HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-01-21, Page 2,a..,�y, m�. 1✓. 4 I 1 r ( .i,wrn e!, oderieh Signal -Star, T.huday, January 31st, 1065 ria tSCRIPTIVE • Wea.like the proposal of Premier' Jolari -1"4ailT tri rffie t.t¢Ip"� "t a n mas'pro in e- riii to be. named., Sfa,eDonald-Cater .Hi l►- tv-ay Tv-titer_than-dis pr sent. c•Ally stat- istical "401 By the, same token, we _would prefer ti have Lake Huron's lake-, short, road 1uiovru as The Bluewnter Hi'rin- Way rather than merely Highway 21. And we favor Huron Road rather than Highway No. 8 These names are so much more mean- ingful and colorful than cold figures. NAMES a r The 'Stratford Beacon -I erald points city 1tt-K1~�?lt enc atQ a lb v atee„:a mime in "this day; of -speed, ., For exam? -whit happened to the lame- given- the Queen Elizaibeth Way? The Beacon -Her- ald points out that because the name was too awkward a mouthful for practical use, de it end up bei 'g -referred to as the "Cue-ee''.. Would The Bluewater High- way end up in being designated by that hasty as the"B-Hi"? If it did3 the whole purpose would be defeated' • BETTER SERVICE NEEDED HERE The St.Mary` motorist, and more es- pecially, the would -he St. Marys motorist, is 0 taking the "dirty,cnd of the stick'' with regard to test -making iVeCs permit, complains The St. Marys Journal -Argus,- t ditorirtly. T 2 -The St: Marys newspaper can see no reason why a St. Marys driver can not take a Jest. right in St. Marys without having, -to travel to 'Stratford, Exeter or bine other point for such a test.' • Other -centres - have, simi.l.i-ar feelings a- - foul the sitfiationn and Gaderieh ran 'be' in-- ',eluded n', eluded amongst ,them. An examiner comes to Goderich to conduct drivert tests only a month L- the fourth 1'riday in the : - month. On the other hand, tests are eon} ducted at neighboring Clinton approx- inniately three days a week, at Winghari A LINK WITH T Dr. 'William Dunlop and. his axmen from Zorra built in 1827 a small log house • in what is now- Ha-bor- -Park, and John - .:a: -1t .. arriving --b —haat from- Pen -et auf.4.: „he -held on the cliff the new -made "Castle." 1.1Dunlop found it chilly in, winter, --and spent much time at Vaii Egmonrc's, 18 miles east. .The ":castle," howcever, was for sotne•yea"rs are Canada Company- office. 'Its 'successor as Aueh was', a budding' erected for Comm- issioner Mercer Jones, who followed John Galt. This large building -- it.ehad to aee- Ommodate 21 wagon -loads of Jones'-effects ---wa's put up early- in a 35 -year"' period (luring which the company .sold none of its office reserve, -.consequently there is no entry in the land titles "office and the date "orf-eonstruetion is not certain. The Park --,House does not--' remotely- -- - resemble thethebuilding. described in Days if the -CrannarltS 'Company as one "with' steep French roof .and dornnered third -storey windo•ws,'•' but the site, "where the street steepens to."tl e- harbor hill," is identi.eal, _ and the_ Park House 'may .have.ineorporated f�:j•rt cif 'an older building. • In 1859 there was a deal with. the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway, which in tint wear- blliTt` tine -first wooden grain. one day a week and at Exeter one day a 'week.IIuvv-c.orne-•Goelerich, much lar- ger than -any of he aforementioned cen- tres, is. ignored to that extent? The'ex;aminer for a driver's permit is scheduled to 'come to Goderieh next on Friday, January 22. 'So far the sheet for 'appointments on that day Is not filled nor, 'according to.a •local source, is -it likely to be: However, that is strictly seasonal. When the snow is gone and .particularly when school -is out in June Ala junior members -of the family want_. 