HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-01-28, Page 1GODERICH, ONTARtp, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1965; (oUnciiMakes Appointments Godrerieh town c-ouncil • an- nounced its secialsrcoinnnittee Ind b:o•ard atppclintine•nts for 1965 at the rfiret rergular council i..az J45, .�..wv..�3U.o..2:.-...o..ni.nt«r..i.w.a�<S.K�:�knro t' Xa.£t�a�.•+�`"<swi..irs...�,.•.aac„�:Y 35i..v..:.:�.tc:afu...<.xo;:xw-e.tY`v..r;::w nce again winter has decided to show itself in the Goderich a ;much . to the delight of all local children The, M•ait-- meeting Friday...," Appointees are: Marine an•d General Hospital Board; Charles M. Robertson, one year; God -c - rich Pulblieg. Library Board, --'Clay- ton Edward, -three years; Mait- land. Cemetery Board, George Filsiriger; Matitlatid Valley Con- servation Authority, ,Mayor Frank Wralkorm. Conimi e -2,Of; adj-tustanent Wilifred Demomrme, Harold Hib- bert, three years; recreation committee: ._H. B. Such, W. Sheardown, R. Squire, J.. Moody, W. Schaefer„ B. Erskine, , R. Jewell, one • year. Area Planning Board: Ken Croft, G. B. Clancy, J. H. John- ston, three years; Retarded Children's Authority: H. Kuen- zie, R. W..Befl, E. Crawford, 0. Slemin. Industrial" Connhissdon: . R. •Squire lis -Er •lei e, IL 13,..,S Mayor F.Wal ikomn R. Jewell, , , Sherardown, Max Cutt, Howard Aitken and Robert Shrier. A special' memorial service for the late Sir Winston Churchill will be held on Sun- day'-, at 2.30 p.m. -in --4h North Street United Church.Rr The service is sponsored by •the Ministerial Association in co-operation with Mayor Frank .Walkom and Goderich Town Counlil and an open invitation has been extended -to all area residents. The: Rev-W..,tr ten Adeo tr _ president of the Ministerial Association will conduct the service which will 'include two minutes' silence in mem- ory of the man of the century. Service groups throughout the area have been invited to attend tic force and the I Legion will provide a flag color party. "As we are the county town we felt a simple to which everyone is invited would most suit the occa- "sion," said the Rev. Mr. 'ten. Hoopen. Rector of, 5t. George's An- glican Church, the Rev. Gar- wood Russell will give the sermon and the Rev. G. L. i _Royalfrom Knox.- Presbyter- ian Church will conduct the readings and prayers. All Canadian. Legion mem- bers are requested to 'assem- ble at the Legion Hall at 1:30 p.m. Sunday prior to the church service. .NONE HERE WIN- Harr T • r • s.tra, who sold about 1010 aw• tickets in the Goderich area` -i"n--aid of a new science room at Sacred .Heart seminary,, Delaware, Ontario, writes to say -.than-.were• • no' Goderich area winners in the final draw. oderich Police Sergeant ss Crawford blocked a jail tense for a local ,motorist t • Thursday when he in ter- ed at Huron CountY nag?s` te's court: a strate Glenn Hays, Q.C., hdrerw an .eight-day. prriston and substituted a fine on magistrate: During a recess, Sergeant 'Crawford held a dis- cussion wills the magistrate. -Magistrate Hays then called Meriam back (before the court and said he 'was .prepared -to reverse This_ •decision after dis- cussions with • the police ser- geant. . . "I am going to reconsider the matter, because of the very strong extenuating circum- stances," hesaid. He then with- drew the jail term, imposing in its glace a $150 fine, and boost- ed the licence - suspension from eight ,months to `one year. months suspension of the ac- c,us•ed's licence. Meriam told the court: "If I go to jail I. will. lose my job and e serything. 'bhe-aceuse•d.-.theSi &at at the rear of the court room as other leases were heard before the 't -and run change after the .geant revealed "further ex- uating . circutmstaneers" ohn. W. Meriam 221 Bay - d road, .leaded guilty to and run , driving ,when he :red in court. 'Sergeant and clave evidence against accused saying he was tt4k when, questioned a short after the accident. • e accident took place on rrirsd.ay, December 24, when iarcn's _ vehicle had struck a on Huron road cl,oing •more n $11,000 damage; Twenty minutes after the ac- ent Sergeant Crawford inter- ted nter-'ei the accused . ?flan its the then etf tris home. 