HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-01-28, Page 64 ' G6,1eitgb: Signal,Star, ThUrSda$7,. jallitarY Ides For Sale LES, apeple butter, ',fresh eider, delivery 'every Satitrclay Sifternelon. Ph'One '5a4-8011, Bellvtiew Fruit, Farms, 4 lifliTOSSkSSION Savings--TWo a1ll0Matic parKleVe Maehinee, 50% (AT;. one deluxe POltislher• waShes, waxes andscrube -$30.-off; two vacuum cileanens, in goed coadition, 40% off; tvvo etraight-etitch portaible and cab- inet - models, $00 off. Singer •*Company of Oanicla. • Phone 24-431. , 4 THREE snow tires, (two Good- year Suburbanites) two pass- enger tires with rims, 670 x 15;. oar radio; 12 -foot gate with three-foot high pickets. _ Mel - yin Mitchell, 296 Maitland ltd. BOY'S blue tweed suit, size 16, Ike new; also lady's light green " suit, size 16. Phone 8156. -4 A. b411, 18 months Sired by Jarvis Battle Royalette 56N. May be Seen at the farm of Oliver McCharles on Hwy. 86 or plume 4-4, Ripley. 4 ,W-EB-K-END--SP-E9C-1A-LIS-- K,ROEHLER 2-eiece 4 -seater chesterfield suite in fhard wearing Durcel cover. Sug. List, $299.00, only $189.60. FREE pair of toss cus4,ions with 9 -piece living room graup on display in our window this week. See ttl* outstanding, a1ate before yoe SIMMONS "Back Care" „sleep unit (box spring and mattress) With built-in pas•teSboard for added support. Nat. advertis- ed at $159. . Small mark on mattress, only $119.00. -BLACKSTONE FURNITURE We St. sFLLTNG OUT SALE. --Antique C",311/1ters, hat stands, work table, ecsa.ce heater, Miklinery. Miss .1 4s MacVicar, 28 Kingston ;.;t. 4 TOY terrier pup, male, reason- able price. Phone 524-7766. SALE Ilair Dryers,. -Westinghouse TV t\Zylons 22 Cu. Ft: Freezers' Dress Shirts Electric Knife Washing-Maehines --Dish -Scraper-Se ts-- Plash Lites ' 19c & D Drills. • 10.95 Timex, Reg. 11.95 8.95 Sony. Radios 24,95 Tape Recorders 19.65 'Rec. Players, Auto. 38.65 , Nev 5 -tube Ras- 12.65 'Clothes_ Dryers :134.95 14.65 139.55 19c 214.65 28th, 195i3. Real Estate Plor Sale Classifie _Rates . Articles ,For Sale -,VA'CUUM Cleaner Sales and Service Cor rall makes. Filter Queen sales; Zurich. Phone 262 -.5350. •-46tf 2. Cars, TrucksoFor Sale '53 International half -tan pick- up; -Phone 8026. -4 '60 CHEV..'Impet4 convertible, automatic ePhone 524-7258. . 4x 1959 PONTIAC fouredoor hard- top, V-8 motor, automatic trans- mission, size. 850 x 14 tires, 'Power Steering and power brekes. Phonte 482 -7681 be- bween 8 A.m. and 5 ,p.m., or 482-7551 evenings: -4 TO SETTLE estate,by te4er, 1953 DeSoto, ii exceptiohal con- dition, V-8automatic trans. and radio. - May be inspected at Bluewater Service Station, 355 Bayf Rd., Goderich. - -4 • 1964 FALCON two -door, stanch ard transmisSion, six cylinder 'with 5,000 original miles. Will sacrifice for cash or low down -I—and take over 'pay: ments. - Phone 524-9154. • 1 3. Real Estate For Sale . 1 TWO-STOREY brick hoane, close to hospital,.. 4 bedrooms -and beth upstairs, living -room, dining room, den, kitchen, util- ity room and toilet downstairs. ilarge lot, very reasonable. Telephom.e 524-9696 ',after 6 p.m.. only.' -4 EIGHT -ROOM house in Gode- rich. Low down payment or will trade on farm or cattle. Writer to Box 18, Signal -Star. -4 ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Modern onestarey, red brick, three good-sized .bedoems, fin- ished recreation ized'lete en, "Ce roabnlea„t.h..,.rgoeoomd.. The whole house in excellent shape, -located in good' section af tewn on a well landSceped lot. Terms could be .arranged to suit buyer.' . -Listings on houses °ranging from $7,500 to $18,000. • %xtensive 'listings on Terms, some - with terms to suit puSehase,r. Mortgage moneY available -on ' 5.371 houses, businesses and farms. ..119.65 ' •WILF EINHART LOWERS -THE COST OF LIVING . With Bargains Galore Thru Out The, • 50- HERTY Clinton piatio, A-1 cenictition. Phone 7616! .1-3 _ 450 BUSHELS 'barley. J. Osk- em, Jr., phone 524-475._.3x liAVE your -baby shvs bronzed (11 electroplated. Every crease witl b6 skilfully preserved. W. ilanCr*ock, 182 Elgin • Ave. W. 0528. astf _ - ELECtROLUX (Canada) Limit- ed sales and service. Free de- livery. Alvin. S. Riley, 153, Lighthouse St., phone 524 -6514. -3-6xtf. 214"00T counter, 45 upholster- ed chrome chairs, 16 Arberfte t.opped chrome tables -and- 10 -bar stools plus cupboards and register .,,,tAnd. Mak., us •-t-n.