HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-02-18, Page 10.CZECH o By G. MacLEOD AIof 13011.:Mia, 'was a most Ibea�ut ful old kitty, dating from tl.h t 13th century. Divided by Ith. ahMoldatt river,� ci, about s wide the •Thr;mes air Westminstter, n is icr• ezed by 14 bridges o e whic1 'The 14th century C1 art bri.ckge, , with its nuvmerou arca e:>, is the .finestr• leading .a d it.does to the 9th .century royal palace H;padeant' castle.. . This stands-Turrett�edeastell toted like a mellow eheese'high above the s 000tth flowing war= ens of the :Molclau and -is ba* - ed ed by the'.cathedral of St. Viten which .contains the tomb of King Wenceslaus 1. There .is the University too, but all the.se apart there 'were three features which 'kindled the imagination.' two of them redolent of •Czech culture and11Czech resobution. The first was the grave of, the Unknown Soldier, housed in a circular, vaulted, 'high win- dowed chapel; dimly lit; •with ethereal soft rnusic pbayi•ng somewhere, you could not elu•ci- date from where and the grave itself cove1ed with. the tributes - of all the Allies. Such ex- quisite taste, such atmosphere eo•uld only spring from ageless breeding. The second was the guard mounted on the Hradtcany Pal- ace, composed of men, each clothed in dile teniform of of their First Wal- Allies with whom they ,h a d formed Czecth Legions—French, Italian, Aus- trian and American. The 'third feature was a phenomenon which stamped -the ;country as a prolific inventory of mechan- isms, for it seemed as though down any street you could find a different automatic rifle. Here we had demonstrators ever in our path Whereas do England you would not find a single one. One olf the bate,.t -and mos c al,, na,m,.�c members .atf the $riti,� h tbor •Phrty �gov rnanent is ab- e.t t . Vl xwell, 142 '.t". who was }both ' Jan Ludwig Hoch in a renrot t"ar�patlrian viliageu, in 193. kris parents were farm laborers who, with seven 'children live une..r111... -tip-,sz?rly-'has •his career been 'meteoric, it has ee•n kaleidoscopic. ile left. school at 11 and in 1939, at 10, joined the "Czech °rnclergr`crund. tliy 1340 he was un . the Czech „army in France !rem 'whence he 'escaped in a :mall boat to ,be landed at Liver- pool. With 500 'counpatriotcs-lie joined the British Ar4ny; by 1945 he held a cOI mistsion; had • won. the Military Cross; wa-: -a member of the British a,d- vance .party ..which took oyer j •`he British sector of Berlin ,,"r.om 'he Russians; interrogated cif Hitler's adjutants nd on de•rnobilization 'was na- • eIral!zed, joined the British 1'rrei�;n Office incl. at 23 con- troli.•d the new German lantg- .,.1^e newspapers as a British 1'r 9 Ot1iur until 1947 when he left. Sin' 11-1-11 h' `::rs organized the I er eimon Pre the shares of ,which were publicly offered at eight tunes., the... par value ;.and 'were oversuub,.•x,:ibeti 19 timi>. Speaking nine langu- ages,ahe r.'tbli Vies translations of .'c entific Tese"r•ch pipers with author, on 'both sides of -I 'he Iron Curtain. He even fin- anced the film of the Bolshoi Ballet. Today a triple-, sterling mil- Bonaire, his ercate.st' ambition is "to halt the retreat of our country." An amazing story? !4 - .peasant, schooled -for only :'our years; a soldier; in,terpre- ter;- an unortho•do p ,blisher; an' illiontaire at 42; a C'zeett o- lovakian became an 1M.P.. i- staff on any .an every aspelet. e of the minutest details of his e weapoans-„, . tld their ammunition 1 � s 01 whic.l>; there . were several it types; az-naour'pierc�ing, soft, ex - f Rioscve tracer, shrapnel. es But np one ever defeated