HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-01-21, Page 10.AS'tT ati'. - lYlr": nni~d.
° .. ori "Koalr: of sq,Qxi to vistited
last . Z ri{iay (With 4,11r. and :Mrs.
-Mrs. Ed. Davies visited last,
Thursday with ,her sister,Mrs.
Cliff Baena in Landon.
Miss Barbara. San4en.Son. had..
the misfortune to fracture a
`bone in her Wrist last` -Saturday
evening while skating at the
"Myth arena. She, received
treatment in Clinton hoseital..
e Mrs. Ida GIemens of Toronto
svisiting.wi ''her cousin 1VIrs,
Ccharles Scott.
..Mrs. 'Arthur Grange arrived
4041.S rle �[� W.ee n:d..andeis
, recovering . at her home., Mr.
and Mrs. Torn Morris of Lon-
don. brought her mother home
.on Friday evening.
Mr. ',Russel King visited hi§
wife in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, last Thursday. Her many
friends wish her a speedy re-
84th Birthday
Mrs. Charles Strau:gnan was
honored last week on the oc-
casion of her 84th birthday,
Mrs. Norman McDowell, a nei-
ghbor, held open house in .honor
the o�reasiuti, assisted by
Mese-Oliver Anderson and _Mrs.
Wces. Bradnoekj. Mrs. Bre:1-
nock presentee: her aunt, Mrs.
Straut,�han, with a yellow -ear da -
tion corsage. Over 50 neigh-
bors and fri Bids sighed the ,
guest book and birthday .cake
was servedtoall.
-- L a� je- Ftrrterai a'
A large funeral service was
held at the Arthur funeral
home for the late Mrs. J. C.
Stoltz with Rev. R. U.Ma•cLean
in charge. The -.pallbearers were
Messrs. Oliver Anderson; Arth-
ur Youngblut, Kenneth Scott,
Wcs. Bradno.ck, William Wag-
ner and -Bert Daer_ . The flower -
bearers were grandsons, Doug-
las Stoltz of Guelph and George
Dawson of Dungannon.
Daed. A Short busineSS ,.p-eriod,
was !herd and titin a luneh; , wws,
,served (ley _the ihoste4s,
Frank Raithby.
Ung ed S.S.'
_The .-annual ..Sunday.:_. .school
meeting of ICnbx !hilted Chu c
.r ii
waw 'held with Riaro�d -Webster
in- ehaige, in the absence_ of
t+�I.e superintendent, Charles
Scott, who Ls a 'patient in Clin-
ton , hospital, Miss Klaske
Koerpm,ans was the secretar
for -the meeting. Plans 'were
made to hold the annual` S.S.
4nniver ary on June dtli; also
to have their pancake supper
Mme Wise in March The no n -
mating committee composed of
Mrs. Bert. Craig, Mrs. Harold
Webster and Mrs. George Mil -
:an presented the sate of,
officers ' for. 19f15 as :iol!lows:
Superintendent, Charles Scott,
Harold Webster, Toni C�unning-
h cn; secretary, Misse+S Jane
Mills, Lynda Andrews, Klaske
hoop -mane; treasurer and pees,
iodtical, Ber: Marsh, Viola
Thompson; open Session, first
quarter (Easter), Mrs. Bert
Craig, Mes. Bert Daer; second
quarter (Missionary), Mrs, Leon-
' and Archam,bauilt, Mrs, Ernest
Durnin: third qu ii er (Temper -
;knee), Mrs. J. Hildebrand, Mrs,
If. McClinchey: fourth quarter
(( irL<.mes), Mrs. J. Armstrong,
Mrs, William Empey; social
committee, Mrs. Bert Craig,
\lre. ' Ha•old Webster, Mrs. Ted
Mills. Mils. William Empey,
.:tis J. H1rdebrand :MI's. .Guy.
C tinhii gam alp;lo;mas ani"
seals, Mrs. William L. Craig;
Nursery class, Mrs. Leonard l
Archambault, e1iss Judy Arthur;
beginners, Mics Marje'T Keep -
mans, Mess Nancy Anderson;
primary girls, Miss Bernice Mc-
.:ougall, Mrs. Jack Armstrong;
primary boys, William L. Craig,
Leonard Archambault;"Sunshine
girls, , Mrs. Bert ' Craig, Mrs.
