HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-02-25, Page 11.CANVASS ONLY id .s' to 1,3 AiJBURN. --- Mr; and. Mrs. Clayton Rel ertson, of to'ppeT Calf spent the weekend with ,their. Parents*. M , 'and Mrs. J. 3x Robertson and .Mr. and Mrs! Wilb•a4n SVrau tan. M,rS. J:oe HQggart and Mrs. Wellington Good .of Blyth visit- ed with MitSs Laura P1 1iipa last Thursday. ' JN n.9 mortals alit'' ---' Service - Cemetery Lettering PHONE WINGHAM 357.1910 or WRITE BOX, 158 JOHN MALICK --- WINGHAM emodeLi'ng? here's no better time to oke home improvement ares 0 reality. Semite Is tter; and you can save on wer off-season prices. Don't t lack of moneyhold you ouseholder'-s--Logn- _ .- -_ p to $2500. Do the eeded work now --even place worn-out furni- ure and' appliances. hen, repay conven- ntly. See HFC now. ASK ABOUT' REDIT LIFE INSURANCE AT LOW GROUP RATES 0' AMOUNT OF LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 36 so months months $550 1000 1600 2200 2500 $. 60,88 83.71 95.12 $23.73 31.66 41.45 68.81 94.62 107.52 20 months 32.86 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 12 months $ 9.46 6124 69.21 91.56 146.52 20.1.46 228-.93 Above payments Include principal and Interest and are based on prompt repayment, but do not Include the cost of Iib Insurance. HOUSEHOLD FINANC GODERICH 33AWest- Street --Telephone 524-7383 (above the"Signal Star) .9• fMisis 3annett Dobte of Kit- will be the guest speaker an , the..SalaW a $675.00. M the chener spentthe weekend with her. parents, Mr. and4Mr}s, Ger= don 1>obie. and Ross,,;„ A large crowd attended the,. dance 3.n the Auburn Hall spore cored by. the G'oclerich girls' ball team., e dam pictures at the Angelus Her ;meltsal SQi ty When. they, meet ore March list in the Com- ;nunitY, la. anterial' Hall, Mn . Gl'uf- Soared Epps of C1!hNbo'n, dis'tri'ct dareebor .for No. 8, will also be a guest: M an added *trac- tion, tickets will be sold on a plant. Eve n;e. is welcome. Card Party i rogressive euchre and cre- kinniole were enjoyed laet. week, .epOnsered.r.by,.---the.-:CamrhtknlitY Hall Board. (Mr. Bert "Crag was in ,Charge, assisted by Mr, HarrY Goodwin, Prize winners were: men's high, Rwrry Good- win; most lone bands, Harry Goodwin,; second high,. Wil- liam J. Craig; high lady, Mrs. Beast Craig; second high, Mans. John Seers. The committee in charge of the evening was Mns. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt, Mrs. Bert Craig and Mns. Arnold Craig. W The 'annual Warren's, World Day orf Prayer service will be held in the Auburn 'Baptist Church "ore Match 5th., Mee., and. NCrs.� Arthur Bradley of' rororita ` ai d. 1V1 s: -Errli t` Craig of Goderich 'and Mlair'y and Margaret Wilkin of Gode- rich visited ' with MT. and Mns. Wlllw.. CTaig.. (Mr s. Iahrt Durrell]. and her aunt left this 'week for a vaca- tion in California. (MT. and Mins. Clifford Brotvwrt, and Rev. and Mrs. R. tM'eally of Blyth rvisiuted with Miss Shia, - ley Brown 'at Gorrie one .even- ing last week. Some of the members of the Auburn Boy Scouts (were on Singtime last Sunday. Music Exams Congratulations to Miss Mar- garet Haines on -being suocesa- ful ° in her. recent music exam- inatiions. In grade 10 piano, she received 67 and in grade four oou'nterpnint she received 78 marks. She is a pupil of Mrs. W.MacDougall of Blyth. Guest Speakers Mrs. E. H. Jessop of Goderich sine 'rolwilship ` Council meet- ing, Harvey . Gull'bert of IDungan- non was -49440: Read Sup- erintendent , tto (succeed Lorno 'vers. Mr. Culbert was ,tc:.ired at the Salary of $1.15 per hour 'with duties to commence March 1st. Stars Plesensted. The annual presentation of .clans was held at Knox United Ch„hu:rrdh for the 'Members of the Junior. Congree, atien. Tose iebei' rihig''thre-awards we're: Gold - .bar for 75%. attendance- -Gary Arent, Brenda Arcthahf aul4, Jayne Arthur, Arva Ball, Daryle Ball, Daryl 'Balli, ,Jennifer Gra- nge, Shelley Grange,. Stever (,dross, Allan Hildebrand, Faye' 1iiidebrand, Raymond Hilde- brand, John Koaapanans, Keith Lapp, Oatharine McClinchey, Larry Plaetzer, Sherry Plaetzer, Wanda. Plaetzer, Marie Plunkett, Ronald, Plunkett, Lynn Turner, (len Wiglit'inan, !Marilyn Wight - man, Murray Wvght:man; Silver k70%)�Shi'rieye A'ment, Nancy Anderson, Rickey Archambault, Yvonne Bean, Barbara Carter, Douglas Chamney, Eldon Chem - nay, Lorraine Chamney, Doug- -las Durnin, Billy Lapp, Narcy Lapp, Randy Madban, rlrudy Mahan, BIi1ly Miilian, Betty kite lug; Of the litairOalv.itehf30, floor. She a annOunxced 'it w uid lire a light huff OalOr and that Jile. Laurie. of Blyth had the con- tract. As • the Kali, Board did Rot want 4rapes glad o'n the windows of the hall, .it was .de .oided to have iplylwcied grade in (frames so the _room could be darkened for pi burets. ' Mrs. Wes Bradnoek reported re the proposed Patterson park and she, was instructt rt° 'write to' West Wawanosh Township Council as ".most of that land new lies. in *at bownsb ip ; .``The committee. for supplying '. pro- a'iti`"'at.. 'the-Drvbario - iosp tai (tanned June 1th as the evening they would like. The'Sebretary 'was instructed bo write• to the comrmitttee in charge there. Mrs. 'Gordon R. Taylor, curator, was named delegate to the Of- ficers Conference at Guelph on May 5th arid 6lt.h, with alternate,' Mrs. Gordon 'Ddbie, public re- lations convener. Mrs. Andrew Ki:ttleconnell, convener of the card loommittee, reported on cards sent and read thank -you letters from 'Charles Scott, MTs. Arthur Grange, the. family of the late 'Mrs. Gooier, Mr. and Mnsb Keith Meehan, 'Mrs. Leon- ard Archambault and baby, Mr. Norman McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirlcbonnell. The door prize was won by Mns. Robert Turner -arid the prize Moss, Allan IVI0Dougall. Red for the contest, Sweets for my (60%) -- Dana 'Ban, Larry Valentine, conducted by Mrs. Ohamney, Paul Chamney, Syl- Gordon Dobie was won by Mrs. via Rutkowski. Lloyd Htnnpthreys and Mrs. C.G_:.L Meet Tom Lawlor., The Auburn C G.S.T.. !U met at the home -i4 Jane Doran with an attendance of 19 girls: The president, Jane Doran, pre- sided. Judy Arthur was the pianist. Scripture was read by Nancy Anderson. A. duet was sung by Judy Arthur and Gail Miller, accompanied by Marg- aret Sanderson. The offering was received by Joyce Leather - land and dedicated. A flower contest was conducted by Joyce Leatherland. Miss Barbara San - nelson introduced- and welcom- ed_ thP1..gues'ts of the evening, Mr. and Mrs. -Rahe' f U: Munro, who showed pictures taken on their trip to the West Coasrt. last summer. Jane Doran thank- ed Mr. and 'Mrs. Munro for their informatiive address and pictures. A short .business per- iod followed andGail Miller read the minutes of the ;rev- ious meeting which were aapt- ed as read. Plans were made to hold a skating party at Blyth arena on February 27th. The roll call for the next meeting is to be answered 'by naming one thing I have learned about niy` chinch and my reli-gi Betty Moss thanked - Mrs. B. Doran and Jane for their hos- pitality. Auburn W,I. The February meeting of the Auburn 