HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-02-04, Page 5Neilson's Every Piece Different
Ib. 1.45, 2 Ib. 2.90
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3UNQ'ANNf N.- ,Xi . and' xs,
Torn Yaun!b, Linda, U004 P"eg"g)
and visited UI1 `1111:cial
wit1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill wi', •gtus
and Erie at the Nile.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray'efid £!hits•
holm, Suzanneand ?Michael
visited on Sunday with., Mrs.
Mry C1lisholmn.
and:'Mrs. Gordon Schultz,
Brenda, Bonnie and Debbie':
spent Sunday'twith lir. and 34:s.
Tom JaWlor pn4 Jim at Auburn.
Visitors on Sunday_ with Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Kerr and family
were Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Kerr
and Brian of Port Albert and
Donna and Paul Swplat oaf Gode-
Hospitalized • •
Merz a Culbert of Gode-
rieh and fo n.erly of Dungan-
non is a patient in Viktoria Hos-
pital, London. For 'anyone who
wishes to visit her or send a
card, her address is Room 303,
srd floor E., Victoria hospital,
London. .It is expected she
will be there three weeks or
on -ger.
W.t. Meet I C. Crozier took charge of the
° Mrs. Ada Falls was hostess
devotional service. Mrs. Derk
fcrtMte January mectin of Dun !L gtenhen--rtac- the Scripture
gannon W.I. Fourteen ladies' lesson an -,1 meditatilon. Mns.
a WO ,the -roll eallib3 ,rte
ing a , pi;ee.,and pita origin. yrs.
J. Daupphin gave a,we1I '' aredl-',
pape' en cols Xing a way tat.,
life nr ,010 ibusilse ''..*Plans
were made to entertain' the
patients at the Ontario hospital
hater this 'menlh, - .,t�. card party ,
was dis+od sed and committees
pointed to, Barry out the dr,
xap+gemem s. The 'bops was" in
'charge of Mrs. E. Rivettt and
Mrs. T. Rivett gave an, interest-
ing aeeount . 'her, trip to `the
West• coast last fall. She show
,ed several cards and , pi etures
which helped to illluOtrate her
talk. •The meeting closed in
the usuaI1 Manner and lunch
was served by the hostess.
The U.C.W.
Dungannon U.C.W met in the
church basement ,for the Janu-
ary meeting with a good at-
tendance. Mrs. W. Brown, pre-
udent, opened the meeting with
prayer. A minute's silence was.
observed in Memory of Mrs. M.
Shackleton, a life member, who
passed- away lastt week. darts.
..;:'.;}4'it:!���R;�"'�a!*:A:�;:;,:R■.! fid•...,,*-.;
"Nip" Whets`'ane
36 North St. Goderich Dial 524-7394
-___ , Jim 1 rep an had, charge of the
study; period, outlining the first
two chapters of the new study
j book, "God and His Purpose."
Hymns were sung with Mrs.
Brian Hallam as pianitst.- Dur-
in-; busing-.. Mrs. II. Johnston
gave the minutes of the last
- -_ _.. - _., ... __.,ineeti.ug .an�d...Mrs- oss.:X it ,
Auburn -Chord
the treasurer's report. Roll
• :call was answered by payment..
AUBURN.— Knoxr Presbyter :of fees. Many thank you cards
were read for Ch,ristMas. gifts,
ian, Church held its congr�e ga cards and going away gifts: Mrs.doral• meeting with ev. R. Ll: K K Dawson, convener of fin -
MacLean presiding. The min-' once, gave the budget for 1965
Utes were read by Mr. Donald which was accepted. $50.O0
Haines. The session report 1,Vas'j was voted to the Board ,of Stew -
given by the clerk, Donald ardcs• A congregational dinner
Haines, . stating that there had will be held at a later date.
been two elders ordained •dux- ti[rs. M. Reed announced World
in.g- the :year, William Wagner Day of Prayer will be held in
and Arthur Yaun�blut; also !the . Anglican C'hunch. ' tt7rs. ''
that there had been three deaths I Dawson closed with prayer and
-iris^tht— re tion-: The -maria. lug al was seri e T 1fiy Mfrs '._h; _
agefrs' report was presented by Rivett and Mrs. W. Pentland.
the chairman, Roy Daer, and
the -C.G.I.T. report wvas given' ,:
by Mrs. Wes Bradnoc'k. The I '
Sunday school report was .ac- . LocHALsii
_,..:.4..11 nn nrom7,•P!� I�Yv i ii .q '
LOCHALSH.—Little Pam Mc -
report was given by Mrs.rs,I'Was ' entertained her frients
old Haines and Mrs. Wilfred 2n the occasion of her third
San•derson.. Mrs. Roy Daer gave ,birthday un Thursday after -
the Ladies' Aid report v ,
hick Aloon.
showed • a substantial -balance. j Services. at Ashfield Presby
Mrs., Ed. Davies presented the .
auditors' report for all the terian Church will be at 11 a.m. .
church. books (which she and , for the next six months.
