HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-04-15, Page 3LEAVE GODERIC:H 12.20 P.M. ARRIVE STRATFORD 1:35: P.M. LEAVE STRATFO:RD A T4 R•ol\YTd nuenient: conne tions to Montreal, Atlantic•Provinces Western Canada. Alr.Cotlditiened For ,Your Comfort • NOW PLAYING APRIL 15.16.17 re than Walt :Disarray has never made a" finer P ` THOSO CALLOWAYS" in Technicolor' with Brian f elth, Vera Miles •and Walter Brennan, • - �. Mona Tues:,—Wed, April )9.20-21 L r JERRY LEWIS, JILL t?t. - OHN and AGNES MOOREHEAD A fumbling pp+adle-sitter acquires romanceand a potential ba�ttleaxe•in-law u '• • • West of T,ondom wta home fox the weekend. David Johnson 'has sold 'bis farm to Ell&t7i `Bitaidley butt will continue to live ''there. 401%ate to the ° m 1 in _The ; �xio1i Signal W'al rtenm. r u dray $chaal-re-ode a: Sunday with an attpn4ane oif "ter ,_. �:•�:� ...,,.� o , ,?sr:�• "',k";., ,. tb?r.ctp'aratcry services win ° be held on Good Friday at 8 p' . ,and Comxnuaion Serr rices on Ea:s't, r Sunday at 11 a.m. John West. • he dealt' occurred suddenly Alex Mackenzie of Hamilton on April 6th at ,h Moue in was hotme for the m•eekend. Dori Mulls, of John Went after: Mrs. James West is a pat three years os U1 +h alt1h. Born len t In•Kiniwardin.e . hospital and 70 Years ago on the Kintall side hoary Ma iken i.e tri Wigg- road, he was, the Widest stoat of ham" Hoirpi{tai with virus Wee- the late 1VLaryPi;eIvor •and'Jtames tions. West. He worked; in ,tiwdknotw { T•� •e a Winghaam anki ListoWel re .• ,Mrs, D-RMackenzie �a-as. .imovrngto i' on�` ll�fa lis. Surviving are his wife, form- erly Mary ,Ross; son Lorne...of Kingston; dalughtcer, Mrs. 'Philip Lewis of 'Dan 1V1'11.Ls; sister, Mr . George Elliott 'of „Lu:cyknow; a arother, Richard of Ashfield and a brother in Birmingham, Michigan.• - Fare one-way to WINNIPEG $22.50; HALIFAX $24.55. 1 _ r information phone the local CN Sales Office. nuts, _Fri, Sat., ;April 22-23-24 at regular prices DEBBIE REYNOLDS, HARVE PRESNELL``& ED BEGLEY 11 great song hits by Meredith Willsgt► are just- part of the grand entertainment in the. unfatable,' "UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN" ° In Deluxe Color CANADIAN NATIONAL Coming:— THEATRE — CLINTON Open Nightly First Show 0'8:00 O'clock Box Office Open 'at 7:30 Benmiller -, THURSDAY and and ; � �� MeetApril 15 and 16 — DOUBLE FEATURE — 1 BEE'V'.VIILLE1 . — The April meeting of the The Thrill 10 It .'All U.C.W. saw first vice-president Doris Da- James Garner Mrs. A. 'VIaskell in the Arlene Francis C lalt•. E p In Color poem on Ea. -ter. Tlhe devotions were taken .b, Mrs. N. Allin. WOMAN OF STRAWThe theme was• on Easter wor- Gina Lollobrigida, Sean Connery ship Mrs. R. Jewell read the Color Cartoon study book on Brazil. The 'lad- "iet.