HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-03-11, Page 10A'C rl ee-Sprue in/Ust be claw! The (i'ee, went out on the Malitland .River on Sunday, March 7th, at 'noon. Mr. and Mrs. Roar Rathlwell, Michael ael •and -Janice of .1 ra: it= font „ ;spent the (weekend with her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don R.. Taylor. Mrs.. Taylor re- turned borne with, them for a -week's -visit. • . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies visit ed an Friday .evening ,with Mr. and iMies. Jim -H, itx ly •at D'uibli n. {- W,e.._ •-airtee- pleaeed---to-- erepo nit- -• that Miss Rima Mach - is able' to be around after cher illness Several from this'community attended the Ice Capades at- Londou, lit week and enjoyed the performance. Mrs. Willie= Seers enter- tained in', honor of her daugh- ter Gail's llth Ibi;r.t:hday with a dinner having birthday .cake, and candles. The little guests were Marie ,Pluinkett; Jane Bake - Isar, Lynn Turner, Trudy 'Maeh- an, Sheron Collins and Faye Seers. The Librarian of the Auburn Pr�b1i>c Library requests that all Huron County Library books be Mr. Frank Walters of Inger- soll is visiting his sister, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Jennifer and Shelley. Friends are pleased ,that Jayne Arthur • was able to re- turn home after her short ill - n' in C+lirvtoe hospital. Winners- at --the epragreadVe euchre, party last week -sponsor- • ed 1by the Hall Board were: High man, James Blake; second, William J. Craig; high lady, Mns. Keith Meehan; second,. Mrs. Donald Plunkett. .'Most lone hands, Mrs. Beet Craig.. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines Were in •charge of the games and the lunch was served by Mrs. Thom- as Lawlor, Mrs. Arnold Craig and Mrs. Donald Haines. ,:Virs. Themes Hpggitt, Mrs.-- 'C1i.ffard Brown andMiss Laura Phillips visited an Sunday with Mrs. George Beadle and Mrs. E. Tebbutt at Hui-envie* and Mens. William :Hutch and Miss Dorothy Muttch in Clinton. several D'ou'g people from here attended the Deanery ser v ice at Gorrie on Sunday even- ing. NIr. and IYIr . Peter Ifelli4e. Hank andElizabeth Visited friends in Seafortle over the weeken4. - Last week the ,,Fina station, 'Which"*Dazs MacInais has oper- ated .for .a, few years, was clos- ed. 1VLr. Cliff Brown, and Mn. Madan/is are (going to be in cisaxge. QC the hew B.A. station -ohneKingstonean,d, -streets lir Goderieh. ' • ' Bible School Plans for the summer Daily ti ace tion Bible School for this community were started tin the Auburn Baptist Church with re- presentatives from the four chlu:rches presennt. Mr. Crailg Peters was the chairman foo -the meeting. The financial state ment by Bert Marsh was adopt ed -and also the minutes read by Mrs. W. Bradnock. It iwas decided to have the school com- mence on Judy 5th and to have the • openi'mg service in St. Mark's Anglican Church anid the various classes to be held 11 ► i d`- -S'r r 0: roomse 'feade.ns for the differ- ent daises were: Pre-school, ;Mrs. Wilfred' Sanderson; prim- ary, Miss Bernice McDougall; juniors, Mas. Lloyd Humphreys; senioits, Mrs. Craig Pegs. Miss Colleen Wolfe of Londpn is to be invited to assist with the senior • elaS . ail 1.each._S school will be asked for a don- ation. Mr. Berlt''i Marsh was a„Accci to be treasurer off the school again. C.G.I,T: The Auburn. C.G.I.T. group of Knox Pre:fbyterian Church met a t the "name of Judy Ar thud• with Margaret Sanderson pre- siding. Scripture was read by l.anda Baechlc:r. Barbara San- dersoin gave a ,reading an mar - lieges that -were fixed in the Bible, , A duet was sting by Diane" Kirkconnell and Brigitte S.cliiichtirlg, aepotmtpanied by Margaret Sanderson. A contest on parts of a turkey was 'con- ducted by Wendy Schneider. The study on the life of Martin Luther wa3 given lire Mrs. Wes i3radnock. Owing