The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-01-28, Page 2r'+r„
' . 1c ► Signal -Star, '1huwsday, J'atua 1h, 1965
tonal -s.:.
nrU, i
AUGUst 20. 1940
ourns PEISSifig
Through the. editorial co1iunas of The
Huron Expositor -comes :`blessed assur-
au-t'e'' from The `Editor of the Seaforth
newspaper. for Mayor Frank \Valkom or
(acclerich that -the .latter's lrrallli'ec1l blitz
on Goderich "eyesores'. will be ueeessfttl.
Says, The Huron Expositor'.
"If it's any encouragement to God€-
ricli's Mayor \Valkoni, such a - cam'paign
is feasible and. can pay .dividends. Sea-
-, forth, p)rtivra this last year. •
The topic'' bf coUntless eciuricil de -
hates over 'many years. dilapidated- bilild-
1iig•- ,and unsightly lots w're the whipping
boys •of stireessive Seaforth councils.
Everybody talked about this eivie liabil-
ity that existed,, but no- -dy. did. any-
., thing about it. bo- V
`That i,iuntil last year, wheel le�FTut�
Ri eve Carl .Dalton and .his. Public Work;
('eiinnittee decided them had been enough
talk -
"A list of offending .properties was-
ayworked out,. c-ouncil promised • support,-
and the ° eleail-up «•ns n -n. The •suceess
of the project -s and it was successful
can be• attributed to a. steady pressure
that was aimed at the owners concerned,
coupled with every iso -operation by gray
of trucking and. other assistance by the
"In most eases; property, owners con-
cerned rushed to take action -once forma]
noticee of complaint was given them. They
were apologetic that through neglect they
haul perniitted untidy conditions to exist.
Others presented some diffieulty and ad:
opted an attitude of 'you aren't going
to tell nee', and • then there- was a hard
core of a few that required.steps p'epar-
atory to prosecution:- in order to obtain
"The result has beeii that mann nn -
sightly eyesores were removed at little
c-ost to the town or to the -property opners.
Deputy Reeve Dalton's quiet persistence
and determination to see the , project
thr•oug..1 not only tidied. up existing pro-
blems but has brought about a new aware-
ness of civic responsibility on the 15art of
many- residents. ,All ,that remairhs is tb
continue,,,the, program to ensure there is stip
".`Every good wish to \.Tarot \\alkon
in his eampaigli. Acid if Ile rills into
difficulties, we are sure Deputy Reeve
Dalton ('an tell hint ,of his experiences,
in Seaforth."
Duwn Memory'$ Lcm
55 Years Ago -.1910
Fire .Chief E. C. Belcher
handed in his resignation to
Town •Council, •The fire corn-,
4pany was composedof 14 mem-
bens, "all smart uoung men."
W.'Craiigie had applied for
a billiard and poolroom license..t
In his inaiugural address,
Mayor. Cameron called for the
ui f rm
providing of a suitable ars.'b1e a
market and the establishment •
of regular market days,.
The annual June -excursion
of the passenger steamer Grey-
hounds from Goderich •to De-
traiit wqs Asset for June 18, re-
turning on June 20.
35 Years Ago -1930
Mrs. V.m. Tebbutt and Mr.
Jack Johnston were ,winners at
cards at the home of the
Menesetung Canoe Club. tMusic
for dancing was provided by
the DaviesaBlackstone-Palaner-
Henry-J'aunes quintette.
A euchre and dance was held
by the Ku-Kun Tu,Club. Mrs.
Guy Moore won the guilt don-
ate aya rs: eorge White,
Percy Raines won .the men's
Teddy Plante's "Doughboys"
-defeated V. Elliott's "Counter
Hoppers" 3-1 in a Town League
hockey game.
15 Years Ago -1950
Wim_ Gardner resigned from
the`Provirtial-Poli•ee staff and
became associated with his bro-
ther, Jack, in Gardner Motor
The official temperature in
Goderich hit 63 degrees on
January 25th. Bill ,Garrick
Wound it -impossible to make ice
in the West street rink due to
the springlike weather.
Attending the annual meet-
ing of. the Ontario Chalm�ber of
Commerce at Kitchener 'were
the following• Goderich repre-
sentatives: John Sully, Malcolm
Ma'th•ers,- W-, A, Coul•th.urs.t.. and,
Leo Walzak.