�"'"''('16'Il'alted $50 for blankets SATURDAY and MONDAY. t 1"o -r Overseas-Misslons. Miss A. `April 17 and 19 Baxter, social and supply, asked — DOUBLE FEATURE — that ail cloth:eig for the bales be sent in for forwarding May -gbh. A quilt has been sent to Aid.The Liter- . Chiildren's ature secretary, tory, Mrs. N. Durst, Seventh Dawn was given penmisson to -get William Holden,' Susannah York i some new books. The roll call Color Adult Entertainment was for pe n.nies amounting to the size -of your shoe. " • INVITATION TO A A motion was made to have GUNFIGHTER a bake .sale in ,May. There was one miiute silence for a dec- Yul Brynner, Janice Rule eased nierru'ber. Adult Entertainment Cartoon 'the,,.. -_Ole t u:g closed witch praeer. A nice, lunch wars ser - SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY ved. by the hostess. April 18 —A Thrilling Double Feature-- ... ..: c ...-.. .-.f-vvq�'^�a .,•w..• -ter- r :^?. Plans for a wedding May lst in the United Churekr, Olavet341 Oi tario, are anniow eed by Nancy Jean Atkinsoi 'and• Garin John .Ferris: The bride -elect its the daughter oft r. and M S. Rotor.' Atkinson, Molten, Ontario, afsd the gxoem-elect ,is t son of Mr. and Mrs. Oiordonn S. Ferriis ;; derkeh Shock Treatment Adult Entertainment Stuart Whitman, Lauren Bacall 1 and Carol Lynley HOU-SE OF THE DAMNED Richard Crain, Merry Andrews Cartoon TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY April 20 and 21 Twenty-two members were Mra. Allan, world affairs• con - present at the. hon -e of Mrs. vener, gave al excerpt from a E. Mueller for the April meet- : i,leoc.h of Mrs. D. W. McGibbon, ing eif the Ahineek Chapter national president. Enumerat 1.U.D.H. Ing- the - achievements of the 'rho regent presided]. The Order she .aid that it had built-, ag was. presc'ntet,40 '. by' the three E:kimoe community halts, standard bearer, Mrs.11. Stew-urne•d therm' over to the com- munity awl gave $1,500 each in s and treas.ui-- eciurt,cn - • - • er's r were road by Mrs ate equipment to all Arctic If. Tichnorne .incl Mrs. C. Gib- s•cht0.s and hostels; brings to bort., reepeetivcly. Canada post graduate students .Mrs. C. Cult, convener of ser- on Co-mmonwealth scholarships vices at hcme and abroad, gave from Asia; train doctors in In - her -report stating one quilt had dia and Nigeria; gave $27,000 been •sold -and -- a, -number- of tin relief- s'up-piies to. Europe, . crib (1101ts were to be present-, Africa, K of ea, Hong Kong, West ed to the Children's Hospital. 'Indies; India: helps Canadian; M-rs, Curt was - voted $10--' for Indian citizen spends more, ithan $250,000 annually on ed - further supplies. 1r..(r.,bo•s gave a reportortIuca tlonal opportunities;- helps s of the meeting of.hn finance m 1Ethan 2,OQ 0 Canadian • comrniftee, ; '-caools plus schools in the Car - It was agreed not 10 present i.L.heah, West_Indies and Brit - Community Concert tickets t. -h Honduras; this y ear to Collegiate stud -1 Mrs. C. Ruffen expressed the. ents but to tale some otherl thanks -of the Chapter to the.form of'aiding their education. hostess, Mrs. Mueller. The plane for the May lunch- J Rofreshtrnen were served by eon and bride° were-preyenttcd'the .hostess assisted by MIs. R. by_Mrs. C. Grtl inns and Mrs. 11. ' Redmond andMrs. D. J: Allan.. Overall coy ;ener. h... — WELL DRILLING 3 Modern Rotary and -Cable Tool Machines - Pump Sales and Service 'IMMEDIATE SERVICE W. D. HOPPER & SONS 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 527-0828, 0775, 1737, 0257 - 15-16-17 BINGO: at LEGION WAIL SATURDAY, APRl1. 