The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-01-21, Page 3aid'lans*GU
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The" rteguiar meeting of the
Coliberne TOWne11014.11strae and
School '..ARSOAtation was he'l'd
at Zion School, Tuesday, Jame-
arY 12th with an attendance of
40, Mrs, .,13, °Haman presided.
• ' 'i�n seeretaxiy, Mrs,
Well, Reid, report, • ' aving r r
cet'ved (the .Charter Of 'the As- l o'VG be. 6�
• 'sedation front the Federation. • ..
e a-'•seellRreeEre eettea11:uhf•7rqi r^�%,n+M, u-.�wl' _ • e
the- guest .-speakear, °lvir. J H. �tl''� ll' • ► ; '�
Kinkead, School InspectoresWhe
J,lelighted Ibis audience with an
elpf rr al- tank en education fr;onl
'pioneer days in Colborne Town-
ship irp to the present time.
Frown the clays of a 'curriculum
of reading, 'writing and. figures
to the bulging program of to-
Vadtlly anst4no.
tend Atba,
Ake.' e.' Bake'. s. ,Fa'
egoebeeeeeteno need, ,tht 14
Meetinng a d. "fie held
• int c s i irse frown the
County Hea t i Snit `would be,
nept ,speaker`; Coffee was. se') y
'ed by .' Wm: Aogie sand her
CT -
Thelargest . annual, meeting in many years:
Of the Hurn Presbyterial pf the WMS of
the Presbyterian Church in Canada was
held 4t` Clinton last; week. New officers
were elected. Standing,' left to right Mrs.
John Pollock,' God:erieh, lst vice president;
Mrs. Donald Haines, R. R. 5, Goderich, 2nd
vice president; Mrs, •'Flora MacDonald, God-
erich 3rd vice-ipresidetlt. Seated, left to
right: Miss Hazel Mae'Donalld, retired mis-
sionary from Taiwan, South -East Asia, now
of Goderich a guest eaker° Mrs Wes
Bradnock of Aw
uburn, president; Mrs. W. San-
derson of Auburn, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. J. A. McConnell, Goslerieh, Selcretary.
A dramatic increase in road
fatality figureiLwas recorded;
.by Ontario Priiivlineial Pollee
District 6,. for November 1964
as cam paredwith the ;, same
m5nth in 1983.
ra';Cli' ton ' idents r. busip.e e+eisAor fni�olive mo z r
WtX aim Ma�cArthttx • ,apei 1 Mr. e'y and. 'Ow ,s�tr.Qnger`? dour Un -
William. Cook, in go,ol►eration a iaJ `baekgrQnnd the-• better
with the Ontario Department equipped YOU will be, to ,make,
cif dueatiou will again soon, thesee dee la . : ' ,
aoar ' the P,ianntng ,(for Pr9Ati =lam !tib . ° ra#ita ho
Bourse, 'which is on Manage- o+t this rtyype. + buSunesS, can
nut Accounting, is designed use information entailed to ,
as „g service 'to +business men his u'wn books ` of :acebtu is to,
nd n- of –Hu rg aunty, ti; rateemorf nftahty -,.,:
Last 'f'&,11 the initial course was Primo► kriowl,edtge :or, expert,'
very successful, with 27 husi- (Mee an bookkeeping or accountM
ness men anal .women receiving ing Ls not required for those
certificates. The •eckteree' wi11 taking,. the :course.
be held in 'Central Huron Sec- -
The rep which Ieovers" ,the.
day withthe„-deslre to do'everyw Wellingt Waterloo, Perth,
thing in schools, including driv Grey, Bruce and Huron coun-
'ing .'ids 'on . . iaT4In *Otir13 ,people died as
The speaker emphasized neat- compared to t3wo in Novelmiber
Hess, something well done; the 1963. ,,
need for a purpose in life, ,a,pP 'C•orpoial .Robert Keene
pride in work. And it was. here repoeted that the 13 people had
the home could help greatly. died in nine ,separate"accidents.
