HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-02-04, Page 1c
h Year NP. 5
y V ,
The Chris Craft Corporation,
which (had been "very serious-
ly 'considering" locating their
.Canadian plant -et Goderich, on
Tuesday announced it had fin-
ally selected Stratford as the
site of its newly formed Can-
adian stibsidi'arye It will Maass
facture its well -known -'Tine of
skilled woodworkers (due in ,city as last year is Rob-
part to the furniture flactor-
ies) which is one of the prime
3. Past experience ,has shown
Chris Craft it is Dot•an asset
to be located at the water's
edge because of the tendency
for the firm doing their own
Shrier, industrial spokesman,
and Howard Aitken, secretary -
t r c.asur e r.
,Goderich town council is con-
sidering boosting the tax rate
by five mills and metering all
water co,nsumerts: to pay for the
proposed $545,000 sewab'e treat-
ment plant.
The reeammepdations follow-
ed a top level meeting of oo.un-
ciland the Public Utilities Com
mi.stsion last week..
At„the meeting it was decid-
1. The Public Utilities Conimis-
sion would obtain prices on
picasure-'boa4•s.' ia' a -new., plant '_ ` -�5'ee dee• 'k- bo--.eatitcaa• ' . P _ __
FAti •
Expect Reduoion.
"We expect to...see a 25 per
cent xechretion' in water con-
suanption if private homes aro
metered," said Mr. Blake. _"Be-
cause of this it will be much
longer before we enlarge our
pumping statidn, at the present
rate of the' town's growth."
The poirsurig plant i design.
ed to pxoside one million ' gal-
lons as 'day but at present the
average draw -off oniiy reaches
750,000 gallons a day.
the .cost of buying and install -1- "So 1' the b ngun'iption is re...
ingines meters for a'1 consumers.
2. A flat charge of $1 per month
be made on all demo,tir water
- tic . -L11e r.ev e nue _ to aril -
towards the colt of the plant
operation. •
3.A charge be made on all com-
rier oral and industrial water
users for a s,ew,e.r conneclic n
to be'built at Str<fiford. then the more de..ireble frac
. leadquarte�rs of C lrris Cr -aft . lice of having (helloes handle !
'`� A med'cal bulletin .released I
' � erf Canada Limited is at Toni •
that 'phase. I
1 !pato Beach, Florida. The. com- Although the (looter:ch at press time Wednesday listed'
1 pang has already purchased 25 two Sifto rock salt miners as
s�out?h east trial Conunl'�c�ion is disappoint
acres -of land in the d t not laudtnn tlrr� coral a
Stratford industrial park at the
duced so will - be the outflow
through the ,new treatment ,
plant," said Mr. Blake. At....
the oE•r;d plant ha.sbeen
{designed. to.;t.akc. eat•e••tit1'fiern
!al growth for the next tete lyears.
;Then at the en"ca of this time it
can be doubled in capacity elf
Indus -
; needed."
c a •
The. resent. lin for th,.
r' r_ unconr•�+ous" but in "fair con-f*ctual to 15 'per cent of what ! p P
dition" after a mystery accid- plant calls for a loan from the, •
a,.iwely large 'ir tt ti�, ' it con their water` bill would be, re- Central Mortgage a anti Housing
high ent Tuesday night. gardle_s-cxf the source of their
tinues to have hopes forCorporation to takeeare of two •
others with which "serious The men: Arthur Fougere, 1 water supply.
Chain -Company plant now un-. negotiations" are pregentl�y un- 46 Church street, Goderich, and
t s 'east -end' of Dotfro street, ad-
jacentto the site of a Dominion
uron County Pipneer Museum- is "bursting at the seams."
isitors may soon be asked_to: "Come in if you can get in."
For full story and pictures see page, 11.Signal Star photo
der construtctlron there. -iris der way. At the moment'; rich°- Ge9rge Collinson, 22, Ashfie
e ss With Township were carried from
/sere, firms, from the . U.S.A., the mine at 10.30 p.m. suffer-
arnd Canada and in the ease of a ing from severe head injuries.
few of them, negotiations are Fouger�e„ who is married, and
now in their final stages. -was the more critically injured
One o,,f thesse•,prospe�cti�v�e din of the two, was operated on in
Craft construction of their tvatrons are in
prog s
Stratford plant is scheduled to
commence in mid•L'Vfarch.