-offer on all or part. Meet • move these item.- a\ e are -o- ,ng to renovate. The •C!tab Kin-gstoe St. -etf HALLMAN SILOS Corrugated Stave and Poured- - Concrete' Silos -;tases irichest- Quality. Steam - cured, w'et cat. Acid treated... /Poured Silos-- . HALLMAN SLLO GO., R.R. 3, Kitchener, Ont. -3-8 YOU LIKED WHOLESALE GROCERIES, FiH ? Well, you'll like them better his week. Now, everything is going at, 5%- below cast. Dealens welcome at ,,..ATIXEN'S GROCERY, 81 Hamilton $t. ' Phone 9361. ' FIRE, Chief Safety Chimneys, distributors; Guy Ives & Son, phone 524-6355. 44tf NEW and used appliances. Why payamoretSee them at teumbys, 136 East St.. Goderith, Ont. - • -12tf . • ffiratENIC suppnes (rubber ,,goods) niailed postpaid in plain, - getildd envelope with price list Oh( samples 25e, 24 samp es 'Order Dept. T 40v.Ittibbeir Co; 41101t 01, Ham. .1140, Gilt - —Offe-71-fiT•ES ii.;15.817615-rif re ents in modern building. Heat, TV aerial,. frig -and stove sup- plied. ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Goderich Phone 524-9662 BRUNO LAPAINE Phone 5-24-8957 J. I. RAPSON-8559. Salesmen for 'FOR SALE Modern Store - ,.and Apartment On The Square • BOX 16, SIGNAL -STAR • R1&T1-1 VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St., Goderich Fhoie 524-7875 -Agent for 'WILFRED MeINTEE & CO. LTD. Walkerton LIST NOW FOR SPRING SALE We need mere lietin-gs farms in Hueep County. At present -we--have--overearie dred .f -arms listed in -Huron, Bruce, G rey and Weill ngt o.n cauntice. Many recent inquir- irefor pasture farms in this dissiric t. _ • Prospeas- fer summer pro- portiee, and .homes. Phone Ruth Van Der -Meer for prompt list- ing service. TO RENT - Thitse-bAroom home on 0,x - ford St. • • eoME SN FOR YOUR FREE , CATALOGUE MODERN store and apartment on the Square. Write Box 16. -14 I 'ARK W)USE,'.--714 racTms, for e,pie or 'rent. Beautiful dining, r-oom, could beeueed as a cock - '1 lounge , a --dining- lounge. Phone 524-9942. -2-4 FOR SALE OR RENT THREE BEDROOMS, 3 -pc. bath, living room, kitchen, breeze- way and attached garage. Hydro, water and gas. Located at Holmesville; 6 milet6 On - taiga Hospital, 4 miles to UM- t6n, 8 miles to Goderich. For particula:rs and appointment, telephone 482-3393. -1tf W. J. HUGHES Real estate Broker Gonerisi Interline, 50 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 44526 Almost new, three-bedroom rug brick home, recreation VOORTi in basement. 1201Atre farm, seven miles from Goderich, good a. Farm Saletiman: L. H. Pentland Huron Rd. --524-9007 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED • KEN CROFT 8,3 Victoria St, ,Pocierich Real Estate General Insurance • FORSALE 32 Homes -,--8 Farms 14 Cottages ' Phone 5247253 01000011011111001111011116., 4. Real Istate Wanted LISTINGS ‘O.'t dw1Ut .su iner cottageand ,commerei41 preperty requiered. If 3'9u are interested iidffering your pro - petty for sale, contact PETER S. MacEWAN Realtor 44 North St. 524-9531. NNW Wagi 5. To Rent LARGE'heated apartment, close to sohools, $70. Phone 8920. -44f ,THREE --BEDROOM wartime house on Bayfield Rd. Bill Beacom, phone 7515. • -4-5 NICE two-bedroom _apartment, heatedr.-itandwo floors, recreation room. Avail- able now. Phone 8881. 4tf FOUR ROOM upper apartment, heated, self-contained. Phone 7296 after fiye -4ttf OFFICE space for rent in the Federal Building, Gaderich. For •detaiLe • and -information -on erms of occupancy, oontact the - District Manager, „Department of Public Works, P. Box 668, London, Ontario. Space Avail- able may be seen by contacting Mr. MoGratten, caretaker at the -4 UPPER .apartment, four, rooms and bath, automatic heat and hot water, centrally located: - Available now. Phone 624-8130. -4tf NICELY furnished, modern, heated apartment, utilities paid$ TV .hookup,- washer -and dryer, no tchileleen. Available 'now. Apply 92 'Cambria Rd., -north. Phone. 