10 Years -Ago-1955
Queen's Park was working
115 Year go
Said The Huron Signal:
"Wanted immediately! Two
•'hundred Willa fide subscribers
tp the Huron Signal, who will
- g pay at
Wit•--i�a�� be Willing
the eMbf the -year. We-havp
struggled hard, to, establish a
local journal in Huron; and in
'order to gratify the great
variety of tastes that neces-
sarily exist in a large com-
inlun'ity_, we have written as
many sweet • things, and as
snan>y bitter things, and as
much sense, and as .much
nonsense as could reasonably
be expected from an Editor
of our size and limited edu-
on new plaris for a bridge to
cross the Maitland River at.Salt-
t-rest would
'Oe a suspension -like -bridge
crossing the valley. -
When his glove caught in a
corn picking Machine, Gordon
Valad, R.R: 1, Dungannon, lost
all the fingers on .his- left hand.
Huron County Councillors in-
creased their sessional pay.
Jurn_,Seote-was 'elected -presi-_
dent of the Colwanash Junior
Farmers at. a meeting held. at
M r r
One Year Ago -1964
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Fongues
Goderich grade a forced land-
ing with their plane in a field"
near Auburn. A heavy snow
storm was the cause.
St. John Ambulance .gave
2,000 hours of voluntary service
in 1963, it was announced at
their first meeting in 1964.
.flaunty Council an addition was
needed to accommodate ---ex,
"kibits at the Huron County
The Goderich Ministerial Assoc.
By Rev. G. Ir. Royal, Knox
Presbyterian Church
Wha`a beauti!full saying! "Be-
cause I live, ye shall live also."
The lynie echo of _thiese_ words
has sounded through 2,0 cen-
turies: Man can and does rise
joyfully- to ,proclaimhis share
in God's allotment. The £entre-
is Christ ari,4 becr use of this
focal pn'Tnt, man' derives life
eternal through . faith. 'Christ
is' life-giving, T1lfe=inscp+ ring, "life:
everlasting. ''Because I 'live,
ye shall live also." "
-' ,rgWe can speak of faith's sim-
plicity but =cannot describe it
as sample: It is deep and ever
growing deeper. Each • day
makes a difference! The well-
rprings of our belief in Chrlist
Jesus are probed 'every hour`in
Huron Children's Aid Society finds des_ iter', .advisory committee. - C'otuloil may
, tnrh,ing features in a to Tion: Louise have hr'e11 too (1110•k 011. the draw. The
�P reportwhich we a:cknowle'dge Him as
P. ('code 1),v his advisory e01.11inittoo on eh-ilrf• advisory ectnllilit,tt'e, baring spent two years Saviour., There is, no static
"wvelfare. The ('.A.K..direetcrrs i11 a report fi , i'repl%rin its report, has finished its jolt. quality 'to faith—it )cannot and
county (.611.11cil seta forth- ,points Of di-
1t - l'tport• i'. n0.. "tinder review" h'• a dc'- must not .stand still—growth
agreement. I�spt'rially they reject a prop r )11"rlt1Pe11t1.1l t•o17 iliitee of,ov1'e1r. Tile mem- is in the air and prevails. as we
• po-al• for amalgamation of local societies
in regional welfare "authorities - a new arl-
;y 111ii1istrtltive_l��v l the department.
-it/14..l-rxa'l 'so,•tieS.• e5te41• group-
ing links Bruce, Crrey. Perth and Hur011.
The Huron hoiird naturally object,
t0 a reduction of eouilty representation in-
volved in the plan for regional -welfare
altthorities• At• present, ,one-third of tits)
C.A.S. board here is mach). 11p of county other; t•onnec•terl with county
c011nr'il°. The local �1ir.,et(r,• Ti -s (Tare :,Jc-
,," ,
(-owan. notes wit.tli ,;o11..erli 0 reconintenfP
i1tioii that such•hol 1t ie; `` n1 - not
shall-prtrehase t11e - r' lei'' of a 1'.:1.`s, t0
1 akt' care of s-jiildren.
When the department last Dec. 7 issilcil
a press rele-ase purporting .to sunimarize
the arivi.0ry- eauunittee's rtehort, it made
110 mention of the welfare •tat"hority .Fea-
ture. It dud foresee. a-"i'0ntiuui lg shortag'v
of trained soeinl workers, and the-IXuron'
hoard thinks more should be added, as av-
ailable, to: the department's child wefare
li ranelt. `
(oilnty council in adopting the C.A.S.