The ' ,corporation . president,
Henry H. Goll, said the e.pan-
sion plants into Canada had been
"ffcoi sitlered ftir two eyears.sand-
was brought about by the rapid
growith of boating in Canada.
• The Goderich Industrial Corn;
mission .had been negotiating
with -Claris Craft since last July
when a delegation from Gode-
rich visited the firm's head-
quarters at Pom'p'ano Beach,
Florida. ' Negotiations have
been going on 'with them since.
.that time and until the Strat=
. site' s . << chosen,
ford was finally.
Goderich had been ",very. zoos
iousl�y: _coaisiclei�et%" _ cprtl'itf�
to Robert Shrier ;of Goderich's
Industrial 'Convrnrissien. A Gode-
rich delegation .had visited
Chris Craft at their U.S. plant
again as recently as a few, weeks
ago. Chris Craft told the'Gode-
i'ich Indutsrtrial CAI -mission that
among the municipalities •seek-
inrgethe; plant for their 'respec-
tive Dirties''Or towns "No meuni-
tcipalitiy made as coinplete a
presentation as Goderich, nor
as any mlini�cipa:Lity done' as
much work for them as has
oder':rc`h IVfta-relhinia Mothers local ho>< s • u ider the direc=
their best • rloo -forward tion .r T 2U 'aptainseVeha'suipers•
ough slush and snowdrifts vised the �9mpaign.
nday evening to bring' in a The Marching Mothers clutch-
nd first nightt total cif $1,350 ed hold of their March of Dimes
the March of Dimes. bags as they Waded thigh deep.
ref Marching Mother, ljTrs, through snowdrinfs,,to,, make_ a,.
J. Nephew, now forecasts, sy:: temtatti:c call on all houses.
a „bit of • luck," that by By 9 p.m. the majority of
time the firual cottrnt is made ,collectors head struggled back
er this month the target of to the nerve ce etre of -the oper
600 will have been reached. ation at the Mash Mortgage
We have to wait l or a time and Trusrt building. There they
see the result of our solicit- dried out soaking rubbers and
ons to local service clubs boots as they sipped steaming
d industries. This is the Sups of coffee 'which had been
son we usu`llyallow -a provided for them. .
.nth to ,get in the final fig- "All -our collectors ,finailly'
e," she said., - . made it back to the base," said
She' added: "We will' have 'Mrs. Nephew, "despite having
rebooks open (for some time to trek throwgh thick snow."
come so if anyone who was. Reports of mea' ny of the col-
t reached wishes to make a lectors having to return' hoine
ntri'liution they can take It , to change socks' Band shoes, be-'
to the Britisih Mortgage cause otf•the heavy going under-
, ilding." - foot, were received: , At least
The Monday night • blitz, al- one. collector - the!. country
ough handicapped by snow was forced to call a tow truck
uatllsy : produced a figure al-
�st identical to -the one xe-
ived on the - first night .in
The spirit was excellent
long the collectors and th-ey
u'egled magnificently against
cratl -ea-, which -to say the least
d not help much," said Mrs.
A total -of 115 cot:lectors took
rt in the one hour - blitz on
.A 73 -year-old Goderich widow by a daughter, e rs. Douglas -
refused a riel&ohome last Wed- (Jean) Upper of Toronto; sons,
nesday evening and minutes Ernest, London; Albert, Gode-
later walked to her death in rich; Ross, Toledo, Ohio; a 'bro-
fronrt of a car. tither, Roy McLeod, also .of Tol-
•Mrs. Verna Ineefsthaw,, 95 edo;,- and .'a sister, Miss Cecile
Newgate street, was fatally in- McLeod of Bayfield.
jured as she atteanrpte-d to cross She and eight ,grandchildren
the road near herohome during' and 14 great-grandrehi.1dren.
a snowstorm. •
An ,
inquest has been ordered . Born on Jantsary 9, 1892, Mrs.
