HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-04-15, Page 5and r.� • . • PPET , SHOW DAILY • AT VACAiiQN BIBLE SCHOOL :30 Contests -- . Hand Craft' -,- Refreshments APRIL 19 23 11:30 AGES 4 -T- .13 Truk. ADMISSIO Re. a 1� orther Information or Transportation Phone 524-7622 WARY BAPTIST CHURCH T. GEORGE'S CHURCH NDY THURSDAY= -8:00 p.m. -»'Tragedy and Triu- -a dramatic production to be shown in the church. FRIDAYS Devotions from noon till 3 p.m. by the r. Themes"from the seven words from the cross. Sunday, April 18th II " • • �. It ief v p X� IRE a tingu sher .sakes and re- charge service on all types. AR extinguishers re�gharged game clay -received. 1 holesale -and retail agent for C.O. Two and Pyrene- extinguishers. If you need an .exlainguiishe2 for the boat, car, or home, for low- est prices call ora see H. -0. Jerry . Ltd., 84 Kingsbon St., .524 - 9671. 13,15;17,19 The C.P. & T. Fund committee of Goderich Oddfeliow and Ite bekftlt lodges have wheelchairs' d 'tit ier;,o c c i3itteii Tor -loan: frete'"of charge. . Contact Amos Qsbaldeston, Park St., phone 9623;or Fred Fritzley, Wilson St, phone 7217. -15 Order Shell furnace, oil' and stove ,oil from Edward Fuels, -tank truck dealer far all Shell 018 ,Co. products. Phone 6. 24 - f D. In 'Memoriam a.m. Holy Communion ,'. �, 10.00 a.m. Church School 11.00 a.m. Choral Communion. and Sermon (Junior Congr gation and Nursery)' ' Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B -.D. r. George Burgoin; Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA rth Street United Church Good Friday -- 11:00 a.m. Worship o "The Inevitable Cross" EASTER SUNDAY 10.00-a.m. Sunday School w 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship Holy' • Communion • (Nursery nd Junior Congregation) ' The Rev. 'J. ten Hoopen, B.A., B.D., - Minister nox Presbyterian Church. HE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B,A., Minister William Cameron, Director of Praise THURSDAY, APRIL 15 p.m. Cantata: Eric Thiman's "The Last Supper".. presented by the Chancel- Choir - GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 16 !1 00 a.m. Sermon: "The Son of God .. .,Indeed" EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 18 10:00' a.m. Church School -- 10:10 a.m. Bible Class Film: "The Gate Of Glory" ......._..�..i....._.,-._: �..,.V..;•- Sermon: `'Out of Death.�Victory" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) - 30 p.m. Young Poplels Society •a . TER TO WORSHIP . DEPART TO SERVE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ictoria Street United Church :00 a.m. Sunday School :00 a.m. Morning Worship "HE IS: RISEN 30 p.m. Benmiller: Church and Sunday School' • REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. REE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets ' V. R. G. PELFREY, B.A., B.D., Pastor Dial 524-9306 50 a.rn. Sunday School' .00 a.m. Worship Service :00 p.m. Evangelistic Service ed., 7,30 p.m, - Prayer Meeting and Bible Study FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 'of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec . Montreal Street Near The Square SUNDAY, APRIL 18th 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 1:00 a.m. - Morning. Worship - "Christ Arose" .7:00 p.m. - Evening Service - Easter Story in Pictures onday, 7:30 p.m. - Young Peoples , ° uesday, 4:30 p.m. - Sunshine Hour ednesday, 5:00 p.m. Mid -week Service Everyone Welcome Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 ard- 4fitattt:W: BOGIE. i would like to thanl< any cfrie* an. rela'tiv :" or 'dowels, treats, Card and visits while I was a piatient ,tn the A. M. 