9437.: 4C 'PER WORD (Minimum 750 25c Extra. ,Itelp, Wanted .14(A1,.E'OR FEMALE • 1.4?cePYlent remuneration, Offered reaspn. 40We retired person, of bonciable elva;laeter -to Supple; Menteane with ION hours a day.. in the investment field. Fat time sales people also eon. siciereci. Write ealeS Manager, " 763. Ilellinuth Avenue, London, Ont. • .84 if not paid by Tuesday of the week fallowing publication. Semi -Display Classified $1.4Q per' -inch Birth or Death Notices $1.06 Each 'Coinpl,ete Ad Rate Details for the. various classifications are available at THE SIGNAL -STAR DIAL 524-8331 Deadline for- taking Classified Ads is 1 P.M. TUESDAY 5. To Rent KENT HOUSE, furnished rooms with living reaM, TV and kit - ch -en privileges, $10, weekly. Phone 8433. . -36tf FOUR -ROOM; self - contained apartment. - Phone 7617. -41tf LARGE upper heated apart- ment. Phone. 7556.after 5 p.m. 46tf ONE , -apartment, available now. _Apply Dairy Queen, phone1864. 45tf • THREE-BEDROOM house, one ic-fram -Sqtrare-;--gar firrteate: Pho-ne .524-7532 or 524-6295. -39tf _LOVELY five -room apartnient on Court House Square. Hard- wood -floors and furnace. Phone 524-9656. 45tf SELF-CONTAINED apartment, .close to Square. TV aerial sup- plied. Phone 9163 or 9693 after 5. -49ff E, • three miles north of Goderich on. Highway 21,.. one bedroom, three-piece bathroom. Phone 524-7904. -,-40tf FOUR. -BEDROOM house with gas -furnace. Inemediate pos- session. Phone '7639. -2tf SMALL house, insulated:- four rooms, modern bath, full base- ment, gas furnace. Jehn Moss, (barber), phone. 8671. -49tf AVAILABLE at 'once heated apartmeet, 4 or..5 ro s. Up- stairs. 57 Wieit St. ' Plione 524 - 8344 during leftice hours. -37tf APARTMENT, new, • one-bed- roem, four -piece bath. .TV -FM anemia. heat and hot water included. Phone 7178. • -2?f THREE-BEDROOM house at -162- Wellington St., close to .s-chools, available ithmediately. Apply at 215 Wellington St.. phone 524 -9079.. -21f TIFREE-BEDR.00M house with garage, close to schooLs and hopping. Easy to heat with forced air, $70 montlay. Phone 524- 9571. • 49tt - TIAE.E-BEDROOM house, fur- neee. lareesarci, available now, newly decoSated,.at 252,0xford 'Se PhOms"Ray Mahood, 8732. 48tf AVAILABLE at (ince, five -room, epartment with bath, heated, self-contained, -; $60 mOnthly, ncar lake, 263 Cebdiirg St. Phone 524=8344 or 524-8170 after five pen. -52t f _ FOUR -ROOM. apartment, self: Tereestrieestes. an fridge supplied. Reduced win- ter rent. Miss Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent St., phone 8642. -45tf THREE-BEDROOM home, near )Public and Separate 'schools, available December lst, $70.00 monthly. Aeply Harold. W. Shore, Real Estate Broker, 38 Hamilton St. Dial 524 7272. 454 CRESCENTVIEW Luxury Apart- ments now renting, electric heat, t'Wo bedrooms, all utilities paid, $115 to $125 monthly. No. pets nor children. Apply Roy Breekenridge,- -524,-9371, or 0264. • -39ti SELF-CONTAINED. one- bed- room apartment, partly furnish- ed, reduced winter rent. Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent St., phone 524 -8642.• 450 NEWLY remo.,.delled, one-be-d- roorn apartment, self -contain d, gas heated, suitable for eouple, TV and FM aerial supplied. Phone 524-7540 evenin-g. . -It tf e ERN two-bedroom' apart- ment, self-c-ontained, 'heated, second floor: Ph -one 7112. \ -2tf FOUR-BE'DROOM brick house, ail heated, good repair, centrallydocated, garage attached. R. G. Johnston, 97 Lighthouse St. -2tf MODERN self-gontained, heated apartment,' suitable for _couple_ only. immediate possession. James Bisset, phone 524-9645. -30tf IIM=1111111111111111111111 8:-Ifelb Waited — FULL OR PART-TIME. Agents Wanted. • tl MAN or woman to service cus- hurlers 'With Watkins Produets in the Town of Goderien. No inveatrrient neceSsary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full lor parts -time. Write to J. Gauth- ier, 35Q Stalloch, Montreal 15, Quebec. •-1-5, • STEADY WORK ' GOOD: OASH INCOME Secure yourself for life against, strikeSt layoffs. Good Rawletigh • Dealers always .have steady work, good eash income. Many 'with 20 to 40 years. Cagoci dis- trict now open to industrious men -to achieve permanent suc- cess with 76-year-o1d line Home. 