by Coroner. Dr. ,Norman Jack- Kneeshaw was' the daughter of
son; but the date has yet to Alex, McLeod and „ Adelaide
Thomson., She lived_ in Bay
Mrs. Kneeshaw was returning field
home ''from a meeting of the
Salvation Army Citadel and was
crossing Victoria street When
the .accident occurred. She was
dead on arrival; at Alexandra
after her lar dot stuck in a
Marine sand General Hospital.
snow drift near Ridgewood
Driyer of the vehicle involy-
Park. 4 ed vas .Nelson Harnack of GGode-
"Last year weather'conditionsnidi.. Police said Thursday that
were cold Witwas ther' not no sting's will be laid :follow -
nearly as much snow to hamPer
•the'dQor to door 'canvass," said ing the accidentMrs. Nephew. . Mrs. Kneeshaw. •is -survived
The March trf Dimes Object,
in •Goderich WaS, spdnsored,
once again, this year by the
Rotary Club.
be set
until she Was married.
The iftu•neral service 'was held
on •Saturday at thee, Salvation
Army Citadel followed by burial
in hayfield. Stiles funeral home
took - care of the arrangements.
The service was - conducted
by Captain 'Roy A. Wambold of
the Sa lv a tion, A rmny . , Patllb ear-
ers were: George ss, EbbRusts, Bill Ross, lberrt Wolff,
Fred Esh'peter, Austin Hartman.
drustriie for Goderich said on VictoriaH'6 kitel, •London,, early
Wednesday morning in a tele-
phone conversation with Mr.
Shrier that it had - pretty well
made itis decision ••to locate. in
Goderich some tiate this fall.
Present production schedules
prevented mowing until slater
thirds Cf the capital cost. The
At -the present time in the remain
year town of Godetri�ch deben•
ture issue.
An appliication will now' be
rnad•e for final approval frpre
the "CMHC and the Ontario Mun-
I icipal .Board. _
'f ThP_new proposals automate.
!ally, scrap a plan which,. was
t'first pat forward by e'ouncd
rate last year,
The -old "recommn•endatioes
'called -for a surcharge of $1
• to be added to all flat rate
I water bills and a surcharge -o:f,
30 per • cent to be added to all
j•town there are 2400 private
Water consumers who are •now.
!metered and pay a °flat rate of
around $21 a -year. The major-
ity of epm,mercial and industrial
establishments are, already
Council h$pes to col'kect 'en -
today. ' ' ough from the water. consumers
The men were thrown 40 feetl'to pay'for the operation Of the
to,-, the mine floor atter the l new, plant. The estimated an -
basket, in which they werelnual Figure for 'operation 'and
-working on' the end of a boom, debt retirement' will' amount to
suddenly- slipped. . They had ,$63,000.;• 1 ' .
been working to clean away Annual- charges for capital
this year, it was stated. Mr. loose salt as a safety precau-;expenditure will be collected !,Znc,tered water bills. In a,ddi• '
Shrier was informed by the tion for other: men working `on•i on the general tax. rate and' tion the balance would also
spokesman that construction of the evening shift. iwhen in effect will amount to have been raised by an increa_ i
its plant in Goderich will prob- Mine manager Gordon Muir'Ian estitmated five mill increase. ;_h the general rate.
ably start in rAp 1, and: the corn ordered . an immediate. . investi,-, Town Clerk Sherman Blake sug r. tr 'e_ tP 5 _ _
. -. n o�ibi Y
"' s o rod ctron etion of the accede t to deter• ge_ eel that it may b ,,.-.
machine hadti 'two years before the rate is'
mine why the tip-', ,
ped over. j afl'eeted. . - °
bry September. Thb plant will
employ_ about 30 .pbople. to start,
Mostly machinists and welders.
Next Week
Another firm will be select-
ing 'a .site'some time next. week,
said Mr. Shrier, and ,plan `to go
into production by the middle
of- Mareh. It,: too, will start
with about 30 emnrployees.- An
official of .the 'company said the
fin -al decision •as to location at
present resits between Goderich
and one other 'communi'ty. Pro-
gress with other contacts, said
Mr.' Shrier, have not yet reach-.
ed a- kat -I& where any' direct.
conimentt can be made about
tliemm. "Until any of these firms
bury land in Goderich or sign
a lease 'for a building, nothing
can be rated as for sure,". Mr.
