HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-02-04, Page 4.,R a.. . 1 ft.,' 11 ,'":M'. a q - � e Blue Thum By G. MacLEOD ROS l TIENTSIN MEMORLFS- The''l:nternatiental Settlegnent --of Tientsin it the, early 30s` • ha.d»a dis!tiine 'polyglot flavor, 'Consider ti anteus, lawsurit of January. 13; ` E. C.. Spiridus t•esnsus, the tri issh Municipal Council.? , Here Ssit Italian; sub J coot, born a) butt really a • Greek comas k't British' Cqurt with • an Iers it;. Ia ; er • and a Rites-�i:at;e>� r-etertw t�-. ting, he- rnac e"" '&etch w usky out of Japanese -alootiol In a French distillery ander the name of "Au Chateau de la sPaix.." On•e of the most successful- Inteine»ss men there was the Ps14bot of the Societe des L'azar- etes- who, not b'nly, ran a ply - „Wood factory, but leased dwell- ing houses to Europeans. I rented one, 404 Racecourse Road (Ma Fung Loo), and when Wong, my N urmber One boy, .*ame hot -foot frown the base- ment one frigid winter's night .to say of tthe- furnace: "Every - ;ling all go pop , inside," my rt*counse was to phone the So- clete and lo, in half an hour a crit e on hiss bicycle., his . putain narrowly . octan on;Ing to downfall by ' catching in the chains_ z•The Admiral (:�ae dday the word was passed • that Ads incl Kelly, the C. in C. !Ch.ina Stratien, .would stay with lour ,gerateral en route to Pekill ,on leave. It so happened that 4lullaly, the Brigade Major, was attely and. as a_ result I was Ideeiuled teLee e the Admiral to his tte-:n the. f o Haw ice; morn- .inse _,,Eric e' to packing him up I was taken aeide and given a long admonition an deportment. I't was impree.s•e-d on ma that the Admiral had a most explo- ., ve tern:aee, consequently I muyt -steer .him away frown any circuinetances whatsoever 'which might trigger it. Keyed up for the very worst, I picked him up at the general's house: -saw-the mound of bag- gage loaded by the general's servant and saw the Admiral into the staff car where I sat beside him most salici•toesly, my uniform and sword contrast- ing with his more sombre civil- ian Outfit. Conversing anost amicably, we drove through the crowded streets of the . French _c'Onees iQn. ..E.Y.eksthis a... _was_ sweet reasonableness. All of a sudden the Admiral spied a French -Book shop. A halt eves ordered. His wife had commissioned him to buy; some paperbacks. Inside, by .•a mixture of French and sign language, I sought to•apprise the proprietor that though my companion did not look very impressive in civvies nevertheless, he was not -only the C, iris C., but fulminate. Us- ing the most execrable French. with an English accent, the, Ad- miral asked for some "roma when, horror of horrors, the proprietor answered in perfect English.. Now, I thought,here are all the ingredients for a megaton blast., Each tim-e •-the Admiral pulled a book from the shelf and• asked the trigger- eoeking question: "Coo rbien cet livre?" and the shopkeeper• trip- ped the mechanism: "That is 'two dollars, I, braced anysel.f tov rush between them and pre- vent mayhem. ',But it was not to be:' Time after tithe they, challenged one another, each in., the tengie oof ;, is„in.sistence and each time the Entente failed _safe. The tburiidle of paperbacks finally wrapped and ,paid for was a'dd'ed to the multitude of email individual parcels' which e P Wide Selection The climate was humid in surriuner, could and dry in winter. N.eventheless, living alongside the Chinese city of some lise mil•liati souls had its cornpen- mations, for while you might only leave the one square mile of the British ,concession ex- cept by rail, food, nay delica- cies, •were 'cheap, the club was fabulous, offering every fotin of sport 'from pato and horse