In tact,. little icould be done, For the previous year the two
he said, without home help, had died in two separate .acs
•wi'Uhout setting examples ;of ,eidents. .
,truth,, faith, ihctn•esty and hard A total ,of 293 aoc�idents was
work..- In• conclusion. Mr. i1n' reported on the goads in* Nov
kead pointed out that in a ember, an increase of 27 over
changing•elvorld of today much the previous year.- Cheeges pre -
sympathetic co-operation is £erred during the month
needed between, the home and amounted to 413 which included
the school. He added Home 14 cases of impaired, two for
and 'School Associations play a drunk driving, 50 careless driv-
prominent part in the ,°cause oaf inti 121 speeding offences, four
'hit -and -runs, and one dangerous
Mr. and Mrs. ,Dein `Tho 1" f
have returned to Thessalon af-
ter attending the funeral of-
fMrs. Thom.son's father, the late
Mr. Robert Daer,
NF -65.1
to Triy- •three brothers effective January 15th, 1965.
wish to thank my many friends and customers for their
past patronage and would ask for your continued pat
ronage to the business as 1 am sure that my'brothers will
-continue to give the same high level of service to the mot- •
tiring public.
SHOWTIME 7:30 ,and 9:30' -
• Air -Conditioned. For Your Comfort • -
Now„– Jan. 21-22-23 --Double Bill
• Walt Disney's great story of a brush wolf
`'Rebert Culp, Judi Meridith andBrian Keith
Present a story of the Six Nations Indians •
- Color ,
–Mon., • Tees., . Wed. Jan 25-26-27,
Christine Kaufman " arid-' Tony ° Coals
A hectic and hilarious furnfirhn--:about an alcoholic poodle:',
and a TV star
Color .
ondary School 'n Princess
street in Clinton commencing Pot Luck .For
at 7:30 p,m. on Wednesday, ■.
CasaGrande, now a National
Monument; a ✓flour -story' apart
meat house ,built 600 years ago
by Salado Indians -in Arizona.
The area of the 'continental
shelf adjoining the earth's land
masses equals the area of
Africa. .
Mrs. R.' J. Nephew . He
The Marching Mothers of
Goderioh• are getting restless...
Far the time is drawing ever
Closer to the 'moment they will
put aside household chores to
embark on the 065 March of,
In the. distance one can al-
most hear the military music
as Chief Marching Mother, Mrs.
R. J. Nephew, gathens het leg-
ions arouffd her in 'preparation
for D -Day- February 1.,
Zero hour will be 7 p.m. on
that date when •11 captains will
marshal a total force of 115
colleotots . in _ _an it -out ,e 'or
'to reach a tatget of $16,000.
For exactly one hour this
force will besiege residents of
the Goderich area -+by door-to-
door canvassing in a drive to
raise the money.
The Marching. Mothers are
the force behind the appeal
which will provide funds for
ad Marching Mother
rehabilitating the adult disabl-
ed 'in the district. In South
We. tern, Ontario alone there
are 317 registered disabled per-
For an application form,
phone Wan,MacArthur or Wm. A pot luck eupper ••. +; eded
Cook at ;the Central Huron Sec- the January 12th mee ng of
ondary School,. 165 Princess the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary
street, Clinton. Phohe 482-3471. Minutes of • the last meeting
• Pla'nning 'for Profits is one were read. -Committees gars e
of a series of business courses their reepecti•; e reports.
developed specifically to fit the Vacancies were filled on the
kit.cheii• and entertainment conn-
mietees. Christmas and thank -
you cards were received.
