HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-02-25, Page 8Western Ontario beef farriers attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Beef In provement Association in Toronto last week. Ed Starr, (on the left), Department of Ag- riculture, Toronto, Secretary of the Assoc- iation, is shown talking with John Wolfe, (centre) of Paisley, Bruce County and Elmer i Robertson (right) of R.R. 5, Goderich, Huron County. The one day ")meeting was attended by over 150 delegates and mem- bens embens a the Beef Improvement Association across Ontario to discuss all phases of the Beef Cattle Industry and to promote County projects for 1965 such as feeding and mar- keting, 1 among others. Ont. Dept. of Agriculture: photo CLI TON. --Miss Sharon Ball, R.R. 1, Auburn, was installed as prescdentf the Clinton Jun - :or Insetu,te tin an impressive ceremony conducted by Mrs. Donald 'Riehl, Goderach, presi- dent of the West Huron Wo- men's It~.xitute, Last week. This prew. Jia,nior Institute was .given a welcome by the president and she congratulated the 15 girls for what they have already ac- complie h ed. The other—officers of the Junior 1n.latt�:arQaYl_cepresi- dent, `Carol' �1rTlwaun, Goderich; mitcrEtary, Sharon Dow_on, Var- na; treasurer, Beatrice Murch, Clrnt'on; district, director, Joan- , ne Crook, Goderieh; public rela- tions, officer, •Mrs: Donald Young, R.R. 3, Auburn. The epeeker of the evening was Mrs. 'Wes Bradnock, Au- burn, F.W,I,O. board member, who spoke of the work otf. the Women's InsLrtute as it applies. to the provincial` organization c•f the Women's Institutes. • She Tol,i liow the work is -carried ,out and Cle.n, spoke about the • F.\'4 -I,C, and the world-wide or- genization, A.C.W.W.-- She also ref e"rred to the start of this or- ganization which was founded on February 17, 1897 by Ade- :aide- Ho:ydless Hunter, for the education of the rural woman in home economies and health. Sharon Ball presided for the business meeting and plans were made for"the coming year. The March and April meeting will be for the -purpose of learn- ing mocking and will. be in charge of the president. The May meeting is to be planned by Joanne Cook and Carol Mc- Ilrwai.n; June, Mrs. Donald Young and Mrs. Tam 'Cu trningham; September, Audrey Duizer and Barbara Watkins; October, Sharon bewsert, Mrs. Barbara Picot; November, Marian Hic- key, Anne Foran, Barbara San- ue.r:: on, Jane Doran, Linda Nes- hit; December, Beatrice Murch, 'Poni Duizer and' Sharon Bali. The president spoke on trips and appointing delegates to the Guelph Conference, and then a C13'ntest on what is found on a penny was held. The meeting was closed by singing the Queen. - Junior-F,F,r„mers The Junior Farmers met in the Town Hall, Clinton, with about 40 present. The presd- d' nt, Bruc Beteles, was in tate dish-- and- the,.. -minter Were- adopt.d as read hy the secre- :ary, Jamieson Ribes. The fin- ancial statement was given by the treasurer, John £lack.' •Tamieson Ithey was riamed •del- -e•gate to the Guelph Conference. Mr .N-orman Alexander oif Lon do_boro ,.howed an interesting film on alfalfa seed and the important points to learn about it as a fora&e crop. A discues- sion followed. A tS•int meeting of the Jun- iorFarmers ari,d Junior as ta.._- Cute followed and Bruce; Betties was in charge ,witk,h Barbara Watkins as secretary. It was agreed that the meetings will, be held tlfe• third Wednesday of every month'. The recreation