Miss Ella 'Wagner had audited. 1• The, annual congregational
meeting -
at Ashfield Presbyter -
The offic ms for the coming ;. can Church had •to be cancelled
year are s follows MiatiSter, ;for the second time due to •bad
Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A.; s•es- roach and snow.
cion, -John Houston, Alfred Rol- �Chasses were called off at .
linson, J. Kenneth Scott, Wil- school " on N.orthAs
ham. Wagner, Arthur Young h6el�l .Fri; .
blut and Donald Haines. clerk; dal, because. of the $Moran.
RA .Daer, 'Gordon ; Mrs. Reuben Wilson has bee.
�� managers,',
. ;• a �.�-under the doctors care and at
• ;;"j '1 Dobie, Major Youngblut, Ed.. esent is ill in bed.
1?av�ies,. ,William -Wagner 2nd p;,
Wi'.�fred Sanderson; trustees, ; Miss Margaret Ann MacDon-
Arthur Youngblut, Harvey- Mc-', ald, bride -elect, was 'guest of
Gee, Donald Haines; organists, ';honor ata shower- held. -on.
���� �► ��
tiViiss Margaret Haines, Miss � ^:VIcnday evening at North Ash -
P:! urch field .drool.
`��/' /� •�d�� s 'Margaret Donald Haines;
church treasurer, Mrs. Wes.'
Bradntck;.- auditors, .Mrs. Ed.
° Davies, Miss Luella Wagner:
-...., historian, Mrs. John Houston; I ASHFLELD.—Rod MacLennan
Sunday school secretary-tteasnr of Detroit visited with' has bro-
er, Miss Margaret, Haines; lull- 'tther, Frank, last weekend.
-ers, Gordon Dobie, Gordon Bob MacGregor spent a few
rDaer, Kenneth, Scott,' Murray Clays last week in. Toronto with
Youngblut and Wes Bradnock. his sister, Mrs. G. Leadbetter.
After the election of officers On Monday night a imiscellan-
IIa business session ,was._ eld nd . eous shower was held in 14orth
;plans were. made for a new Ashfield sctrool in honor of Mi.ss
heating system. for the church Margaret Macdonald of Toronto.
and also -'a discussion re ` th-e The Sacrament or the Lor'd's
tnanse -which is still 'vacant. Supper will be observed in Ash -
Lunch was served by the anem-
bers . of the Ladies' Aid in
charge-OrVlrs.'M:ajor Youngblut
and Mrs. Ed. Davies.
Heart Shaped Boxes arid Regular Boxes -- SpeciallyWrapped
For Valentines Day.
: . LL'!
field Presbyterian Church next
Sunday at 11 a.m. with prepar-
atory services on Friday at 8
p.m.. y
Yes, every smart cupid kinows that for a gift that
is sure to 'please, shop at the Fashion Shoppe. All
the latest styles a and prices that will fit your
Sweaters 4•-' Skirts • Slacks
Dresses • Coats. • ILiingerie
Assciations Father's thght Hears
Wha•t �Sputnk ' Did to
The monthly meeting of the by the Russian's that spurred the
Goderich Home and School As- Western World c in the field ..
Sorelation was helddJanuarly 26th of mathematics. He pointed
in Victoria Public School with :Out that it is not a new concept
the president, Mrs. H. Carroll, I in mathematics, but rather a•
presiding ' The theme for the ;new approach tp maths, and is
evening was "Father's Flight,"
an& more than the usual nun',-
ber of fathers were present
-It was hoped this trend would
continue for -Mature meetings.
Following a. (brief business
meeting,,, students from grades
7 and 8, underthe direction of
Mrs. Shaddik k and accorrupanied
by Mr. W. fiameror}, on the
piano, sang several Carols wMch
were very much. enjoyed.
The guest speaker. for 'ale
evening, William Nediger of the
Central Huron Secondary School
in Clinton, spoke on the "New
Mrathematics" which its present-
ly being taught in the sch6ols.
Being a member of the grade
7 to 10 cuu i,culum committee,
and a counseibbr for the On-
tario Association of Teachers
of Maths and PhysiK, Mr. Ned-
iger was well qualified to speak
on this subject.
In his talk, he stated that
while it is Balled New Math-
ematics, it hats actually been
under development' rime t1
turn o 'the eenitvey, and it was
only the launching of Sputack
an endeavor to un y -all the
existing branches of matte -
Mr. Nediger's address v a.s
most informative and aroused
a keen interest among those
present as .was evidenced by
the - question -period whish fol-
lowed. Mr Nediger was intro-
duced by the 'program char•
marc, Mrs, R. H. Cornish, and
following his talk was thankei
on - b'ehalf of the Hone anti
School A.ssociatior by Mr.'
Frank Moore, " grades 7 and 8
teacher" of Nieto!' Lauriston
Following the meeting, a sm-
orgasbord Inndhh ?was served bye"`
the male toddlers and members
of the school board.
In her closing remarks, the
president expressed the hope
bhe attendance, , especial`1Y
annOngst 'the lathers, wOukI be
as good at the next meeting to
be held on Tuesday, February
23, at which- time the winners
int the Royal Canadian teed*
Public S4peakir4g contest
.present the* talks.