HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-01-21, Page 5aof ione. ► a: ,fig- ver 'serv", was Ute arly 4) too Pd pp are now Id by Mo. 3722 'al a• 2'-3 oQ to walls, low LOCHALSH. — The Kintail omen's Institute met on Wedr qday of last week at the 4's me of Mrs. Duncan •• Farrish d spent the afternoon qu'ilt- X19 g, Visiting at the MacLeod home Mr. Rod MacLeod of Medicine Mir. and Mrs. D. A. MacLen- an spent Monday in London nd visited with Mr. Kenneth ' aeLeod who, is still a 'patient hospital there. • • . The C,G.I.T. of Ashfield Pres- yterian Church met on Mon - ay evening in the• •chlirch. Miss Elaine Robb, wile ' has een., practice teachifig in Kit- hener, spent the weekend with er mother, Mrs. Harvey Robb nd Donald ' a once -time resident oftiLochalsh., We are .sorry to report ,that Jimmy Simpson, soon .of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson is a pat- ient in Wingham hospital. Miss Ursula Courtney has• been absent from North—Ash- field Public School since be- fore Christmas with rheumatic fever and is a patient in Gode- rich ho:Jpital. meeting Will 'be held at the home of Mrs. Mallins and each One is to. bring an article for the roll call. -• These will be auctioned at the close of the .- neeizsg e , Rste, es were Mrs: Br Whitely and `Mrs. C. Sturdy. The social evening planned by the. Community Club was held in the school house Friday evening. It took the form of a card -party with --sten• tables in play. The win ers_were: ladies' hgih,Jolhrnie 'Ginn; ladaest, law, Mt -s. J. Westbrook; men's high, Bill, Stirling; omen's low, Mr. R. Sturdy. Lunch was served by the ‘ladies, and some $12 was realized which 'will be used to purchase yard goods to make articles- for the fall bazaar,- • TAYLOR'S CORNER. •— The January, meeting of the tom- 'mutiny om- ` • , held at the Club was uri�"t ' G1 m y home of Mrs. Qerry Ginn. The president; Mrs. Claude. Sinclair, conducted the meeting. Devo-.. tions were in charge of Mrs. H. McCabe.' :Plans were made- fro. a social everting in the school sometime this month. Money Several from the conmunity making" projects were discuss- �ttend•ed the fiu`rier rbti tur= • ed- and some. -plans were -made - :ay of Miss Mary 'MacLennan, for the bazaar: . The February Defence expenditure in Can: ada declined, from 39.5 per cent of ibudgetary ' expenditure an -1-955: to22A. per centinthe _cur- rent fiscal year. 1,000 Gorged It was a complete !massacre] 'when 80 spoon2wie'1ding mem- hers of Morning Star Lodge of Carlow and Maitland. land Masonic lodge • of Goderich' consumed more than 1,000 oysters lass Wednesday. Bowl and spoon in hand Th s4 mason§ battled their' way, r `lirati�gh a snowstorm and along icy roads to sit down to the traditional_ oyster supper in Carlow Hall. The three cooks had toiled over a hot stove for three hours preparing the eveniirgs feast as their fellow •members. attended a meeting at the nearby masonic hall. aok: Ain as Andrew, Cec. fB-lake an•d,Howard Aitken were ready when the first wave of, `p storni'troopers" arrived at the hall at .10.30 p.m. 'A_ shuttle service of waiters carried bowl- .itfoon bowr of steaming oysters to the mem- bers and returned to their sta- tions once again when mem- bers claimed th;e "Oliver` Twist privilege of . asking for. more. The recipe for the oyster sup- per ;Which has been handed don through the 'years is to take -vast gitan7tities of oysters, mixed with milk and soda cracker crumbs, ibrin,g to the boil and then let simter in large pots till they are all devoured. - The avalanche of oysters con- tinued to ppur down the throats white walls. tN radio, wh of �Ywilling 'members for, --a full hour -after the meal got under- way. oma Cec. Blake: "The ented• e C members - really go for this. Tonight the .weather was really bad but we still got a good turnout of oyster eaters." One of the oldest me'inbers of the'lodge, Hugh Hill, recalled the oyster supper tradition s started by the late C a' ie Robertson, MPP for the- riding. Fresh. Oysters ,• "We have no exact date in our records," said Mr. Hill, "but -it was somewhere- around 1923 when Mr. Robertson provided the oysters for the first such tsupper." In these days, he recalled, the event did not• receive, much pub+ll'city, but the years have progressed to bring people in from all over -the area to, attend the supper. The first supper was attend- ed by around 30 members but in recent years, when the'. wea- MICHAEL J. FOLEY -A Kingsbridge farmer, Mich- ael J. Foley, died in Alexandra Hospital, GodeJch, on Sunday after a six-month illness. Born in Kingsbridge the son of Ed- ward Foley and Mary Sullivan he is survived Eby his mother,.. Mrs. Mary Foley; two brothers nd•-six ters7.