'app G. iloepitai. Special tlfank?9 �to Pr. A W. Wallace, the nurses and staff on second East. Mrs. Bert Bogie. CUNNINGHAM. * ash to thank my relatives, friends, and neighbors for visits cards Mc. arp�d. Mrs,ich, Alexander ishto ' Mal.bou�lt, ,. nounce the engagement of their youngest 'daughter, Shirley Jean, to Paul. Edward Baechler, son of, Mr. and Mus. J. Edward Baech- ler, Goderich, The wedding will take place in Sit. .Peter's Roman Catholic Chiirch, Goderich, on Saturday, May 5th, 1965 at 11:30 o'clock; 16; and flowers while I was in -m'amimmu" ...hospital..These .kinclan,esseF fir ('(bilk'. _ Events y were vey dull, ai precaat r � `w _ ' -� � .. l eteption and- dance, Sault-, day night, April, 1`I, Dungannon Agricultural Hall, for Mr. and Mrs. Vernon' Glenn. Good or, ehestra. Lunch served. 1- 15_ HAGGITT. -In loving memory of a dear mother, Ruby S. llaggitt, who passed away April 17, 1956. Each dawning day, a thought of her, At eventide a prayer, For in he hearts.that love her. ' er' 1 always be there.: Resting where no shadows fall, In perfect peace she awaits. us all, Where God will link the broken chain, As one by one we meet again. Layingly remembered -al- ways ways by her daughter, Rose Marie. 15 THE SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD ood Friday 11 a.m - -Orte Hour at the Cross - aster Sunday - 6.00 a.m. - Sunrise Service with • breakfast following. 1:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. --- Easter Services -2:30 -p.m. srm-a shr EVERYONE WELCOME ., r , <� Mrs. V. Cunningham 1`S CONNEIrLY._1 wi's'h to thank` my friends and neighbors -- f rr - ::1 stag party held for 'bme oh Wednesday evening of last week. Dennis Connelly 15x JOHNSTON.-I would; like to thank ail my friends- and. - neighbors who were so kind to me during my, recent stay in the 'hospital. • Special thanks to Dr. V. L. Mx:Geou�gh, Dr. J. R. Leiibc'h, Dr. H. C. Lambert and the nurses on second floor. The Many acts of kindness will ,ailways be re- membered. Eliaine Johnston. Maitland gauntry Club spring dance, Saturday, May 1. Dance to the Bluetones. Couples only, $1.50 per couple. Members with guests welcome. JOHNSTON.- In loving mem- ory emory of a dear husband and father, James B. Johnston, 'who passed away April 19, 1957. At dawn of day, a thought of you, Dad, At eventide a prayer, For in the hearts- that loved you, You always Al be there. '-Ever remembered his wife and family. '' 'by 15x Easitr xixi�2�� TIGER DUNLOP INN CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET SUNDAY, APRIL 18th SUNDAY SERVICES 16:00 a.m. Sunday Scheel - Ride thea Bus =- 524-7622 11:00 a.m. MORNING SERVICE 7:30 P.m. EVENING SERVICE - Baptismal Service Wed„ 8:00 p.m. ---• Revelation verse by verse Fri., 8:00 p.m. - Youth Time , Pastor: REV. fi. !LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A. "A Warm Welcome To Ali° Highu ay 21 2 Miles • North of Goderich EASTER SUNDAY DINNER APRIL 18th - 4.30 to 7 -p.m. ROAST TURKEY and - _ _ROAST"$REF"' _` with all the trimmings: Reservations Given special Attention MRS. G. KAITT1NG °,Phone 524-8601 Catering To Weddings Anniversaries Etc. LAWRENCE. -I would like to thank Dr. J. Wallace, nunses and staff for their kindness and wonderful care and also those who remembered me with flowers, cards, treats and visits while I was a patient. 1n: -the hospital -Mrs. Wm. Lawrence 15x 15 Ahrneek Chapter IODE will hold their annual spring -lunch- eon, bridge and 500, at the Leg- ion Hall, afternoon of May 19. Big draw for hampers of groc- eries. 