directors' report has authorized a move for
at -ea meetings at which .C.A..S. representa-
tives could meet with, members of the min -
her; it1'r•I1trlt'. the , cretin- 0f the Associa-1
t sun of ('hilclreu's Aid S13eieties of •Ontario,,)
"0 dire'etor 0f 0 Children's Aid -`"i-(0iet•"
journey down life's( road .in the
company. of God's Son. ' Top
often twherl we have 'made a _ U1 _ c uur,k'. tiler . d,c }txiLv _.iui uiste>�: I_ ,. _: profession of faith or been con--
reified- we _ thtlthrt --_our .-'chest'
this depar•tlnelttal committee, that the :and say, ``it is done," as though council should approach, • if it doe; i phis were all. All too frequent -
not consider., the ('.:[.S: acleciva1('I' , 11'pr•ct-fly parents will feel that expos-
settled. If not feasible to arrange_ :such 0 ir' their child to the rite of
meeting i11 the tiiuea•emaining - -• the Min.- rBzipti.m ,ends their bhligation.
.inter has said 0 rtet)y Child 'Welfare Act is How - ,we separate --ourselves'
t u 1p1' passed al the present session •-- a de}p- 1frolxv' Truth if this,.�is• so! Why
as at ion (((11!(1 at least stake represelrtatiolls!---- is only the beginning. To
to the deputy minister. Mr. ,James S,1 take (or Make) a 'vow before
11o11(1, ill addition to being thoroughly in [Grand
is only the first step in a
Crand Process. It is at these
toiieli witlr •matter in. this field, is a trust-.
eel executive, whose advice has been profit-
ably followed by successive mifl!s.ters.
We Read That ...
small hoy rxplainiritg i broken win -
rimy" to polieeTna:n : "I .was eleaping my
s"lingshcrt and it went off."
Some people have the idea they arc
worth a lot of money just because they
•'have it.
Yon ean al-syays spit €i well-info-hi:l-
ed- man. His views coincide with yours. '
- c
iT1r gnat- 'Iar
The County Town Newspaper of Huron -=p--
Published at Goderich, Ontario every Thursdaymorning by
Signal -Starr Publishing Limited—
,118th Year of
GEO. L. ELLIS, President •A R. G. WRIER, Vice -President
and. Publisher - "q and Advtg. Mgr.
•,a S. F. Hills, Plant Supt.
lj ►*
Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A., C.C.N.R., and L.B.C.
4Subscrit4ibf.fRate$ •--- $4 a year. To U.S.A., $5 (In Advance)
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept..
• • Ottawa and for Payment of Postage in Cash.
poants in a lifetime that we
begin to serve. The door, is
bpen and faitth, plus
hard work, will force the door-
way 10 Heaven in Christ's •com-
pani'o.nship. It is through the
sacraments , of God that He re-
veals ,Hlinseif as -being abund-
antly present with us-. 'all. A
-profession of faith, _a vonfirm-)
ation, •a Baptismal action are
new strrts-.•on the Avenue to,
Paradise. . a
Yes—our lives must find thedr
answers- in Christ Jesus,- the
Saviour oif the 'world. We must
ever 'be taking that longing
look air .Calvary and possess a
rich knpwlerlge • of "the aocom-
plinhmttjjits of the Masher in that
place. "He died' far mne•" This
means more than the words
portray•' There is ,something
oeeurr,in•g at •Golgothats Cross
that- has 'depth and- area nig
mere 'Oman can neve-de.
Yet—there is sufficient fact pre-
sented to overcome our doubts
and lgran•t us a 'meaningful
faith. The ,biaiis is 'God's love
and the •outcropping Christ's re-
demptive, ,substitutionary sa•eri-
fice. "Ile died for meJ' Christ
e eupied • my rightful place on
the Cross and died in my stead.
He died as the Great Replace-
ment that I might And .life
eternal through His giving.
We' drove from. the mount as
expiatiion and ' are startled on
the - 3rfdVday ib a glad proclam-
ation:. "He is risen!" "He lives!"
Our" faith is grounded in fac-
tual happenings within the
framework of history. Maly
Ma!gdalerte saw Him! Peter
and John saw him! The. "ele-
ven" .saw Him And, upwards
of 'a multitude saw Him! The
Scriptures testify of it and gen-
erations who have gone on 'be-
fore us hastened the tremend-
ous news to Our day. ,Out of
death came pi'l'e!- "Because He
lives, we live 'also." This is
our inheritancel It is our
quest out of the holocaust of
Calvary. Good Friday eventu-
ated in Easter Sunday! "He is
risen!" Dying in our place He
arose from they dead that'-wwe
might see the way; elear and
,trong,,terminating in the King
cloin of the Living God.