After the business meetin.
was adjourned, the ladies spent
NVephew and her helpers raised , ions Irl 1964 1500 business the rest of the evenings ,playing
sons who benefit from the i needs of owners and/or man -
Match of Dimes. ' tigers of small businesses.' The
This will he the second year , definition of a small business
that Goderich 'has taken part 'i, is where one, maybe two in -
in 'the appeal Last year Mrs. I dividuals, make all the decis-
more than $1,400 in a similar,' men and women participated .in cards. Winners were:' euchr'.
cc'ncen:rated canvass. prograrn this throughout On- high, Mrs. Art George; low, M{•,�.
L. By hie. Winners at "50(
This bane the m.o,rs toile.
ging too stretch their theleg evenare Marketing for Manufacturers, were: high, Mrs. •Herb Simpson
urliher to reach but into the Purchasing for Manufacturers, I Law, Mrs. Dave '.;.Millan. ,
r d areas as. part of the ap-Retail Management, Marke-ting i, - -
eat -r forService Businesses, Business,
The . VIarcli N;as.."originateci Law .and, .Personnel ',are,' the
Thurs.; Fri., ,Sat. — Jan. 28-29-30- - Twin Bill
Shirley Eaton and Harry Guardino '
Tell the enthralling 'tale of-,
Color . • -
Jeffrey Htn`ter and Mylene Desmongeot •
'Sponsored by The Ontario.pepertment• of- Education
•• Course Will -Be– Given
At -r
.Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton
' on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. tammencing February 10
See News Item. 3
near:y 15 years ago following other subjects in the program.
, the severe polio epidemics of
1949 -and 1951. • .Thousands o•f
young children were subjected
to long costly periods of treat-
ment, then wheel, chairs and
-iron-- lungs. The cost of'such
treatment was way beyond the
Courses in these °swbje•cts ti� il•l
-be held , at a later date. An
course materials have been- pre-
pared by professional business
educators and through •the• dis-
eussi'on' of actual business situ-
atisr eseeceese method technique)
reach of the average citizen -and the emphasis is on developing
a practical approach to -marl:
this is how ,the Mothers' March
came into being.
Each year since then mothers
in various communities have
takenit upon th•emuelves to pro-
- n
_ .f ,... he.� ' i ,b1-czd,--sl�.iltlrc,
., wide- ox t dis
of people who might not be as
,fortunate as themselves.
In ,Gaderich the appeal is
sponsored fiyt he Rotary Club
which will launch it. officially
with a dinner on Tuesday, Jan-
uary 19 at the'. aitland Country
G` a
I 399
Justa gIa`nce tells yoq Chevrolet ,has ,never been so
new! New from the. Sweep -line roof right down .to‘the
road ... and even that'll seem newer with Chevrolet's
new Wide -Stance chassis and new Full Coil suspension!
■ From Chevelle, last• year's most successful line of
new cars, -a lot of new style and great new ride! a A new
debonair look hides Chevy II's practicality and saving'
ways. And Chevy II has many, money -saying mainte-
nance•-reducers, plus a choice of fourgreat engines.
• Sport with an international flair makes its 'appear- -
ante with Corvair! Andthe top-of-the-line Corsa series
offers an optional 180 -hp Turbo -Charged engine!
ilt Check out all four: '65. Chev-
rolet,'65 Chevelie,•'65 Chevy II
and '6'5 Corvair -- at your
dealer's today!
To keep healthy and fit your employees need as much
as 500 cubic ,feet of fresh air every day.. This is general-
ly supplied to the average ,place of business through
cracks around the windows and doors, and .general traf-
fic in and out. Outside air at zero.and 70%' relative hum-
idity when heated up- inside' to .70 degrees F.,.oniy has a
relative humidity of 8%. This is much too dry for com-
Dry room air- dries up the respiratory tract; it is -
thus often the -reason for headaches, and lack of energy,
paving -the way for head colds,. coughs, bronchitis, influ-
enza, etc., which may largely be considered typical "heating
-.-- =- -
To --get-- the most opt__ of your employees, to keep
them healthy and pleasant, you need an" atomizer -hum-
idifier in your place of businees. If you make this move
-you have- made a move, to happier, healthier more pro-
ductive employees. _
Club. .