'Necessities. Write today for cOmplete information how tie te-your--own--sueeessittil Rapala- ness backed. by world,wide, in- dustry. ',Itawleisfie Det: A-216- 87, 4006., -Richelieu St.; St. Henry, Montreal. • 11. Employment Wanted -WILL -mind •-chiki in - awn - home, experienced. Phone 8.156. 4 14. Tenders Wanted 104, 011 0. COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS - TRUCKS AND' TRACTORS Sealed tenders on forms and in enyelopes available from the undersigned vvill be .aecepted until 5:00 -pan. on THURSDAY,- FEBRUARY llth, - 1965 - for the following: 1-32,000 G.V.W. truck 2-30,000 G.V.W. trucks 1-7-,25,000 G.V.W. truck 1—Ve-ton pick-up truck 2—e2 -ton economy vans -2- farni-tractbrs mowers t• 2-60 H.P. industrial tractors' I with front end loaders. 4\to trade -ins ---used equipment be sold by public auction. - The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. Britnell, • County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. . -4 If you are not making enough money at your present job and if yoe are free from 6-9 p.m., Monday through Friday we will make it possible for you to earn an extra $60 to $90 per. week. Fooperience isieot neces- %eery, but you 'must have good appeararice, like ;to, meet peo- ple and be prepared ,to work hard. To arrange interview please complete confidential coupon arid mail immediately to Box No. 17, Signal -Star. Full -Name Address Phone Number Age :Marital Status Are you presently employed Occupation -4 TWO .saleemen for progressive Gene'raf .111aters deialershiiip Highest earning ^potential, netw car demonstrator supplied? Croup Insurance plan available. Write Box 19, Sign -al -Star. - 4 HIGH school girl for part-tirne Work in home after school hours or Saturday. Call *141. 4 - ROAD CONSTRUCTroN PERSONNEL WANTED A medium-sized n.steucti an company working in Sauth- 'Western Ontario, ,buildingroads, municipal _work and .parking lots', require S the . following poeitions to be filled: (1) EXPERIENCED GR A D E FOREMAN (2) 'ASPHALT' PLAN.T MAN- ' ' AGERe (3) EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER (avEr 25 years of age) (4) EXPERIENCED MAINTEN- ANCE MAN. • Year-rbutid Employment and Housing Accommodationis Guaranteed-rWage Seale above, average. Reply, stating age, -experi- ence, and a;trage expected, to T. G, HAIVIMOND Box 637 St. -Marys, Ont. --4 WAITRESS for the Goderich Restaurant. Excellent wages and working conditions. SIMPSONS-SEARS 'reignite a young lady for full- time rwork. -40,-haur week, all employee benefits. 'Must -haire a pleasant peraenality and wining to learn. A.Pgalat-in, per - On to Mias V. Kilpatrrak, Mgr. 4, mom, iL ,SerViceS Mailable DAILY CAR RENTAL. Reasonable McGETI'S God.erieh„ Phone 524-8391. -4tf° ACE Radio .TV Service. Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton,St. W., Gode- rich, Ont. Phone 524 - 7771. SID BUT.I.EN'S Cabinet Shop, custom furniture, kitchen cup- boards, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St. Phone 9631. FOR NEATER ANE)----H-E-A141-2 JOBS See F. E. COTE, 246 Regent St., Goderich. Built-in cupboards, hand -made furniture, general construction, -1-4 41111111111111111111111111 t5. Noiice, To Creditors AUL PERSONS having claims against the Es -tate of GEORGE WASHINGTON FIELDER, Re- tired Farmer, late of the Town- sitipeof Ashfield, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 27th day of December, 1964, are, required to file the same with full partioulars with the undersigned by the 13th day of bruarye -1,965e-as --after -that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderitch, Oritarip, this 12th day of January, A.D. 1965. YS, PREST & HAYS, arristens, Ode 