'Alec was in adrunken -cans ion and started crying ana- •lin,g sorry for hien sellf,"- said e. setieant.. "He would have en charged with drunk driv- e if he had been found in car," Meriam had -told the court. Chad r•a great deal on his rrdL.ax. othe.._.tia e as _ his baby:: d'died-'when it was 18" days and ether child had just .eitied eye injury. On pas€ifig sentence, which darter- rescinded, gisrtrate ys. said: "I don't want anys e to feel' they .can get dn- lved in an accident and drive ay feeling they can get off :hter than if they. stopped." He then 'passed sentence of _hit drays in 'til and eight Nine new members were induete•d --i:nto-=the—KinSmen Club of Goderich at their 'meeting on Monday by Past President G.ardon Bannister. This brings the -strength of . the citib -up to 4 --active -mem- bers. The new mei`n!bers are Jo13..n Sturdy, Bert Corbett, Erwin Y. Schneider, Carman Vint, Bill tMeKe+llar, Bill Kirkey, Roy Stra.ughan, John Doherty and Bob Mills.'` Prior to the acceptance of the new members; ledtures on Kin information were giv- en by Past President Pete Mc- Cauley. Following , the in- duction 'ceremony, the usual phi -finks, Were -staged for the n•e,w members: The Marching Mothers of Goderich are going to be par- ading up to your door betrween 7 and 8 pare on Monday. . All res'd,ent=:s.,..are asked. to leave . their porch lights onto help the 115 collectors during their one-hour b1az on behalf of the Mar'cih of Dimes. • 13Y giving o ow. you. are -pav- ing the, way ifor, a better future for the disabled people in the area: Every thing you, donate will be used --to help people lei fortunate than yourselves. In Goderich the apperal is being spon,ored by the Rotary Club who : ha•ve thrown i;i , their full support be -hind the project in an effort to , rearoh the target of $1,600. An early start on construction in Huronvielw or nursing_homes. of the' neva>'central building at An all-star, spectacular is, be- Alexandra -Marine and General ing planned for the Goderich. Hospital wad forecast in a �re- - John arre7•ra- �--Nlarndh�- 26 -when --th'e' port -to- count3r counrii.,b�y B1•uewater Shrine°Club and the Schaefer, itsrepresentat>ive on Knights of Calumbas join farces the Goderich board. for their -third Sports Gala "We have a floor plan of the Night. . - riew addition," he said, "and The' 1965 -.event promises to working plans are to be aprprov- be •the biggest event yet with ed in time for- construction co-chairman Bill Mills and Larry Plouffe working o±f "a - program which in•o1hdes. bands "galore," figure skating and a ladies' hockey matcth. All proceeds- from the even- ing's entertainrrnent go to the Shriners Hospitals for Crippled children whmch look after child- ren of any color, race or creed. A ''five-year old Goderich girl is at present undergoing treat- ment courses at the Montreal Shrine Hospitall which "reports "much improvement in her con- dition." All treatment at the hospital is free as the money The new warden of Huron values the press as a factor in, maintaining a feeling of part- is raised -through charity drives similar to the Sports Gala Night: A total of 16,500 children have been Fured or materially aided in the two Shriners Hos- pitals located, in Winnipeg and Montreal. 1965 is the anniversary year of. the opening of the first -Canadian units of the, Shriners. Sa Shrine Imperial Potent- ate, 0. Carlyle Brock has' de- cilared 1965 as''`Canadian Shrine Hos'pitat Year" and has asked- all skeda.11 Canadian-`eVemples, Clubs and Nobles ''ti ' have a "Shrine H•os,pital Day (or week)" observ- ed in their eommunirtiies. It appears that an all-out effort is to be made in Goderich on Sports Night in an attempt to raise moe than the two pre- vious years.-- In 1963, the com- -bined Shriners and Knights raised $1,730 and last year $1,400. - ne-rship between citizens and county sCounail, and believes the • .new,spapers should receive "as much information as pos-° ruble. He touched upon this subject in aildrersing council before the. vote for warden was taken. ."I -t.