HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-05-13, Page 6With .a goad rea)resentati'on Of the u emwbersb,ip present, the Maple Leaf dhapier, LO.D.E., convened at the home of Mrs. H. M. Ford,' with the .regent, 1VIrs. A. M. I3aiver, in the chair. The flag was presented. by the sta'rrdardbearer, Mrs. R. Brad- ford. • 4 An invitation from Little Falls Chapter, St. Marys, to attend their Antique Tea on May 1.7 w.a$ extended to the Maple Leaf ° Chapter. YERBURG — The marriage of Gysabertiva Ma: ie Oskam and Jacobus Ver- Jru,•g was . solemnized in the C:,h.iartian .1 • au •. . Clinton, on April 23, with Rev. G. J. Heersink officiating for the double -ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Oskam, 4:R. 2, Godefich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johannes Verburg, R.R. 1, Auburn. Chris Guetter presided at the organ. The bride, rniven in marriage, by her father, chose a floor - length gown of . white nylon ,over taffeta. The fitted bodice featrured a scooped neckline embroidered with lace, and el- bow-ierLgth sleeves. Nylon .roses accented the back waistline and the full skirt swept to a chapel train. A pillbox headpiece held her shoulder -length veil of silk illusion and she carried a bou- quet of red roses. Miss Ena Oskam was maid oi ®honor wearing a dress of pink and white nylon over taf- feta. The pink bodice was sleeveletss, with a scooped neck- line, and the white skirt fell softly from box pleats at the 'waistline. She wore a white velvet ' bow headpiece caught with veiling and carried a bou- quet of white carnations. In sirnilaf ensernfbles were the bridesmaid, Miss Matthea Os- kam, and the junior bridesmaid, PHOTC` SY R. J. NEPHEW OSKAM Miss .:Wry lane °skarn. - Grow -ILA -min was Tony \'er- burg, R.lt. 1, Auiburn, and ush- . _ . • _ • • karxr.--I1.K.- 2 Goderich, 'and Martin Wilts, R.R. 1, Londe.iboro. The reception followed in the church hall where the gut,sts were reeceived by Mrs. Oskasn in a navy blue jacket dress with white lace collar and cuffs, white accessories and a cor- sage of white carnations. The groom's mother chose a green linen suit with matching blouse, white accessories and .a white carnation corsage.' For their wedding,trip to Niagara Falls, the' 'Mae' don- ned a •peach colored suit with white accessories and a coi'sa e of, white roses. They wilt reside at .R.R. 1, Auburn. PERSONAL .Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Murphy of Mount- Forest visited on Sun- day with their sop, Dan Murphy,, and Mrs. Murlphy,- Glcuaceslrer Terrace. Visiting also were Dan Murphy's 'two brothens, Tom of Kitchener and Frank of London, . totice of' the national anruua arresting, .I.O.D.E., to be ieid in Winnipeg in 1VIay 'w•as .con- veyed by the regent to the members. • Also from h ea d - quarters come the ruling that wherever the Union Jack is pre- sented the Canadian flag is to 'be displayed at its side. Plans were made for a lunch- eon uncheon to be held on Saturday, June 12, at which time Mrs. Hugh B. McMahon of London, vice-president of Provincial Chapter will address the meet- ing. Stimulating reports were de- livered by the two delegates to the . Provincial Annal:al__Conven- 'Hon held in Hammon in April: meetinfg. Mrs. B. Ainslie; stated that speakers at the convention stressed the neceLssity for bil- ingualism in all of Canada. Mrs. G. McManus referred mainly to the work being done Eby the in educational Ileitis with emphasis on Indian and Eskinw areas: . Mrs. J. Remington,, •member- shilp $ convener;•---i•ntrodueed' new member, Mrs. W. Ratluburn., who took her affirmation and Was wetcomed into the chapter by - the-- regent --and- _.members. present.` . Arra ng_eunents wereepi for a coffee paartyfor wan- adians to follow tizenship Court ori May 26. AUBURN*. -- An executive meeting of ' the' Auburn; Horrti- eulbural Socieitty was held in the P.ublic Library room with the president, Mrs,. Wes Bradnock, in charge. The minutes were approved as read by the secre- ;tarr, Mrs. Lloyd Huxnphre rsS The' corresPQndeaee was... ead and the letter from the Holland Glory .Bulb Company stated that all orders fpr fall, ranting bulbs must be in ;„by AuguiSt '20th. Plans were made to 'try and get a bus load to . go to the O.H.A. annual meeting. on June 17 and 18 at Guelph. A letter requesting ' the history of the A Ways and Means conmii�ttee society for a eenrtetulial project is to be convened by Mrs. R. was read. Mas. Charles Straugh- Huglhes, assisted by Mrs. Q. Ellis with tentative plans for an interesting summer event. Mia. C. Edwwdpoured coffee for refreshments prepared by Mrs. J. Davison and