The Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-12-24, Page 13n$
e 1y
was snowing heavily an
that CEve in:a 'villIibtle
age of 'Oberndorf, high up'
the valley of Saizach, For
dr h-
o r_s _ t.adsnow
uhours t
twee �'Qx
and Jim roofs and streets
'were covered deep with the
ably fallen t
The young priest -,of the vul-
la church looked but at the
darkening sky. "A silent blan-
ket of is glorious for
snow g
h aEve," ' he remarked
�' rkst#rn,
"but I fear it will be hard for
many, of MY members to attend
the 1Vlidnight Miss tonight."
As he spoke, the figure of
Franz Cruber, the village school-
master emerged from out of the
failing whiteness and entered
the parsonage. "Father Josefr
Father, Joseif!" lie cried as he
encountered •bhe young priest,
"It is indeed bad news that I
bring you. I have just come
the church, and 'the organ
is broken: We mush await for
the arrival of the organinakex
from the. neighboring village,
apd 1 fear that our Mass tonight
must be carried on without th;e
happy Christmas songs of the
'The priest smiled , at the
hoolmaster. "Have no fear,
Franz," he replied. "We shall
nota be disappointed."
" B t we must have music,
Fatr," Franz insisted. "On
Christmas Eve one must have
"We will have music," the
priest declared resolutely. "Even
though: the organNis**etc ill
i,i]dren you . ha taught oan
sing' some of;.0e, old; 'Qhrlstmas
songs . theY POW* IRV X,
Franz Gruber sll,'ook lead.
"I fear their outhful voids.,
cannot sing them without ;th9
aid • of th!. organ," '
A smile spread over the face
of the young priest. '">Then- we
shall sing' a new song," he de-
clared. .Just this afternoon I
watched the darkening, sky and
the softly falling snowflakes,
these words came to me."
Drawing the •schoolhnasterin-
to his study, the young priest
placed before him t'he words
of. that joyous Christmas " carol
that will never die:
'SSilent night, holy night,
,All is calm all is bright,
Round yon calm,
Mother and
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in' heavenly peace."
"Father Josef," said the
SchoOnast as • he Bread; the
p+4em,, "thu '�`o1'da° sln,g� emr,
+seliyes,_Ba ef' mu►sl seem► t '
Heat ,from heaven to 'fit them.;
eives 'Per ec !ly about your
a o ' and set
pQom. Y ma � ho, ru!Q ,
t•.omdown, own ,int wrtin'g before
e speed away again;"
That night behind the .altar.
rail.... near a.. eandlercoverel
Christmas . tree"' Fatter Joseph
lyjehr,n'orphan girl.who tend-
the p4asta ,Home and .Franz
Gruber* Sangthat glorious'
Christmas carol for the first
time to `the parishioners of
Saint 'Nicholas. Fran Gtuber'
himself accompanied tom' little
groupon his „guitar.
After the storm had abated,.
an organ balder from Fuegen•
in-Zil'lerth'al came to Oberndorf
to repair the broken organ. As
he left the little village, he took
a copy' of the carol with him,
and from his hands it was pdss-
ed on to all mankind.
Since that Christmas night in
la it has""`b"aU e tlie-wori'rlAs'
best loved Christmas carol. In
every city and hamlet, in every
:.. 7 lo al hearts 'oin
4 " 1.!k.,,,+ �14 ".. . SJ, a .J 4/ 4 4 44,4..:4,'., .
C J,, .Harris. •''�• . „
fryn,t •e d stateanent
ue k�!ah era . .
is , that, to ntatnta n our uvtn',g
standards and 'om
-cbat unem-
a u.,
to ,,.•.. ent, Oanadians • Must be
competitive, must constantly
strive for greater prodw4'tivity.
is enera'U ation that 'may
e i' . a be e ood or not
easxlY mrsun�d x�t ,
f '>�ilY a p pp reeiated: In a bulletin
to:* its employees a Toronto
manufact rgi.g firm has put the
prapositib.n in clear, dollars -
and -cents terms. To be paid
more, the company explains, a
'worker has to produce more.
Its average, . hourly wages -and -
fringes , cost is $2.60; the aver-
age for all Canadian manufac-
turing ,is $2.35, but in many
other countries the cast pof
manufacturing, wages and em-.
ployee 'benefits is under $1.00
an hour
"I manMf aeturing 'T 1,r
mill. Products,"" stat! the b
lain, "the raw materia' we,l
cost .just •as much" as• they. ado
our many Canadian and torei
competitors. • But what a w1144..
of it difference our wages
i °the level • of
f .,ree, With re a to
ter, many, e0,14,
�ently..Opera, at le
mite! We' pan t charge ;cif this canacitY a, .n
f' e
d7aerere in higher paces' to ing expansion plans` becaushhea,a;'.s
our customers. They won't Fav shortages o s lied`sta
for it. They would buy e]sewll, have,to,hgrea,ec.le !s
where, 'ro kee • com etitive we on stepped up.•izmmigration, edu-'
have to produce more .and bet- cation and job -retaining to solve
ter metal to, Take more and this problem:
together to ,. observe Christmas,
• "
better jobs." - Profits and capital are other
An accompanying chart gra- principal factors in ,our ability
'phically illustrated the point. to compete. Companies. must
Against the hourly wages be able to earn enough• and
fringes cost of • $2.36 in Can- keep enough for research and
adiari manufacturing, there are product developmient, enough
competitive costs; Sweden $1.44; to re -invest in modernization
West Germany $1.14; Great Brir and expansion of plant and
tain .96 cents; France 96 cents; equipment. Governancent pol
Belgium 93 cents; Switzerland icies on. taxation and on the
90 cents; Italy 90 cents; the formation and ernpiyment of
Netherlands 79 cents; Japan '7$ capital are of the greatest con -
cents, «.«...„
the joyous words of "Silent
Night, Holy Night" are sung.
.swni+ba,. , rgs••
ay t(It spiritual hlrnsingn aaf
flit 4111rtottiuto amine be iuitll gnu unit goons.
... ...... .. ,, ....liV'•r titW+DRi/fW?Z",T,71'�R?M.:Y.i-f7?':i'S:!
'( ' f and once again
we pause to wish good friends all the special
joys and blessings of the season. May
your Day bring an' abundance of happiness and peace.
' _-ti. ^3i114.ti1{e'�irM6i�4�la+ S'.
Joyful wishes and the very best
of holiday happiness to our many friends.
M ay your Christmas be blessed with the joy
and peace of that Day, when the.
i n el sari '-the gtory"of l-whote-aart.— :__.
lay sleeping in a manger.
11 (fi
Rejoice ` I
in His name
this Christmas Day.
May the spiri6
Of love f 11 your heart.
J' G
it's Christmas •
.arid we'd like •
to extend our sin'dre wishes
to one and all• for an old-fashined
holiday filled with joy and
and cheer. May the
special happiness of the holia'ci
season be reflected
throughout the days to ;;�. � • '
t '
Santa is coiling with a sleighful of merriest Christmas wishes
for our nit -any' kind friends and all those they hold dear. We
hope your holiday will be an especially joyous one, holding
a wealth of ' happy hours. It has been both a privilege and a
pleasure to serve you, and 'we thank you for your most kind