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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-01-28, Page 10
m.. Drake's Drum gy G.,MacLEOD` ROSS . - `• rake's Dztunle. and !othgr ar� paif t-er fifteen .months on- ata Aug - tides, inducting a 390 -year-old lust Sunday anurn.i g at serhzon "timber 'fragment t of his s f ax- tus alli!p, Cx.o►lden Hind, will not go to America. They are to be sold;private•1y in „Britain:...." --k"ews cutting, -. t'hi's year the city of Ply - 'mouth, in Devon, England, will remember :,toe o41Sith annivers- ary of the •birth.., of , Francis Drake, It was in 1588 that he performed ,his supreme service. Inspired by bis Queen, Eliza- ' beth the'First, he was the; heart of England's ,resistance to the S+panis'h Armada. "May • the Lo'd. of all strn- gth put into Her Majesty and • Her 'People courage and bold- ness not to Sear any invasion in. Her awn' Country, but to seek God's enemies and Her Majesty's where they may be found.,' time before sailing out of 'ly- ' mouth Sound into the English Channel, ,upon the ,waters of Which,, by a combination of .? superior equipment, coupled with courage and boldness; with • resou•rce on a matchless scale, 'he saved his country in the face of fearful odds. • ry4 = .11'-com April '.?, -ft to 29th 1"941, `the Luftwaffe ' attacked Ply= •mlvuth continuously and though c'ecoy fires helped to save the Dockyards, this was only at the expense of the city vvhi'ch be- came a charnel house. The lr:;ht- which burnt so brightly in Drakes eye was rekindled in those of the inen and: women of Plymouth. Age of Adversity .••..•..,..ft nois Drake was born into an age of adversity and enter- prise. Peril and disaster were his heritage, but he- had no choice o.her tan to shoulder the htird n or perish. Ills train- ing ground was the Channel. Whilst still' under 20 'he Was servirri, his apprenticeship on the Spanish Main, learning the elements of,a technique.which w'i're to enable him to singe the beard of Kin,4 Phi1•ip 1I of Spain • By 1567 he was 21 and a sea c:.tptain, en''ga•ged on a 1niss ion which the Spaniards an- nilhilated at San Juan dr Zua. In his 50 -ton hip the Judith. he .was aime.s-ole surviving wit- ness of this bloody disaster to reach the shores'" of' England. This experience fostered a con- fidence which in turn bred the patience necessary to effect the meticulous preparation to en- sure succe..� Like .Montgorb- • ery, be offered no, hostages to cliarrfce. • • , .At age 26 11.P.,, from Plv- Inout) in two small ships and 72 picked men to make a land- • ing at Nombre de Dios, the great Spanish fortress. Enter- ing the harbor in three Collaps- ible pinnaces, only a serious' Wound prevented him from - carrying • off the "Treasure of the World Subsequently he burnt Porto Bello'--, snit looked out° on to the Pacific from Dar- ien. He returned to Plymouth tkn©.when is arrival emptied ed the � r and he was greet- ed by an entthusiasxn 'which has 11,een seldom exceeded. • Golden Hind Four Years later, in Decem- ber, 1571, hers led out a further expedition in the "Golden Hind," his flatbship of 100 tones,. doubled the straits of Magellan and fe11 on the soft underbelly of the§pa.nish, Pacific Colonies. With Alps heavily laden with spoils of ,gold and silver, jewels and wine, he voyaged north to latitude 48° in search of a "conn•enient and fitte harbor~ ough." The ''rri!ppinlg cold" sent him south to 38° .30' be- fore he ,found protection from the north westwinds, just north of San Francisco bay. It was. June 17th, 1579, and here he car- His chaplain, Fletcher,- whom Drake characterized as "Ye falsest knave that liveth," has left a diary of great detail. He records five Meeks of the.••most ,tinkinge fogge," preventing ' the taking of the "height of Sunne or starre." On his de' parture on July 23rd, Drake nailed abrass plate to a 'Thne post" above the 'bay, the super- scription on a hich recorded his taking possession of "this king- dom" as New Albion at the behest of the Indians and in the name of his Queen. For 357 a oars the evidence' of this act has survived in Richard 7I-Iakluyt's ••Prinici;pall Naviga- tions, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation," pub- lished in 1589. Henry Howard, lately a vice»president_of the Cate.: pillar Tractor Company has told me hoW he used to :.earth Marin County, as a boy, looking for this plate, but in 1936 it was discovered in the truck of a scrap merchant, au- 'l'ienticated and now