41drive_the. family -e�a,r,-too,-there �vifl she a grafid riisli for driver:s- permits. Why should, it be neces- -sary for theii to go to Clinton? Isn't God- erich large enough to have satisfactory test -making facilities on its own? It is to be hoped that this situation will be remedied before June rolls around. HE EARLY DAYS elevator, burned in 1890. In 1871, the place was -described in a registry office entry as 'Marlton hotel property,"then for: nll.are tha-n•.40•-years appears -to have, been in the Doyle family. The town took it over in 1928. r Dunlop's` "Castle" and a 'half -dozed other log - buidings 'constituted -the settle-- ment. of -Goderich-eat first, though W. T. Gooding ad -a trading post at • the river mouth. ° W iljiam Read built a tavern -below the' hill, ;so_d it to "Feltie" Fisher and built another at Elgin avenue and Hiliern-ra,. i site long ago swallowed by erosion of the hill. Read was unofficial postmaster. --By 1845 the settlement had a population of 059, with five churches, five distilleries, five tanneries' and one bank,. the Bank of Upper 'Canada,whose vault remains -in' the Dr. Ure house now .the residence .of W. F. Dunning. . . There are many interesting stories of the early years with which the Park 'House is in some measuge a link ; =the period, prii.or to 1850 when Goderich, .never a vill- age, was incorporated as a town by Act of Parliament.. It might well form a chap - in ohe of Huron Historiea-1 Society's annual publications. Down Memory's Lane 55 Years Ago -1910 The Goderich • Elevator and .. Transit Company . planned to 1;uild an annex- to its present ,-;evator of a .capacity of at least half a million bushels, �t hieh would increa'se_�the total ^apacity to, over 1,000,000 bush- -: Ls. 'The Western Canada flour '4l ills, planned- an' equally; large addition. ' Meetings of ,:,e West Huron Farmers' Institute were,held at- Auibttrn and Kintail. H, J. (Mor - 1:15 Years Ago In Gocterich Aalh:augh -winter has set in, i±` is yet' nut too late to 'pro- sheltes for domestic an - where it has.been hith- - erto omitted. Sheep are a_- tt Ally more exposed than cat- • tle; but, the fact that so many die in wintering shows that protection for them is of first importance. . -- .president,-, -at_ the-(- . __- • Autburn meeting. Roses were Plucked in Janu- ry from h ,garden of the Hisses Fraser. Britannia road. Miss 11. I..itleN'evin was elect - Q ‘d .,president of ',the Gdderich Collegiate Leif erary Society. • 35 Years Ago -1930 Local registrar L. L. Kn tx reported vital statistics -for the oast .year: 78 births,- 65 deaths, a5 marriages.. About 40 members -of St. Geo- r,e's Bible Clans enjoyed a, to- boganning nparty on the Mait- land Golf Club 'hil=l, Percy lr'ai<ttes prepared refreshments ''foe them: At a sing -sang fol- lowing, G. B. Davies and Robert Henry §rovidedthe musk. Pre- sident was Isabel- Raines, while social}' convener was Gladys Shore. • • -_The C.N.R. morning train from 'Goderich and the,C.P.R. Peterborough train were the fir, t to arrive at the new Un- ion Depot at Toronto since the completion of the viaduct, 15 .Years Ago -1950 Dr. S. ' 3. Gibson resigned -as meat and food inspector for Goderich. G. W. Schaefer purchased the old established dry'goods finm of W. Acheson and Son which had been ,t ttun'ded 60. years previously. S. H. Shenton' was- appointed director of sales at the Domin- ion Road Machinery Company plant. Fred Sturdy was .