Again -=the_ stony ' does not
end on this victorious event—
It is noti-a series of far-off "in-
cidents" that make lively read-
ing, but ,rather glories. that are
new and Fmodern each day,
Christ .left us a legacy .in the
g:1ft of the Holy Spirit, The
pages --of .Holy- Writ • become
alive as we hear Him_ •,
"and, lo, I a `an with 3/ou always,
even unto the end of the .worbd.'
So• -ewe are never alone,,. No
moment is divorcedfrom Christ
in this work-a-diay 'pitlgrimage..
He is the. Constant of Life—
ever with us—standing by our
side in moments of travail and
grief—guiding us Ohrough. the
temptations of youth and early
years—comforting us in the de-
clining sun—gi)vi,ng °strength in
aur heyday that we might .fully
serve Him well. "Be still, and
know that I amt, God." To know
that in. Christ there is. no=lione=
;iness 'is to achieve the greatest
dream..• -
"Because I live, ye shall live
also." Look again to. the Sav-
lour, take heart, and inherit
His Accolade of Glory. Amen.
.. - --•_•_ - -moi .
Day � �e fir
�r#♦S ♦
oNTO..�'= our , provincial 1w1 e q-uippng of keen locatl ocitizeninS<ead of presi � for the
th"EVJuzuria "Play
presente'd by Huron ;County's. Pot emnanss
Deputy Reeve
home economist, Mists Patricia
Damude, at the Huron Oountty •
4••1I• -dub .Achievement Day in
,Clinton Satti,j~.d!ay. For the'*
colYupletirgn of 12•x,p'ojeels the
top awards oaf h'am;em•aking `went
to teary Lau GQ,yne,,RR. fi,,S•0.-
fonth; Lynda MacDonald, Clin-
ton; Mrs. William Rivett, Gode-
ris b and Amy Stewart, R.R. 5,
Three ,girls wOo won county
honors were Jean Brindley, R•R•
6, G'aderich;•• Bonnie Stewaz t,
R.R. 5, Seaforth,+,and Joanne
Van M•iltentbuarg, R.R. 4, Sea -
forth. Joanne was unable to
be 'present because of btlo•aked
roadts. ..
Mrs. Keibhs'M1adhan, Auburn,
and 1VJ;ns, Nelson ,Reid, Walton,
received leaders' certificates.
They each. had served. as ; climb
leaders for five' projects.
The, event, for which the pro-
tect ..was "The Club girl Standts.
on Guard," was the,first of four
Achievement Drys to be eon -
ducted throughout the county
by Miss Damude. .:Curbs in the
Exeter. area willhold Achieve-
ment Day at the South Huron
District High School the end of
January; with similar .,events
being held in the HQtwi•ck Cen-
tral - School,: -and thtr- W-Inugrham-
Dhtrict High Sbhool in Febru-
ary. m •
'Assisting Miss • Dam -10e were
Mrs. -Shirley McAllister, Ziuricii,`
a former home economist for
Huron County and Miss Flora
Dltrnin•, Markdale, Tome .econ-
o:mk t for Grey County.
New Officers
Tom Cunningham, R.R. 1,
Auburn, past president brought
in the following slate , of offic-
ers' for the. year 1965: Presi-
dent, Bruce•.... etties, R.R. 2,
Clinton.; vice -+p r)esident, Gordon
Gross, •R,R. 1.; •Autbuz secrer-
tary, Jamieson RibeyTM Dungan-
non; treasurer, John Black,
Port Albeit; joint secretary,
Barbara Watkins, Summerhill;
press, reporter, Manius Bakker,
R.R. 3, Auburn; county director,
Donald Young, R•R° 3, Auburn,
-Miss Patricia Damude, homne-
economist, spoke to the girls
on forming a Junior Institute..
She' told of its objectives: Miss
Damude brought in . the slate
of officers which will he install-
ed at a hater date; President,
Sharon. Bali, R.R., 1, Auburn;
vice~♦presi'dent, Cart l Mcliwain,
Halmesville; secretary, 'Sharon
Dowson, Varna; treasurer, Bea-
trice Murch, Clinton.
The case of Mrs• Donna Boyes,
charged with theft .of $4,910
from Seaforth Utilities Commis-
sion, 'was put over to Juries. -7,
when sessions,count assertnhl'ed
Monday at Coe ic!h with Judge
R. S. Hetherington presiding. -
Arthur Martin, Q♦C., Toronto,
retainedfor the defence, 're-
ceived word his mother was ill.
James Donnelly, Q.C., Obtained
the adjournment with consent
of Crown Attorney W. G. Coch-
rane. Judge Hetherington re-
manded the accused' out of
In the calerfdar year 1963 all
governments in Canada took in
almost $12.9 billion in revenue,
'pent over $13.6 billion and had
an overall eficit of $785 mil.
