HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-01-28, Page 1111) ane tl�a ' d tare:. being Iiu. � *nall?4 lAings funatian per, (laid e 'ocean :Oettem fectiy at' nlere titan twice nor* r S011ith Alfrk41V 6her :fi mal -air presawres. a Gb 24 HOUR ,SIJPERV ISIQN ' Coitwiderate Personal Attention For • Elderly and Convalescent Persons 45 Nelsons Street Goderich 524-8610 Unit urq;In .(Count health ' Unit Ii y it tensifned •its .program dui 'g 190 by ebtaina,nrg a full base- line staff and adding .to exist- ing ,federal grant projects. -public health nurses. to work in is dose 'co-cxperatibn with'the hos- MOH,, Dr.' R. 1Vhld re� ipitals: • Under the direction of the Ontario. 'Hospital, the unit in- creased the nuanber of mental health visits to a record high of 273 in 1964 as compared with 154 in 1963, The public,'health nurses 'asted in a ,program of continuity of care for select- ed patients. Last fall the unit introduced an audiometric °screening pro- gram in an 'attempt to locate deafness among scthoolchildren. In the first month the technic- ian perfgrmed 517 screening testsand found four passible As ;part of the steppingup of services 'the locationof district offiees at 'four of 'the county's public hospitals -enables the vealhd this to -the cou qty coun- oil when he presented the an- nual report of the unit last week. The pew astreaa +Ylned unit naw has the services, f a fu'11- tiane public health .veterinarian, nurse co-ordinator and an audiometric technician,. iG T A •: r :til: ' ;..%:•:. . r.:•+.u, A&p CHOICE TOMATOES OES •QUALITY SPECIAL! •Y'���1W��Ir+YJuy-1 • oz tins CASTE OF 24 TINS $6.60—SAVE`48e McCormick's -All prices in this ad guaranteed through Saturday, January 30th, 1965 i erred to the physician. a The test is being offered to grades two, dour . and ' six, re- peaters, oppOrtunity . class, speech defeats, and any elf-' mentally school Schild referred by parent, doctor, teacher, or inspector. In one -room rural schools..tlhe test will provide for all 'stud - wits. The only test available in schools, prior to this, was the spoken voicetest, whichmissed many cases of early deafness. Hepititis Increases Last,year narked an increase in the incidence of hepatitis with 47 cases=reported as again- st 12 in 1063. There was one death from this cause in 1964. The situation was the opposite were re- of the national experience 145 ESSEX STREET GODERICH,. ONTARIO DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD ONE NIGHT ONLY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 THE DIPL'OMAT`S, antf o d plus special guest W SANDI SIMMVIS Dancing 9 to 12 Admission $1.00 per person • CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVELS FINEST QUALITY — SIZE 88 Phone '524-9371 or 524-9264 a• wet eas0. " ; we Dnp » The Tocionelv: Sigual4Star ed and 27 1errgn►s were Sound: with other 41SeaSeS the chest, " iti.Zen,, tktro t '�' enti t+ • soy, At 'the flue MOO* y 1 t vaedks, cdpnmu ity 01'4 and clinics -'which are held, m the County. 134 residents w4t,q la;ave various inactive Tom of tuber- ottloaas are followed regularly: In addl'ition, these 74linies r cei:ve, patientS referred by the family physician for special, ex- amination. A totem of 812 pee- pie obtuinedthin. free seryiee in 1964, ' ' Last fall, i sebond inar• nr a ed at the ntario' 'was rag _ Hospitals, schools, mirsing homes and related institutions.. In the control of cry-anfec tions, the speakers exrplained the importance of good house- keeping, pxaotices, Duifii ,$ the ,_processing of plumbing and subdivision ap- plications, the public (health in- spection staff , ,�sameti;mes find that adverse 'soil tests eitc. dis- close previaUsly unexpected difficulties. It does help, to con- •tu1t the inspection staff early if a building project is .going to involve pollution control, the rep rt said. For certain large sewage dis- posal e stabilization pond or lagoon has been adopt- ed here witih success, the lat- est being at two central public chooLs. , which showed hepatitis on the decline. Huron county has Shared in a relatively high incidence of Salmonella infections which can cause a