Ei n.est Durnii: Explorer boys,
13iIl ;,Stiles, Toni Cunningham;
Goodwill girls, Miss Joan Mills,
Anglican Guild Mrs. J. Hildebrand, Mrs. Arthur
The January meeting of St. Grange; ,senipr_ „,bpys,._..P y
Marin- AnglianCriureh Guild 1'oungblut, Norman - Wight:man;
was held at the home of Mrs. junior Bible class, Mns, Ken -
Clifford Brown, Mainland Cres- neth McDougall. Mics Gwen Mc -
cent, with a good attendance. Dowell, -Mrs. Evelyn Milliane
Mos.'Brow-n was in charge. Mrs. Walter Cunningham and Hairy
Gordon R. Taylor wary pianist. Goodwin; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Ern -
Scripture was read by' Mrs. Ed. est Durnin, Mrs. John Hilde-
Davie s. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt brand; pianists, Miss Berniee
gave a reading on planning for McDougall,' I'diss Laura Daer;
the new year. A tape record- music committee,...,first quarter,
ing of December 27's service Mrs. K. McDougall, second, Mrs.
on the Seven Lessons was en- Wm. J. Craig; 3rd, Mrs. • O,
joyod. The announcenrient of Anderson; projectionists, chair -
Rev. Robert .Meally's, resigna-� man, 'Wayne, Millian, John Mc -
, s service;was Clinehey ',Barry-
,Bai`i-y discouraging rlews to all mem- pias Archambault; representative
bers. He' is returning ..to his -to the official board, Mrs. Oliver
native land, Ireland, to _preach Andertope na nitiatin, fammit-
xt a tw'p
ooint 'ore. Rev. tee,... re Oliver Ande?son, Mrs.
Robert, Mealluy. .was in charge Rogett Turner, Mrs., Bert Craig.
of. the study and gavelift- in-
spirational message on The
'Ministry of bre Sick. The her^DONNYBROOKmHumph-president, 'Mrs. Lloyd Huh_
reys, took charge of the busi.--
nese period a-n.'d expressed
4-banic2 to' th•os4 having confid-
ence in electing her as pt esi-
dent for 1965- The •.nlinut.es
. _of the previous ft/meting: were
real 'by the secretary, °Mrs.
John Daer. The treasurer, Mrs.
,Gordon R. Taylor, gave- her re-.
'port and the roll call ,was an-
s'wered , by a New Year's resalu-
tion The travelling apron was
passed and a cent for each let-
ter in "Epiphany of our Lord"
was dropped into th:e apron.
The ladies planned to get print
material and make aprons' for
sale. The .study book *for this
year was discussed. Rev. Mr.
Meally closed the meeting with
prayer. After a successful auc-
tion, a dainty lunch was served
by Mrs. Brown, assisted by her
daughters, Carole and Nance,
and her sister, Mrs. Thomas
Ha ggitt.
' Presbyterian W.M.S.'
Knox Presbyterian W.M.S.
if '1
'had va.t to 40 aver nein;
I'd raise any 'arum Over
..eo__I .
. 'y !da.ff rentTy.
I'd let the kids grow.up . ip
happy igneranne.. ,of the finer
things of life. s.
That's exactly, what most of
my present family m y would` have
preferred anyway, but the Old;
Girl wasn't. having any of ' it.
And. 1, like 'all docile • North
American -fat'h'ers; ":s""r a1reWb'e
all that jazz about "personality
'fulfillment" and "developing
natural talent" and "creative
interests." _
'I've• spent enough an music
Lessons," for example, ,for those
kids to buy ,myself a brand new
Cadillac, - or pay off half the
moiptgage on my, house.
This month, my son :Hugh
is giving two , plant recitals
before trying his ''music exam,
the culmination of ten ears
It's just about the cull/nine-
tion of • Unsold man's credit in
these parts too. All it involves
is the' rental, of two halls, the
printing of two sets of invite
tions and programs, and the
purchase of new suits and
dresses for the whole -farniiy,•
Even at that. 1 could fight
my way out of the -morass of
ills and ,face the future, shak-
en• but game, if this' were the
end of the affair.
" But I learned, in a short but
devastating exchange ..with my
wife, that it's only the begin-
ning. "Well," I beamed, "at
least' it'll be nice not to have
to pay for lessons next year,
What with all the expense of
sending him to college."
"Don't be silly!" she snap-
ped. ' "Of course he's going to
go on with hiss music next years
He's scarcely begun. "p' "
And I reeled out of the
roam, .speechless. I could see
the future: old dad pumping
the "treadmill ,for the next ten
years in a welter of music
lessons at $13 a rattle and
university fees' at $1,500 a year.
