HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-12-17, Page 16AUBURN. — Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Anderson and daughter,
Nancy, we `e London visit-
ors last Saturday:
Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Fowler
and family of Goderich -visited
on Sulyday wilh Mrd and. Mrs.
" "TYL ver Anderson, Miss N'ancy
;and !VIrs. Edgar Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Arthur
and Jayne spent the weekend
with relatives near London.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doran and
in Owen Sound on Sunday and
later took Miss Carol to Sick
Ohil 1iren's Hosp etal to continue
•, ' her nut -eines career studies.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Thom
left last webk to spend the
winter with. their son, James
Thom, and Mrs. Thom in Mon-
tana. •
• Miss Dorinda Anni.s of . Ot-
.: taava, w:hq is a s`tud'ent .. at the
'University of ,Wostern Ontario,
spent the weekend with her
grandfather, Mr. Percy Vincent.
Friends in this district of Mr.
° and Mrs. Harry '4Vorsell and
Terry of Goderich will be pleas-
: 6.d to know. that they, are on a
trip ,to Ontario' California. to
visit her sister, Mrs. Stan
tras�".er, Mr.. Strasser - Misses
myon th'.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phil-
Ii�ps, Miss Laura Phillips, Mr.'
a ; Bert Taylor, Mr.' and Mrs. Bort
l "
Moss attended' th,e funeral last
week of Mrs. William I.Ium,ph-
„";t' • rey of St. Helens et. Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hellinga
attended the Christmas party
t , H r -.,t
Ed, Davies, in cm�arge. It was
�Iecided to send ,small remem-
branoe, • to the shut-ins of the.
congregation. .Mrs. Roy Daer,
the secretary -treasurer, was in,-
trusted to send these. Mrs.
Alvin Leatherland thanked Mils.
Davies 'for her 'excellent work.
as- president the past years. -1t
was decided to assist in supply-
ing treats for the Sunday school
pupils. A Christmas lu.ncl� was
served by Mrs. Warner'Andrews
and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson.
h t" "'r7"'� "'"""' - -Vesper Service
The annual, Christmas Vesper
Service and the Candlelighting
ceremony wa.s held.by, the Au -
bur .;.
Presbyterian Church. The pre-
sident, Jane -Doran, led the ser-
vice and the organist was Marg-
aret Sanderson. Mary Sander-
.o.n and Gail Miller were the
readers throughout the service.
Pass•ages of Scripture wee read
by Brenda Ball. Brenda- Arch-
ambault, Marian Youngblut and
Judy Arthur. The 'candlelight-
ers were Marjorie Yoeun.gblut,
Linda Baechler, .Joyceeather-
land, Wendy Schneider - and
Diane Kirkeonnell. During the
service; Betty Moss and Jane
Doran sang two duets. The of -
g u ;Rl�t gtiTI �s
Collins ' Margaret Young -
pita. Rev. R. U. McLean gave
an inspiring message on this
'year's theme, "Jesus, the Light
of the World." The service was
directed by Mrs. Wes Bradnock,
leader, and the assistants, -
Misses Carole Brown and Bar-
bara Sanderson. The CG•.1.T.
snsie he sealersetook:.,,:thds---stere
-vice--- •
fo- �th '• Ont rio Hospital
where•'they presented it ora Sun-
day evening in the, chapel"t?here
for the pa•tieni's. - .
The C.G.I.T,.
Jane Doran was in charge of
C.G.I.T. group when
room of Knox Presbyterian
Church. :Margaret Sanderson
was the pianist. After the
opening devotions and the Pur-
pose, pians were made for the
Candlelighting setvice. A let-
ter' from Miss Ida White, mis-
a ionary in India, to Sheron Col-.
l+ins was read to the girls.. ...Sher -
on had written the letter dur-.
ing Daily Vacation Bible School
The, annual carol service of
the Auburn. community will be
held next Sunday, December 20,
in Knox United Church at 8
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Humph-
� were London visitors last:
. Misses i
an ',Houston. and
Jean Jamieson o‘f Toronto,
spent the weekend with the
. former's patents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Houston. •
• Knox 'L.A
The, Ladies' Aid meeting of
•Knox Presbyterian Church was
"held wiith the 'president, Mrs.
this past summe as orie Of the
proj eets. The olliering was re-
ceived by Mary Sanderson and
dedicated. • Guest --of the even-
ing was Mrs. Ed. llavi,es who
spoke to the girls on the make
ing of Christmas candies. She
de llonLsh•ate_d 4y,,- �ki'ng one
large one and five sunaller dec-
orated„ ones. Margaret Sander-
son thanked Mrs, Davies and
presented her with a small gift.
The Huron District Visitors
Totem Pole way prawn e
the first Auburn Buoy Scout
group by the fret Cli nt o n RCAF
Scout Trapp when scout and
•atrolleaders visited last week.