Stal- s ler 'in a technical - argument. s Adddd to this 'Was his absolute technical :'honesty. I1 Stall - trate `2 inclYes elf. plate at' 50 metresi it. old; So. No more no, less. @ioverin�g in his viicli.n- ity were the Holek brothers, h�ul;e bear -like men, responsible for the -detailed design of the funs; ever ready to lexplain performance, operation or l,iln.it- -atitins. Arid S;la�b'y, ."who sub- scribed to thrc "Times" and react it.. Slatby, who so con- stantly • imlpreesed 'on -us that England: 'must prepare, 'must stand by Czechoslovakia in its perilous position as the jam in the sandwi�eh between Russia and .Germany. S l atby, who pleaded for our realization that, the shadows were growing ever longer. An amazing breed; margi�cians when it came to autamatrc'wea- pons;. ever eager tomodify, to accommodate, to afford, any ser- vrce whish would " bind us to them. In view -Of the immin- ence of .13439, a veritable writ- ingon the wall. Sleight of Mand 1 We .spent one wild and wo•n- I der•ful evening with them in an I underground wine cellar into' which we drove by czar down an entry ramp lined witty .gargan- tuan wine vats. which- opened into a vast, high-ceilinged am- phitheatre in- the middle- of which blazed• a huge log fire, the sole -source of heat and light. A gypsy band played passion- ate =music berddte the flickering flames, their colorful costumes picking uip the light as they danced.. Seated -eat a rough wood table we-were-served'the' del�ioacy of the plaice, roast sucking .�pilg, its hide seared to a crisp to leave . a lukewarm Mayer of fat, all to be washed down with a sour wine. For- tunately the sleight Of hand' at disposing" of food and drink which I had learnt in W'a'iris- YOUNG BOYCEpHo ro BY PHIL Rev. Dou las Fry officiated in Seaforth Presbyterian Church manse on Saturday, January 30, when Grana _Catherine Elizabeth. Boy ce became the bride of Thomas Benjamin Young. The bride is • Ole. daughter of ` Mr. and 1I: s. lorauk a13cr� ce, R.R. 1, Varna, and the ;;room is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Goderich. The bride chose a pink gown of ilk organza enhanced at the back by a flawing train - of matching material and coimple- mented at the top by three tulle ••bcwvs. Her circular veil,_of silk illusion was caught to a pillbox hcac;iece and she wore a cor- sa,qe, of pink roses against a' white background. ' Miss Mary Boyce, R.R. 1 Varna, was brklemaid wearing a pale brae rit QO lace gown fashioned with a scooped neck- 'line and a bouffant sly, t ae- cei'ted at the .waistline by a ma:;:: n, bow. !ler headpiece was a miniature blue rose and w ore a corgi ae of pink o_ee • A reception was held at the' ".come of Mr. and Mrs. Merton 'Good, Goderich. '.The bride's mother received in a ,bate .bra. 'code dress' wiith corsage orf pink carnations. The -.grooms mo;:re r wore a green figured are s - with corsage of bronze baby mums. For a wedding trip 'to Niag- ara Falls, the bride donned a• three-piece aqua suit of crochet- knit. The couple will reside , in Goderich. The Wonderful New World of... INTERNATIONAL OBITUARY WILLIAM A. BEDOUR A former resident of the Hol- I This `saga served to •retmind mesville area, . William A. Be- .'me that my •acquain•tanceship t deur; 86, died recently at Mount with Czechs began in November when d went: to Prague 1 Carmel Hospital, Detroit, after 'with a British mission to evalu- a lengthy illness. He had liveel� ate a .15 nim air-cooled auto - in Detroit for the latlt 42 years. maria rifle designed and 'menu - His parents were the late Alec factured by the . Czeehosloven- a•nd