serigus type of diarrhea, particularly among infants and' children. One of the more dis- tressing features of some sal- monella infections is their ten- dency to "hang on" after symp- toms have subsided, Sud peo- ple 'become carriers -and If they are food handlers, the conse- quences can be serious, Dr. Al- dis reported. . Now endemic in the county, animal rabies has been report, ed at rates varying from 33-125 case§ per year for rhe preced- ing six years. Last year was the lowest on record with 33 cases as against 68 in 1963. Only 28 exposed humans requir- ed the 14 -day vaccine treatment as against 74 in 1962. Over 2,100 dogs and cars were brought 'to rabies vaecin- ation(:clanics in 1964. A .recent flare-up of rabies- to the north of the county has prompted the board to set up clinics in the ,.A ,berley, Whitechurch ' and B,elmore .ares_•_ I,... ast s ni-mer a 4uiccessifiil countywide TIB. survey was completed through the combin- ed efforts of the Health Depart- ment, the 'County. Tuberculosis Association and several ih•und-en red local 'volunteers. The mi: oers checkedshow a s1.Wht de- cline from thea survey in 1960, that is 23,337 against 24,184. utilization of rebabadi'tartIM Alills. A gtartt'has ben Marie on closer co-operation with well, fare perSoXU el and speciat in- -service educational programs. haveec m menced for health Workers. 1934 wt the seventh ettp- seoutive poliol free year for Huron . County... It. its hoped that.the Unit may soon;•be able to add the neew.,Sabin Joral- type) vaccine to its anmarnent against a poliomyelitis. "Besides providing a more lasting protect tion, Sabin has the attraction of a sweet mode of administra- tion, usually 'in the form of sugar cubes which have_bee innocuiated• with' the virus,".! said Or: Aldis. A nvelcome addition to the teaching staff of the classes for new artothers (preparation for parenthood) was Miss Da;rnude, nutritionist from the Ontario Department of Agriculture; re- ciprocally, the Health Unit lent pubic health nurses and an inspector to the Department of Agriculture for its 4Jecellent A alth science:Centre'''sixth : 'excelled Rin North' Arne�rica", •thelnakiing at the Universa ' a Western /Ontario, Huron 'county council iwaS told by Uni-- versiity., representatives -at the Jam:tarsi session. Irt.yCol Fraseritawiands, secretary.. " of the Board of overnors,° offered an illustration of what. can result from -a single „advance in med- ical science. Nursing Home Survey The Nurse Co-ordinator en- gaged under the special project `'Health Problems of the Aged in a . -Rural- eom;meneed— work last November. The im- mediate .program Will involve completion of a nursing home survey and organization ' if data regarding" services for the aged now available in thounty• The long range aims of this project are to ascertain what can be done to help, the lolde� SPECIAL! 4L of tins dozen Scott, White or Coloured, Family Pack. Reg. price 49c pack -•� SAVE 4c TOILET TISSUE pkg,of, rolls c Choice Quality Cream Style SPECIAL!. " 2 3 CORN 20-f1 oz tins CASE OF 24 TINS $4.68 — SAVE 36c Jerre -=Parker- Reg. -price 49a -ea.• -L-• SAY E- lac. 1 ISI . -. .A I -R S PIE ✓ large 24 -oz size 39t Jane Parker Reg. price 59c ea. — SAVE 14c 'FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS NOW AT THEIR BEST — SIZE 96. on Guard.' Health Services • A summary or health services for 1964: .Immunisation: Total inocula- tions, 9130; smallpox and vac; cination, 3.046. Family Health: Total nursing visits, 10,1713; -includes: prenatal, ost•lYatiaZ; inlfatt't "'v 5iis; 3,109; 'pre-school and school, 4,305; other, ineluaing adult, cancer, T.B., etc .,2,764 ; - visio'h tests, eletmentary and second- ary 'schools, 5,600; audiometer tests, elementary schools, 508; health inspections, elementary and secondary, -schools, '4,872: tuberculintests, secondary schools, 1,118; positives, 15. Environimental Sanitation: Da- iry v' s; 171; pasteurized sam- , Elston Cardiff, MP, besides ples.e ak 535; slaughter house conveying greetings towarden inspections, 99; butcher shop in- and .council, turned out to have npections, 105; locker 'plant in- a grievance about a blind side- spection;, 43; meat, carcasses road near his home in 'Morris, ilispettedrt,Tt6 areasses- con --land he. .aLten:tiQn: . damned, 4; portions condemned, Reeve Stewart Procter. 