-elected pre- sident of The Harbouraires; Jack Murphy, -vice-president; John Walls, secretary -treasurer. Leslie Riley was elected pre- sident of the local branch of The Canadian Legion 10 Years Ago -1955 Grain shipments by rail out of Goderich -for export were unusually heavy. A coroner's jury at Chatham founethat the death of Judge T. M. Costello in a car accint was "purely accidental." Eai-1 Campbell, Reeve of Hay Town<'h:!p, was elected Warden of Huron County. Complaints were heard 'at a public -meeting in the Town Hall called by the Goderich Area Planning Board. The zoning bylaw was labelled "A rank injustice" by some of 'the 75 who attended the meeting. One ' Year Ago -1964 Reeve Ralph Jewell of Col- borne Township was elected warden of Huron County. Postmaster A. IM. Horrnuth ,was 'Mailing out questionnaires in preparation for house to house mail delivery in--Goderich. Canon K. E. Taylor announc-• ed his -impending retirement from -die ministry. , A team of Judo experts from Goderioh won five first prizes in competitions at Kitchener. 4 � BRIDGE SCORES There were five tables in play At the Goderich D • li •ate Bridge Club on Monday' night. Wi-rers and their scores were as follows: Mrs. A..Nicol and- rs. _Wm. Duncan, 45 points; Dr• and Mrs, W. Oakes, 43 points: Mrs. F. Reid and Mrs. B. Erskine, 381/ points; Mrs. W.'Maelwan-and Mrs. J. Whee er; 38 'points. Established . 611ZiEr`rt ' `g `at- tar 1848 � w. ..►_p-- The County Town Newspaper, of Huron -0- Times have changed in the past halfpeeutury in the matter of the display of meat by but- cher shops. The picture above shows W, T. Murney's butcher shop of 'years ago, r o''w - the site of The Ainslie Meat Market on The Square..) The phctto was- sent to The Signal - Star by Miss Arnie Mason- of London. On the carcasses of meat hung in front of the shop were little decorations of colored pap- er to give there added attraction..A wooden, box containing haddie was also' on display en the sidewalk. The. photo' was originally owned by Joseph So-ruton of -Woodstock, Ont- ario, who had four uncles, all of whom were in the butcher business and one of whom was John Scruton of Clinton. Miss Mason's father, Charles Mason, worked for John Scruton at Clinton at the turn of the century. 118th Year' of. Publication Published at - Goderich,: Ontario _ every Thursday morning by - - Signal -Star Publishirtg Limited "GEO. L. ELLIS,_ President -' R. G. SHI UER, Vice -President and Publisher - and Advtg. Mgr. - S. P. Bills, Plant Supt. 1Vjember ,of C.W,N.A., O.'GIT.N.A., C.0 NIL", and -A.R.C. .s • dSubscrfption Rates — $4 a year. To U.S.A., $$5 (IrrAdvance) 41. + ' ut'fiorrzei as Second Class -Mail, Post .Office Dept.. Ottawa aa for payment of Postage in Cash, MESSAGES ' S.. _ FRO THE WORD The Goderich Ministerial Assoc. THE BIBLE: ITS- SCIENTIFIC, •ACCURACY (By Rev. R. Glenn Pelfrey,' Free' Methodist:, Church) Today, and for the past 100 yedrs .or mare; Nwe are being told that the. BIBLE is SCIEN TIFICALLY INACCURATE, CONTRADICTORY and INCON- SISTENT; It is -easy -to write -or make statements, but what about the PROOF_of these al- legations? -WHAT ARE THE FACTS—not the • theories of revolutionists . or- the blind, blundering, babblings of ill- in- formed, or uninformed (even intentionally), men. 'Let us remember that the 816 -CE is the ONLY BOK that informs us of:. The ONE; TRUE GOD. 2. The , AcCUTAg1E, SGtIENTI- FIC account of CREATION. 3. The HISTORY of - Mankind feat Aden to ,Eternity. 4. The FALL of man, his SIN- FUL STATE and his final'and eternal DESTINY: the lake of fire. - • f 5. The ONE SAVIOUR and MEDIATOR between God and man, JESUS CHRIST. 6.The ONE way to HEAVEN:' through the Blood of Christ; :-Therefore, the Bible' must be dependable! For, if it is• not correot'scientifically, 'it magi he wrong theologically, or hiestoric- ally, or in any or every 'way, and thatleaves us like bobbing barks being driven madly across. the . unknown, gale -swept ocean, of life without compass or rud- der or sail, not know'lring out destiny, if any, but only dark- ness 'and despair- and fear! But, thank God, the -Bible ds true and dependable ' and SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE! About 60• years ago the de- structive critics (of the