You .used, just as Hugh gets
out of college. -his sister, who
also takes piano lessons at the
same tariff, will -be ready to
* :,: o
It isn't fair,- somehow: In'
ten -years I'II be a broken,
beaten old man, ready for the
boneyard, just when I should
be entering those golden years
you see in the insurance ads:
trips to Europe, curling, golf,
DONNYBROOK. -Mrs. J. C. fis
Robinson of Wingham spent a
dew days with Mr. sn�i 'aaTS.
h;Uwar'd Robinson and family. it
Airs. Wesley. Jefferson and
family spent last Wednesda
with her parents, Mr. andMrs
Elgin Joslinefr-Vitr'Vffillr""obi_
,Mr. and Mrs. Keith Snell and
r amily visited last Sunday with
Mr. and • Mrs. Frank Campbell
of Landon. -
Mr, and Mrs. Gord,pn Mc-
Clinchey, Mr. -Sydney- lgi C1.n-
chey, all of Auburn, Mrs. J. C.
Robinson' of Wingham and Mrs.
Charles. Jefferson of• 'Donny-
brook attended, the funeral of
their cousin, , Robert •Daer,. at
Goderich. '
Little Gregory Wilson is stay-
ing with his grand,parentks, Mr_
and Mrs, Hilliard Jefferson and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thomp-
son of Wingham and Miss Grace
Thom.psois of London visited
met at -the hhme -of--Mrs Frank-
andi last Saturdaymeaningit1r with -Mr.
Raithby. The president, Mrs. Mrs. Sarirn "Thbanips,on,. and
Wilfred Saecl 'rson, presided, family. -
'The Glad Tidings prayer "War 'T _ U.C.W. Meet
given by Miss Minnie Wagner. The• January meeting of the
The "devotional period was in Donnybrook U.C.W: was held at
charge of Mrs, Wes Brad eek. the home of Mrs. Edward Rab -
•The minutes were read by the .nson with a good attendance.
secretary, Mrs. Donald Haines. The theme ryf the meeting. was,
The offering was received by ..We are the light." °A proem,
Mee, Frank Raithby. The roll .•Patterns for Devotion" was
call was anewered by each mem- ti;•eacl by Mrs. Wesley Jeffersonn
ber cfuating a verse 'from the e -he had charge of the program
book of Membership
and the pay- and also led in prayer. 'Mrs.
ing of membership fees. Mrs. William Hardy read '•,veri s of
Robert°J. Phillips played a vied- Scripture from F:.phesiens and
ley 'of familiar hymns on .the Mrs, John Hildebrand read
verses from Matthew. Mrs, Jef-
ferson gave the . meditation.
",Jesus Savjour,, Pilot .M•e" was
sung and Mrs. Stuart Chamney
read the minutes of the pre-
vious meeting. The offering
was ,received, Mrs. Hilliard
Jefferson read from the study
book and also had charge of the
business. "0 God , of Bethel"
w was sJurtg •and 'Mrs. Wesley Jef-
ENJOY THE FINEST . FOOD ferson closed the meeting with
IN TOWN the 'benediction. Lunch wa.g:
served by the hostess, assisted
ire Mrs. Ernest Snowden and
Our Specialty Mrs. Tom Armstrong.
OPFN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Open Friday and 3afurday
Until 12 Midnight
,piano. The study book, pre-
pared by Mrs. Ed. Davies, vas
read by Mrs. Haines. Benedic-
tion was by Mrs. Bradnock.
The Ladies' Aid meeting, of
Knox Presbyterian Church was
held with the past president,
Mrs: Ed. Davies, in charge: The
minutes were read by Mrs. Roy
Chinese Food
The- Esquire
Mr. Marjorie Ohlis and Mas-
ter Bruce Brown..af Willowdale
were recent visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Meredith 'Young at
Auburn: Mrs, Meredith Young
has been confined to her home
with the Gethan measles.
Y: ::: *
And •what will I get. out 'of
all? Likely nothing but a
J. Denomme
Phone •
• Agent for 24 -hr. b,
Of course
not pinning
to have an --
automobile accidgnt!
But 'neither were the 43,901
drivers •involved in traffic asci
dents in Ontario during the first
three months of 1964.
No. matter howcareful you are,
your car might still be 'involy
ed in an -accident and
-•-youmight be found totally
or partially liable for dam-
-your owncar might be dam-
-you or members of your
family might be injured in
your own or someone else's
could help you meet ,the costs
of these emergencies.