,� ra41,)
" 4
Everett McIllwain would bring
Enoch more ,benefit to his con,
sbituentbs, by urging the ereic-
tion of a few "Stop" signs on
concession and sideroads ;tin•
Goderich Towxlship, and warn-
ing signs, .re ,clumping trasi or
'breaking' bottles;, on our roads
and beaches, .
Members ofthe . Goderich
Ministerial Association have ex=,
pressed "satisfaction" with- the,
final results of a.' 2$ -hour prayer-
atho")n held in St.George's
.Church last week.
More than 400 people are be -
keyed to have attended the
church, during .the round-the-
clock prayer session which at.
nn time loft the eh.. = ,
"It is difficult to give' the
acct number of people who at-
tended," said the Rev. W. J.
ten Hoopen, association presi-
dent, "but we were happy with
the results."
He added "There was only a
small attendance at the wind-
up service on Wednesday even-
-iraeg uses-- we- •lei -'thisG cfp part-uni
for prayer was well received."
The prayer-abho'n was insti-
tuted by the Miis)teri,al Associ-
atiion to replaceformal services
.during the Week of .Prayer.
Each year the Marching
Mothers of Ontario give gone
hour of -time to collect
contributions from their '
neighbours for the
March of Dimes.
At a time When amity rune.-
• ap'alitiiea are . awakening to the
utter uselessness of DMO and
.urgimg,its. "quiet . nkriar r . ` ..r'4
core of 'gu1iiole• Godetrilah-area
residents a're ;apparentlysti1l
tieing hoodwinked by .its rioul-
Qus chairs and nutty uotior .
In sPite octtheae Claims, .most
'people °noiw realize that a fall-
-out shelter is siMply, a :prem.a-
ttirely ,.ding grave,, a`lrole ;to `
buried alive in, or, in words
of a popular song sof some years
back, "A Tisket, a Tasked, my
pale Concrete Oaslret!" Again-
st A and 1 bombs, they're about
as• m}t!eh use. as a•silk umbrella
,would be against buck -shot.
Canada, fortunately, is ex
posed to far bests alarmist propa-
ganda than the U.S. Such alight
attention • is paid to civil de-
fence by ordinary citizens that
most of us do not know that
vie maintain, as taxpayers, ; an
IDMO organization that spent
-$5,600,000--most of it on plans
to Cope 'with nuclear attack-`-,•---..Gnarltin►g--thea „
amount, in the "What's a mil-
lion?" school of thought of gov-
ernment spending, is only chiiek-
on484 it.c41,44 4#11,cPa6',
5,600 umri�v�erSi'ty Metholar hl
SI, 'o
sUglrest F, in allonnda:
to _,�° ; ' down the d
1.' all fQ't"' gid Co-
atotiriStuart Forbes a .big
for: of ots4.. ankpg
th�ou!gh,they' weal ma` be,
all for; making hien ani Miro
Fixe 'chief, 1coaltup1 te. dbh
xnet. • Por - the rest.of
Urge that "quiet burial!'
J: C3 1 nd1m,
Dear Sir: '
My wife and 1 are ex-iiruh
ants of ,Goderieb, and axe
making tentative iai u to
burn as 'pe roanerit .residen
As an aid in this4;:1p1lan,
,would appreciate a §ulb. crv.r
to your paper, thus tl ivi >,g
aia, insight to condition
such as employment and
estate. .
Not . knowing your subs
tion rates to the U.S.,- we
you to bi'l'l us' 'accordingly,
Your 'co-operattion is most
Sincereily, •
Mr. and J'1rs. B. D. Stanley,
Santa Paula, Calirlro
Frank MCllwai
�-• Memorials -= -
- l nestSton Ain4- E ;er-ietue�t' . ,�,: unship
524-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. — 524-9465
23 Cu. Ft.$21
- a
,.•rl � • •rtlrhV
Heavy Duty
- The measure of this hour
and of y"our gift is to be
�£qu1d in the lives of ten
- _..thousand men and women,
disabled by accident or
disease, but restored to
independence, made fit to -
earn a livelihood again.
Their eourags a►nd success _.-
are the true ineasure of 1 -
your gift ..:°a lasting.
reward for ydtfr thoughtful' -
contribution, when the
Marching Mother calls.
• r
etit?g H
The, n
e secrE
tit. Ph
The Lowest Prices -Wive, 'Ever HaR E. IN d
This Advertisement'.auri�eslc IIf" _i`he �°
Sponsors Of 'he Goderich March Of Dunes .Campaign
qk 4 p
1 u.