HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-02-04, Page 12iatariOt s• t rau1Oi elft Dade#
rich are • s} axpen .n'g up their
skates ba take' pi rt in w'hat'
ey are dews riling as "The'
Hockey Game ,of 1965," on
March 5.
As many as are "capabtle. of
phayiing" will have their steam
bolsitered up by local celebrities
for their forthcoming needle
acme I with -The local police
Sengeant Blake Ball of the
QPP is looking after things
from' the police end and is busy
drawing uip an .a11 -star team
- :from his "boyts," the Gode,rtiah
town police and other adjoin.
ing de tachmen t s= of the OPP.
A ,program committee
working to provide noon -stop en-
tertainment between periods of
,he game and also an ,extensive -
prize dist. At the present tixxxe
the three major prizes- to be
offered are a deluxe' bicycle, a
$50 government bond, and a
super -transistor. rano.
Maureen Dowds continues to shine at track
events in her recently adopted home of
Winnipeg.Miss Dowd_, is a member of the
St. Janes Track club in Winnipeg and has
made her presence felt in the Manitoba
_cap,t,•i1 since her arrival there -'past..fall
--Ate-the smelt--inrtoor-_Crank -met fieTVinte
nat icinal meet of champions • at Winnipeg
last. Saturday, Maureen placed third in the
women's shot put. She was beaten by
girls from Toronto anc� Edmonton. This
meet featured entries from the United
States, N�ationaiist China, Hungary, Trin.i-
- dad and several other countries including
Canada. Many entrants were Olympic
coln>titors such as Harry Jerome of Van-
convex a n d n lx.m�2ic niedalhpidex�tn --
r oral other, countries. Zn,., a ..school,.. -track
- mi t -"Yeo earlier in the week, Miss Dowds
beat her nearest rival in the shot put by
-better thah nine feet.
The Maitland Countny Chulb
will be ,hofdi•ng a local bonspiel
next Friday ,afternoon and
'There will be two drawls tihe
1 ri • • . _3_ p_zo.,_anti. t ser -
and at 5 p.m,'
Mills Motor Sales have don-
a,,ted a large trophy and four
replicas for the winners of the
event. .
Ginn Leads Farmers
Godexdrh " Sato shopped:"the
league leading Kitchener Green,_
sthiTtS 0,4' here leash Friday, night
ho move .,frit fourth place' in
.the ,
Behind the ..oi tstanclinlg -goal-,
tending oif Rink Duckworth-' the
SrftogTeefee ed- and' Skated- theft:
way to a deciaive victory.
For bwo perioda the Siftos
name out off•" the short end of
the play as the Greenshirts.hed
the best , of the territorial play
and oentroled tlhe_puck through
most ',,,of -„the- 40 minutes, al-
though both 'teams had equal
scaring ,opipomtu:nities..
The first period was a fast
clean sessien • rwitth Kitchener
juinping off to an early lead at
2:19 of the period. ' It was a
tip -in shot that Duckworth had
no %chance on. _-
It was seven minutes before
G'oderi'ch eatqd equalize the
:snore:- It was an a 'beautiful
pass •play .iron Rahn to Caster
and there were no mistakes
made. Kitchener was never to
have the 1ea'd.. again. Goderich
snored again at 12 minutes
when Parsons let .another one
of his blistering shots tgo_ from-
well out. Parsons s'eored agsain
jut ,foul- minutes later when he
,gip ai t:=,,hat of lleth-
erin,enton's, Woods rounded out
the fine-, period Storing at 18
minutes -witch Caster and Rahn
It was a fast clean first period
of Noel ey with ne penalties be-,
ing assessed. A Strong team
effort by the Sil tyos along with
bailtending by Dnekwprth l a!t•
accounted for the edge alai the
scpre. • 1- ; •
There wast only one goal icor-
:,ed...an._the—Second. -pei4od-.. ncl
tlhat was• far •. K Voltener.. The
Greenshirts held a wide edge'
in play in this period and the
key difference was the play of
Duckworth. Kick made a step
on e wide open breaktawapr -and
was outis'tandirig on many ,close -
in trys iby Mare visitors-
. Both teams had a men. ad-
vantaige fi,he ,period but nei-
ther could mount a sustaj,ni d. the period ; and ' here •again had
a'tltck although both had a cou-
'l� of. gdod scox ►g opperttnn-
iitties, . °
In the Nina], period, it was all
Q'ocle •$oh. :1s they' have proven
411•Year, the later itagetts an the
i mate, the ' better• they flay 'as
im;d.>.vic�ua� ,,g� .area _dice_
senor a; wen deserved goal.