- is. generally._ :conceded," municipal he said, that cup govern' ment is •closest to the people, and it, is essential that it' work efficiently. The one ingredient to make it work efficiently is a well informed .public. As, to the -press, I 'believe •as much information as possible should be +give -Aa_s chose people. , "It is important that the in: formation - be accurate."' early this summer, I would tive treatment patients, I think hope." we can look after therd ade- After demolition of the old quately in the last addition, but part of the ,hospital and erec- we will have to put therm in tion of the addition, there will every corner." he fewer beds than at prresent;. council was. told. "Our last addition was open- ed approximately six years ago," Mr.' Schaefer said. "Last April, after we approached the Ontario - Hospital 'Services Com- mission, ewe received 'approval to remove all the old buildings and rebuild with a total bed capacity of 81. We are losing 14 beds—eight chronic and six active. We are satisfied this will be adequate." (Bed capa- city now is 95--71 active treats men•t and 24 chronic, with .22 bassinets.) The new building is to cost $550,000, of whileh Dominion, province and county are -expect- ed to contribute.$325,000. The JWsrpital board will provide $100,000 Ind ;it "is hoped ._ to - raise -$$50,000 through public subscription, the remainder to be horr-ow.ed. "We will not be. arprproadhing Goderich for another debenture issue," ` Mr. Schaefer said, "though we might ask a cons tribution toward the plulblic sub- scription. We will be request- i•nrg a grant from the county. X imagine the first hospital to break ground — C+oderich or WWnrgh.aan—will get it this year." He said that it is more econom- ical to loolCafter some patients • Answering . a question by Reeve R. Jewell, Goderich, •Mr: Schaefer said: "During �: the sa buri-ldi-ng- period I imagine there will be' "great inconvenience. For chronic patients we may aprproaoh the operator of the new nursing ..home under con- struction here, and arrange for them to look after chronic pat- ients temporarily. As for ac - TRIBUTE PAID The death 'occurred suddenly An application for a $35,000 building ,permit, to allow can- struction .of a cocktail lounge and dining room at the Haani1- ton Motel, •is being cc u,ideired by' Goderich town eoutncil. On Friday, council agreed to withhold a decision on the ap- tio till the had met with the town solicitor to further discuss the request. • Town Clerk Sherman Blake - told council that in his opinion there was no need ,to re -zone" the area. "The applicants already own the land which is used ,for com- mercial purposes: It would be different Ifs Ilia_ :Were. whin,g to purchase a new lot next door to their own property," he said At'th e opening of the- court of general sessions on Monday, Judge R. S. Hetherington' spoke to those present •— counsel, jury panel and spectators --of the life ar d work -orf the late Sir Winston Churchill. "I think it would not be ap- propriate," he said, "if at the opening of this court we did , Loan Arena A request, by the Lions •Clue , for use of the arena for the Pee Wee Hockey Week;, April 16-24, was agreed to by council., Consideration , of a grant' to go towards the cost of the event will receive further discussion at budget time, ,it was announc- ed.-- Organizer nnrounc- e± --- Organizer Tim Elliott wrote to council, saying; 'The costs of ths event have been going up each year partieularlty in feed- ing some 500 young hockey players." ' Other requests .for grants to be considered at hu•dg.et time were rc: rived from: the Salva bon , 'Army, Canadian -Mental -- Health Association, Canadian Ile added: "The site is at Council of„Christians and Jews, present spot -zoned for comuner- eial use and it is permitted to extend the•businetss under these circunistances.” Dan Murphy, representing Hamilton Motels Liunitedi• said the com•pan}• already had an 2 -plication before the Liquor Licence Board,-- ., He told council that it was normal procedure to be grant- ped 'a • building permit -before, &re . th:e licence is issued, "I have dis- cussed, this "with the town solic- itor and he said it .would be allowed under the present by law," said Mr. Murphy. Tile lawye.' agreed, When questioned, the Calvary Baptist Church, the Separate School Board,' and 20-��area•,.