17 at 8:30 p.m. 15 GAMES — $1.00 ATTRACTIVE { . EASTER 'NOVELTIES FILLED EASTER BASKETS Bouncy bunny, he stands 61/." high, comes in 5" x 81/4" see-thru box. Made of quality white or cho- colate milk chocolate, ANDPRICED JUST DEAN MARTIN Elizabeth Montgomery and Carol Burnett Color Cartoon COMIt'IG NEXT: The NEW Interns and "ROBINSON C,RUSOE ON MARS" The prize for each regular game will be $12.00 4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot Combined. JACKPOT OF $90..00 IN 58 CALLS SPONSORED BY CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 109 No One Under 16 Permitted To Play Victoria Street U.C.W. Meeting The "April meeting of Unit -3 of the IT.C.W. of Victoria Street C i:. r c h w'as h eiltd in Ih (a `c : ito tib l :cil \ vdli•esday aft`ei-- no0n, Aprii 7th. Mrs. T. \\'il =on the leader presided. r'. 1 ne r!evotionaz.1 period ,was i•11 .r-.b:tuee of Mrs. N. McKinnon. .The S-• ripe ;u'e avas read, -by Mrs. ',Ernest Yat;err„n. `Mrs. N. Mc- Kinrron gave th-e Ined-itat.ion, followed by. • ;i:•ayer. Shealso --eted-ieated the r aneit Lenny boxes were pe -: eci. 'l he Toil -lutes of the M::1•ch nle"tin,-i were read., by 11rs. ,;. Vlncording sec - r. ae . Set‘..n'members an.< w Dried --the 1-4111 call \Ir. S. .s;tmP of the hhigh- 1i..:tits from the Board of Soc' S'rv,ice Report Book Mrs ,'1'. 11'ul.•on took as her .topic, •"I 1,1)1)1l of the :1lissionary.- :1 earagra; h on t'1c• ecu_meni.cal ounc:l ��nl+bol was read - by Mrs. Erne.it 1':tter:on. An 'in- .trar' e 01.-eu.-.-'nn followed. Pure milk chocolate 6" high chocolate egg in attractive • gay 6%2" x 8 carry box A. Prettier -than -ever made ,a up baskets filled with all sorts of goodies that will delight any child EASTER BUNNY SPECIAL ' SAND PAIL & SHOVEL • '8. Delicious chocolate nov- elties and marshmallow eggs vin thi-s---colourful polyethy- lene sand olyethy-lene.sand pail with shovel. COWBOY HAT FOR THE LITTLE WESTERNER C. Western str-Rw hat with a nest of Easter bunny goodies on the crown. BIG 111/2" PLASTIC DUMP TRUCK D. Plastic, .composition 4 wheel dump truck filled with Easter candy treats.. AND PRICED JUST vfr'lf CLEAR 6" • . PLASTIC BUNNY E. Fill -ed -with Easter...- ~' goodie's. Makes an ideal bank ESPECIALLY PRICED itte JELLY EGGS • For a happy Easter, tasty Jelly Eggs with individual f ruit flavour. GOOD FRIDAY Open All Day To 11 p. SATURDAY Open . All' Day• To 11 p. DECORATED CHOCOLATE NAME. EGG Beautifulijr de6orated hollow name egg in an attractive 4%2", by 5" window box. Egg stands approximately 3" high from pedestal. Name .written free to order on this item t ESPECIALLY PRICED NEILSONS • MOIRS ROWNTREES BLACK MAGIC A gay . happy Easter assortment' of rabbits and roosters. „Figures -stand ti reximntety 5" *d-gh- 10 7%z" .x_ 914" - width blister pack box AND PRICED JUST EASTER FIGURES- • CHICKENS • PLANES • BUNNIES MADE SOLID CHOCOLATE VARIOUS PRICES SUNDAY 10 A.M.: to 8. P.M. BISSETS ICE REA 1/2 GALLON 79c KIST GINGER QUARTS In Non -Returnable Bottles 5 FOR $1.00 CARLTON EASTER GREETING CARDS • VISIT PINCHER'S, MODERN STORE —SSE THE LARGE SELECTION OF MERCHANDISE a VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY NITE, APRIL 17th