Williamson T. scored, t'w ,ce , both
fz'oxn Rice and Pettus and Shew-
felt ,scored; a goal unassisted.
In this fnnal. stanzaL GoderLeh
continued to check well as they
had throughout the, game but
in 'thp ixn�al period they 'tthrew
the Greenah;iirts into almost_
complete disorganization.
Kitchener did score twice in -
Home -Made Bread
x ►t' Qr �yea±r; r'i-vir h '� i It
tending asci as t wek ,c1'it>t' key '+ While, Ahem
b ! the-, enee the Cfreens •its indt v du • stars, Abp Uue
n)iit hate Made the scare aelf�Suf'ioient an4iea Maid
cioei'. - own and tom' Way mtt
The nti `e
e �'. flee mod to Firiday ni't. t4a
unat+ a$ 'b`,�th • teanns • cheesed 1.9 are $ •• es'bl p.
close2r and the najerittr of the besthocko, n i•..
platy seonjt.ed to take plate fxroxn 'has had An i.ux YeeV,
10 feet rrIMe the-blueltne ifrorm have had, ketter in k' sta
one end ' a anpthes, b 1t not a, better . unit.
• W 1e: it was close ctteki lg ',In this.lam •Wien tea w.
here Were maw scoring, op. many. intld actual s+uacah
portunalties• on :both sides which Willuarson who pl'a
he �iYed to• m i e it an exciting 40 minutes, ; etfhe tington,, Vp
game. •kinson. and . lust. about ev.
�t is • e-wctlad'-heve -'tube-•xhembe� of•-t'he- eani
considered one of ibhe strongest closeli r on the hneells f.• th
team efforts of the yea`s'. This. three. •
49 West Street -- Gederich ' — 524-7941
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat., 8:30 'til 6:30
Fri., itilQ,9 p.m.
Eleven -year-old Stuart Asher son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Asher, Waterloo Street, was chosen as an All-Star eentreman'
at the International Silver Stick Tournament in Port 'Huron
last Saturday. Stuart was Considered the best Fee Wee cen-
tre in, the,Tournam,ent. There were also two wings, two def-
-:" •encemen and a goaltender• selected. Pee Wee teams entered
in the event were from. Detroit (with. two entries), St. Mary;,
Toronto, Barrie, _.Sarnia, Waterloo and Goderich. The first
Stuart, knew of his selection as an all-star 'was when he read
it in the paner on Monday. Asked how he felt about his sel-
ection he said, "Real good". Signal -Star photo
• A prominent Goderich lawyer
has teamed up with a top-flight
trainer -driver, also from Gnde-
ricth, ire what appears to be.
a winning' comibin•ation in the
harness racing world.
Jafnes Donnelily has 'turned
over Rendezvous Boy, the horse
for which he is reported to
have paid $12,000, to the stable
of Ron Feagan, with immediate
At the Western Fair Raceway
on Saturday Rendezvous Boy
made hi debut under the Don
nelly ieo10 nd easily won
the $1,200 featured handicap
w:tlh Ron Feaganin the sulky.
The six-year-old gelding reg-
istered by a length and- one:
half over Success Yankee, with
Highland Girl third in the six-
ix-horse. race.
Trainer Feagan, who recover-
ed sufficiently from being
'thrown' in the track during the
fifth race, got Rendezvous ley'
on top despite coming out of
the second; m'ents Icur)Iing
dra.w o•f, the season will nd
up on February we14. At the mo-
ment, it is difficult to list-, the
,op teams since all o'f the lead-
ing teams have now suffered
one locs.
.Th e'Vt'dker bonspici was held
an Wednesday evening. • The
invitation 'ladies' .bonspiel we'll
he hell on Wednesday, Febru-
The ,xixed draw will conclude
on Sunday, February 7. The
the sixth position.