a,aing to ,swimming, skating and bridge and there was always Peking, a. sthort rail journey :may, say, w h ere palaces and mus- eums, she ps and hotelss; provid- cd variety, interest and beauty of form and color.' There was One drawback win the farm of a wide, slow -flowing, steamy, oily, • green canal which, passing the. eencesssion, carried all the sesw- : ge from the city to bhe river at totr tide' only,.. -so !bat during the- ges batidn peeiodes a --stench arose" to beat even the lake • south of Goderiah, ot•t r which .Mr. J. C. Fli,ndunarsh waxes so lyrical on nceasion. Perhaps this early experience has made the too tolerant! littered the floor . of the car. The Admiral confided that he collected old clocks; that here were some and he hoped t� find more in Peking. On ;this mite we continued to the Pek- ing Mukden° railway station ' A Situation! Arrived, a fresh denouement reared its head. Deposited amongst the milling mob, with- out which .rio Chinese station rs coniplete, the' Admiral's Chinese servant failed to ani- pear. .Even when the chauffeur had hidden .himself in packages aid bags and, the Admiral had picked up sante of his nibre prerisyus purchase, there were ;still more to be carried through the crowds to the platform. I tried to load myself up but the peremptory command came: "Put these down. You can't carry avbag in uniform!" Vain- ly I relegated myself to acting as a battering-ram to force a passage to the platform -gate. Would the following duos, in civvies and loaded to the gills, be allowed 'to. pass? Mercifully they were and so we went tghra,agh to find the special Goat-h',drawn Up and before- it, -an--array of-- frotables,-aEuropean- and Chinese lboxwalsla'hs; the mayor of Tientsin; sundry gen- erals of Chang Tso Lin's armies mixed with French. Italian,. Japanese and American officers of army and flaty. Meticulously the • Adthiral went • to each; poured honeyed words into his ears; 4kpressed every hand and accorded :each a syrupy word of thanks for their presence. This over hiss Naval A.D.C. appeared and eon - ducted hi'»n to „one end of .the saleon. I followed•"them' thro- ugh the narrow 'passage which opened int& a spacious drawing room and- was already telling myself how griossly the, Admiral had been maligned; such a dirp- lomatic• representative of - our Country etc. Jt was in this comatose con- dition into which" I had 'lulled myself that- from the further recesses of the drawing .room I heard the most fiendish yell "Ybu bloody bastard you! What - in hell's name :do you mean iby skulkini back here in this Car- riage? ar riage? I gave you four hours liberty, dam your blasted soul, and you disappear _Mad I have to carry my own bleeding bags on to the train. Doing your work! Dam your -bloody im-, pertinence!: • Get out at once, blast you, and ,fetch in my bag- gage...." ag-;age,..." Then the AdmriraI turned tb me with a seraphic smile, thanked me profusely; sent best regards to thegeneral and 1 telt, to stand at attention' on the platform as 'the train ;termed outs' • But there was no face at the ••window: I suspPct the Admiral was even then enlarging ori his previous summation of his ser- vant's Chinese ancestors. .ten B1NG0 at LEGION HALL • • Saturday, February 6 at 8:30 p.m. 15 .GAMES " $1.00 The'prize for each regular game 'will be $12.00 4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot Combined. -7 JACKPOT' ombined:we- JACKPOT° OF $110.00 IN 57 CALLS SPONSORED BY CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 109 No One Under 16 permitted Tr Play - ,There4will be no Bingo Feb.13 ■ Remadel�n . . RedecOating? p A !, There's no better time to make home improvement plans a reality. Service is better; and you can save on lower off-season prices. Don't let lack of money hold you back. Get an HFC Householder's Loan - up to $2500. Do the needed work now -even .replace worn-out furni- ture and appliances. Then, repay conven- lently., ` ee HFC°`r'row. ASK ABOUT CREDIT LIFE INSURANCE Above payments include principal and Interest and are A f"'LOW;GROUP RATE'S a:hased,on pmmpt,rspaymlh ent; but do-not-includeecastoff ofd Inturance. PAINT AMOUNT or LOAN $l00 550 750 1000, 1600. 