR'_tPtR. HEAD (5CTART1RS SINGr1929 F�odhandler purvey 1 Set For Huron County Members of Huron Tubercul- osis Association were told by education chairman, G. A. Watt, that pamphlets and posters had gone out' to doctors' waiting rooms and industries in the county. The association met in Clinton when Dr. R. M. Aldis Dead Animal REMOVAL for dead and disabled animals call collect' Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. • Phone 482-7269, Clinton Dead animal licence number 350-C-65, - 4tf presided in the absence of the president, D. I. Stewart. Con- gratulatory and informativ&let- ters to secondary school gradu- ates are to go out, the board agreed, and "Clinical Notes" on respiratory diseases are going to hospitals in the county for doctors' and nurses' use. In the case -finding report, it was noted that as well ' as' regu- lar monthly referral clinics, the fdodhandler s uryey_ 1s _read,y _ to begin. , E. R. Knight, rehabilit- ation and social service chair- man, said financial assistance is being given to a TB patient. Plans were finalized for the an- nual meeting which was held •on May 31, 1965, in the Anglican Church, Seaforth. Dr. Neville Lefeoe, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of West- ern Ontario, was tl}• speak - Do Yourself A Good Turn Today. PICK THE ,YELLOW ROCKET from your meadows HURON COUNTY SOIL AND CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Cooking can be fun when you get the features youwant. 1foi-get-highesthadein-v-aluesiin your old-s#oNt: You get low prices and easy terms. Why else would you move up to anew gas range before Pune 12th? 1. ROTISS-O-BROIL. Notice how it's located at a convenient working a ft 2. ROTISSERIE SPIT rotates automatically for even roasting. '3. HIDDEN UP HERE IS A CERAMIC BURNER. It gives off radiant heat from above the meat for smokeless and spatter -free cooking. The meat is juicier and more tender. 4. BAKING OVEN. You use the w Rotiss-O-roil above for broiling and roasting. At the same time your„ spacious oven is available for baking. 5. THIS IS ALSO AN OVEN THAT STAYS CLEAN. Since you do most of your broiling in the Rotiss-O-Broil, the overt is free for casseroles and other "clean cooking" dishes. 6. OVEN PICTURE WINDOW. Watch your. cooking! . No more opening the door, peering in, losing heat control. And the door lifts off for easy oltaning! +:7%iv,Avyw`.yv •rx.,w, y; }�{.: {: {vh ♦ {1h •.: :0 n "r. 7. BURNER -WITH -A -BRAIN. This tiny thermostat in the centre' ins the exact tem erature • • • BUICK SPECIALS — PONTI Ready For ImmeIiate Deliver .4;' er, his topic being, "Research in Lung Disease Today t' • D. M. Rae, of Stratford, a director of Ontario Tuberculosis Association, spoke to the group in his capacity as a member of the Management Committee OTA. Mr. Watt will attend the annual Meeting in Toronto on June 7th. • • Dr: Neville Lefcoe of London addressed the annual dinner meeting of the Huron County Tuberculosis Association in Sea - forth on Monday. His subject was, "Research in L u n g Disease Today." .. -. • Dr. Lefcoe is a medical doc- tor from Vanderbilt University,' Nashville, Tennesee, and re- ceived his Fellow Royal College of Physicians in 1956. He has had extensive post -graduate study and experience in the Unifed States and Canada. At the present time, Dr. Le- fcoe is Associate Professor of Medicine. University of Western Ontario. His interests are large- ly concerned with -teaching of Pulmonary disease at the Med- ical School; managing the lung fu -net ion --lab3 atory st -victor„ Hospit2!, and 14„T"ious research problemE.% including the distrib- ution of bronchial disease in different` occupation groups in London, with ' regard to dust exposure in the "various occup- ations, and .the effect •of exer- ciise and body conditioning on lung function in normal people,, and in people with various • dis- eases DR. N. LEFCOE PORT ALBERT PORT ALBF'RT —The United Church Worsen islet at the home of Mrs. E. Adkins on Wednes- day- evening of last • week--with eleven ladies present. The pre- sident openedlhe meeting, with the theme "Cotiraeli" followed with prayer. Meditation was taken by Mrs. McKenzie stress- ing ,courage, --there being two kinds, physical and -moral. The roll call was, given. " Reports were read and adopted. Sid, sick and shut-in calls were-re- ported. ere.re- ported. Business -period follow- ed. . Chapter four or'the study book was read and discussed,by the ladies. The president clos- ed the meeting ,with prayer. A bake sale followed which prov- ed very - successful. The host- ess served a dainty lunch. .m &Sons Ltd. "Serving. The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario" PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH NURSES PLAN DANCE The May meeting of_the Godes rich -Graduate Nurses' Associ- ation was held at the home of 1VTrs. J. Evans with fifteen mem: : present. Final' plans were made for the, uce • Missdne Lauise Robertson. . Reg. N.; bers supervisodanr of the . Public ea-lth- Unit -for- Huron ---County, gave a very interesting talk describing the -\work of the Pub- lic TheHealth PtthUnit.lie Irealth Unit was established in Huron County in 1949. Miss Robertson explain- ed its program which is con- cerned mainly with maternal and child care; pre -natal visits to the expectant mother 'as well' as pre -natal classes, post -natal visits to the mother and her :baby `stressing to the mother the importance of regular visits to‘the doctor and immunization_ of the baby; pre-school visits to ensure irninunizatioh and pro- per care. The school prograincludes teacher -nurse ` m conferences, vis- . on tests, . • • ' . r e s an adolescent counselling. Mrs. Robertson stated that iminuniz- ation is one of their larger pro- grams. Mrs: B. Lui'hby, • president, thanked Miss Robertson for her. most informative and interest- ing talk. - Lunch was then served by Mrs. M. Baxter and, her com- mittee. + Business Directory + STILES AMBULANCE Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime - • DIAL 524-8142 IF IT'S Photography DIAL 524-8787 - :vu eigemelonsaasmoss (Moffat Gourmet model No. 60K275W) you select, making all your utensils automatic. 8. CENTRE SIMMER BURNERS. Each is two burners in one: a large double ring for superspeed heat and a tiny "keep warm" pinpoint ring in the centre. You can actually "fine tune" to any heat evel you need. 9.. FLUORESCENT LIGHT. Additional illumination on the ooking surfa1e when yo t need it... 10. COOK -AND -HOLD CLOCK. CONTROL gives you complete control over o your range.. When cooking is completed, oven temperature is automatically turned down to keep the food at serving temperatuie till you wish to serve it. 11. EXTRA BOILER. Separate broiler located beneath the baking oven gives, you exclusive "closed door" broiling for the flame -kissed flavour that only as can give. Because you_ get this FREE Dupont TEFLON heavy duty . Imo" skillet(including spatlid and u . • • Mr it See your gas appliance dealer, departmentstore, or Union Gas Company before June 12th. See how gas makes the big. difference.. REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes — All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Sauare Phone 544.8434 "The Store Tha Buiit" t Service Real Estate Agent ' RUTH VAN DER MEER DIAL 524-7875, Goderich Agent For WILFRID McINTEE REALTOR - Walkerton LODGE AMBULANCE SERVICE , "We are always ready" Telephone 524-7345 Alexander and Chapman GENERAL- INSl1RANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich . Dial 524-9662 A S i r STUDIO 1T8 St. David Street R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist ^ The Square 524-7661 p Butler, Dooley; Clarke & Starke Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 St. David St., 524-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf olfttis,,i0 ii.T 0ItrR A. HAR'PER ACCOUNTANT 55-57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONTARIO 524-7562 E N-J•O•�K �T-H-E-----F•iN-E�'�•�FQP IN 'TOWN i i' Chinese Food Our Specialty, ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS 3PFN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m Clain Fray and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The Esquire Resta u rent progressive Company • in a. progressive in•dus t 'y The Goder h Signal -Star, Thursday, June 3:rd, 1965 • SUGAR AND SPIT by Bill Smiley TIME HOBBLES.