For more information,. call:
George Turton
319 Huron Road, Gotlerich
Dial 524.7411
gaggle ^off.. r `an lehildr.ene wh
w%bl,.be d vinped with us every
time their _arenrhs • want to . go
s p' a
on a skiing -vacation or a jaunt
tq Meth o.
In despair,' I sought" out an
old friend who has . „been
t rou a it
h - gh all wit•I� ‘threo�' sons
, «+ erY aid boy," ' 4 Chori
tled,..�� fe' toU 1i g th jt� '
Y�4u've forgotten a fie+^ items.
First o!f, aU, your son( gets u ar;
erred ix fiiird year eol�le�ge and.
You, - subsidize them and the
Q� rad . t The . .
g' ua es n
' there's your daw4hter's wed
diu+g. Knowing your wife, I
figure that. Will cost you one
cool grand. Then your son, and
your son-in•+law, will tie turns
'hitting you •iup for a couple
of thousand for dawn" payunent
on d l�oilSe or furniture -or a
.- •.-..• is •n_ �_-
"lt'tc riot that 'they're grasp.
ing," he Went yin, . Chuckling,
"It's just that .this 1s, ,the, way
The System . works now,ada�ys.
They.' bet. making good -Barley,
buflhej wonrt have any'credit,
and you - have, So they'll use
yours:' '
"Atilt lyhen do I start aying
'cif !rny`��nzoit a. a ,an the paying
Y � 4i
and pottin'g'by 'far my old age?"
1 whimpered.
* ;,;
"Don't, wpr clout that" he
twinkled. 'Arose can always re-
iFt1! ^ Ant! 1 woulc
,Worry about your old''agir�.
By" the .alma, y u've -` taiA '
'Lamle, y�ourl 0014! ild run's: teeth:
straightened one (here 'he'
poltiveilr, ca�okled) "paid for
their first' lien years- of d frig
and' skating and .music lessons,„
you , on't have any old age
Jett." . .
..A•1'l T could do• gate (rare'
Haaxrlet,_ a" _thi's relies£ much
.thanks," and go.quietly. olf to
check my insurance pol1eie
and .iaok for wife's bottle
. �
of sleeping ,palls.
Rotarians;'are" bo' select -four
honor stuidents 'from Goderich
Coilegi to to take part in a stu�
4e,nt exeha. •e Orograin with an
American caan high sdhhool '
A lit' of '16 "potential honor
students" 'has ibeen submitted
to the Rotary"Glu;b'
PrineLpal 0, = Doy,
The %cha ��e;will'be for "the
drat Week n February and will
be ,between• the Collegiate and
8 4ens'iy? i'<Med;# Ol
for one week the a
dents take `'or placq in
Coz�,. ree c :Mr. Day:
Waken oat ,, group from
1 ho i+ feel could
wee .
Ee laacld�ea. "it seems to
kn twXt!h ese ,e
� xclvan e
both (groups , reborn ha
with their own edUicartabna
. Rotary clubs nave Stpo
simmer �p,rograrns for
Years IAA this ' the e �iist
Goderiah 'has entered' sou
Inn .16. WML �I IMINIMau, OW
Mil ROM ,�111� /Mile! A/YI®, lil��l► IIIM lIMIll
I•L.iV 121,..-1111-0-1
1 ��1W 12-1 1/ ■ ... ■■
' MEM Moo '�'/W MEM MEI 11�' 111111ww -
vi us 1u■ 1 "'w I�sa 1/ri .J rain ■ UN
E MEM w' ■ 11•fll'a_ e � 'MEW MIL_ Mlle
E■ v"'w''�ar ran( v ,ENIEEIr uir' MIEN! *!full! II
We a� • ; wo=fol ... ... � • �• _: .:� _:.' . _ _ . _ _ do-
.: .
e __. a . • d revs, .dor .this dant-sale. Vie are do-
ing a little renovating and we are also gliglitly overstock-
ed. In aneffort to get more room to do our renovations
and to move some -stock out,we are offering you a once in a
long time opportunity to ave on EVERYTHING in our
store. Buy now and save.
ZT-14 - 14 cu. ft. automatic defrost two -door
ZT-12 - 12 cu. ft. two-door•'automatic defrost
refrigerator .
• _t
ZDT-12 12 cu., ft. two -door frost clear re-
frigerator. ,
N .tea +•
REG. ° , .SALE
4.44.95 289.00 W.T.
414.95 25 9oo w.T:
464.95 284'.00w.T.