162. The member compared pro - Sanitation visits, 4,371; an- ' ceedings in the ccttrnty chamber eludes;' Municipal and private water supplies, 532; water sam- ples, 522; sewage disposal, in- cluding ;plumbing inspections, 2,159; eating establishments and beverage rooms, • 402; ;public cavimming areas , and summer camps, 216; water tests, bac- teriological, 212; , schools, .,128; water samples, 116; complaints n isicellaneous • 712 sbb- county eabncil we - would: not and m , i have that difficulty." division applications, 10. hay e° Winston Churchill, when a lad, was pulled out of a Scot- tish bog 'by a - glad named Ian Fleming,'0 Cad. Rowlands re- .lated, "and Fleming's parents would not accept money. Later, Churchill went back and asked iaf they would allow Fleming to Jbe educated by the Church - ins. He was 'the man, who lis• covered ;penicillin. You may' recall that at Cairo Churhhif was: overcome with pneumonia. - Fleming was flown out to ad= tit was sufficiently needed the expert could give. "There are so many near breakthr'ou,ghs in the field of medicine that we are looking forward to this health science centre to give us a chance to bring into this part of the -coumtry all tare -latest— dvaneP -_ The most difficult and unusual 'vases for 150 miles, except to- ward Toronto, will be brought to this centre." new that it attention he Others speaking on . beh'aLf of Western Western were Williaan'Baldwin, `' chairman of the University's- municipal_ government commit- tee, and Dr.•James Talmaii, chief librarian. They were introduc- ed by In>t�p`ector James Kinkead. CALjFORNIA �- ICEBERG' LARGE FIRM HEAD — IVO ,1 GRADE.._ �a1S�J0ti+�Y•ha:' - SM6.b006M 1 .! .y+5 J.y .: J.... , .�'•: r'.Ah.7Ai- ...+1+h{MY.•Y.ti W. .; : � fi :�oSf+•" rr• { ^• 17? } •�' ,••uylrrf•,�:4. ••::f '�.::. ..aNwSi.ifaki',�•�adab;Z,o%} •i''%�• ; i.ac;. h e •�; 'kA• :S°� • favorably in /comparison with those in the House of Com- mons. "We get three or four speak- ing at once," he said, •butt one at a time here, and he gets on his feet. We have in'the House a lot of interference that should noc be there;•' a'n,d if some of those fello� vs had gone through IT'S • ° IN *THE MEAT THAT COUNTS ITS THE EAT •SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY FRESHLY KILLED Thighs, ' Ib Breasts SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY -- RED BRAND, STEER BEEF —_?,v,:)YiX:�t•'.`�,••y�:i.?i'::{}:?�tii.•:: �t:�Si:v:•+.�Y.i�:i:`.'''}' Hazy ,.r3; '•'�{: is Choose from 2 differentSt-yts to fit your :living room—tailored ingkmQrouSfabrics Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Your choice:— Parkland.. '(six rowed)" ' Betze (two rowed) An "Excellent Crop for Early Cash Excellent BEAN SEED Quality Ontario Registered — Sanilac Seaway fag inaw Michelite Michigan Certified --:-Sanilac Seaway All deed Gro`wri _"Froin I=nundation Stock PORTERHOUSE •or` WING. STEAK or ROAST - SIRLOIN STEAK Super -Right Quality,Fresh Killed3 Chicken Livers lb Super -Right Brand - Super -Right Brand, •Cooked, Vac Pao Pickle & Pimento Loa# 6-o= • SEMI -BONELESS, SHiO E Macaroni & Cheese -Loaf -Pig �"• D HAM FOOD STORES A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY - Three cushion model, length 77" 1' aux s:ushi.�qnmodel, length Your living rbonl will beam .\\ ith, styling that sa.,s "Good Taste" -- -with - -with Lux -i -foam. cushions•an, l full spring construction that saes "Great Comfort". You can so easily he proud of your 11(Thre With K•ro.ehler's new light Modern styling. Available in tv,o di11-ercnt sofa lengths for you to choose from. The modest price makes this Suite suitable for everyone. ' Another Exclusive In Goderich With 2 -piece 3 Cushion Suite Regular 289.50 SPECIAL 249.50 Less Trade Seed and Prtilizer Suppplied Excellent Markets Create Good Bean Prices Drop in Now For Your Spring Seeding ,and Fertilizer Needs or Phone 262-2714* Collect Phone 524-7455 HENSALL ONTAR 10 4 tf