2200 2500 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 36 mgnths 60.88 83.71 95.12 SO months $23.73 31.65 41.45 68.811 94.62 107.52 20 piontha $ 6,.1 32.86 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 12 montha $51.24 69.21 91.56 146.52 201.46 228.93 HOUSEHOLD FINANC • ' GODI RICH 35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Installation At Benmiller 'BENMILLER. - The officers of Court Fascination No. L1901 Lady Foresters, Ber,misller, held their installation' at the For- es'ter's Hall, Benmiller, with District Deputy High Chief • Ranger, Sister Audrey Kerni= ghan installing the officers: - They went Past president, B. Moore; president, E. Jewell; vice-president, E. Fisher; treas- urer, H. IV'IcCalbe; financial sec- retary, `-Betty Moore; recording ecretary, P. Harrison; 'chap- lain, H:° Westbi'took; warden, L.yla Fisher; conductor, P. Bogie; inner guard,. I. Sturdy; outer guard; J. 'McPhee, D D.H.C,R. Audrey, Kernighan also. installed -officers in Wal- lace and •Kinburn this past month. • An enjoyable Bard party was l ld in the Forester's Hall, Ben-' miller, Saturday night, sponsor- ed by the men and lady Fores- ters. There were 10 tables of progressive "500." ° The win» n•ers were: thigh lady, P. B6gie.; high man, Aaron Fisher; low lady, Helen Fisher; low mann, Tom Moore. Draw prize for a chicken was won by "Larry Fiiher.-,.,Another such party will be held in a couple of weeks. a. • light sunny flavour BRANVIN SHERRY AND PORT WINE JURI)f1N BRANVIN sherry • AUBURN. ----Mr.,, Mr. an.d. Mrs. Leo ut Ziler of Toroci visited wwath Mr. and Mrs.; Kenneth' Scott Tuesday of la t ,Week and all attended the uner:al of their nephew, ° Wil Sana Bow's at Goderich. Mr. tend Mr$i Robert 'Craig; Veru and Jeff of Ildert.oli spent Sunday with ,his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. C,y2„.araig. w. Friends 'are pleased that Peter McDonald is !home from the hospital -where ,he was treated for a fracture of .a bone in his foot while playing badmin- ton." • Mr. and Mee, Tom Haggitt and -Mr. and Mrs. George 'ITag- I git of Zurich attended: 'the wedding of Mr. Haggitt,s ate; phew at Chatham on Saturday. Delegation Here Mr• and Mrs. Nigel ,Charlong, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallace and Mr. Derek Adkins were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig. They were a delegation from the Township of West Flthnboro, near H am t anseteessee.ethe - burn Community ',Memorial Hall since their 'comMuntty plans to bu4d a commun.ily centre this' spring, They were much pressed with the Auburn hall and took pictur s and -details back to their eittee. Junior Re', �.Tlre Jurd-e� auburn school h meeting w dent, Betty Mo The minutes wer ni%er Grange. was answered b favorite TV sho ity favored "The was decided to itsale at the nex recitation was .gi lUcClinrhey 'an. three pupils san "Dear ¥ittl-e Sn collection . was t Chamney.. Joyc asked several • addles. - The meeting was .cios d by singing "0 Canada:" -Cross ".Cross .oI Id their mon- th the rpresi- , in charge. read by Jets - he .roll call naming your The major:_ Fugitive." It ve an auction meeting. A en by Doreen • the grade several' years and 4.as a 'Mem,. tier of .the Auburn Women's JUstlttjte. :Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. j1arry (Sylvia). Eve, Leastde;. two, sons. Charles Blatchford;,' St. 