Bible) asserted most positively that Moses could not have• written the Pentateuch because writing was unknown in his day, but archeological discoveries pro'v- M beyond a. queist aro' that writ- ing far antedates the time of Moses. For example, the Code Haminurapi; a . remarkable et of rules for living, found 'at Ur (Abrahairi's••birthplace) was written about 2000 B.C. Yes, Moses .could - have, and did, WRITE the Pentateuch! History books .never mention- ed .anything about Bglshazzar., who is mentioned several times in the book of, Daniel. „There- fore,- it was alleged, the Bible is incorrect! However; in ,1854, Sir Henry Rawlinsort translated a number of 'clay tablets found -by arche- ologists in the ruins of ancient Babylon. These writings con- tained the name orf Belshazzar, established his existence and s- e'. 0 • question of the -de- pendability pendabulity of the ".book orf 4snRr.....,yr Daniel. , In the book of Acts 13:7, Luke writes of the deputy (or the, "proconsul" ,-to .be more accurate, see -Revised Version), but according to information at Band,. Cyprus, at that time, was not ruled by a proeonsui but by a propraetor. The destruc- bie critics were delighted to find this "mistake," But fur- ther and more thorough invest- igation has proved that at the time when Luke wrote, Cyprus was actually "ruled by a "pro- consul." Again, the Bible was vindicated! Today, - evolution, which is contrary to hie (teaching of the :bible, is pre' eiit• d as a fact ,when actually it is only -a -THEORY. In his hook: "Origin of Species," Darwin tried to "prove?' evolution'to be -true, yet he "ASSUMES" and SCUP. POSES" no less that 800 times. is ideas and +cpncl' isions he coup}- not and 'knew lie could (hod s-Word-sc s� u,ps. Oaf man was created in the image -af, God! This is TRUTH! In his• .book: "Creation's Am-- azing -Architect," whish deals with the first chapter of Genesis only, Walter J. Beasley, Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, and President of the Australian, Institute orf' Archeology, stated -;Ave,-hiave _been... looking- at. a_ delightful array. of CORRELA- TIONS (not contradictions) -be- tween the sacred (Biblical) and rock (Geological) ,records, and observing that where it has been. possible to test it, the sacred 'story .tis NOT proving to be SCIENTIMAL.LY INAC- CURATE.' -Nei- in #she e'p rrrori of the writer is there any need (for us'; to be in1the (east con- cerned about the truth or scien- tific accuracy of'the rest of -the story of Genesis relating to man's creation and his early history." Thus, archeology, geology, paleontology,. astronomy and in- deed, any science, where pos- sible, have, by 'their findings proved the Bible to be- SCIEN- TIFICALLY ACCURATAE, CONSISTENT, and worthy of its acceptance as our GUIDE bhr`.oulghr,.this.v..liife, and.._ in_ -.,the. preparation for the life to come. READ its pages; OBEY its pre- cepts; EXPERIENCE its pro- mises! . MONDAY TUESD pi a Vt, w Presklent Ge�rge? EvenngiiI The- Jantra eeting of .'St., :; eigrge's` Dven'tng �Gu�jd' wa"s held in the guild re -OM •with 21 , mettnbe's Ipraont;, also one new in -ember .was welteom d, to the grQpm.. Kathy., Jenkins, opened447. iER TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir: 1� Please find - el is osed ' my olieciue fpr .four dollars and 155 cents, (being the -, amount for my reneWel oto your paper. �zt yraur ar lele on "Ship- keepers"- this past -week, you speak about. the garbage being thrown overboard,. as it is while ;the shills tare on' the Lakes, If this ancient way is still used 1 understand, it is • against the law ,,to -do so, and no wonder our lakes are becoming pollut- ed, poll'uted, in fact, are polluted. I live on th,e Detroit -River and'wlhere- as we used to be -able to swim in it, if is no longer safe to do so. Yours truly; belle B.raaley;• pianists, Ole "°.tt''lson, Joyee FMkn ; 'is onimittee, A•cr. eY gest 'lyny444nistgni r'ol1 ten; 'telephone w(Ino} itt Itvse S teard"bwn, 'M 11d'red $': son, Grace Lee. . - Q W'n--g.