Mary Gravelle Bedour, who sko Zobrowka Brno. {G.Z:B.) At farmed on the ,Maitland Con- the time the near office was cession. !dickering for a .792 automatic, - Surviving are two* daughters: the ZB53, which was eventually Mrs. Kathleen Ar;butckle, Frank- ; purchased, redesigned ,for .303 ford, Ont.; Mrs. Harry (Ann's- ! amtm,unition, and �re.came known elle•) McGann; troft;•-•o-n•e-sis=- as-th.e Boren eeurre Br. stands -for ter, Mrs. Margaret McDonald, Brno in Moravia whence it came Courtri.ght, Ont.; -ane :bra r and En for Enfield where it Henry, Ottawa; five grandchild- ; was -finally manufactured to ac- ren, and seven great -,grand- ; cept Bi iti h an -mo. children. F.V1r. Brcdour Was pre- ! We reached Praerie•via Pilsen deceased in'''194Y'by his wife, where it k the custom tasample the, former Laura McCo.urt. a cold creamy liquid on the Interment, took place in Holy •station platforms.. In those Sepulchre cemetery, Detroit. I days, at least, Prague, capital On To Moravia But ilt was not until.we reach- ed Brno, in Moravia and on a htigb, road. to. Vienna,- that we came into intimate-ccc itact with Czechs. First there was Stoller, an ex -legionary, the technical'. direotor of C.Z .B., ' a burly man, of medium height, full7fnced, with a "command of his subject which was phenomenal. He could, and did, argue with his ;batt case 1 1.anNdy4114 rte Ort, under the fable ttad the feaSt ihtead' -c f1-� qil 'w, 5, errenitlally a . #�tuii e�d - { #emrtot�ut�;; t.�� , :,,;.��. tan'ks''but we 'left alter and his men in their-- precarious.. position, juu$f .as we left. the antiquity of Prague. at'tj e, eros's- `roads with the premonition', that itt uiighlt not survdrlre, 'avhile v , the sands of•'ti�rne ' t, ost, 'x= pended desPerately wed to. a-- quire more modem 'Weapons for the encounter. ' O&1,. the lotus years, the League of „Na- tions and our Irnasters prefer. ring the.�s°hadgw for the "tub- er stance. t ller..eant1-:..Co:--v a 0 to i:g.; ;mid ,when five rla�tea V"�nt effort to TONY in, ig i, a Vatter 1)Qlw •, 1 "" 't =arlA1 paniK "�‘ lhpy and others, together w th� came ' ' Thee ' t alb rove -e°, 4 PlitCte.d •out' of Brno . Ib ,fore the .Gernianscould emasculate their 'country and as a ..e nenta,. I hold.* 4,,,Scale ;model of the Drell gun, one of which every apprentice had to make before n 1 Passing out as a .1 journeyman. Never, never (underestimate a Czech! Churehtill, Man., was named for John Churchill, agavel•npr olf the Iiixdson',s BaY ..company in the. ,Marty 1600's and the ancllIt1iexe n Mme`s reiov:' ed af; Sir. W. Churc .ii fir! -iso.,_. q'henl'or ` Oi.tizens'lu'b meta at dXacxaty all on lFebru- -rime a yMrd w1i n stor�nny weat�hen ,kept many, aneml(bers from at- met,. u inig, Jarhes Young, the: president, 1 was i�n, the. chair, Following opening' exercises there was' a short 'busline session. Twoj niernlbers were reported ill, and in besafxaa, . • The president sbated that' he, 'with members otf Goderich o,I'u,h had re- .cen,tly, ibee,n invtiteci, to a aneet-` ole, Lug at 13a' ehd by some to •divtculss ffrnnarfg a Citizens' klub" there; x; Was er antd a •club Nvas ire i ith Mrs. tGeo• tial ,ik esident" The' meeting t b e�th e ' v�Ia ge hal Al the conclusion ,of the ing, everal card g'a4rnt enjoyed. ' A'lunch Was `; by• Mr, and it . -mel. and, their �caz untttee. and elal haltf hour en7J�,�y ed; I �II I Illl�� h th entr d SI cash the. gar who is s osl' °hal orf &la� God e st natio 1 1 '` I r� 1111111/ I11111111,�����III1111n111111111 tllIl 711 k4L111!I Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Your choice:- Parkland (six_ rowed). Betze (two rowed) An Excellent Crop for Early Cash . !LAN SEED. Excellent .'Quality Ontario Registered -- Sanilac Seaway Saginaw Michelite 62 Michigan Certified Sanilac Seaway All Seed Grown from Foundation Stock xan,rLIrLUFte IT'S SHOP -CANADIAN WEEK in yourcommunity! ..Look for your merchant's rch - y e nt sSHO-P CAN- - -F Afl I�1�1: bat�T>e, and displays. This week and every week, look for the Made -in -Canada label. It's .a -good habit to get into ... stay with it all year 'roud.