Srhr'iei- . said, "but industrial
prospects ;for Goder:deb for ;1965
are 'very bright' at this time.'.
'Members of the ,G'oderi-ch In-
dusttrial Comimitssdon for 1965
are as follows: Robert Squire,
chairman; i emt Such, vice-
chairman; Reg. •Jewell; Walter
Sheardown; trance Erskine; Max
Cutt; - Mayor Frank Walkom,
Carrying on in the•-saane capa-
The Explanation • •
A long distance phone call to
Pompano Beach,• Florida, from
Goderich 'on 'Tuesday resulted
in. the folio ,in g explanation
from a Chris Craft official there
on why that firm had selected
Stratford rather than ..Goderich.
The factors against Goderich
were- given as follows:
1. Stratford is • closer to the
'boating .market. Locating in
Goderich ,would' have meant
being at 'one end of the ,mar-
ket instead of -being closer
to the middle of it.
2. Stratford - 'offered a more
readily available supply of
ai ing Mothers, Mra. Alin 'Tinton, left, and ,.Mrs
fol card u l relax with hot Coffee after they' trod
ked throutgh snowdrtifts nn. 1Vlonday, as part of the 1Vfarch
elS hint in the area:. . Signal Photo
Take a quartet of Afimerican- their way to be nice - to._sus
teenagers, transplant them . in
ttheGoderich and District Col-
legiate, mix well, then sit back
and wait for results.
-. Tthis., . „Melly __what _the,
Goderich Rotary Clubhas been
doing this week when they host-
ed two boys and two girls from
Crosrr well, Michigan, as part. of'
a srtu`de:tit exchange program.
The—tour -students- took- -tthe-
t'slaces in Vass that their four
College Atmosphere
"Bade honle .we have much
more of a college atmosphere,
in oue school," said Hail des
Jardinrs, 16, who -arpi ears to act
as the main spokesman for the
"We have • foundthat • the
work over here appears' to be
more difficult and, there seems
to be- a very high standard -set
amon g...tbi? et'jd e n ts, which has
really made us think," he added.
coumtenparts from Goderich had The final member- of .the
vacated when they left for group, ,Denis Doe, also '16, re-
rosswedl at the wel kend• marked that the furnishings
After two full days in school were superior in his school as
in Canada the young Americans it has only been open dor' one
Fere asked for their first ins
essions of the .bdue ationa1
system they had found.
."It's the dis'ci'pline that is so
different," said 16 -year-old Judy
Jewell, a little apprehensively.
"1t is a little frightening at
She was supported by her
17 -year-old ,friend, Sandy - Neh-
mer, who,- dommented: "The
t hying that • struck me was the
way 'the ki-ds lhaye to stand up
in class to answer questions.
I guess we, dire not as formal
The two, boys agreed that the
dli oirpline was impel' -more in-
tense than What it prattlsed
at their own hiigh school which
has some '600 students.
since we have been here," cooed
Sandy Nehmen' "We think ,
everybody here is' wonderful."
�; •No To.'Canada ,
Asked if they w'ould' rather
attend" -Sethi-Al in -Canada.,'• br
back home. now they have had
a •chance to see both, the 'girls
gave a' quick thumbs Own to
the Canada proposal.
The boys were _not -as quick'
y1 �•r . - .
"The fittings are very mod-
ern with ,anm,ehair type desks
in- imouided plastic and wooden
tops," he said: "But this -does
not mean to' say we have 1not
been impressed with the school.
here which seems very Mod-
ern." -
He added: "It is a great im-
provement o•n the old building
we had till We moved in to
our new school." •
The one thing the four stud-
ents all agreed on was 111'ie fact
.they- likecT �Canadriants and wereelirglite'a-a "'trite"t eataxie h yf he'y"
had received durin "their stay
in Goderilc1i .
"The kilt 'here, are really
friendly and' harve gone out of
with Denis' Doe saying he ,was
unsure : and Earl des ,Jardins
adding: "I Would like to see a
comlbination or both systems
put into effect. I can see good
and bad -in both."