33 MeeitreaI St., • Goderich, Ontario. •Nik. ALL PERSONS having 'Claims against the Estate of' WILLTANI W. HILL, late of the Town of God'erich, in the County of Huron, Retired -Ja•rmer, who died en or abouethe` 711 day of January, 1965, are required, to file the same with full par- tioulars with the !undersigned by' the .13th day of February, 1065, as after that date the assets of the: estate will be dis- tributed. • gated at Goderich, Ontario, this 141h day of January, A.D. 1965. }JAYS, PREST & HAYS, - Barristers,etc., 13 Montreal St., Goderleh, Ontario. .3.5 To ,Creditors ALL' PERSONS ilaVirog klaima •against 40 Estate of 'INOJI Mall. AttliCE Rettr„ed, late of tbe Owfl,,,Gdeje1i, in -the COUnity o 1n�n, 'who -01e4J'ano-Un'aryqr; a1))9.9045,t:&11ree ;lecithilir(14eYd o file ithe-sanae with uU par- tioularewit4h the 'Undersigned -Otb day of -Fehrtia,17.• 1965, as after that date the asseta of the estate will be dis- tributed. " • - eDated ateGoderiche 'Ontario this 6th day 'of Jenuary,. 1965. BliAarY, riert$erlr, etTc.,84'1":YS, 33 Montreal Street; Goderich„ Ontario. 44 • ALL - PERSOM having claims against the Estate of DAVID JOHN CURRY, Retired, late of the'., Town of Goderigh, in the. County of Huron, who died on 'or aholit the 18th day of De - ember, 1964, are required to -file thesame with full par- ticulars with the undensigned by -the lath day of February, 1965, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated ' at Gaderich, Ontario, this 15th day of January, 1965. --------11"67-Barristea5RESrs, etT-&-15;Ift-Te; e 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. • ALL PERSONS having claims against the. Estate af ROBERT DER, Gentleman, late of the Town of Goderichein the Coun- ty of Huton, who died on or ,abeut She. fitheday .of-Janyarye 1965, eare ,required ta dile the same \14.ith1 full pertioulars with the undersigned by the 13t111 day of February, 1965, as after that date the assets of the Estate ,will be distributed? Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 15th day of January, 1965. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristens, etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario, -3-5 ALL PERSONS having cloims against the Estate of MARY MEADE BONE, Widow, late of the Town -of •-Goderioh, in -the .Coirrity- of -Huron, who - died on or about the 7th clay of January, 1965, are required to file the same with full 'particulars 'with the undersigned by the 4th day af February, 1965, as afterthat date the assets of 'the estate will be distributed. • Dated ,at Goderich, Ontario, 'this &la day -of January, A:D. 1965. HAYS, PREST & RAYS, Barristers, -etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. • -2-4 11111111111 16.,....Public Notice NEEik A MORTGAGE? Use the services provided by Harold W. Shore, Real Estate Broker, 38 -Hamilton St., Dial 524-7272 for first and second mortgages 83 per cent to valu first mort- gages, and N.H.A. Mortgages arranged in strictest confidence. ' -45tf 19. Lost And Found LOST 0,NE BYLANV—Believed to limit parking on the Square to bwo hou-ns. Anyone able to give information as to its where- abouts should write or phone the ,ToVeneHall. No .Reward. 4 war imammiasaiv A. Births STODDART.—Gary and Audrey - (nee Hamilton) are happy -to announce the arrive1 of a soh,' David Arch -ie e • on January 19, 1965, at St. Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener. 4x fieesseesseemesee' C. Briefs . Order Shell fuenace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Go.: products. :Phone 524- 8386. -37tf ^, Final clearance. Winter hate mitt!, reduced. Miss Mac - Vicar Millinery, Kingston St, --3 Agazwia. E. Cards of Thanks HOY.—I would like ta bakethis opportunity ,to thank those who visited me and sent cards and gilts while I ,was a pat- ent in A/M. and G. Hespital. Special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace, Rev. R. CIark'Snurses and staff on- 2nd W. • Mr. Clarence Hoy. - 4 PLUNKETT.