to examin- ations 'cc•minig stolon., there will be no .meeting util iMa'r'eh 30th olid, this ,,will be at the, home a$ Diane Kirkeonaell. After the- telesiug hymn , and Taps Mrs. Haney Arthur served lurieh. Mary .S.eeiderson thank- d Mrs. Arthur. . Prayer Service • The World Day of Prayer sr- eiea:._.was... helc .,at,. -4 Bapti;9. Ch erch with the four churches represented. The leaders the different women's societies (led in the service. • Mns. Prank RQtithby and Mrs. Bent Doran were the leaders for the Bap- ttist,Church and they were as- sisted by Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son, Knox Presbyterian WAILS.; Mrs. Bert Craig, Knox U.C.W., and Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys, St. Mark's Anglican Guild. Mrs. Robert J. Phillips was organist for the service and accompanied the quartette cotmlposed of Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Ntorman 1yDaClinchery, Mrs. (Gordon, R. Taylor and • Mats. William. J. -Thee-Various- -pxaye were taken by Mrs.. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Wes , Bradnock, Mrs. James' Jackson, Mrs. Bert Doran. Others takiiig various parts were 'Mrs. Norman Mo- Cri•nchey, Mrs. Alfred Robinson,( NLrs. Andirew Kirkconnell, Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Oliver. Anders mon an�d_ZVIms. `-CtriffOrd Brown. The, speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. Craig Pe tees -who spoke on the theme, "What doth the Lord require?" - Prayer Service Seventy-five- girls, members of the Anbtreh -and Blyth C.G. I.T. and Explorer groups; jour - ed with the Lond•esb ro groups .1-t Londessboro last Friday even- ing ,tor their annual prayer. ser- vice for. girls,. Mrs. Carman Moon and ?furs. Dave Ajdenson of the Londesboro C.G.I.T. led the service and the organist Was w - Mrs. • T..ini. Allen. ' The choir, ,comp,osed of 'mnemlbers of the. Londesboro , C.G.I.T. group, led the service .of sang under the direction of .Mrs. Al- lan Shaddick. Guest speaker was Rev, W. M. (Me Carson and his theme was, "What doth the Lord require?' The leaders of the Londe.. hier° Explorers, 'Mrs:• Jack Lee and Ars. Murray Lyon,. showed Ilio —tn;';sionary ;film, "Let's visit Trinidad.' The of- fering was received by Helen Anderson and John Howatt. Alter the eierviee, all Wore _iii vitedt the Sunday school :room whet:.i1 ch was served. Thank- inge Londeeboyo ,leaders -and. girls were: Judy Arthur, Au- burn C.G.I.T.; Shelley Grange, "Aulburn Explorers; Maxine 4 -ewes, 131yfih • Explorers and C.G.I.T.; Wendy Caldwell, Lon - dss.+lporo 1,G.z.T, Jayne S'4e11, ofthe Expioi•er,see plied. St. Mark's Guild The Ladies' Guild of St. Mark's Angllieaziuuzh gnet at the home of Mrs. Gordon" R. Taylor with the hostess'° presitd- ling. Mrs. Clifford Brown read the ,Scripture and Mrs. Thomas Iiaggiitt sled In °,prayers • • The Bible study ways prepared' ley M+rts. Fordyce •Clai k and this' Was read by Mrs .l 'agtgitt, d�14&Ci sTi n� ....( i�11101W� rC6(i' i7 meats were given on the hook, "The eCenifortalble. Pew;" .and ft was Att ggessted that atll mein tiers read this book and also ,the . book, "Upon This Rock," which "is ,available at the • Au- burn Library. .A 'piano solo was play.er*i--_ey Mfrs,., Robert J. Phillips. Mrs. An -drew 'Ki,nk• Connell .gave, the tmr; sionary theme on wvomee's church work in the different dioceses, Mies. Ed.