'W.I. was in 'charge of the president, Mrs. Bert ,Craig. The minutes were read by Me s: Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. Gordon- New ordon_ New Clerk Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, R.R. 2, ,Lueknow, was appointed Clerk of the Township of West Wawanosth to take over the du- ties of that office on Mallen 9th sue to the resignation of John Foran, R.R. 2, Auburn. Mr. Foran has held the position of clerk for the past 11 yeares. Prior to that time, Mr. Durnin Phillips had served for 31 years. Mrs. Armstrong was hired for .• • ALL WOOL RUGS 9%12 179.00 ALL SIZES AVAILABLE - CHOICE OF COLORS 6.25 Sq. Yd. _4 _ ODGE FURNITURE WEST STREET r si Fs1YAR.FI aRFkF9 me. s lOQ mp Crown attorney W. G. Code- barbed 'wire ence and across rane has urged an immediate a field. -' • j,i aolsdown on motorists (who at eree ver 1 ser ear followed in telln,pt to .outpace a pullice canis- tithe for !pollee to'isee' 19eeeels sbuxk� ereto eacalpe incest. car strike a fou�foat tree � .1.' istunbin ..thateiL .ith....such.•jerec- that -i ' was, seems to be 'a (pastime , .:these uproot d. ..tBedke was thwn days to try and outrun th f-roln his car 'to safety as it police," he told Huron County roiled over "and 'cau'ght fire' in magistra'te's court Last Thews- the field. day. • He added: ``Somehow this has got to wane to an end." The statement was "followed by an appeal to; Magistrate G11enn Hays, Q.C., for lengthy suspension for a young driver whet attempted to threW off police by" driving at speeds in excess of 100 m.p:h. Walter William Beaker ap- peared in' court charged 'with dangerous &Hiving after , OPP officers were -involved in a spec- tacular chase through Hay Township. The youth -was (fined a total of $150 and costs or 35 days and suspended from driv- ing for one year. OPP Constable John Wright told the court that he had pur- sued the youth for 15 minutes and in that time had. 'driven a _distance of mgee tifa`u 20"miles-. On three -occasions during the chase the youth had ignored warning stop signs and on one occasion had turned his lights off• 'with a car ceming in the other direction. Dramatic End The chase came to a sudden and dramatic conclusion when the Becker vehicleswung - off the road and went through a ODERICH FROSTED FOODS Bananas 2 LBS. 33c _ linitamiarimsfasitaell PINK OR' WHITE rapefruit 6 FOR 43C 12-01. PKG. BREADED COOKED PERCH FILLETS 39c 5,E/0.0 -SWEET Orange Juice 6.0Z. 2 FOR 41c ,s.oz. 39t 3 -LB. FANCY -PKG. EAS 39c Giont Size CHEER 48 -OZ. SIZE ALLEN APPLE J.UICE BUY �Nf GET-QNf-FRES =-24=�f--fW IN--RAGIF- - MIIt �L;quid DETERGENT. 2oa5 1�-LEENEX TISSUE 'CATE461: 16 -OZ. Spaghetti or Macaroni HEINZ 11 -OZ; CATSUP NESTLES 1 LB. QUICK 49c SAVE. 7e WHEN YOU BU SAVE, 3 f c r 1.00 2 FOR 79C 3 FOR 49c FOR3 gC 2 FOR 45c LB. SCHNEIDERS MARGARINE 3 .FOR` 79c Use this coupon Ib. OFFER EXPIRES 1 Burns FEBRU ROUND STEAK "T" BONE STEAK I.RLOIN STEAK;. BOLOGNA SHOULDER SAVE DO'NNYBJOOK a b Becker of R:R. 3, Dashtwodd, dmitted to have;;,been..drinleing "The degree of diger is.as.th1 .. - dote'. the chase took place. as I've ever hea''d described." ...lhewr...hae.. 1...-..•w*an. Constable Wright. *Saiitethe. ortiv time he h4ti: seen . Abe, a PlAed before wzo three -howls before the ,,,chase 'when he,,, th4 .the occasion to Check •t+he 'car. Constable Wright. said • $eck- er "tali"otrelltl. t>YaiuC'�"fe _„'..arm village of Zurich iat 100 m,p.h- on toads which were (covered with ace. o • Commented Magistr to Mays: DONNYBROOK. -The Febru- ary meeting of the U.C.W. was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Hardy. The call 'to worship was given- by Mrs. 