•- he' r are. Theo- dore and ,Mathews, Kingsbridge; Sister Appolonia, Goderich;'' Mrs. James Johnston and Mrs. Edward Johnston, •• Goderich; Miss" Margaret Foley Kings- bridge; Mrs. Earl Drennan; Kingsbridge; Mrs. Daniel Doyle, Detroit. - The funeral service was held on Wednesday. morning 'in St. Peter's Church, Goderic r, and was conducted by Lite Reay. Charles Caruana. The-ervice was followed by temporary" en- tombment at Colborne prior to interment ,at Kingsbridge ceme- tery. MRS. FAYEDTA JOHNSTON A 65 -year-old Goderich Town- ship - resident, Mrs. Fayetta Johnston, died in Victojia Hos- pital, L'ondd'n, Saturday morn- in.g after ,a short illness. Mrs. Jo•hnAon, who was born ther• has been favorable,..•.figg_ure$ have been as high as 150. "It•,ha`s now becib e a high- • `light i,n our, social year," said Mr.,Hill. Asked why fresh". oysters ha,d been originally chosen, Mr. Hill suggested it was because it is .one 4f the few things that has lasted as a luxury item. "As long back as I can re- member any 'fraternal organiz- aWti:on in . thecommunity •has Lined fresh oysters las their meal,:L'he, said, "Because after 'all it is soniethirg out of the .ordinary," • me nt in Maitland cemetery. Rev. -C.. A. Dukelow of Vic 'a Street .United Church eff'icia ed. Pallbearers 'were: Clifford' 11' erl, Gerald Orr, Graham Johr qui, Roderick Johnston, Ever ett Mcllwain and Hugh David- -on. ',rRS. MARY JANE' SHACKL ' TON • An 83 -year-old Dungannon re..ident, Mrs. Mary Jane! Shackleton:, died at her hone Monday after a sudden illness. Born in.' Ashfield, Township on August 24, '1881,, she, was' the daughter of Jesse -Gray and Fayetta •,Tichborne on March Jane Steele. She was married 31, -18,99.L. ''as the daughter of William Tic ab.orne and Louisa. Hillock of Goderich Township. - member cif Union on April -6, 1$03 at- Ashfield to Matthew Shackleton who pre: deceased her in 1951. The couple' lived in Ashfield until United Church --Mrs. Johnston 1 - 944 when they -moved to Dun - of 110 Newgate street was pre- ' gannon. ° • decea.vedhyyher 'husband, Wale- A member of Dungannon TJi3 man Johnston, in 1955. She is 1 iced Church she was also pre- survi" ed by- a son, Gordon. of Gttecesse.d by a.dau,ghte'ri Marie Gc•derich Township; • three -land son -, Bruce and Ivan. She daughters, Mrs. Stanley (Ber- I ;s survived by a son, Alb rt'Ben- ;-uce) Mcllwain, .Goderich Town- ,,on Shackleton of 4A. hfield hip; Mrs. Charles (Helen) Ful- Townsh_. p; two siste Mrs ter, Goderich 'township; Mrs. Fanny Dur.nin; Mrs:"OliveW-ebb, Lloyd (Vera) Penfound, Auburn. ;jo'h of'Goderic':i; a'nd a, brother: In addition one brother, Ars Willard Gray of San Francisco. thur Tichborn., Goderich; three . Mrs: Shackleton was taken, sisters, Mrs. B. M. Frank, De-. from the Stiles funeral home troit; Mrs. Ruth Orr, Goderich; to the_ Dungarfn•on United 'lrs. Ernest Johnston, Go•derich r'hurch where the funeral ser- To'wn•Thip; aria 11 .grandchild- vice .was held on -Wednesday' ren, :!_ternoon. The ser v ce wa. The funeral service held •on conducted by the Rev. J. A. Monday at the Lodge funeral \'Ctilhuis prior_ to ,interment in home was followed: by • inter- I Dungannon cemetery. *STAR 'VALUE!'" . Genuine California, Full 1/4" Thick Here..is.a really -fine panelling=—all kiln dried and ready -for finishing. -- Handsome "Boston Rustic" pattern.' A value unequalled anywhere. lea let Lan. -._ Ftp, 8" wide, lin. ft..2P UNBELIEVABLE AT, .THIS LOW PRICE FOR. SUCH QUALITY! Ma1.,oga n 'y MARLITE PLASTIC BLOCK FOR CEILINGS 5'xtr S1459 10''x00' . $4095 Bathroom Kitchen Durable, soilproof--never needs painting.. A damp cloth cleans' it. White and 10 pastel shades. ■ ,ONT. or tractor? MAY%, YOU 3 SHADES! PRE -FINISHED Buy a sheet or a crate at this rock -bottom price. Cotoniol White. Natural Light and Red Moderne. 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