rests with the university of California. Drak•2 crossed the Pacific, cir-cumnavigated the. globe and ;after a 'three-year absence re- turned to Plymouth, one of the most famous .fnd feared Coen --of his him:'. • Arthur Bryant says of him: A short, 'broad, bearded. man with fearless eyes; shrewd,- practica-1, imaginative, �passioft- at-E'; a-- man- who • s a vec_Lts Cturt try; who Was a [ to his`" enemies: who became a•legend; . wrh;0 being dead,"lives on in the memory of his race and. fire the hearts of `living English. men in The hour olf `adversity. matt p Ins ' onaI • This brings us ,fina!lliy to:yon- der the ssirl,tual qualities which Can a'nisnate •a•n uanirnate token, a dram, to ibeaaosne,�an . fin�stpir- atton. It. underlines an eternal truth that a token; a sign, a flag with Which to rally a nation has' to be more than a strip of bunting 'with a "strangede, vice."To be effective it re- quires some heritage, same his- toric 'link with the springs.which inspire men to :display all the..lovelyu-�virtues.• Perhaps some of the younger generation, now so vociferous in their de- mand -for 'a "new" flag, will some day come to realize the sterility of mere substance ber- eft of any soul. It migtht eV en be valuable to this generation; so care -free in their supine, oig- nra ce t o r ca jl the-- w'1'w e 1 wherefore of another sign; one which has continuously rallied Christendom over twenty cen- turies of time.- In hoc signo v i ride y' Of Drake it was .said: "And by his light Did all the chivalry of Eng-, - -land move _ To do brave acts." a Mechanic Moves •-Richard Hal r>; on, an aircraft - ntcch.ari. at Sky Harbour Air Sex .% :res, la :eavifig Go'clerich on Sunday to take ilp a position ‘,t ith Au_ t:n Aix ways in Sud- . Borti in Exeter, Mr. Harrison ho is at pres-ent lining `+ rith !is wife and son at 142 IVIG on- ald street, has. worked at Sky Harbour -ing. September. 1959. Lemon Juice Recipe Relieves Arthritic & Rheumatic Ram If you suffer rheumatic, arthritis or neuritis pain, try this simple ..inexpensive recipe, that thousands are using.' Get a can of '121_1-1.:X Compound (; , a 2• weeks supply, q today: Mix it with aquart of ivat5t, acid the juice rt f i. lemons. 1t's easy! No trouble at all and peasant. Take only 3 t.al.l,•spoonfuls 2 titans a day. (ften within An hours -- sornotimes r.verni);ift — relief is „iea;ned. lf the pains do not quickly le;tVe and if you do not feel better, return the (-mot., oar to us -and Kt: LX.-wilt<ot ;evernnrh-rz. Y u are th, sole judge as iii l: \ .v enld °nn 'a back� uarar.tr t )., r fi i iIli„n calls us, 0. •�•t" ..I! drat; e ;ani, ry, :+arrear Ltd., 231 Bartley 1 ori se. Toronto 1 %t James Richardson & Sons Ltd. "Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario". PHONE 5'24-8388, GODERICH a1 FAST C a• �o 01 fV r {{q}ts 4 Business y Directory I'- IF IT'S Photography DIAL 524-8787 HADDEN'S STUDIO Call Lodge. AMBULANCE SERVICE.. DAY OR NIGHT Prompt -- Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE 524-7401 REFRIGERATION and _. APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes -- All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Souare Phone- '524.8434 "The Store • That Service Built" Real Estate Agent RUTH VAN -DER MEER DIAL 524-7875, Goderich Agent For WILFRID MdINTEE REALTOR Walkerton: QR MORE NF -65.2. Always' there with ready cash NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 29 KINGSTON 'ST. PHONE 5248357 STILES AMBULANCE Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere -- Anytime DIAL 524-8142 77' Montreal 5t,, G'oderich Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY,* MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524.9662 i 118 St. David Street W. BELL OPTOMETRIS`i` 'F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist Tle 'Square 524.7661 Butler; 4 Dooley, Clarke & Starke Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy $ Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 St. David St., 524-8253 GODERICH. ONTARIO 32tf Blasted By Directors CLINTON;----District mail ser- vice„ ^ eattne in .for a blasting when it was discussed 'by direc- tors of the Huron` County Fed- .. m ear t ' their of t A•grrcui:ture at their first meeting of the year here January 1:4th. • - Reports of irregular delivery of .second :clatss mail and ap- tiarent . mishandling of some ;first' class mtai;. were dlts'eussed. Second vice-president Elsner. Hunter of R.R. 3, Goderich', said the Ontario Federation