'Charles Jefferson who had charge of the program. Mrs. William ' Hardy led the prayers. Mrs. Ernest Snowden read the Scripturx. Mrs. Ed- ward Robinson gave the medi- t,at w�s r -ion: •A unison. Mrs. Margaret Leddy gave a reading. Mrs; Stewart Ohamney react the minutes of the previous rrieelting and the offering was received. Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson took ,oharge of the business. Two quilts were displayed which had been made for the bale and yarn was distributed to be knitted into mitts • and -.slippers and Easter cards were also sold. Mars. Tom Armstrong read from the sturdy book and a discussion pe:Tilod was 'held.. Mrs. Murray an game Master, let me walk with Thee" was sung and Mrs. Margaret Leddy closed the meeting with the Mizpah 'benediction. Lunch was served by the 'hostess assist- ed ,by MTs. Sam Thompson and Mrs. Gordon Naylor.- A miscel- laneous bazaar was held at the close in aid of the supply fund. c PURE PORK Sausag AR Y Ib BY THE PIECE VEAL CHOPS PICKLED BEEF TONGUES. 27th GODERICH FROSTED F 65 HAMILTON .STREET SAVE Arm injured, So Fine- Reducedu ween. in Goderich- and she had told hem to. 'take what was left of the case with him when he left. Vansttone, who had a similar conviction one year and six days before, was told the ease would have been treated as a second�.conviction if it had hap- pened witthin the year. .In this cvenit the fine would have been a 'minimum of $200. - Yourig Father Fined Also appearing in court last Thursday, Dennis James Carter, 23, R.R. 1, Lond as!b'oro, was 'fin- e -d .fiQ-and.cost; for unlawifully .h�nb -liquor- i -n-- �a p-iac-e- .other- than his residence. Carton, a father of three mall girls, wos a passenger in a car which was stopped by OPP officers on liilgthswaly 8, Goderich Township. ,.vas stopped and a part case ` The accused admitted that a of beer, was found on the back I zase of beer, hidden under a ,peat. cushio:r•in the ear, belonged to He told the court he had itim. An injured pr1n saved a man - to -71.11.; daughter's home $10 on a fine when he appeared before Huron County magis- trate's eourt. last Thursday charged witih heaving iIIquoT in a place other than chis- :residence. 'Albert Samuel VenStane was. at first fined $70 and costs for the offence as he stood in the court with has artm in a sling. Magistrate Glenn Hays notic- ed the sling and,,'asked Van - stone ,if he had been disabled when police found a case of (beer in :his car. The accused -said-'$he-- h -ad -n-ly jam- -left th.P_, hospital iiltteir entt-„for- his - wrist. _ rtT "n�.. The magistrate then said he would takethis into consider- ation ar.d reduced the Tine to $60. Vanstone was charged on January 29 after ('his car ungannon and Distrid News DUNGANNON.---MT. and Mre Tom Fowler of Sl?ipka spent Wednesday of 'last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ashten and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and family Friday evening. Mr. and Mns. George Ribey and family -of Seaforth visited an Sunday with EMr. and Mrs. Fred Young and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ard of I party on .Friday _evening with !dedicated by rs. Jack Alton. Wingham visited' '' an' with Mr. and \Mns. Tom Park. Friday 27 tables in play. Mrs. Cliff Mr .Ir=an Rivett gave an ater- _--•.�ll�e-are- clad ^bo--report-•Mr-Crn7a Pr---_vwelcaxn•ed-. ---the. ;nests �.