'Marys" ,and Ndr- man Ba"tchfford of Sudbury; six grandehaldren and12' great:. gea:ndchi'ldred; also five ,broth.. en . John ;Ai hLson, Moore - town; Thomas Aitchison,- Kit- chener; Henry Aitchison, Moore - town; Lorne Aitchison, Mitchell, and Harvey ;Aitchison of Wing, ham. , Two brothers,. Loc'kie and Wallace, and one sister, Mns.Joe .(Emma) MMlutch, prede- eased her. The funeral was 11• 1 in "'Knox Presbyterian C1 urtnh, Auburn, with' Rev: R. U, flaoLean •in charge. Inter- rnent, was in Wi°nhain_ temre- tery. Pallbearers were ' John Daer, Bert Daer, Robert Daer, Robert • J. Phillips, Arthur Youngblut and Andrew Kirk- conne11. Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn Club met at the home ,a Mrs. Ted Hunking with the president, ,Mrs. Lorne ge'7- +4�rP. Tlrr utes were read by Mrs. Henry Hunking,- Notes of thanks were read from Mrs. Leonard Arch- ambault and baby, -Mrs. Walter Cunningham 'Tor her rson, Rod- ney, and Mrs. Henry I-unking for sympathy .extended to her. 11he 'financial btatem'ent was given iby the= -treasurer, •Mns Joe Hunking The scall _c JI _was,. answered teas-- anstwered ley each telling her favonite TV ,program. The draw prize was On by Cathy flunking. It had been donated by Mrs. Henry Hunking. The memlbers decided to send $5.00 to their adopted Korean child for a birthday, -gift. A program of contests andgames was con- ducted by Mrs.. Joe Hunking and Mrs. - Nellie McDougall. The next meeting will be held the chorus, i' akes." The ken by _Paul Lea tlherla nd • Players' Honored William. J. Cr e f the `Athletic in charge of tit of ja•cl'µts to th of the past seas e,eiving jackets Daer, - Gordon B Haggitta Peter. don Daer, Lorn; Seers, John Arth therland, 'Ross.. Dobie, Wiliam Lan Webster and. This team was Central Huron F arid had, ,bee.rrb' "b Liam J. Craig -ant gitt. The -mattag Hagitt. -An o will be held. -late to organize for t son.. • Mr. Harry urer and stated Year's dance ha cess and the, Ib St. Patrick's. da. 12th when ticke on a quarter of • president oda-Eon, was presentation ball players n. Those re - ere: Kenneth adle, George cDonald, _Gor- Daer, Jahn r, -Edgar Leap aer, William obertson, Al- ien Webster. nalists in the otball league shed by Wil - Thomas Hag; 'r was George dial meeting in the spring e coming sea- rthur is tress-' that the New • been a suc- 's planned a• ce on March will be sold eef. • . ' • Mrs. Herbe t Govier ,Funeral servic s •werg held February 2nd for 1VIi .ITe''r'bert Govier w.he pass d away after a lengthy illness in Clinton hos- pital. - She was t e former Jen• - net Aitchison, da tinter of Wi'1- Iiam Aitchison •nd` •Elfizabbth O'Donahue, and was born at Teeswater on A ril 15, 1886: She resided in Wi sgham before coming . to the A burn district many years ,ago. Mrs: Govier was a member of nox Pireeby- -terian Church anc a life -mem- ber of the WDM: She s also -a mei,r'ber- of-•t:•he Auburn - Horticultural ,So iety where she served as a director for at the home 9 aViro; .10u SnyU en's .with the gran i .kchak+ge of Vim$tew;art: Ament and Mrs. ,Henry Honking. - •.,'Tlhe� lunch committee to be iz „h�ange are, Airs. Walter Cunningham). 7tts 'Tom Cunningh m, Mrs..CTuy Cunningham. and Mars. Ariel D.uizer, The roll call 4 to beanswered by. naming igroquetbin,g pertaining" to; St. Valenti'ne's Day. ,After an interesting af- ternoon's program, lune .. was seriied by Mrs. Joe Verwey; Mrs: Stewart Amenit, Mrs. Stanley Ball `land Mrs. Lorne Hur%king. Plan .Contest The general ',meeting of tho U.C.W. of Knox United ,Char% drew a good attendance in spite of the stormy, weather. 