• ON I'll be 45 this week. It's one of those rather decisive birth- days, like 13, and 21 and 30. Only 10 yeare before I'll be middle-aged. A good time to- SUM osum up. .One thing' tha•t_strikes me is the amount of junk a fellow can col -lett in such a brief span. I came into the world without a stitch or a nickel. And in only four and :,00 -half decades, I have acquired a numberof stitches, about 400 nickels, a house with two mortgages,' a car ' with 12 payments to go, "two teenagers to put through uni- versity, and a wife, currently talking up the •gloies of an automatic. dishwasher.. Not to mention a houseful of furniture that's all due to be replaced, a basement full of empty beer bottles, a toolshed tull of rusty tools and broken bicycles, and an attic fun of -black„-squirrels. But I have no complaints about life. I was the runt of the litter in our family, and I've' grown into . a magnificent physical specimen, towering five foot eight on hot days, and tipping the scales at a strapping 138 in my winter overcoat. And what a beating that meagre machine has taken in 45 years! I've been sea -sick and •-S:icyano..laize:si.ck.„-...,L'-v~e ol.l- ed over in a car, crashlanded in an aircraft, and smashed into a steel brigge at top speed on my bike: I've been' beaten into unconsciousness by a gang of Germans, and hit withevery- thing from a telephone to a plate of roast beef by my wife. Yet there's hardly a scratch on me. ' Outwardly: I've broken fingers and toes GORDON T. WESTLAKE 44 Phone 60R2, Bayfield SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA and nose (three times). had hemrmorhoids and hang• overs. I've had my scalp laid open by a hockey stick and a horseshoe: I've had measles and mumps and TB and the trots, scarlet fever and bursitis and pink eye and dysentry. *..: And yet, amazingly, the old carcass presses on. Sight and • - hearing are sound as a bell though smelling is gons tom- pletely. ' Appetite is unimpair• 'ed, and the old guts can handle anything but broken glass. Hair and teeth are thinning and have changed color, but are still or- iginal models. * * * " Endurance isn't what it used" to be. I couldn't run- 200 yids max; tat top speed if the devil him. self were after me, with- a red- hot pitchfork. But he rarely chases. us Sunday School Meath; _"; ers, so why worry? :t• it: x: • I can still -,swim a few bund If red yards, and tramp— stream or golf course .half a dozen miles a day. I'can still" sit up all night and argue about' politics or women or religion. - rl h' 1 can still get excited abo an idea or a song or a pop or a play. 1 can still thrill the sight of a beautiful bro< or a big fish, :or a full moi or a bluebird or a bonfire. * :i: * I enjoy loafing and hard work, chess and dry martinis, thund V morin-s-'a"n tfees,oa"movies' and little children, old friends and new clothes, though not necessarily in• those combina- • tions.. :ravesichrdson -4 $: * Not bad for an old 'Chap, eh? Please don't think I'm braggit g , What I'm doing is singing a paean of _thanksgiving for my own good^ luck, anda note of consolation for you birds who, are creeping up on 45. * * :9 • A lot of people burble, "If I • could only live it over, knowing what I do now." •Not me. wou • n t tra • e my c r - hood, romantic, shy, imaginative, for any I've seen since. The thrill of sports as a teenager; falling in love -half a dozen tithes; first job, an a steamboat; university and ideas and new friends; air force_and kicks as. a fighter pilot; .prison camp and hunger and good talk; marriage and kids; weekly newspaper editor; high school teacher. And be hanged if a fellow did- n't offer me an interesting new job just last week. - 1.. • Nossir. r've had a ..good run. And I'm going to keep right on running.' When I'm 85, I want to he known in the nurs- ing home as, "That old devil, 'Smiley, who pinches your bot- tom every time you walk past his wheel -chair." F : st rail ser RIM to 0417, To rQRONTp_pNE WAv 400 WIIITE FAQ DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Daily except Sunday LEAVE GODERICH ARRIVE STRATFORD LEAVE STRATFORD ARRIVE TOROAITO 12:20P.M. 1:35 P.M. 1:55 P.M. 3:55 P.M. Convenient connection to Montreal, Atlantic Provinces. Low rail fares. For information phone your 'local C 1V Sales Office: • E CANADIAN NATIONAL