-t'eri•dent„ had opposed the motel's applic- ation for a liquor licence. Said Mr. Murphy: "The plan,, have alroaay been approved :b3' the board but no further move can be taken,tili the permit is' granted." - He added: "In this case the application for a liquor licence should not have to be consider- ed by the coup i1. This is a' matter for the Liquor Licence Board. r•._ .. "'It is a question of whether or nota jUilding permit should be issued for an addition to the motel on the company's own property,' he said. Council .moved into commit- tee ,as a whole to discuss the applicbtion and on return said further' discussions ,would be held with th-e 'town solicitor. Donate $100 Goderich Minor Hockey As- sociation •will he given a don- ation of $10(i by council" to go towards a "jacket fund" whicrh is being set up for players. Ken Mullen appeared before council Friday; night and asked for $400 on 'beh•alf "oaf the as- so.e.iation.. He told' counci•1 the association was already actively,- supported ctively, supported 'b!' the local Legioh, Lions and Kinsmen. "We want 'the ki•cts to go out incl ,earn their share, the part ente to give their share and we would like council to help us out as ,well," he said.. ...racket-• furrd,, - has- •-been_ set up to provide all 322 'associ- at°ion players with jackets bear- ing the Goderich crest.. Council felt they could not donate the full amount hut agreed to the players holding a blitz it‘ the .tow on February 6 with door to door'selling of salt. not make some recognition of that very great man 'in Eng- land awe very land to whore rnuah. It was his `spirit, indbm- itable will and great leadership, 1 believe, which was pri�rnari�ly' 'responsible for bringing .Bri- tain ,,standing practically alone, thrsts ough the dark days of the 1940s. But for him the 13ritis,h Commonwealth might not have survived that war; and ,a,,f so, we -owe to him the privileges we have today, when people can come to court and have their cases handled with ,every safeguard. "His life -,was devoted to fur- therance 'of the Commo-nrweal'th and British Empire, but parti-e- u•la'rly did he look after the liberty of the subject; -that was ea accurre snr ' his main' object in life. at Miami Beach, Florida, on Sat- "I have requested that the urday of Mrs. Harry W. Kniglht flag on the court house he plac- of Toronto, the former Grace Marti n of God-eri!dh. The fun- eral service was held Tuesday at the A. *. "^Miles funeral home, Toronto, with interment in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. "Mrs._ Knight was the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin of Goderich and a sister of the late Frank and Harry Martin. -Surviving besides.' her. hus- ,tsamrl.�_are.- •one son, .Harry -W... Knight Jr., of Toronto, and a daughter, Mrs. George ^ W. (Graee)..Goocfe�rham' of Toronto. Judith Gooderham Mennorial Playground in Goderich was donated to the Town of Gode- rich by Harry W. Knight Sr., in memory of his granddaughter (daughter. - of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Goodenham) who was e l e c t -r o c u t e d accidentally .as a child. Mrs. Harry W.. Knight is a'Lso survived five grandchildren and three at - grandchildren. ed at half-mast, to remain until after the funeral, and I hope whenever anyone sees that he will pause for a moment and rededicate his own conduct to ensure that the principles of freedom and democracy, for. which Sir Winston fought, are never lost, four once they,are gone you will never reain them. "I hope ala people will take his life as an example and re- meinber that the 'liberty of the people is the- greatest thing this world has. I hope you will all give seriious t'haught to the ;achievem'en'ts of this ,great man and rvtrhat we owe to him. We Should remember him as long. as polrsitble, because_ a man of his, stature will pass this way only once." ani the Muscular Dystrophy As- sociation. - Joint Meeting Council has asked fora meet i -ng on Thursday this week with. the PUC, the town solicitor and Engineer to discuss plans for the sewage treatment plant. The meeting is to give further consideration to possible ways in which the money ,will be sais.e�d- to pay...foo.sthe $5").5A100 plant. Letters from 'residents, opposing possible payment methods, have been. left aver WA �l after the Thursday meeting. Attend Conference Mayor. Frank Walk= and four Members of coun�ci�l will attend the annual conference 'off' the Ontario Good Roads A.' soci;aton which will be held on February 22, 23 and 24, in Toronto: The four 'members are: Bruce Erskine, Jos. .,Moodtr,- Walter . Sheardown» and Jas. H. 