'Ilhe members of Unapt 'One were in charge of the meeting with Mrs. Janes Jackson at the piano. The call to w'orshlip was given Eby Mrs. Roy Easom. Scripture was read by Mrs. Easom. The meditation was .given. by Mrs. James Jackson. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer led -in prayer. Mrs.. William Empeor showed slides en Trinidad. .Mrs. Easom thank; E ed Mrs. mpey. The offering was received by Mrs. Envpey and Mrs. Plaetzer and dedicated with song. - The president, Mrs. Bertt_Lraig, took !csharge• of the business session. She thanked evefyone for thein co-operation ducting the past year and asked for their- cantfnued- support the minutes were real by Mitis Elim Mulch. Dtie to fihe -ab- Bence,. of Mrs. Norman McDo- well, the treasurer, the financialstatement -was given 'by Mrs. Oliver XilTderson. The corr'es` pondence'was read by the secre- tafy in the absenceotf 'Miss Margaret Jackson: • •"Unit `-re- ports were given by the leaders, The supply report stated that bales weighing 665 pounds and valued at $1,815.41 had- been MALTING BARLEY CONTRACT • 'Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Your choice: -=W Parkland (six, rowed Bette (two rowed) An Excellent Crop for Early Cash . Excellent BEAN SEED Quality Ontario Registered Sanilac Seaway ......w > 'Saginaw Michelite 62 Michigan ..Certified -- Sanilac Seaway All Seed Grown from Foundation Stock BEANCONTRACTS AVAILABLE Seed and Fertilizer Supplied. • Excellent Markets Create Good Bean Prices Drop in Now For Your Spring Seeding and Fertilizer.Needs 0 -Phone--•262274 Collect E1. M1CKLE&SON L4MI-TED! HFE N SALL ONTARIO 4-tf • HIB'BERT'S tO 1 GOWNS . and PYJAMAS • 36" FLANNELETTE i FOUNDATION GARMENTS LINEN TOW LUNG • THERMAL UNDERWEAR • aiGGAGE • DRAPERY LISLE S OCKINGS • GLOVES • ' CARDIGANS • STRETCH SLIMS HOUSE SUPPERS • 45" DRAPERY • SAMPLE DRAPERY FABRICS NYL \,„ F. 160 THE SQUAR SKI MITS & WINTER .GLOVES, socyo OFF IBBERT & SON TELEPHONE S24801ii pent, 0,00$411;,, , there, . had `ftn'aii eo were donated to' t1he Vaxpet Fund, the Flower Fund; 'S!ingtFme and to Toronto for sending bales- and kitchen sup- plies. •It was. suggested that an effort •f1Or better attendance be trued this year in the form of a Contest. The secretary, of -each eaach Unit is -to 'record -the attend - „ante of each, member, , a'lso a guest that anyone might bring, At the end of the year, the units with the longest 'attendance and the second lowest entertain the Unit with the best. ,attendance. IMrs. Bert Craig closed bhe meet- ing' with the- benediction and lt.rnch was 'served by the mem- bens of Unit One. ,•, PERSONAL Mr, and Mils. William E. Balk - will, Toronto, spent -the- wee'k- end with, Mrs. Harry L' editor, Part Albert. THIS MIGHTY MIDGET WANT ADS , WORK )ead-Animal- REMOVAL for dead and disabled animals call collect Darling & Company, - of Canada Ltd. Phone 482-7269, Clinton Dead animal licence number 35,0-C-65 4tf II -. ICH MI As�ociatMo. • ET'ING ANNUAL M AND ELECTION of OFFICERS SVNI ►AY ; B. ';2 p.m. GODEICH ARENA EVERYBODY WELCOME GET TRIS BOOKLETQF BASIC FACTS ABOUT IDB BUSINESS LOANS • If yon are planning' to start, expand or modernize a business and you require a terra loan to carry out your plans, write . for this descriptive booklet or V16ituzn IDB ffice. cu v INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 25 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA KITCHENER-WATERLOO M WATERLOO, ONT.: Waterloo Square Building -Telephone: 744-4186 .Q * • SALE ENDS» SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 REM 1 T ousehold.._.App ldnces YOUR._ 4,. .DEALER. r-� - rt APPLIANCES "tHE, STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" THE SQUARE 524.8434 A ar ti tt 1