committee 'of the joint organiz- ation was namtd: Joanne Cook, Marinus Bakkar, Carol •Mollwain and Bob Hickey. The lunch committee will be Marian I-LLc key, Barbara Sanderson, Gordon Grass and Bill Crozier. Fans were made to assist in the drama festival to be held in connection with the Huron County seed fair to be held at Seafoeth and the committee of Beatrice Murch, Donald Young, John Black, Jane Doran and Gordon Daer were named to assist with , setting up props for the festival. The booth coan- mittee far the swine sale is to be Gordon Groes, Kenneth Sproul,. :Gary ---.Daulpl n-•----a•r . Barbara Sanderson., Gordon. Daer asked all .to come to the hockey. game, CKNX Snorts vs Huron ,County Junior Farmers at 'Clinton on February 26th.. Miss Barbara Watkins Was chosen to ..represent, -the Clan- ton Junior Farmers in ..the Beauty Queen contest in Lon- don next month. AUBURN. — The curator d+f the_ Auburn Tweedsmuir his- Lary bock, Mrs. Gordon B. Tay= lar; read the report which will 1be put in the .book for ,per manent' record of the ctalmmun- ii. - She stated that 17 families had changed Desideau.ees and TAYLOR'S CORNER. -- The community gathered at - the ehoolhouse on Friday evening to honor Mr: and -Mrs. John Howard, nerw1ywrede. The even- ing was spent playing euchre with crokinele for the children. At 'euchre,' high lady was Mrs. John Howard witth Mrs. Jinn Oke as low lady. High gent was, Ben -Hamilton ,Mrlvihe low gent was Jack Watson. The high scores at aroktinole went to Cathy Hamnlbon and Bill Siruclair While eonsolartion'prizes were awarded to Heather h•er Whit- ely and Tommy Sinclair. The address to the newlyweds was read by John Rodes, and a boolecase-buffet was presented by J'im Oke, .Ronnie Howard and John Ginn. The ladies served a ' dieliious lunch to close a pleasant evening. PERSONAL • Mrs. Erin .Jelling of Lon s - baro spent --Ther 'weekend' -w7 -, Mns.:Asnelia Straughan. Mrs. James Thomson' has re- turned 'home after ''spending two weeks in Toronto with hpr' daughter, Mrs. Howard Pollock Mr. Pollock and children. `farms during tine para year and that three businesses 40 ;been purehased. One new ranch .style home had been built and noW there are' two eleetfical heated homes in the. village. There were our golden wed dikg anniversaries in: the vil- lage during the year. 'Mrs. Taylor• was assisted by. Ales, ,Robert J. Phillips, . Mrs. 'W'r "_-. su n-..-anile-.fir Weis--3rad ! ek. Mrs. .Taylor had an attractive .display o�f pictures which will be included in .the book and e questionnaire for farm lands to record their previ our 'owners since taken from Crown Lands. ,Anygne have ng pictures of 4.411 'Clubs down through the years is ask- ed to get in. ttoueh• with the rerm iiitttee so they can get one off of them for the (book, The convener of historical research and current events, Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys, had a front page challenge composed of tiMes. Ed. Davies, Mns. Donald • and Mrs. Norman tlMk,Dowell. Ans. Humphreys was the nar- natar and master of ceremon- ies, assisted by Miss Viola Thompson, who showed mem- bers what the story was about. The challengers were Mrs. Wes Bradnock with her story, of being” chosen ps o��in ia�1 direc- t -me .- Fmr.I.-OL; - Mrs::'! voinas- jiaggi,tt representing the foam- ing of the Huron iCounty His- torical Society in May 1964, and Mrs. Kenneth Scott repre- seating the headline story. -On- tario to enter Canada Pension Plan. _, '��� lral'1 way aanaw 14000. 