•• Davies gave a reading on thoughts; of early spring and also a ;humorous., reading on "The Comfortable P•ew.'f Mrs. Taylor (thanked all who had taken part and turned the meet- ing over •o e` p esliiezvt, Mas. Lloyd Hunip'1'reys.. The min- utes were read by 1Mrs. John Daer. The -treasurer, Mrs. Gor- don R. Taylor, gave the financ- ial statement. The Guild de- cided 'to buy Psalm books for Knox Presbyterian teiri an �' Church in mem-o y - .ef-the--ltate- 1V ---He sberl --•Gooier who: -had- ;been --a regular attendant at the meet- ings for many years. An in- vitation to St George's Guild, Goderich, on April 7th was ac- cepted. A report was given on the Blyth rectory by Tins. Thom- as Iliaggitt. Asuccessful. ,APP (h tion was held. Mns. Taylor served a Lunch, assisted by Mas. Ed: Davies arid Mrs. Robert Phillips. TM At the Auburn Horticultural Society presentation, from left to right: Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; Mrs. Robert J. Phillips; Mrs, Williaxrr Straughan; Mrs. Ed Davies; Mrs., Arthur Grange, Photo by Bradnock AUBURN.—Two Auburn her- ucti'Ituriststt%vere lionorec i y ie' uresentatio z of diploma for Meritorious- service , ito HOeti- Culltua'e at the March aneeting of the Aubuilt Horticulture So- ciety iwhen they met in the Auburn Community Memorial l lel e 1ladies Th, so honored d re -WS; rEd =Davies_ .ancl,Mits. William- S i'awg tan.. Mrs. `;tab- ort J. Phliltilips and Mrs. Arthur ;Grange pinned lovely corsages en these ladies and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor read the address to the ladies for the work they did in beaut.idfying••the village Mns. Phillies and Mrs. 'Grange pre- sented the idintommas ,on behalf of the society. • The meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs.' Wes Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor.The minutes were read by Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys. It was de- cided to assist the Athletic As- sotcia.tibn by plantingtrees in Athletic Para and William Strawh_ g' a.n and Ed. Davies were n i,med to beetire c'ommfttee: lt wlas-decided tr}-enteir-die t nior-• competition, "Any Flower" eon - test, and Mns. Robert Turner was named tcoinveuer. - The sen- ior contest, "A Tree of tario," :has Mrs. ,Arthur Grange Corr vener. The 'photograp com- a petit1c n t9 to be ande1 at''e • Orton t aVerp^�.re4-„,,, TM- *tzar 'ap$.►m C1inl'to ,,, act 4irecO•x No, ff, ' ryvas 64"t, 9+f `�t e .F�evening and brottght ,greetings and spoke iof Gtze irk done throughout Uhe•. inwtr.et. •Mee, Arthur Grange thanked Wr. 'Epps and present- ed him with a gift, A trio was sung iby Mrs. Donald •H,aiines, Miss Margaret Haines and gr, Md. Davies and alsoa duet by M. Haines,and Miss ;Margaret, Miss Hames also v'layed a piano nolo. 'Mrs, Russel Brindley intro dteci leer guest of Uhe� t e zlig, Mats Est:# Oln•'- rfv,. eer.�ch, otye eoi rfu•1 sliele.s.. of the flowers in 'her garden, nam-, lung ea,oh variaty and told how they were cultivated, Mrs. • Ed. Davies .thanked Mins. Jesso and presented her lwiit, a gift. Mrs. Russel "Beindlley and Mrs, Aebhur 'Grange were (named delegates . to the Ontario Eorti- cul'tnure Association a n to u a 1 meeting to Ise (held in Guelph on June 17th and 148th, (Mrs. Bert Or ig .presented the financiall report which showed a balance of $51.00. Mrs. Geo- rge 'Mil,lian played a medley of Irish tunes` on the piano. Sell- ing tickets on the plant was Miss Viola Thom on ee , Ultra -6d— n de the draw which was won brEt1tiss Elma Mutah. Plans were made for the next meeltinge-v,}jeh• will be sin charge• off- etlh"e`"'ladies in Colborne Township (with Mrs. William Clark and (Vim. Earl Sherwood d as conveners. nveners. This meeting is rm aed for April lath: --- Mers: elyfeKeewiil ripe e guest speaker and Miss Bose- ni,ary (Clerk will show her plc - tures ',takenlast month in Ari- zona. Lunch was served iby Mrs. Thomas Laiwlor and iiVIrs. Gordon Dobie. Bradnock, and the pianist was 1 James 'Richardson• & Sons -Ltd. "Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario" PHONE 524.8388, GODERICH - !ARAiN BASEMENT For Information Or In Case Of Claim Phone BILL DUNCAN at 524-9263 BILL DING uality Service — Cemetery Lettering PHONE WINGHAM 357-1910 or WRITE BOX 158 JOHN MALICK — WINGHAM - Build a partially covered patio ... the family'II use it the year round. For privacy without stop- ping cool breezes - see our fencing booklets. A new entryway to bring your home a Welcome Look. See our Plan Books. How TO BE A "PIG" WHEN IT COMES TO PROFIT Feed your pigs your own home-grown grains fresh - mixed with profit -proven .National a Hog Concen- trate ! It's rich in meat meal protein, so that it forms a perfect nutritional balance with the vege- table protein you supply. Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy -right here at the "mill—using National Concentrate, of course. (P. S. "Ask about National's profit -proven Pig Starter, too !) r44TI QNAL HOG CONCENTRATE It takes a -. seed expert with world wide connections to telly the might seeds, at the right time, from the right sources, at the right price•. So, if, you're not an expert, trust Jones, Mac Naughton to provide you with seeds that will give yoti com- pletely satisfying results—they are experts! In fact, , seeds - and only seeds — aro Jones, McNaugh- ton's business . . and they've specialized in seeds for Western' Ontario for a great many years. You can be sure of reliable and dependable performance f r o m all Jones, MacNaughtan Seedsa to variety, high in germi on and exactly suit- ed to the soils arid climate of Western Ontario. Get full value, too, froth Jones, MacNaughton's long-time policy of selling the best seeds at the fairest prices. For all your seed needs, order from your local dealer or STILES AMBULANCE Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime DIAL 524-8142 77 Montreal St., Goderich -REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes Alt types GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Savare Pfione 5td-8434 "The Store That Service Built" IF IT'S Photography DIAL 524.08787 HADDEN'S STUDIO. Colorful° roofing defies weather & your home ap- pears 10 year younger. pCo-ordinate your decor • with easy -to -match paints. Free color chips.' Insulation gives you cony - fort plus fuel savings ., pays for itself. Real Estate.Agent RUTH VAN DER MEER DIAL 524-7875, _Goderich Agent For WILFRiD McINTEE REALTOR ' • Walkerton R. W. BELL Re - side and that older home .looks young again, Pay on monthly terms. *am •Numssies OP'T'OMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square 524-7661 fEl i4 i illl i i1hI ul t I; ttitf II4II11 •(1yr '14111414111 it ll c"ised, 1-41%,_44.,.. P" ArJai tit lli!I .lM CaliLodge AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT, Prompt — Efficient Experienced Drivers .TELEPHONE 524,7401 Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 St. David St., '524-8253 GODERICH, ,ONTARIO 32tf Your -.kitchen can be charmingkand convenient. See us for new ideas: Make room in the attic for guests. Do it- yourself- — with our advice. Remodel the basement for fun. E* costs less than you might tftink. Utilize'`space at'your,heuse more efficiently with smart built-ins. y' IIUIiluiiuuni 'MOW A PRODUCT OF CANADIAN ''INDUSTRIES LIMITED AUBURN FEED MILL — AUBURN G. RYAN. & SON GODS ICL(' Your. home can be made t$ grow with your family. We will show yoy how. EXETER Phone 235-0363 CREDITON ishone 234-6363 A Family boom fo fif your budget? U'se `our monthly payment plan. Protect your -car from the weather with an attractive garage. Your new home is as in. dividua7 as yoyr thumb. . print, when wct -plan it. )1 ) BRANVIN %)1 40 GENERAL INSURANCE REAL• ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian ` Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 HERO Alva. - V4111... CHARTEREDACCOUNTANT , HARPER 55-57' SOUFH'-STREET , TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONTARIO 524.750 DIVISION GOOERICH MANUFACTURING (SALES)'LIMITED • �� . i��IV� i��l�l�lllil�l(UVI�III��1N!!hI�I �� .. GODERICH,ONT. OLT. IHC. .�,�` . • CAMBRIA atANGLESEA