—I -wish ta thank my friends for -cards and flowers while. I was a patient in Clintonhospital. , J. 4. Plunkett. SHACKLETON.,--T,he family of the late Mrs. Maty Jane "Sifackleton express „their -gratitude for the thoughtful- ness and, a,ympathy of friends -and neibillibrs- which will al- ara3i's remain a cherished memory. Spe-cial thanks to Dr. Arnold Vokes, Rev. J. A. Veldhuis, and the U.C.-W. od Dungannon United Church. '4 , „„ •,^ - P., Engagements Mir. and. Mrs. Harvey tooter wish -to announce the engage- ment of their fliza- betir Ann, to r. Jatiaea Scott, son. of -*Ur. and Mrs. Wilitlaint McTaggart, all of Goderich. The Marriage Will lake, place eat4$ in r ebriittrY. -4 a, Coming Events ,•$t. George's Churellivvenianfs Gaknwill" meet Wednekadaa';, FabruarY Ard at three Ilan, 4 N:tVIAlehaT4ANDrge• KCeep.°UNTAFellart-IY:W Ja1433" mie30t * h dance to teen -Ws...- open. Valentine claince-Ague. tones— $1.50 couple. •• • -4 Card 'party at •Foiletaterek Hall, SatkindaY, 3-anakao 301 at tameit po Evemone welcome. ' • " 4 The annual meeting of the Maple •Leaf C,hapiter, will be herd - at the thotme of Mrs. Glenn Hays, Essex St, on Tuesday, 'February 2nd, at 8.15 p.m All sinembers, are urged to attend tihks important meet- ing. ' 4 Winter getting you down?, Then come to North Street Un- ited Church U.C.W. annual Val- rentine Tea on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 10, 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. when the Christian Education will be abloem with flow- ers. Continuous showing otf gay spring hats, conatesy Mar- ian's Hat Shop and West End Hat Shoe live., * ' 1 10 Denomme's Flower Slime Val- entine oandies. Nunsery. Tick- ets- 75c from members or "at door. A pleasant way to enter- tain your friends. -4 CARD PARTY, Friday night, January 22 at 8.30, pen., in 'Orange Hall, Lighthouse St. Admission 50e. Lunch end _ 3x The Goderich Women's Insti- tute annual banquet will be held Thursday. February 4th in St. Geonge's Parish Hall, at one p.m. Contact Mrs. J. Cook or Mrs. Don Riethl for ticketsby ,j4=ry '1 BINGO Harbourlite Inn ACCELERATING JACKPOT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARt 3 Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club . • 'Automation Aims For Assessment Assessment records are be- coming a job for -machines, caunty„ assessor A. A. Alexander told council' at, the January meeting.- "The- 'deartinent requires • ere -details- everreyearS' he - said. "In the near future this is going to be a job for a mech.; anical -device, • such as LB.M., which manY •countiee,have started to age. I,undersitand the cost is not 'prohibitive. '71 -this county ever cOnsiders a commissioner, there iss-a cone eiderable amount of informa- tion should be gathered by some committee *fore any Study is done, The departmentof mu-n- icipal affairs wants to supervise right from the start, and is to send qualified men . • of Stanley has been included in incorporation of Bayfield. Part assessment arising out of the to insttruct aseessors." . adjuStMent made in equalized. Mr. Alexander -explain-ed the the yilla-ge. • , Mrs. M. L. -Clements, cotinty librarian, reported 32 'libraries, four deposit, stations, five .high schools. and' 292 elementary school rooms. , -The libraries circulate 5,500 books in each exchange. The depeeit stations uere 200 books, higheseheals- 600 Jails jet' No early action is indicated in regard to regional jails, Ou- r= County Council was told January 20-y 4eeve D. 111,1rnberry, chairxiian O4''Jae 114-PitertY.. committee. "In the --ether )counties, noth- ts4-14g-c1,5e`e'anisncl„ ttohgyhav4eeej elnloetd' hae ASSOCI,�ti7�fl Neglected W. G. Urquhart; Stratford, general manager of Mid -West Development Association, made a strong presentation to county council qien the subject of 'mem- bership in th aseeciation, Ji 1 1 seTe said, "and should he- thought otf as such." The county has not been a niember for a couple of years. The association ser- ves Wellington, Waterloo, HUT - on and Perth. • "Ilt is important that we at the lace' level maintain our autonomy,"Mr. II_Teeihart ...sal .:"Sairiatitiiies- eier pass, ed, that We do -not agree -,with, and we are Stuck with it and have to make_ it 'work. • -- ° "Future development, at the way it is going now, will end up-• i -n .TorontO, Montreal and Hamilton” of (Kin services ancrinuch Of our tax -es are be- ing 'ILS -ed. to '''help the Ian. -t-r areas; and it Ls time n et, ng was.done te offset d i7„s ihink legislation c eesc,„Aed that will ena-ble the ceL ing areas to develop. Afefils now, you are lucky to get'new *ndustry, -anctAncicier to-- Onta- it. The municipalities' should grow, within their -capacity, and they are not at present. . , "The money‘ffam the govern- ment cornes from you, toa,...so you are rally paying three times : "If you -want this association, and want it to wory, it is en- t4rer3r-ifi your hanids. If this does- not come about, it could be taken over as government department, and this would .be the *worst thing, and- I- -would not be assiipiated with an as - You woUld have people saying 'This is god for your area' whether you w`anted it or not. -We can get action at provincial and federal levels if.you help us to go ahead." • The matter was recferred to the'finance 'and executive corn- Mittee,' • and the elementary schools 11,295. Public School Inspector J. II. I.Cinkead, speaking on behalf of °NIB 'field officer Ed. Wheeler, groundea temporarily for -lack of A driversaid there are 67 blind 'persons in Huron, includ- ing so -me young children en- rolled early because of growing defeats-.- When the sight of older (pereons gets dawn to 1-0%, they are registered with the regional asseciatien4"serving Huron, Perth, Middlesex, Elgin and the ' city -of London. Of $10,000 needed in Huron, the officers "try to raise $8,000 by canvass:- - Lucky Aumb.er_ "1 , ; flt, le- Eposittion to say whap they lHce to do, We have not to ,blertgolog:aiaaas, itn tlanr- piacetinct :ihreav put in new heating in our waigidarpeeolipiParTYCarnfHgiledartalx‘sfibleti the -building, aVItare rW heard. about it,. no, doubt, cause I read in the press week „this is beteg die, in other counties." The report presented daty aSiffin 1:th'intea4rescitihnt -LsacnIus,stianonen'ti' s representatives from.......sp leading to a better und ing of ,the prablein. "We feel we':have gone as9far as we lean at the main in this Particular pursuit," report stated: "therefore spelannt ito4datoaarnrdy tottio:- winitahintainour "preinises to the ,lbest af abjait.t J1 'G'overnor R. W. Bell p .aented at the same session statistical report for d There were 254 pritoners one time or -another in the 1 year-old -building, of whoan three were females. , Pr jail -population Is three. fences directly related to linu tete-lied 123:almost exactly' the total. One person Ian in jail as result af "unne n-oise," -and one was keld f amadvation authorities. of daily rations was announi as 61.59 cents per paison,er. a The Museum • , The property report's mention of -Huron County Pi eer Museum was in _regard James Chisholm taking ov from Mr.Neill as atorcxffwli Reeve Smith de cribed as "o of the .finest /museums, one of the 14•Zest, In Ontario . The curator; -however, untie lined,, an appeal made last y for iconstruction- of a muse extension 60 by 80 tEeet.,., . are crowded. to doors," Mr. Chisholm sal "There -067/ots of big exflaibi to get. At la-st meeting -J -4a' I' would not accept any mor but when 'you see ,.somethi you will .never find again, it -hard to walk away from ,it. W haieleceived Lam -exhibits ' the ipasttwo years, donated purcha.s,e'd - with - M -re -Neill money: arin-After- the 'museum. ` We need it badly, You'are building not orr. toda but for 50 or 100 years, an to serve _the children in th edueational. field. Don't Iva until next year; da it; now." Mr. Chisholm, questioned a to probable -cost, said -that whil it was hard to -estimate labs cast, the building might run to $12,000, or in the case Of Skela ton building, unfinished inisiti upstairs, perhaps $10,000. There were 21,692 visitors b 1964, and the ..maasOutrn