- • 4• Shop -Canadian Week . February 11• to 20 sponsorbd by ONTARIO TRADE CRUSADE • Seed ,and Fertilizer Supplied Excellent Markets Create Good Bean Prices Drop in Now For Your Spring Seeding and Fertilizer Ne' or Phone 262-2714 Collect - HENSALL - ONTARIO 441 by Louis Verneuil DIRECTED BY GAIL SULLY MacKAY HALL, FEBRUARY 25-26-27 Curtain 8:30 p.m. - Reserve Seats—R. W. Bell's, 2 .to 5 p.m.: From Feb. 19 Evenings: Monday thru Friday 8:30 p.m. Saturday. 9:00 p.m. .Matinees: Saturday `1:00 and 5:00 p.m. Sun`^day. •2:00 p.m. • � • - GUITARS • }' a FENDER — HAGSY•ROM GRETCH — GIBSON — KENT Call Lodge AMBULANCE SERVICE . DAY OR NIGHT Prompt Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE 524-7401 REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE ,All. makes = All' types GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Souare 'Phone 5.44.8434. "The Stare That Service Built" Ta SUF R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometjisi The Square 524-7661 Ticket Prices: 2.00, 2150, 3.00, 3.50 Including Tax •- Children 12 yrs. and Under, Half Price 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 GokiirOnly For Performances MONDAY through THURSDAY -- All Seats Reserved Tickets Available At CAMPBELL'S The Square, Goderich LOWREY ORGANS and ' SOUND CABIN-ETS o- FOR SALE or RENT' A M P L I F I ER S- FENDER - AMPEG - KENT Real Estate Agent - RUTH VAN DER MEER DIAL 524-7875, Goderich - Agent For WILFRID McINTEE REALTOR Walkerton BAND INSTRUMENTS cow& SELMER PA SYSTEM With 65,Waft Amplifier 3 3 5" , LONDON,. ONTARIO WEST STREET • STILES AMBULANCE Roomy -. Comfortable Anywhere `— -Anytime _ DIAL 524-8142' - 77_ Montreal St., Goderich Chartered Acgounfants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal -Auditor 39 St. David St., 524-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf . GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 Malibu powe:xury new ride, new r.: Chevelle by Chevrolet is stil • the newest �aiin its class .Here is 1965's look. of luxury! Chevelle's lithe, Tight lines invite you to look and look again. Slide behind the wheel ... there's more;luxury with curved sideglass for lots of shoulder room, smart new fabrics and softly textured vinyls -on the foam -cushioned seats. ' Now drive Chevelle. Right away, you'll thrill to how smooth a road can be, with Chevelle's redesigned and refined front end rear suspensions flattening bumps • 1 for you. New, thicker body mounts make the ride extra quiet, too.And you'fl>enjoy the Way Chevelle's practical size makes traffic°handling a breezes. , , parking finger- tip easy! - ro Chevelle's new power is exciting .,,, , from the 1.20 -hp : H -Thi°Tf1 Six, with it gas -saving ways and brj, k efficiency, to the 450 -hp Turbo=Fire V8. - See what you'll like ata price'you'll like ... Chevelle '65 .... at your Chevrolet dealer's now! wi Ve A 8! Aa A. M HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55.57 SOUTH STREET ' ' TELEPHONE GODER-ICH; ONTARIO 52477562 CHEVROLET• tHEVELLE • CHEVY.X1' ,ORVAI,t3 • CORVETTE• Cc cy T� TA Al1TNo raix r� 11EV1GLL bEALtut a-cionzItzrnl-t 5/4-831