of Agriculture in conjunction with postal 'authori'ties, is investigat- ing. Charles Thomas of Brussels; federation first vice-president, said that in his town a, 'petition Ls being ciretilated for better mail service. He said the ',village had once had •tlwo mail deliveriles-u dhay by train, but since mail trucks had taken over mail is brought in only once a day. Alex *Gregor of R.R. 2, Kippen was named president of the federation for 1965. Oth- er officers: Past president, El- mer Ireland, R.R. 5, Wingham; first vice-president, • Charles, Thomas, Brussels; second vi'ce- ; resident, Mr. Hunter;''dareetors, Mrs. Alex McGregor; Llo,yd -Stewart;--Clint on-; ,leek Merrr'rlt, -Clinton` Harold - Canilplbell, Ex eter; Wilfred Strickler, R.R: 2, • Brussels;.. Gordon .$1liott, a S,caforth, Couunilteev Land G. ' r a ursat onandad• taxa- tion, a tion, Mr. Hunter, Alex Alexand- er, God'crich, IfuronCounty as - sewer; Arthtu.r Bolton, • .R. -.1, Dublin;. Gordon Elliott; Warren Ziunbritgg,7. 1,. 2,: Clifford; Mr, Ireland, Resolutions, Mr. Ireland; Mr. Thomas;' Mr. Merrill; Mr. Hun- ter; Mrs iMsGregor; Mrs. Flor- ence- Elliott, Clinton, .:county federation, secretary, • Finance, Mr.' 2urtbitg'g; M. Ir land; Mr, ',McGregor; iMr, Thomas; Mr. Hunter;' Mrs. Mc- Gregor. .Education,. Mr. Thtoanas;' Mr, Ireland; Mr. 'McGregor; 1Vfr, Hunter; Mrs. McGregor; Mrs. Mervyn 'Lobb, Clinton; Mrs. ' Mr, Xreiramdk Tett roar,,r ss015.; kms. 4iQtt,... ,• The fitr$1 `na>nted i eat ,d0411, ,rnittee Via.'• aliairman., Knox S January Me The January meeting oQ •the W.M.S. o,f stKnoic PreEbyterian "Churela was 'held on ;January 19 with bll,e,'presiident, Mrs. 11.. Runners, presiding. During the business session, the Presbyterial supply secre- tary, Mrs. C. C•utt, stated that the allacatr.an for uppliieSwas $38 an Gash -knitted articles. for the (bale, and Christmas gifts for the. Hamiliton, San. Miss E. So'nerville Was am pointed to act` as corresponding. rseterettai`y itn the absence of Mrs. R. Bisset, and Miss L. MacAr- thur reported 28 hospital and 21 home calls. . A letter 'was- read by the sec - gessmummormaniwilow • r .A1THB,Y B.S.A., D.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON "LXCRd r' nd-SMALL ANIMALS • BOARDING • -524-8573: GODERICH 3-4-5 uswoommeramerwine thee•-vlr,as-appointe4..` .,. 44' 4 ;',port, to - tie Eeibrtlaa • Inee;in'�g. , ti • : 'G: M•a'c 'a'n refad; the Faiture lysein and Meditba- tion, and layer was offered by ,Mrs. { r„ Moi3i1. Teh t� o•r c, was taken by Mrs. A. ,Enright, stressing the idea ' the e days o t itiolor, inronis11 tz*otrf"eiirard Mrs. Ito ; fah n to t ind;FMrs, (4•,Stoke,s Oresente4 .sulglgeStions fie Make W,M', A neetin'gts jri texestinlg, They were-vonlgxt- t sated on their meths-•iaf pre - seating them ,to the metmiberi. A -social half hour ended the meeting. 'x940• t6,1980; •it the kvpr average hourly watg+ ..:a by €17. per Cent. „ , Some ,degree, of colon' ness as suffered by about 1 cent laf 'Canada's maze p action aril by About only—e 'eenst flu t • etnrAl:e IVIaiuil�a E E. X C 11 A - • FORMERLY THE BARGAIN BOX • .:NOW . LO AT � DON EAST ST. (Fornierl , A,hl s Shoe -Store). China, glassware, jewellery, picture's, lamps;- bappliances, .nearly -new Scout, Cub, Girl Guide uniforms, childr s clothing, adir'1Ys ,clothing, hats, overshoes, skates, hockey equipment. TURN ARTICLES INTO CASH LET US•. SELL THEM- ,FOR YOU. When you come in you lay find . just what you've been looking. for. 'OPEN-TUES., THURS., FRI., SAT. -- 2 to 6 pan. C�nyenlent ..44.1t1 to ISM TF - LEAVE GODERICH ' 12:20 P.M. ARRIVE STRATFORD- 1:35 P.M. LEAVE STRATFORD 1:55 P.M. ARRIVE TORONTO 3:55 P.M. Convenient connections to Montreal, Atlantic Provinces and Western Canada. - Low Rail Fares. Red Fare one=way to WINNIPEG $22.50; to HALIFAX $24.55. For information phone the local. CN Sales Office. ER sei'vic WITH FAST CONNECTING .SERVICE T0. TORONTO 40 ODEWH/TRic 90 etuENirE 7l to roRo 49.64R CANADIAN NATIONAL • Elegant simplicity is the keynote in this'handsomebedroom•group= ing plus quality workmanship, too. Features "carefree" synthetic baked -on plastic finish• ...'all drawers are dovetailed, centre guided and accented.Fwith smart pulls . . choice of finishes. Choose the, pieces you need now,. add others later. Jane ' R PI Jane A IT' CHEST BOOKCASE BED TRIPLE DRESSER Double Dresser $89.95 Bookcase Bed • yf �e $34.95 A. M. HARPER' CHqMERED ACCOUNTANT 35-57 SOUTIt„STREET TELEPHONE GQDERiCH, •ONTARIO 524-7562,... ll•