no'vl holds 7,000 exhibits. Visitors have 'came from 'towns Over matt of Ontario., and Such places as Flint, Michiganewhidi sent a high school group, More than 11A million visitors a, year see the Liberty Bell. The moon is a quarter of a million 'miles distant. A -house at has been,known ,to reach the age of 27 years. e First World War Uniform Highlight In County Museum A publicity-s-hy Godecrich resi- dent has yet to make a senti- mental journey to the Huron County Museum where the /1LITS- ing uniform she wore during the first world war thas become a feature attraction. Miss- Isabel Murray af Que- bec street has milt been back to the inuseutm since she helped put her uniform on the manikin which displays it in a corner .ehewcase. - "I don't ,really -like crowels;" said Miss Murray When she was contacted this 'wee.k., "I dicirett think anyone Would be interested in it:" Aecording to urator Jim 611411-0/1 the unlfarni has be- came a major talking point of the museum, particularly' when- visitots find its owner lives in Goderioh. , The Uniform links Ngss Mur- ray' with a day in 'September, 1918 when a troop of the Volun- teer Aid' Detachment of- the St. John Ainibulance Brigade Sail- ed for England. . For Miss Murray and her fel- low nurses this was the day when the number 13 would gin to play -tin:important in their lives. The nurses found their num- ber totalled 13 and remarked on. the coincidence that thei were. sailing on Yriday Seotern. bet 4a. Lucky 13 • "P,or anythie vvfh0 NOM Stott- stitiottsAt seOrned like ail tut. • • . • . 1..40 lucicy day to travel," said Miss Murray. "But then we soon began to realize that 13 was ucky fo Us." The voyage, which passed without incident, turned out to. be the 13th m-ade their C.O., and' took 13 days to complete. There w.ere 13 shipsein the con- voy and the nurses taunted 13 lieutenants and 13 acting serig-,-,, earits on the ship. "Framethen on- we noticed - that 13 •seemed 'to work into a lot more things but it neVer brought LIS bad luck," she said. The ship on Whieh they sailed was carrying artillery from Petal. wawa -and-- more -thlan 1,000troops 'tram the British 'West Indies. All the boats. were camouflaged as they were trav- elling as part Of a top seauritiy plan. Two ddSits before- teaching England two destroyens • came opt -to greet. the convoy and escorted them the rest of th way. 0,rders were dropped from the destroyer by dannis-• ter and were 'Nicked tip by the crew of the nuates' ship giving tep secret details on where they 'wore • to doels. The Jrursei were. posted -to the permanent ,tnigtary hospit- al near Plyinouuttwhere theY worked for a year despite the tact the war •ended one month after tho arriVed. . There they wooiot trot). day. tweak' toditOtic)ti t4e 11404.1.1 tt ,,,ene fits)] •art a a ,amt ric at ars., that a. G4 V ahd in marquees which- -had. been set up in the grounds to care for wounded shipped back from France. , The nurses we -re allowed one. 'half day a week off and one weekend a month when thingt were "riot too busy:" There Were no lights at night and when they were an night duty they ,car-ried -stable -lanterns to .carry .ataLtreatments. A total of *4,500 men, were au-th-a---hospital- and -the---addk tional temporary • accommoda- tion at one stage. "We had our work pretty well ,out out for us," said Mits Murray.. Sentimental Reasons -11 was "a touth -Utf haarealck- ness" which'finally brought 1Vidasa Murray back to Caerada, "I was quite. young When I 0 went out as I jiggled any_age so that f could get over;''' she staid. During the years that follow. ed Miss Murray only ketpt the one. uniform for "sentimental reasons." • She said: "1 never thought anybodii would. *ant it till one day 1 mentioned it to the mus- eum. 1 am pleased that people are findina. interestIng." Miss'-iMurrary contacted the T.- Eaton _Company tin Toronto tand they gave her the manikin hari,the d tlear,it was.for use jthemint. ."One of these , days 1 wiN have to sneak, do t*anOth, wer,44.10,okat 1t,' anted ., e . • •