Scout Leader Percy Youn�gbiat
and assistant, Elliott Lapp; wel=
oom.ed the viritcrs on behalf of
their members. They showed
the Auburn boys different ways
of learning the rules and told
how to. care Jar guns _and__the.
proper uses of them. The visit-
ors were: Scoutmaster Ross Mil-
ton, first Clinton, RCAF; assist-
ant Scout:m�as ter Bob Tos�czak;,
Troop Leader Bill Eastabrooks,
. p a,troi ..2 ods, Maurice N eliseh er*.
phantom patrol; Robert Prest
and Bab Reid, stag patrol, The
Auburn. boy. were presented
with their new shoulder flashes
igt-A4N14' W24%151-0'114
St: Mark's Guild
The December meeting of St.
:4 lark's Guild was held at the,
home of Mrs. Sam .Daer with a
large attendance. Her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Andrew. Kirkconnell,
presided.' The. Serpture was
read by Mrs. Cliff�or&,,, Brawn.
Mrs. Lloyd Hulnphrey�s .•lcd in
prayers. Mrs. 1 nomas tlaggitt
chose the Christm.as hymn,
While Sheph,ercEs wet,,cthed their
flocks by night, for'her birthday
hymn. Aii interesting and tune-
ly. topic, was given -.:b3 Mr-. EYEr-
dan R. Taylor on "When is`
Christmas?" Mrs. Robert J.
Phtlli,ps played a medley of
Christmas carols on the piano,
The rector, Rev. Robert Meally,
gave ins.truoti.on on ten ues-
tions ".�''....; '.. ..�..""..�.�..
pe-rtarning to the Bi le
and the birth of Christ. Mrs.
Kirkcannell, on behalf:of her
mother, thanked all who had
president, Mrs. George. Schnei-
der, took charge of the business.
The minutes were accepted as
read by the secretary, Mrs. John
Daer. The financial statement
was given by the treasurer, Mrs:
Gordon- R. Taylor. The roll Ball
was answered by each member
qu.oti,ng a Christmas Verse. The
trm1elling apron was passed and
each put in a penny for each
letter in "A, Saviour which is
Christ. - the -Lord."- Ihev. Mr
M.eally presided far the election
o -f office. s, as follows: President,
Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys; lst
vice-•resilen.t- Mrs. yy9rta
¢ ..?„_Ani,«r.M,•.r.• t ' hr'., �
rs. o in
Daer; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon
R. Taylor; press reporter, Mrs.
Ed. Davies; pianist, Mrs. .Gor-
don 13. Taylor; program 'com-
mittee, Mrs. Fordyce Clark, Mrs,
Orval MePh'e'e, Mrs. George
Schneider and Rev. Robert
Me.ally. It was announced that
the commun,lty carol eerviee
would be held in the Knox Unci-
ed Church on Sunday, Deem
ber 20, at 8 p.m. Rev. •Mr.
Meally- announced that the
Ch,116etmas ,eomin ndo.n service
would be held in St. - Marles
Church on December 20-th and
that the annual Christmas Eve
service would be held at Trin-
ity_ Church,. Blyth, at .14130•-p:m.,;
al -a a Chri,s.tirn;as Communion on
Christmas morning. The mems
bers decided to send $10 to the
'.Muncey Indian Reserve., Rev.
Mr. Meally closed the meeting
with prayer. After a succe;Ss-
fu1 auction, a lunch was serv-
e • y—the ' hosfe sS"TlYfrs. Sam
'Daer, a.ssi, ted by, her daughters,
Mrs. Andrew KKirkconnell' and
Mrs. John Dam
• The Women's Missionary So-
ciety of Knox Presbyterian
Church held their Christmas
meeting with the 'president,
Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, in
'harge. The Scripture was read
by Mrs. Alvin Leatherland. The
devotional period •waseit charge
of Mrs. Donald Haines. She
gave the Meditation' on the
Scripture lesison, followed by.
prayer by Mr`s. Wes Bradnock.
.The guest. .speAe�r-.of. the - afte.r-.
noon was Mrs.'12alph D. Munro,
who gave an inspiring Christ-
mas message on, "What does-•
C �a m • to yau�” e
Christ in mind, and stressed the
irportance of giving love. In
closing, she asked everyone to -
try an.d learn the true way of
giving. Mrs. Mos Bradnock
thanked Mrs. Munro for her
message. The offering was re-
,ceived by Mrs, Roy Daer and
dedicated with prayer by, Mass
1Vlinnie Wagner. The minutes
Were adopted _ aS irea�d'by the
secretary, Mrs. Donald Haines.
She also gave ,the ffin,anaial
statement. Cards were, signed
by all present and sent to mem-
bers who are very ill: 1Vias.