All -students `express.ertl amazes
meet that basketball was not
tops in popularity in the school
saying they had large -crowds
every Friday night: to watch
their teams play: .
who --showed an 'interest
in sports, remarked that Gode-
ri�h�c�ffere.d-.,tar• more opportun-
ities for students to, take - part
in outdoor «•inter sports.
"Back home we have no facil-
ities except four one ski lodge
Which ]las just opened uli," he,,_-
.said. Crosswelleeis 120 mires
away from Godeni'ch.
,Earlier this ,week the stud-
ents Were taken on a tour off C:
the Court (louse and. the OPP
headquarters, On Tuesday
evening they (appeared before
a Rotary Chib dinner where
they eaffi gave a short talk on -
a topic dealing with their home
eomtniu n ity.
At- the dinner ,they eacrpressed
their gratitude for the oppor- -
"tntfitp that' had been. ;;ole r d} -
them- -under the..sponserec --- ..
change. The Pour Goderich stu-
dents in Cromwell are: Maureen
ICalvert, Carolyn Watters, Iteitth
1 isher and Ron Harder.
Signal -Star Staff
HOS,L''VIESVtL.L.E — Goderich
Township's five remaining "lit-
tle red .schoolhouses',, may be
a thing of the past within the
next year in the march of mod-
ern centralization. -
Should the propesal go
through, and it every in-
dicat en of doing so, the fol-
lowing schools would be closed:
Taylor's Corner;. Porter's flitll;
No. 9 (Tipperary); No. 1 (4th
concession of Goderich Town-
ship); No.. 3 (old •Holrnesville
school). .'
Goderich Township Couneil
on Monday evening was ap-
proached by the Goderich Town-
ship*School Area Board with a
proposal, which was approved
by Goderich Township Cquncil.
This proposal is thafthe afore-
mentioned five schools be clog
eel and in their place five mod-
ern classrooms and an •afldi-
rtorium be added to the present
new school at Holmes'ville. This
wound then give the. new Hol-
rtieUrville school - a total of 11
classrooms and an aniditorium.
Thus, all the pupil:;.in the Gode-
rich." Township School Area
would be transported to a cen-
tral modern school by bus.
The Goderich'Town:hdp Coun-
cil has expressed ifs willingness
to issue debentures towards the
cost of such a move. However,
the proposal was'fixrst to receive
the approval of the Ontario De-
partment of Education. , Then,
an architect has to be secured
and plans suhrffritted to the One'
tario Depa'nt lent of Education
for final approval. -
If the proposal goes through
in time, and There is consider-
alble red tape_ -to-wade- through,
it is- hoped to ;have -the. new
classrooms ready for occupancy
At that time the PU corn- .
plained that such a move wou]d
turn many of the businesses
then on meter supply -to' diffex-
ent sources. such as wells.
Under the present scheme
anyone who decides to dig }ii i
own well 'Would still have tO
pay through the clause in-ol .•
ins the co.': of the sewer con.
"Under this scheme the out-
flow will be metered. : They- are
still going to dump water in. the
sewer so we are going to make
a charge to treat it as it is
goir.g through the plant," said -
Mr. -Blake.
A by-law containing all the
recommendations. from the
meeting will now be drafted for
presentation to council at ;tts,
next meeting.
. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hurt
and Mark,. Hamilton, Mr. and
Mrs. - J. A. Osbaldeston, Tor•
cnfo, were in town- last wee
for"the funeral of their uncle,
the late' Charles M. Walters.
ALro attending were Mr, Wal"
ers' cousins, Mrs. Helen Arm.
,strongand son William, Exeter:
Rcv.• and Mrs. Charles Scott
and family of Ltmdton, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs: Tyrenian
on. Sunday. Airier, to attending
the "Singtime" program On
CKNX., wVIr, Sott appeared as.
as early next fall as passible. the .guest speaker.
Sandy Nehmer, 17, centre, smiles as she
hooks down at her book during her first
Spanish class ,in a Canadian school Im-
mediately behi id i .her school friend from
Crosswell, Michigan, Judy Jewelrih
Signal -Star Photo