Mns. W. McKellar. Mrs. J. W. Wallaee thanked the hostess for the use of her home and the National Anthem brought. to a close - the_May be asked to' prepare this ° his- abory,® Mzs, Bert Craig, treas- urer, gave the 'i naaria al state- ment.' Miss Diane-lcirkconhell was agihr hired t- cut the grass on the Maz hater Garden. Plans were ii'ade for the diff, ferent After beds in the yil- legeand coml .itteesyvere set up. Ui!ss Margaret R. Jackson and Mnss. Robert 3. Phillips were ?na d:.4.,c,,o ,mIto/a•-to-dram/ i;Lp..a- schedule for the care . of the Manchester bed. during the sum- mer months. pians, were made Vo repair the A,wbu?rn, letters at the eastern approach to the village and Mrs, Bent Craig, Mrs. Robert "Ttu-ner, Mrs. Rob- ert J. Phillips, Mrs. Ed. Davies an and Mrs: Edgar Lawson will f and Mrs,, Lloyd Humphreys were named the committee to and the new location. Corrni'btees in ch'arg of the following beds are: J,51.% ---Mrs. Sidney Lansing 1VIrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. illisxn ` Se5, Mrs, Geo- rge Malian; Fina bed -r- Mrs. Robert Turner, Mr.s. Robert Ar- thur, Mrs. . 0liver Anderson; highway ,, Mrs. Norman• Mc- Dowell, ,' Irs. William: Dodd; •Maryanne--•-� y M�.s-• Viola .•:�'h�o'�rarp-. son, Mrs. Frank ' Y, Ars, Mary Johnstontl s: J,ehn Daer; Old Forge --,c Gnr' Cunning- halm, Mrs: Bent Marsh, Mrs. James Jackson; Loftus - -- Miss Pelma Match, 'Mrs. BenHamid- ton, Arthur Youngbiwt, Gordon Miler; k;'theiwyn-JMisss Marg- aret Jackson, Mrs. Wilfred San- derson, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs. Charles Scutt, 'Mrs. W. -Br'adnoe;- Weslri�Uge---yrs. Wil. damn .nd, 112�csb t � �lOt; Hum 9henol figurer 'beds '>ank attiatltilby; I11 boxes—Mr., and Mrs. Wilt Craig. A discussion took afbou�t a ape!aker for the ins Insbitrhte �n,ecti,g, was a display of gladioli Plans for the planting qi Nlandh�e'ster bed .was loft to committee �bf✓ �4irs,' A Grange, Mrs,, G i d.on, R. � and Mass Plana lVlutclt, next. •Mee`tinfg of. the eX -vai11�-68-•he1 •won- 4� '� may-•-�t,,. 1 VINYL FLOOR COVERING—SO SPRINGY IT EVEN RECOVERS FROM SPIKE, HEEL DENTS! SATURDAY, MAY 29th • St. George's Parish Hall 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon COFFEE and DONUTS 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. KITCHEN BOUTIQUE 2:00 p.m. to5p.m Cookie ,Corner --Buffet of Desserts TEA Baby Sitters Available "Evening Guild Of St. George's Parish Hall ❑ A' MODERN KITCHEN ❑ ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS ❑ WALL TO WALL BROADLOOM LJ NEW HEATING PLANT, 0 ANOTHER BEDROOM ❑ MODERN PLUMBING ❑ -INSULATION ❑ A NEW BATHROOM Il.4.121..widtbs-. �. New Vinyl Cushionflor actually • WARMER! has a vinyl built-in foam cush- 3 �.5 9 • gulEttRi ion --:feels like walking on air•� "WEARS LONG because yoi, are! $Q. YU. • EASYT01. CLEAN! BY CONGOLEUM You may need another home if you checked them all. Buy- one with a mortgage rranged through_ any of our 15. offices. A mortgage can also help finance the .cost of renovation. Let's discuss it. - "the company that shows 1'oo%interest in your" _ STRA'T'l~ ams ONTARIO • �E7�D OF�'iCE: Branch Manager: E. R. Rowlands Branch- Elgin and Kingston Srtrey Phnne.,522381 Advisory Board: J. M. Donnelly, E. B. Menzies,` J. K. Sully Clark •PR Rose B De lsey, TO When you turn 19 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de - premiums direct, noti: fy the Commission. Big 24" fire bowl gives maximum cooking surface; heat reflecting wraps around hood, removable for easy cleaning. 7 position grid for perfect cooking temperature. Sturdily con- structed; easy running wheels. 40"• high. BIG MAY SALE Tokeep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital I'nsur„ance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. Deluxe GYM SUPT - 4 j"SUP _sx i • SII • BUR M Your ONTAIIO HQ$ITAL 1NSU-RANCE • P%qn Ontario Hospital S.tvkes Coinmission Toronto 7, Work, • Backyard paradise for the kids. heavy- duty construction. 2 -swings, 1 -sky glider 2 - chin bars. 6'3” legs; 7'4" top bar. COMPLETE your choice of 2 attractive designs. Versatile foldaway tray tab#es• ea'sy- rolling casters on the table that doubles as tea wagon and storage rack. Tray size 221/4" x 161/2". •v` Greatly Reduced Folding charcoal cooker -- goes any- where; backyard, picnic — great for camping -- occu- pies so little space. 12" x 101/2" grill, 7" high. Reg. $1.59 WHFESYQNE 36 NORTH STREET• GODERICH DIAL 524-7394 Wrap Around SuuGlasses Compare r at .69 pr. >l Smart- wrap-around design protects eyes against sun. Excell priceent value at this A . Reg...39•each- for • Stock 'up for stammer listening pl sure.' Reg. 7.98 Gal.