15 The annual dessert card par- ty and -draw --5 Goderich -Graduate Nurses' Association will ,be held at the Legion Hall, on Wednesday', April 28th, 1965, commencing at 8 p.m. Prizes. ,Admission 75c. For reservations call 524- 9622. - 15 Bake sale, May 15, Deriomme Flower Shop, sponsored by Grace U.C.W., Porter's Hill. P'DARSON.-We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their phone calls, cards, gen- erous amounts of food sent to the house while we were rill, their visits to Nels while he was in Wingham Hospital, and offers of asistance to us at home. Special thanks to Rev. J. Veldhuis for his sev- eral vdtsits, and to Dr. M. Oar- rin, Dr. J. McKim, and Mary MacIntyre for their kindness to us gall_ during the past few 'months. gels, Gloria Pearson 15' Si'kty per cent of all Canadians live in the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Lowlands, a triangu-. lair area that stretches 600 miles .wrest from Quebec City to take Huron • and ,north to kGeorgian Bay. 15 • THE HORTfOULTURAL SO- CIETY will meet on April 21st at 8 p.m. in St. George's Parish Hall. The theme is "SPtRING FEVER." There will he Flow- er Show Tips and an opportun- ity to get your THUMB greened up for another season. Dr. Herbert B. Such, the ,chairman of the Parks Committee, will speak and answer questions. -15 ,. Harbourlite Inn • ACCELERATING JACKPOT • WEDNESDAY,'APRIL 21 Sponsored by Goderich Lions Cly ° ATTENTION! GODFICH YOUTH ._.r.-.. EAST I -SU RI.SEE R: I .A SUNDAY --- 6:00 A.M. AT BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Corner of Elgin and Waterloo streets DON'T MISS THIS SERVICE s .. HOLIDAY WEEKEpND SPECIAL STERLING BICYCLES 26" Wheels Lifetime Warranty 39:95 CCM MARK 4 Boys and Girls Juvenile BICYCLES 26"_ Wheels -- Regular 52.95" 49.95 lamaux BALL BATS GLOVES BALLS SPECIAL PRICES EC 1 BIG SPRING OFFER A LAS TIRE LE 25% OFF ALL FIRST LINE TIRES AND MILE PAK Head table guests are shown during the guests 'annual Vimy banquet which was held 'in ure of Goderich en Thursday last week. The Vimy Dinner .. . heard the speaker discuss' the fut- the Clinton air base. Photo by W. E.Elliott v at 1500 m.p.h. and is built Canada. "We have a good aircraft,' team will be at least three sons w'.th good people," he said, "but !of .hockey greats. There will it is already getting old hat." be two sons of Gordie Howe and Cameras 'used by the RCAF;a Delvechio boy playing. The in France, he said, are "so good j Koepplingers recently won the that the Japanese have bought pee wee chom.pion_hip of the them." • Sts,te of Michigan. (Continued from page 1) isks is 'what about unitform?' This is different • froth past years:.1e were training for a big war. "It reduces duplication; for example, -supplies can Abe bought for one service. We do have ccn i.mitrr eats Mr-. Bellyer has to think about, such as NORAD. Pwenfy four ii ours, dray aril night, bombers •arrr(d witch the atom bomb are somewhere in the skt'y ready to go, and a large - number standing by. _er .. _ .e_...will. b •e an pfe:r of g on-er-a-i-•rang; "u p in -the §loy, ready to carry on if the people on the ground arc killed. Our NATO cam•mitments 'include our army division aver there and our NATO navy in the -north At- lantic. There is our United Nations commitment , in ,places like Cyprus" and other wierct -places, even in the desert. , . "There is a great deal of con- jecture about this unification. The first • question eyerybody • Illere has been no thought, we are