�.,sling talk 1/X1 Trinidad, TYenty- Fred King. returned home from and led in the singing of, "0 two members answered the rQll Westminster Hospital, London, Canada" and "God Save The'! call , with a Scripture verse. on Friday after a lengthy stay. Queen." : The winners were: Plans for the congregational Congratulations are in order Ladle's, Mrs. Marian Zinn„high; ,sinner were made to be held. Mrs: Mary „Chisholm and Mrs. ; the last week -an March. A re - for Mrs. Eldon Culbert on be -Mary Errington (tied for sec-; quest for sewing. a knitting lag the recipient .ifs a Sony and high) with Mrs. Chisholm ' for the Children's„ Ai`d an - transistor !pocket radio which She 'wan in a contest sponsored the final winner. Low wee 1irs,1 tlotzi:cad a �.d mangy offered to over CKNX radibo�, Ross Henry. Gents' high saw . o the work. A spring tea will Mr. Jackson Rieve, who was taken to Wingham hospital on later Troved to a hospital in Wednesday of last week, was London on Saturday. It is hop- ed his trouble is not too serious. 'Mists Flora Durnin is horde for three weeks with her father while Mns. John Falls enjoys a trip to Florida with members her family. Falls Down Silo v1r. Don McKenzie and Mr. Joe Dauphin had the misfor- tune to fall about 15 feet into a silo on the farm of Mr. McKen- zie. While building an add( -I .. _ . D O:W _Me : of the cion • to `the silo, the scaffold in ' . The February meeting some manner let go and the--two-I LLCM. was held in the church men fell. Mr. Harbourn Adams, •bzsement. The president; Mrs. who was at the 'bottom of the INV. Brown, opened the meeting silo, managed to jump clear and ;with call to worship and prayer. avid being hit by the impact. ;,Mrs. 'Lorne Ivers occupied the Mr. Dauphin was taken to Gode- , Ghali• and led in the elovoti�onal rich hospital for X-rays but was l pertod. • A .minutes silence an allowed to. return home. memory of Mrs. William Me- W.I. Party i Clore, a life.member, who pass - The Dungannon Women's In- I ed away last week, was observ- '.9titwte held their annual euchre ed. The offering was taken and LBS. 1.00 ELECTROLUX CANADA LIMITED We are proud to announce the appointment of MR. ALV IN RILEY to the position of sales and service of Goderich and area. 153 Lighthouse Street, Goderich Phone 524-6514 7-8. �a 69c LB. 37c :s 0. 91, 4 SODS 524-9672 • enjoy family banking service: Royal's professional help and services are available to the entire family aa, a group - or to each member individually. Suggestions and practical aids, such as: how to make best use of our 2 -Account P1aii,- for steady saving; low cost (100:a -cheque) bill -paying with a Personal Chequing Adcount; how to save money by borrowing the Royal termplan way; Safe Deposit Boxes; Do-it-yourself Money Orders; 1 ravelers Chdques, Etc., Leaflets available; use all your Royal Bank services. ROYAL BAN 1( J. D. Davidson, Manager Art Young and Arnold Stothers tied with Mr. Young winning the cut. Second ,was Eldon Cul- bert and low was George Er- rington. Lunch was served at the conclusion. be held later. Mrs. Frank Thompson conducted' interest- ing contests and hostesses, Mrs. C. Crozier, _Mrs. Frank Thomp- son and Mrs. J. A. Veldhu.is erved lunch. AacINTOSH APPLES LASSALINE ORCHARDS. 524-7096 ...._ 7-8 Als 45 Different. Pre -Pasted WALLPAPERPkTTERN-S '- WEAVE TEX and OTHER PATTERNS 9C PER SINGLE ROLL HEN DER -SON' THE SQUARE 524-7812 99111119 f7 SUN LIFE a progressive company in a pro gr e inalCs-t rr CORDON T. WESTLAKE Phone 60R2t Bayfield SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA i y, . ,r