The win was worth $600, plus
an approximate $200 bonus td
Rendezvous Boy and boosted
his winnings to $2,930 since.
December 1`.. He was an even -
money choice for tihe crowd of
more than 3,000 who turned
Out in the 15 -degree 'weather
for the event. . -
Feagan Stable
totli Mr. Donne:"y - and his
trainer are forecasting an inter-
esting future far the top class
rater.. Rendezvous Boy ' will
take his place among the other
83 ,horses that trainer Feagan,
has at present in his stable.
-From the time he was six
years of age Ron Feagan has
been known in the Goderich
area for his interest in horses.
Even while he was still attend-
ing high school he was taking
part in sulky—races in his spare
time.5 'J.
This Is the third year he has
nun his own stable and races
for owners across Ontario and
also from the United States.
Last year he finished in the
top . ten drivers in the New
York State race meetings.,
At 23 he is acknowledged
leading • authorities in the har-
ness racing field as being ,one
of the top drivers throughout
Canada. He -is said to have
won the confidence of many of
the top owners with the handl-
ing and extreme ;care he takes
of animals _n his charge. ,
skips of rinks having four wins
are Howie Kueatzie, Bill Gard-
ner and Don, MacEwan. Skips
of rinks with three wins are
Bruce Sully, Bryan AinsIie,
"Woody" Wood and Bruno La-
Following are' scores in the
iadies' divis�ionin recen,t,.games:
January 28
Nancy lcy.phew 9, Jean Price 4
P.McConnell 10, J. MacDonald 3
Mae Schaefer -9, E. .Gardner 4
B. Wright 10, Avice. Bisset 3
Betty, Sones- 10, Peg Wood �3
Many Rouse 10, _Rath_ Keene -3_
M. Martin 11, Connie Osborn 2
A. Reffiinghaus 11, S, 'MacEwan
I3iilty Croft._ 10, Al. McMillan 3
February 1 .
Joyce Hays 9. Mae Schaefer 4
Kaye Baker'10, Helen Allison 3
Mice ,Bisset 14,, MT McMillian 2
Marie Huff 9, A. Refflinghaus 4
February 2
Mary Rause 8, P. McConnell 5
Billy Croft 10, ianet MacRae • 3.
Elsie Gardner 10, Grace Sale' 3
Petg Wood 9, Jean Price 4
A. Tyteman 8, Donna McGee 0
Farmers' League
Scares of recent. games in
the Far"•mens' League were:` T.
Moore 7, Fisher 5; Ginn 10,'
Eedry 3; Feagan 8, E. Moore .4;
Foster 9, . Kernidlian 5; Baer 10,
T. Moo're.l; Hawkir,§ 9, Fisher
8. .
Gerry Ginn's rink has taken
1 a Commanding lead in the
standing with a total Of 30
paints. The complete standing
is as -follows:
Ginn 3.0 .
Hawkins . 23 -
E.'Moore y 21 -
Jewell 20
Rowe 20
Foster ...4 18
Baer 17
Feagan 13
T. Moore 12
':Tither - ..............._._._11 .
Kernnightan 8
Cross Cut
TocTi�kisVbT •Roa`sfs<ie.
°Y Club Steaks
C Steakettes
European Style Cold .Fresh Meats&Bread
Bathroorn Tisue
4 -LB, PKG. .
rolls for
7.L6.. BAG
\l1/AX PAPER iic
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Details .at `f
W. J. Detnomme
Flower Shop
Nowa truly, 100%
Speed Queen now offers a third agitator
speed so feathery gentle that the
sheerest delicates can bejaundered
with total safety. No longer need
'the bathroom wash basin be a
laundry tub. -This new Model A46F
Speed Queen now .takes over the
hand washables, heretofore corisiflered
/too delicate to trust to a w Shing
machine, Stop in for a demonstration. •
. 5, G
of fim�p:
its am
5 imam
e Wit
ck Arl
i ty
tight a:
at be
he Hi
�1 •wii
Open Nitely Uinta 10 p.rn. for
your Shopping Convenience