Catherine Dobie, lluevale; Mrs,
,Herbert G.ovier, Clinton Um -
Pita, a.i d._ M, s.- �J, ....C..- Stoltz
Wingham hospital,
Mrs. S.an F rson thanked all
who had aseieted with the meet-
ing. The slate of ofrcern as
prepared by, the naminating
eom'mc�ttee was presented and.
accepted -Thi eomm�i�ttee was
Mrs. Jack iiallarn, ?Virs. Alfre
Rollins.on and Mrs. Wilfred San -
stetson: Closing prayer was by
,Mrs. Wes Bradnock. The new
ce e: elionor-a• p
Mrs. Edgar Lawson; president,
Mrs. Wilfred ,Sanderson; Fist
vele-president. Mrs:, Alvin tea-
therland; .2nij vice-presidey it,
Mars. Wes Bradnock; secretary -
treasurer, ,Mns. Donald Haines;
Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. Al-
fred Rollinson; welcome and
weNaiie, Mrs. Herbert Govier,
Mrs. Eranle Raithby, 1Vlns. John
Hallam; flower convener, Mrs,
Alfred Rollinson; literature and
supply; • Mrs: Gordon, -Dobie;-
Home -Helpers, Miss Minnie
Wagner, Mrs. Roy Daer; supply,
Mrs. Carl Govier, Mrs. 1Vhajor
Youngblut; student and press,
Mrs. Ed. Davies, ,Mrs., Charles
Stewart; nominating eonin)ittee,
Mrs. Alfred Rollinson,_ Mrs.
John Ira ia-inTVs:"W11frecfRol-'
linson; ,C.G.I.T. lender, Mrs.
Wes Bradnock; assistants, Miss
Barbara Sanderson, Miss Carole
Mrs. Major Youngblut; secre-
tary -treasurer, Mrs. Roy Daer.
11W'hat A Gift!
A Chu stmas in 1890 still re,
mains the most m�rrtorable one
to rne. It was made so by -a gift
recgved from a business ,Man
and a good woman at a Sunday
School Christmas Service.
This good man came up to
me, squeezed my- hand, and with
his left hand on my shoulder,
said, `tMy" Boy, I perceive that
'God will make of you a force•
for good in the world. Never
refuse an apparbunity to take
• art in all such services!"
Tie woman cane up }soca
said, Jacob, you, said your piece
beautifully1" ,
These were the sweetest words
I did not sleep that night. ;Some-
thing happened pn the inside
.�eandle of hope wa$
ed And, ambition" was
acted, It Wasn't true what
many said to me -.."you are
just a dumb, gaad-ifor frpthip
kid!" 8
It Vies vvithiin -our power and
will. to create this year such a
niethorable Christmas for many
a poor soul -.•••discouraged, hope
and faith burning low, possess,
-ed 'witch an inferiority comple,
and. ambition waiting to be
Maybe just a word or a friend
ly glance from you or from me
will make this Christmas a most
Ira',ortaat and joyous one,
know , w is a to tiie giver, a,
well aa•'to the poor soul who is
so in need of inspiration..
,My wishes ,for this year ar
mas in Spirit.. Now and For
ever! ;Uncle Jake (1938
r •
'17th 'Year
Choosing a sweater now will be more difficult _than
t`:AAnormally because we hav��e,��j�)as much larger stoo+c�*{'k(� rom
y 11 , 494aXmli a lbgeMe+�i1thil�I:�y' 'a i . PMMA+. .; M. �,
+� you are sure to get what. She wants. • A
few of our brand `names are; Parkhurst, Avon, Dal-
keith, Kitten, Houlding and Champion_. .We have -
every conceivable type of knit for just casual wear •
or for curling or- skiing.
Whites, colors, prints, stripes and ruffles are what
you have to choose from in blouses and shirts. A
wonderland of materials have been used to fashion
these gift items. Viyella, Brocade, Lace, Swiss cot -
'ton, Silk, and Satin. ,The colors ,in sleeveless, long
sleeve, short roll -up" -and three-quarter .sleeve styles
are simply gorgeous.
The gift of a wrist watch
is one that will be sure to
please and will remind her
of you everytime she looks
at it. . 12.95 Up
Life's happiest moments are beautifully
symbolized by a diamond .. , precious,
rare, radiant. Consult us for expert advice.
Classic square set
style with. side - slit
' ,4 kt. gold mount.
A w on d e r f u 1.,,,selection of Christmas slims.
There , are, . doubleknits, silks, pima, special
plaids, bedford cord, worsted, stretch slims, curl-
ing weigsht stretch slims and velvets. With these
many materials to' choose from we feel confident
that we have a pair of slims that will suit her.
Sizes 8 to 20 and 9 to 17.
•r ,
FROM 14.98
Keep him on tirne all year
through with a quality
wrist watch. Many differ-
ent styles from which to
Lock style pair irn
love -, knot of small
diamonds. Value! ,r
Simply sculptured
band with prong.
mounted single gem.
We have a fine stack of
a both men's and ladies'
'. . stn • or signet rings. A
birthstone riiig is some-
thing that will be 'treas-
ured for years. Inspect our
large selection. - 10:95 Up
gheath, all-round pleats, box pleats,. walking and
"A" line skirts in plains, plaid, novelties, checks,
and velvet. Ther are the styles and materials
that you will find in depth on our skirt racks.
Size is no problem with the large stock we have
at present:
Bring all your •
personal credit needsi, under one roof tk
5 •