C -10, -10 -cu. -ft,
Single -door m-_ 2
W-29-21= Wringer Washer.
° 149.95 -
'n. 349.95
W30.31 - Spiralator withvpump and, timer.
W31.31 -- Deruxe spiralator with 'pump and
er timer
A23-21 = .Automatic spiralator With suis
water saver.
E23-11 - Dryer with many outstanding fea-
A37-21 -- Two speed spiralator automatic with 399 9 5
suds 'n water saver
99.00 W:T.
1 36.0o W.T.
148.00 W.T.
15 6.00 W T:
166.0o w:T.
276.00 wT.
E37-11 - Dryer with automatic drying cycle. r 244.9 5
176.0 W.T
CE -24 -,- with infinite heat switches, automatic e
oven, lift off oven ,door and 3 -year warranty on ail heating( units, b „,274.00194.00W.T.
SE --24-- Has storage -drawer, seven -heat -sAjjit--
ches. and lift off oven door. Three-year war- 194.9 5 148.00 WT•
ranty on all units.
_MODEL:-DAF--O-----ALUMINUM UNING- ---20-CU:__.FT,._..'_.
F R E E QZ E RREGULAR 3 94. a�5
2`1304 - Ha"s :pump and exclusive Sil"iplicity
12 year guarantee and two year free (service.
21303 _Has. pump and timer. Exclusive Sim-
, plicity 12 year guarantee._and two year free
• service.
1 3!5.00 W.
21306 .--. Has pump, timer -and filter. "Exclusive
12 year guarantee and two year free service.
21300 - Has pump; timer, filter and two -speed'
mechanism as well as the exclusive Simp-
Iicity guarantee. -
1540o W.T.
219 '5 0
164.00 W.T.
2568 •--- A square line model - with pump as -
well as exclusive Simplicity guarantee.
257? A square line model Urith pumps
timer, filter as well as the exclusive Simp-
licity 12 year guairantee,,.and 2 -year free
service. .
178.00 W.I.
FIC -14T - 14 cu. ft. IMPERIAL model. A two=
-door automatic defrost, with 100 -Ib. freezer.
FDC -14T --- 14 cu. ft. two -door automatic de-
frost. 100 Ib. freezer. .
FDC -12T -= 12 cu. ft. two -door model with auto,
matic defrost and 100-1b. freezer.
FD -11C 11.6 au. ft, model hwith automatic
':3 3 7.00.
299.00 W.z
D-1OC - 10 cu. ft. model.
RSG -22C - Has oven window and three-year
warranty on all heating Units.
RDG-307C - Has automatic timer, automatic
oven o
- window, w storage drawer and
- lighted backguard.
° RDG-309C_ - Pull 'n' clean oven, automatic
oven and outlet. Infinite heat switches
and heavy duty units.
RDG-308C - Infiniife heat: switches, automatic
oven, automatic outlet and ,heavy duty units..
212.00 mi
258.00 w
WDAC-65 - Features jet,.action washing. Has
automatic soak cycle and has five year war-
ranty on pump, mechanism and motor.
WDARC-65 -r- Jet action washer, and five year
pump, mechanism, and motor warranty. Suds
'n' water saver and automatic soak cycle. °
u. WCPC-65._-..Washer..with two -speed -action and,
automatic soak cycle.
DDAC-65 --- Dryer with exclusive .Frigjdaire
flowing action heat, extra fine lint filter and 9 7 b 8 oo
automatic 'cool and-d�-flu_,10.7
1 r/ • 9 5 W.T.
fferiod: y .
DCDC-65 - Dryer with automat�}a drying cycle
and automatic interior Iighteslus all the other '208 0®
exclusive, Frigidaire features. 249.95• - •. W,
,299.95.. 258.00'w.T.
=319:95 272.00w.
364 - .0o W:T.
EVS-RX9 - 30" RANGE with lighted back. .
guard, automatic oven and outlet, remov-, -
stor oven liners, v Available
swing door and 95 219.00 ,w
storage drawer. Available wifh rotisserie at .7
slightly extra cost.
E,VS-R'IN9- 24" RANGE. This 24" range has
eall he d range,me features of the above mention- 274 95 199 oo W -T.
EVR-W7 -. 24" RANGE with' uternatic oven,
automatic outlet, glass vi ual lite oven,
Storage drawer and seven -heat -switches.'30" 219 g
model available at $178..
ER -W6 -- 24" -RANGE with three-year warran-
ty on all units.
129.00 W.T.
the Scluarre
°"The Store That .Service Bu'
�a .