4g-liii.40#6"4:14140: she' had' visited and b ii motion to it. .There .vva6. ia'>:'Ige play o old reeupe 'books,, ehildrenu's books, .old seleool books, a Bible qt r lQ .Year ,014 --and, s } /"7� y �(4-In ,t ,.e.:l aya,:,atx t , -,/n.. a clla C m er, The �p e f er . the oldest recipe book dated 1877 ,went Q (Mrs, Charles Straughan, and the prize for the oldest *Child's story book, Jonah 'and the Wi1:alee' dater 1874„was wox ',Mils, io1... used b Mrs. George t> ammttton when she uvag714'6 K1*ehtike;' was also en display and created much 'interest, lunch was servpdeMts. • Gordon Dade and Mrs. Donald tHaines. „ �R: IS, ALWAYS'H 4 .WITH YOUR HELI HOUSE CAN; itfA iC er;C rtoe pang nd 01 All Prices in this ad guarahite through Saturday, February 27th,_1965, eer ts, < an Tor 102' Mils S Hot .w. ss, I tent. Fat eor, 62' rw oI 50, use, 5 -Al ues,. !let RM CHOICE QUALITY RED FANCY QUALITY Finished in light )walnut. This suite is solid walnut not veneer. Consists of double dresser, bed and chest. Buy _ ..... all,..th-piecese or_.individualepieeese---,_.- _ . -_ .... SPECIAL! 8P APPLESAUCE 15 -fl -oz tins c WITH PORK IN CHILI SAUCE SPECIAU (LARKS BEANS PURITAN (7c OFF DEAL) MEAT BALL STEW Jane Parker (25c OFF DEAL) Reg. Price $1.37 — SAVE AN EXTRA 80 AYLMER 4 24 -oz~;* loaves = C Reg. Price loaf 22c -- SAVE 9c The only change is the price --SAME HIGH QUALITY.;—, ,,,..,,,-, BSE ite Get Guaranteed EAT IN THE MEAT Buy Super -Might GRADE "A" OVEN READY 5 TO 14 -LB VAC' PAC WEST STREET SUPER -RIGHT BRAND SKINLESS,: *ALL MEAT • SUPER -RIGHT BRAND, BROWN 'N SERVE, *ALL MEAT 8 -oz pkg *All Meat Means Just That — All Meat, Nothing Added — Just,A Little Bit Better HOUSE CANVASS ONLY MARCH 8 to 13 *All Meat Means Just -That •-- All'Meat, Nothing Added --- Just A Little Bit Better LUXURY EATING AT A&P SENSIBLE PRICES. CORNISH .ROCK GAME HE,.. ,, S-. BURNS, VAC PAC, SOLID MEAT - each c SAVE (18=oz min) mc ;FRESH FROZEN - TO? QUALITY SOLE FILLETS THIS IS A BOX OF VARIOUS SIZE PKGS. OF SOLE FILLETS, STOCK' UP YOUR FREEZER. 4' -Ib box 1.89 Jet currents give all your wash "Deep Action" cleaning. Fresh Fruits & • V etetables FINEST FROM THE TROPICS, CHIQUITA A&P Bakery Features F a cl NCS . PUL i .E Y$, NO GEARS, NO BELTS TO CAUSE f OTENTIAL SOME, i�ROBLEMS. IN, FACT--% IT NEVER NEEDS OILING.! "Jet" currents give all your wash "DEEP ACTION" clean. Clothes come out LOOSE ... EASY! The Jet Action agita- tor helps to 'reduce tangling and wrifkles makes iron- ing .cagier thdsterT JET -AWAY LINT REMOVAL "Jets" lint and -scum out of the tub with continuous over- • flow rinse ... neeis no lint trap. FLORIDA VINE RIPENED, NATURAL FLAVOUR, No. 1 GRADE FRIGIDAIRE WASHER MAY BE CONVERTED TO JET ACTION for Only. 14.9++ PLUS INSTALLATION ---- FLORIDA MARSH, SEEDLESS, FULLY MATURED, SWEET, FULL OF JUICE, SIZE 96 CHERRY P9 large R= I 24 -oz size Reg. 590• each SAVE 100 Jane Parker Lemon or Reg. Price each 39c - SAVE Ge Jane Parker - Reg: Price loaf 27c — SAVE 9c RAISON BREAD 2 16 -oz loaves 45t .,Extra Specials Af A&P '(6c Off _Deal) Reg, bad 91.E -- .SAVE_ AN 1=XTRA6c COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE 1 -ib bagli Orange, Grape, Florida Fruit Punch or Pineapple -Orange Reg. Price tin 39c — SAVE 9c Tomato. Vegetable or Celery. SPECIAL! CLARK'S SOUPS 410-11-ortins4 32 -fl -oz btl (with Free 14 -oz- Comet Cleanser) SPECIAU IVORY LIQUID -DETERGENT both fo'r1.i9 524•-8434