assured, of any major changes in uniform. There is a tradition of the wiggle -!waggle of the kilt that .makes people join up and in the navy each wrinkle means one of Nelson's victories, I understand. "Although wewill be' in one service I predict we will keep the same main uniform, though -there may be a common walk- ing -out dress. "T ar ..s- art.inn..frgrn the, .h� � x . top, and reorganization of head- quarters at Ottawa has been completed. They are trying to cut down some desk warmers, -'The next move will be reorgan-•1 izing the diifferent commands of array., nary and air force. Tho army has area co.m.mands- and a centra: command, the navy is on -both coasts, the_ air force has to -have an operation- al command su^h as Trenton. To break that up into areas would not cut down .on men or pro- mote -efficiency." . F,' L. . Gibson described the ttxrril� -lie _-had----e-xperien+eed-_2n.. being permitted to take the duna1- controls -;of -a T04. Star - fighter, Which has been clocked SPR-.ING-i3ELP+ _. Cleaning -up Yards. Light Trucking in General Storm Window Removal General Cleaning-i,p Harold Leddy 524-7237 15-16 otxtorkk Si ,T';hursdy, Aaril 15th 1965 Icam Week... (Continued from paOe 1) this year's•'oun,g G,ai?'.ada, Week are expected. ' For example, the perennial "AA." champions frail ,:Toronto.►' could lbe replaced .by aifetheir ° centre. " ,8,.nd 'the ;teaan to do the trick 401d -be _the ., lta_-Yis ,tas from Ottawa. This team has won 43 games this season, ° lost `one and tied one. They ;beat the •pocwerful Yaustina team from Toronto twice this season. , Frcun Toronto are coming f'iwo teams, Faustina and also Mine Safety Appliances. Even Winni'pe'g has sent ad- var,°cewarning that its tearn will be one tobe watched. As the coach, Stan Bradley, 'said: "He n'ric.'apt be a bride this year instead of a ibridesana;id." Another tern which isn't planning to come a long dis- tance for nothing if it den help it is the team of French-Can- adian (boys from' Trais Rivieres, a .city . • een Montreal and Quebec on Nie shores of the St. Lawrence From Detroit will come two teams ---The Koepplingers and Che Roo,tert-e i1,. On the latter in Qupb'"e, A 7-7-7 FERTILIZER For Lawns and Gardens 50 -Ib. Bag 3.19 Animminmsrommumgm PEAT MOSS 50 -Ib. Bag a _.. x.79 Nalsomullmagligasolismmul 16" Seed and Fertilizer SPREADER 5.99 CAR WASH BRUSHES REG. 1.49 =Walt Disney's - Regular 1.98 THUMPER DOLL..�____ 4 i CAR CARE KITS 2:25 BUCKET - BRUSH - CHAMOIS - SPONGE ROTARY Power MOWERS REGULAR 69.95 51.95 YO-YO's- WITh EVERY 2.00 PURCHASE Regular 69c VALUE Watch For Contest and Big Prizes 1 5c �.E5S0 SERVICE CENTRE Corner Hamilton and Victoria Streets SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES With Evangelist L. Thirsk & Family' AT THE PENTE:eL CHURCH-- Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Streets Youth Sunrise Service - Sunday 6:00 a.m. Sunday School- 10 a:mr' 'EASTER WORSHIP SERVICE, - 11:00 .a.rn, Musical. Evengelistic Service -t--.7..30 p.m. SPECIAL SERVICES WILL CONTINUE WITH EVANGELIST L. THIRSK All Next Week - Tuesday to Friday 8 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. • - ••W�•hh nil -Y-ow' Search -For -A Friendty Church" x PASTOR - REV.' R. CLARK • d PPLI GE Ranges, refrigerators, Washers -At Cosi 12 Cu.'" Ft. REFRIGERATO�h Clear -Out Price $23 9.00 G -E Automatic WASHER Clear -Out Price $236.00 G -E 24" RANGE Clear -Out Price$1 2.9.0o Leopard 24" RANGE' With Automatic Oven' Control dear -Out Price $1 .00 W. MacDonald Electric- 133 Britannia :Road West 524-7851 4