• tires'i iiathY " t9, '1QQk the phaij the remainder of the tateeti Arrangementss were ana lei, tct ' sist with, the V'es'try, Omer was appointed lvinich eonslst aft Alxna Craver g Lou , T,, '': 1 ilclreci S meso. , l S!al Campbell, less Bellinger a Maly Russell: , Rev. Mr. ILtxssell spoke garding the Prayeratho_ n to held it 'St. George's char 'Tuesday, 19th, and .Wednesd' 20th of January: Mrs. Rul< asked for 'volunteers " to 4dri paVtients -to the Cancer( in London, Rev. Mr.' Russell closed. t meeting with pra'Yer and. a t lunch was served by the Ja ary hostesses, Phil tMcOo•nne Gladys Nicholson and Lou lige the meeting 'withrayersj Te S"cri� tureen` ^was 'read • jby f ar b'n Bannister. . June Du:cicworth „cad' the eo'rrespp;azidinig: score, tal+y's repox and . e secretary's report; Jean Ma�ig read. 'thee t.-._ _.>�,ay..snm-sea.«.sw.o--smrw -.,y.,...- 't'reasurer S .1 ia'oi , The :span: mibteee h•cads' then gave' their` ahem( ;al re, orts. Rev. G. G. Russell installed the 'hollowing .new executive of- ficers: Past president, Kathy Jenkins; rpresi•denti K at h y -White; .v ice-rpresidem't, Mary Lou Helesie; ; secretary, June Duckworth; treasurer, Jean Mor- ris; con estponding secretary, Gladys Nicholson; .-press:sef. re- tary, ..Doris Harrison; bui11etiri,� Ab j. Smith; mailing list,. Ninth "Craven; nu'nsinig, Pearl •.IaNed- ltam; flowers, Phil MeQon,neli;• Little Helipens, ltlielen (Riley;. visiting Little Helpers,. Etta. (Mrs. F. R.) Ruth E. Larkin, Rvverside -Ontario. molininprompoonawams T. PRYDE & SON - Memorials Finest litone and Experienced Workmanship Frank MCll- - DISTRICT �nrain REPRESENTATIVE 524-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. -- 524-9465 •-' 50tf 29 KINGSTON ST. Phone 524.8357 THE ONLY JAN. 25th and '26th SHI PRESENT THEIR° ANNUAL SALE OF FINE FURS . L IN - CO-OPERATION WITH KAU.FMAN— FURS OF KITCHENER MR. HARRd DUNN WILL BE IN :OUR STORE In keeping with our traditional policy, the furs in this offering will ` bear KAUFMAN'S guarante — nc.luded are some items from our mod- . el stock at half price reductions. • ' LAYAW AY � . BUDdET • FREE STORAGE ONE- -KIND *CANADIAN MAJESTIC PASTEL:- MINK ASTEL- MINK COAT, S xe- 1 -4' - DYED -4' DYED MATARA ALASKA SEAL COAT, Lutotia Mink collar - DYED CANADIAN SQUIRREL TROTTER, (Showpiece' PASTEL -'MINK BOLERO. ,. RANCH MINK COAT ' - NATURAL GREY RUSSIAN SQUIRREL JACKET.,,, Size 16 595 NAT, GREY PERSIAN LAMB 9i 'COAT, skins, let out horizontally PASTEL PUNK PAWS COA1 LABRADOR SEAL ` COAT REG. SALE , 0400 $15 50LL 2k0-1-35-0 795 5`50 398 1295 49.5- 47'5 .395 45th 595 2100 650 850 795 *Trade Name of Canada Mink Breeden pA e CHINA MINK JACKETS (HY 5350 $195 NATURAL MINK 49 STOLES 325 MOUTON : COATS (dyed Processed Lamb) 225 : (�5 7 5 . SILVER HAIR SEAL:475 TROTTER 650 -- DYED "MUSKRAT JACKETS 19� Centre Back Skins 295 7 PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS • '. (dyed) Mink or Marten trim 3.95 295 PARTIAL LISTING' REG,__ SALE 9• CANADIAN SQUIRREL JACKETS (dyed) ...,. CANADIAN SHEARED BEAVER COATS, Quebec Peltries a, ERsIAN LAMB CATS% g•, dyed Paws, lavish mink trim 495 395 SHEA-RED BEAVER JACKET dyed OySter'ihade BLAtK PERSIAN LAMB, COATS (dyed) PASTEL MINK -JACKETS, fully let -out, 2 enly '2 995' 695 NAT: GRE'Y PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Sapiphire Mink trim • SHEARED BEA,VER JACKET size 16 BROWN PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS (dyed): 'DYED •KOLINSKY JACKETS Soft, Silky Skins , . ' CANADIAN SQUIRREL STOLE (dyed Hai,iana Brown) THE 1 395 550 399 695 448 895 595 593 399 450 248 a99 550 399 .29g 100 PPE