'John- st on Fire College Council agreed `ridgy to- en roll four -me•mbers of the Gode• rich Fire Brigade an courses at the Ontario Fire College during - 1985 and ,pry their fees. A definite decrease .in ac- trident statisticswas recorded by Ontario Provincial Police District 6 in sDeceinber, 1964 as compared with the same month in 1963. • The statistics.. which coves' . We:lin ton, Waterloo, Perth, Grey, Bruce and Huron counties show a total- of 283 road a•c - 'ci,dents last Dec•c rnlyer as, corn pared to 346'in Six people were killed on tho reads last -Month showing a drop of bine as compared to the previous year: • There, were -9i3 people -injured on the area roads over the Christmas ,4 holiday' month. ?P1' _ Corporal Robert 'Keane said that .379 ciartes liad-men" '- preferred following the accid- ents last, ,month.. - 1noluc1 d,� m this'total were 113 speeding eases. 137 for road - ,riles cr fringement.s, one' for careless driving. 15 for impaired .:dr.w ing, and three for driving under suspension, • rierlsite inelemez;it weather that forced sev- eral cancellations, the Baird Motors Mixed Bonspiel gent on ag. seh'eduled lastSatur- ' clay. Oran&. Cbarepio twinners was a team. t ot'h Sarnia. Piettir'e 'ice are the ram- .: • winning rink. lid to right .- . berg of the Vvi g Mrs. Gladys Elliott, lead.; IX M. Fraser, li skip;Harold Bairdsponsor ' of� the event; Pauline Fraser, vice skip and. Harold li"r11i3'Qtt, second.Signal-Star photo Police patrols in the area, re- port a ' minimum number of minor ac'cident>,s des►pit "death - _ trap" conditions recorded at tiiie weekend. doderich police and OPP of- fic'ers investigated a total of -six mineraccidents,.none_ which involved personral injury, 'during the past week. "Itmust be that the motor- ists are takings' heed of warn- ings and driving only when they have to," suggested a .police spokesaiian atter review- ing reports this week. Gale force • inrs"nds have pre- vailed in -the area during the past week ' reducing. visibility on the roads to zero at times because of MMowmg snow. in .addition snore than one and a - half inches of rain has fallen, durianrg the week as well as an additional inch of snOw. Weather recorder, George Salkeld said that late Saturday night a warm front moved in colliding with the. ten degree tempperatures then.beingkend. doder • following sudden rsb ntt temperature caused a ,thunder- storm early Sunday morning during which more ,,khan half an inch of rain fell in the area. (3n Sunday morning the freez- ing reeing rain had reduced rends to lee -rink conditions. Church services were cancelled in some areas as roads became impass- able. Even for the 'pedestrian con- ditions provided the most . pre- carious f journ'eye. Only' the children, as always, found con- ditions to their liking as roads turned. to ice rinks in- front of their eyes. A minimum of traffic is -be- ing seen on the roads as local nio1onists are heeding vrarnin,gs issued by police and highways officials to "Stay -at Home" whenever possible: One driver who found out just how treachea•aus road con- •ditlrons are was Raymond Hog- garth, 35, 282 Huron road, Gode- rich: He lost control of the bakery truck he was driving on' County Road 13, Tuesday morning and collided with the rear of a- school bus. There were -neo _injuries in the eollisirgn but GPP officers assessed damage in the ,pride -up at "$300. - County Council Night at. the Lions Club last Thursday evening heard speakers from the Western Farr R.acev tay tell of harness racing there. Showing a ectton of the head • table, from left to right: Lio& Zone Chair- ,,aL.:i.'ai..., h...,.:,.:i.Ys---..:.i •3F .,.:.: <''...a:wti ..e. • man George McCutclrean of Brussls; Lions President Pete MacEwan; program chairman James Coulte • John Wiley of Western, Fair Receway. SeE story on page 3. - - Signal -Star Photo