Rotarian. in charge is 'E. R.
Rowlands, who has arranged for
a guest speaker• for the dinner.
The'speaker )vidl :be, Bert Hop:
kins of the psychological ser-
vices di:vision of the rehabilita-
tion foundation.
Oa Mrs. Nephew's, team this
year will he the following cap-
tains: Mrs. P. S. Ma-cEwan, Mrs.
J. Skeoch, Mrs. 15. J. Murphy,.
Mrs. B. 'Lapaine, Mrs. M. C.
McGill, Mrs. W.•Barl•ow, Mrs.
R. Smith, Mrs. D. A. Pincher,
'Mrs. I. I'apernkck; Mrs: N. T.
Ormandy, Mrs. F. C. Young.
In charge Of distribution od
posters and coin collectors will
be •Mrs. Okal L. Day.
Commented Mrs. Nephew this
week: "We hope to have a good
response this year. People'
should bear._in mind that the
drive is no longer solely clevot-
ctd to„ children but also to
adult, •
Cain collectors will be placed
agement probleme and oppor-
tunities. -• .
It is recommended that those
interested in any of These
classes enroll -first in' the Plan-
ning-for- Pr�ts' course 'as' most
- Sales of 1965 car license
''plates are "definitely slower '
than they were a year ago,
Mrs. Olive Sturdy, local is-
suer, told the Signal -Star on
Tu-esd+ay. They are moving
a little faster lately , but are
sill quite slow, she added.
Deadline for the , sale Of
1965 marker:. for passenger
.Februarycars is .February 28th. On
and _after March 1st, drivers
usinb 1964 plates will -be
--lia�b}e-to-a--fi•n eoaf u;p o t,>35£10
2 $5.00 Clothing Certificates
From A Local Men's ,and Bays' Shop
Starting Thursday, January 14
in local stores but the door
to. door canvass is the majo
part of the appeal.
President of the Reh•abilita-
,tion Foundation for the. dis-
abled, coward C. Caine; report-'
ed~'that as a result of the -1964
March 'of Dimes 158 men and
women wont. baC . to work in
,,No'ne of thein Jiad worked
since they had become disabled
and to them it was described l
as "a return *to the land of
tihe living." -
1A'hen you ahs,wer the door
• to - your collector remember i,
they 'are marching' to collect
dimes for people who cannot
even walk --lc: alone march. '
81 East St.
Goderich - Phonero524-8994
Stereo ° Radio & Phonograph
ttanked - by value,_ -Canada's
principal mineral .products are •
crude petroleum; nickel, copper
iron - ore, natural rgas and by- ,
,products, gold, uranium, as-
bes os . _.
No Waiting
This is the time of year when
we can start any job immed-
iately. You call us today and
we will be there tomorrow to
start on the job. Decide now
and we will do it now. No
waiting a week or a month for
us to clean up other jobs
before we can come.
' V
High sensitivity separate AM & FM radios FM Ie.
stages. — FM tiTtuitzintorporefes -Au-tonnatic. Frequerc
i trol to prevent drift. --- Fully equipped to receive FM :, u -•
(Multiplex)-'— AM radio has low noise pickup loop .crit .. —
FM radio has built-in dipole, provision for connecting "evt- r
• antennas. — Balance control, separate wide range bass j+i►d
Treble controls, acting ih t o feed back loops to e'nsure,mini r rn
distortion. Beautiful walnut cabinet.
REGULAR .$599.00
i. $479._00
Chevrolet itepoler-sparI Coupe
- - -- • ,A AtI114ariiZEb DALE •N bot5te td 4 DIAL 5: 4-8 11
Be 'surf to -sea Bonar za on the CSC -TV natwork .each. Sunday. Check your local listing for 611111161 and 1.1111/Lb
32 Huron Street,. Clinton Dial 482-9542 No- Toll Charge
59 HAMILTON STREET • . 524-7718 -